Monday, September 5, 2016

Hard Cabbage Heads UP From 'The James HIggins Invitational' To 'Stock Day'

In hard count lines, post-divorce day 1602 will also be day 151 in a proper Hebrew annual count. What I do to keep alert, remain anti-drug and behave like a saint that occasionally gets taunted or provoked by evil minded humans is not astounding, but at this point in time I would not rely on Judy Dowling to be on defense with me. Some people lose a lot more than skill in thirteen years, such as good muscle mass. There are time that even people like me need to be inspired by good fighters that are energy efficient and not controlled by the United States  Air Force pilots.

Here is a sample of a basic hard count:

Tuesday, September 6, 2016:
Israelite 4th day of the 6th month
James Higgins Invitational Golf Outing; Cedar Glen Golf Course  Non-shotgun start at 11:30 am. Predicted High Score for 18: Marie Elizabeth Hendrikson
Predeicted Low Score for 18 : Me
Hard count day: 150, 890, 533, 1601

Wednesday, September 7th, 2016
Day 151, 1602, 891 and 534
Drop-In Not Drop Dead Glacier Pointe US 151 Badger&Dove Street Game
Remember What Your Enemy Wanted, Illegally Withheld and Then Used As A Weapon Against You Day ; such days require carefully selected unifrom additions or uniform divisions( in order to survive until day 894 (This helps fight forgetfulness of serious laws broken by Shane David Hendrikson at 1502 Mary Lane in zip code area 54455) .
Regular St. Clair LIbrary& Euchre Card Inspection Day

Thursday: Israelite 6th day of 6th month
'Wear your favorite 6 day'or prepare for a day that feels like Nine/Ten
PJ Jacobs 5th Day of the Central Wisconsin Weak; this is not PJ Stock Day

Good Gordon King Friday the 153rd (It isn't the 13th)
Remember The Pachniak Family Day; eat less than but not more than 153 clean fish to celebrate the life of Eddie Pachniak and other area Wisconsin Highway 153 survivors of a temporarily broken leg, arm or mind but who still have a heart that never really failed yet..
MIlwaukee Kim Stack Association KSA-536 Day; This is only for 2nd year Holy Exodus Count UPS and remembering your 1st squad is as important as remembering your license plate, your last squad number or golf cart number

Saturday, Spetember 10th
'Avoid a Pig and Bacon Fest Find An Ox Roast Day'537
The 3rd Day Since Day 151 not the Night Before Christmas Stupidity
'Joseph In the MIddle' Ultimate Human Fighter Day 894
PJ Stock Complimentary Day Of Rest (Make sure you mention PJ Stock's good fight against Eric Boulton)
Tricky Guy Carbonneau's Ottawa Tower Bumblebee Belmore Communucations Day
 M6 and D8 Consolidated Combo Day (Wear a nifty Carbon Oxygen jersey  Day OR wear an Oxygen Carbon jersey 86).

Sunday, September 11: Try To  Completely Ignore Your Grandparents Day; sometimes grandparents are too overbearing and need to be completely ignored or avoided on real work days such as Sunday through Friday.  My grandchildren certainly do not know Yehovah or anyone from the tribe of Judah yet as their realistic Lord and Savior but with the assistance of their anti-Elijah and anti-Moses parents they have become juvenile experts in unjust scale keeping and excel at unintentional lack of balance in extended family relations. Bad parenting leads to as many family troubles as bad teachers, bad in-laws and bad politicians.

Monday, September 12: I complete 55 years of life on or near earth, and begin my 56th year.
Shelby Lanes North American 6th Month 10th Day Bowling Unit #539 Revival Day

As you can see, I have  a very full week, and bowling season has not even started. Unlike needy and greedy women, I have learned to survive without getting very much attention from other people but do not want to forget how to give attention to other  decent people in history.

As an added Plant Manager Family Square bonus, here is a recipe:

Trojan Smart Purple Knight  Cabbage Salad

Coat the interior of a bread pan, deep baking pan or grill-proof casserole with a small amount of  olive oil. Empty 3 to 4 cups of chopped PURPLE cabbage into the baking pan. Sprinkle cabbage with additional olive oil, ground ginger, lemon and orange spice blend and paprika to your desired level of seasoning. Roast the cabbage in a closed outdoor grill or on your over, stirring occasionally but letting the cabbage brown slightly and heat up thoroughly.

In a large salad bowl, place 1/4 cup of  creamy goat milk cheese  or creamy cow milk cheese cheese, 1/2 cup of dried coconut (sweetened or unsweetened) and 1/2 cup of raisins or fresh fruit of your choice such as pineapple bits. Dump hot cooked purple cabbage into the salad bowl  and stir until the cream cheese is melted and well distributed

Do not put any type of  Stock in the cabbage salad.

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