Thursday, March 31, 2016

From Day 1442 Onward: Don't Be A Guilty Bystander

I am tracking 3 different sequences for a reason that MIGHT only be important to me but should be important to a few called 'the remnant of Israel.'  A guilty bystander is very similar to a person who is party to a crime against a neighbor or against God, but there is a slight difference.

Guilty bystander: a person who claims to be 'a good person', has a position of power which he is getting payments to hold, but in certain instances does nothing to resist sin, prevent the continuance of sin done by others or ignores the sinful trend of a community. I can describe 'guilty bystanders' as Thomas Wahl, Dennis Drazkowski and Greg Strasser, all of whom are acquaintance's of mine but not frriends of mine. Tom Wahl refused to aid me when I asked for family counseling help in a situation where his brother-in-law, Shane David Hendrikson, was getting increasingly cruel as my husband, was increasingly irrational  and was planning and subsequently conducted illegal activities including providing false information to law enforcement officials and court records in the State of Wisconsin. Wahl was a sworn Chippewa Falls police officer that is an embarrassment to his family and to the concept of doing good anti-sin works. Greg Strasser was claimed to be a business attorney who  charged me a lot of money but did not even prevent my business from being taken over in a form of strong-arm robbery by the petitioner in my divorce case, Shane David Hendrikson. Dennis Drazkowski refused to help me prevent crimes against me in the state of Wisconsin in the same period of time, so all three are clearly GUILTY not innocent bystanders.

Being party to a crime means you actively participate in a crime or an action that is contrary to an existing reasonable laws, so there is no doubt that Stuart Rottier was party to the business crimes that Shane David Hendrikson committed against me but that could have been prevented if he had GOOD counsel. Being party to sin is usually the same as being party to a crime, but when a known sin is 'legalized' by a state the whole state becomes an anti-Christ system in which only the saints choose to behave in an anti-sin manner. Even men like Kent Hovin know that evil men regularly pile into church buildings nationwide on certain days  but in fact they reject the message of  Peter the apostle and the requirements for peace with HVHY, they hate good , decent and fair laws and they also hate those who truly love the God of  Moses, Eldad, Medad,Mary and Joseph of Nazareth.

As I endeavored to reverse the RESULTS of the multiple crimes committed in Macomb township, namely LITTERING , be sure you know that my good works do not clear the guilty human slobs with their pig-like behaviors of their crimes against the community. If you start to make excuses for, intentionally break after being notified of an existing law or condone  ordinance violations and misdemeanors, you will become increasingly evil. An overweight male who was running said 'Thanks for  doing that (picking up the trash). It's a good community service.'' I then asked him if he would pick up one bag of trash and he refused, and he is an example of lukewarm bible readers who wrongfully think that the death of a man on a crucifix then allows him and others to live a life of apathy which leads to an unredeemed sinful life of blasphemy and hypocrisy. A person who has a chance to be redeemed by his faith will actively resist sin, try to dissuade others from sin and rebuke themselves  and others when necessary in order to fight the trends of a nation or community that has embraced paganism and heathen ways but has willfully chosen to be anti-Moses and therefore 'anti-commandmentists'.

In order to prevent myself from becoming a guilty bystander,  let me warn others not to buy or ingest jellyfish parts sold at Walgreen's to 'increase their short term memory'. First, you have no idea what it will do to your long term memory, and if you wish to continue toward sainthood instead of being opposed to it, jellyfish parts are unclean. I didn't know I could have been eating giraffe parts, but now i do even though I wouldn't want to eat an animal that is near extinction, just as I wouldn't want to kill bird number #50 (according to Nancy Hajeski), a ring-necked pheasant, just to prove to some other rabbit-eating hunters that I know how to use a gun properly. When your freezer is full of venison, it is only a deranged mind that wants to hunt and kill beautiful birds and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to kill without good reason for a 'vaction'. Since I have noted that veterans should remember the 50 in 'The Great Escape' to improve their short-term memory without disobeying a commandment, the 95 birds listed in a beautiful book were much more interesting to read about than popping a pill of jellyfish parts like millions of others who don't trsut the Lion of the Tribe of Judah for their salvation plan.

April 1st, 2016 is 1443 days since guilty bystanders stood around in Wisconsin's Marathon county court system and watched an anti-commandmentist and therefore a form of a Nazi, takeover my family land and about 75% of our marital assets. A few showed up to mourn with me, and those few were like good Samaritans. Gimel Dalet Resh means to 'wall up' and some wall up to keep the Truth out and others wall up to protect their living temple from an easy  takeover by the lukewarm Christians who are often party to crimes rather than willing to counteract the results of crimes. Word 732 is the word for a traveler or a wanderer, and is used in Jeremiah 14:8 referring to a time of judgment. If this is only the end of what feels like the 2nd year of a tribulation period,what you planned for the next 5 years won't work out for your good if you have remained anti-Israelite in attitude and anti-commandment in your daily actions. Word 374 is an 'ephaph', which is ten omers and is mentioned in tEzekiel45 and 46.  Knowing and studying such important terms is not a sign of mental illness but is an active way to fight IGNORANCE that most politicians and hypocrites prefer their neighbors to have.

Amusing and thought-provoking but not illegal: During another day of war in heaven, namely playing hockey, I declared that I hate the Detroit Redwings as I was suited up in my Montreal Expo jersey and a University of Wisconsin red helmet.  That truth came out for various reasons, but mostly because the Detroit Redwings have terrible habits of pushing so many anti-Moses positions, language and music on their stupified followers that are a form of a CULT to many who are too blinded to see the errs of their ways. There are many sports organizations that actually become a form of a cult that going against the local grain is often the best way to train your mind to be part of the few, not part of the proud who lift up their spotrts figures but won't lift up their Bible to read and BELIEVE the book of Leviticus. You need to stop believing in some very untrue and unrealistic messages such as is promoted by 'Paul Blart's religion', contrary to Steve Perry's overplayed lyrics.

I also learned a lot about the common nighthawk, so the NIghthawks #21 jersey I purchased  at the Salvation Army has was not bought in vain. I didn't get a chance to read 'Undercover; Rocks and Minerals by Hammond press and also by Nancy Hajeski, but I learned plenty about geology in the Scriptures, just like Kent Hovin. I did shed a few more tears when I saw the courage of Kent Hovin after he was abused and tortured by the United States of America for his faith. There is no other way to describe false charges, corrupted and excessive penalties and imprisoning people for obeying the laws other than saying is is a form of torture much worse than expecting a person to pay back 4 times what he stole to the person he stole from.

Oh, by the way, you can get a free education by going to your local libraries rather than pushing more money into systems that overpay men like Tony Granato and underpay people like me  who actually do work to fight against sin and against crimes and against unrighteous and unjust plans that  are targeted against honest and holy citizens.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Don't Fall For The Leslie Ann Warren Lies

Even though I received sad news about a good bowling friend today, indeed it was better than having the proud unkind strangers lift up their heads and refuse to do even a simple task by reasonable request.

Leslie Ann Warren made a fool of herself in a production of Cinderella and made a fool out of most movie-goers in 'Pure Country'.  Similar to Max Lucado in style, misunderstanding or rejecting the perfect wrath of God is typical of heretics. The best way to describe a heretic is a person who rejects the truth in real life and sometimes death situations and therefore believes and repeats lies.  A fool might think that my love for a male who cruelly divorced me is unconditional, however, it is not only possible but necessary to reject a heretic in order to accept the Truth. IN a few instances, divorces occur without malice or intentional desire to cheat by manipulating financial situations, and in such cases I suspect that there is a chance but not a probability to mend the graft a former family memebr into a living Israelite family tree. In other instances, only a person who is anti-Justice would be foolish enough to 'forgive and forget' instead of 'hold accountable and condemn' those who were shown mercy at one time and then failed to show mercy to the person they deceived and voluntarily broke a covenant with.

I literally laugh when I hear the ridiculous lyrics spewed out by fools like George Strait, Sammy Kershaw and Tim McGraw, but at one time thought those songs would be near and dear in my household forever. 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic' and 'The Theme from The Great Escape' are still  songs that are near and dear to my heart because they emitted from people who did not try to 'pretty woman up'  tragic situations and also do not reject the necessary concept of the wrath of HVHY against heretics. If people with guilty consciences fall apart emotionally and therefore mentally when they hear certain songs reminding them of who they decided to hate, that's just John Dorsey fine with me.  There is a good reason to subject yourself to songs you hate to hear on order to toughen up your spirit against heretic demonic spirits who often are given 'grammy awards' but aren't going to be trusted with the key to the bottomless pit or the keys to the gates of hell

My memory of 'the 50' is not the same as an MGM movie list, but is clearly tied to my family and my first squad assignment. Many examples of the error the  Roman Easter road were revealed this past weekend, and it is absolute stupidity to think that a good and holy God would shove baskets of candy in front of children and disguise himself as an unclean rodent at a time of year when people are supposed to be removing leaven from their bodies and paying attention to the clean animals needed to survive.

Is there a difference between Leslie Ann Warren and Warren Moon, or have both of their vain endeavors, anti-holy ideas about romance, stunt double games and Whitney Houston type partying pulled more people away from reality than Randall Cunningham ever could?  From what I saw, Randall Cunningham was not ashamed of the flag of Israel, so Randall Cunningham is the opposite of Shane David Hendrikson in real background checks.  I did overhear a male with what appearred to be a  187th Airborne Division cap utter 'closer to Warren', but the name warren is not a name that saved, even if there is a Rivette involved.   A pitcher might understand a great save better than most if the pitcher understands that it was his or her team offense that needed reinforcement in order to slow down the adversary's offense rather than destroy the adversary's offense.

Interesting attire noice:

I really think that the dark brown belted dress that Yul Brynner was wearing early in 'The Ten Commandments'  MGM movie was much more elegant and was more tasteful than anything Beyonce and  Carrie Underwood types prance around in with their anti-holy spirit.s   Yul Brynner's modest broen dress  emphasized the fact that harlot like attire of the typical chherleaders, Tom Brady's wife, Cheryl Teigs and stage whores like Cher's outfits are filthy rags, immodest and indecent trash that cannot cover the sins of the nation, cameramen and deranged men and lesbians gawking at them . Since this is the year of the monkey, remember that even a real money is  wise enough to be attracted to and reproduce with sinless animals that maintain proper natural coverings. Don't waste your time feeling sorry for 'Elly Mayday'.  

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sadly, The Spirit of Hitler Frequents The Macomb Corners Park

'Easter Sunday' is a day that is as useless as Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday and participating in Easter services is not considered 'good works'.  I do recall writing an editorial to the Mosinee Times many years ago noting the sad truth that Sunday keepers will walk past trash and sing songs to pagan entities sooner than they would make sure their community is clean and virtually litter free even though it is a fact that cleanliness adds to the health and safety of  a neighborhood. Decent habitats for animals that are not in the humane society cages should be as important as preparing an ark if your perspective is proper.

Once again, I decided to do good and not do evil on a regular non-sabbath day. Dropping plastic toys for children to search for in already filthy communities is as stupid as buying a case of Coca-Cola for a diabetic just because they want it. . The spirit of the Macomb township is very depressing to a person who rather be a good example yet can find no one willing to do as I do.  Cleaning up the small wetlands on the east side of West Park Estates is good works, and with over 20 bags of trash off the ground due to my voluntary labor maybe someone will finally realize I am a good neighbor who cares more about the environment than their State Farm Agent.

ONce again, I asked a reasonable request from strangers who were nearby as I was alert enough to be vexed by all the litter. The spirit of a swine is not bothered by littter, byt the spirit of a saint is troubled by all the trash and lazy attitude that permeates communities like a anti-holiness plague. The firsr group of people who would probably call themselves 'black people' refused to pick up even one bag of litter, claiming they just ate and then were foolish enough to say 'Sorry,  Happy Easter'. Intentional refusal to do a very small but good work is the same as intentional sin and is not forgiven by the words 'Sorry'. I told them they could keep the spirit of Jesse Jackson Jr and Hitler and they went on their lazy way without either of us getting physically injured.

An even worse group came over to the roller rink area. I asked a male if he would be willing to pick up the trash in the roller blade bench area  and he said he would, but then only picked up one pice of trash instead of the 4 or 5 piece that would have cleaned up the entire area. His spirit was verbally better but his work ethic was terrible; some other later identified him as a 'fire man'.

In order to be fair and balanced and not target black people for spiritual testing,  2 white women with 1 black obese black man cam into the area and I asked them if they would be willing to pick up one bag of trash. They refused, and I called them 'unkind'. which was the most diplomatic word possible to use against an obvious enemy. The obese black man named 'Barry' claimed his father is a police officer and that I insulted his wife, but I only stated a fact. 'Barry' started babbling at the mouth like he was on the Jery Springer show, and I couldn't even explain why I asked them for assistance. Again, if humans do not respond to a reasonable request in a non-emergency situation, you know they are worse than a brood of vipers. The arrogant white women implied that 'I didn't take my medication' and their attempt to insult me only made further fools out of them. People who are lazy or improperly medicated aren't bothered by litter and garbage in their neighborhoods  as they prepare for useless events like the Boston Marathon.   Why bother creating more parks in Macomb when there are already too many terrible citizens using the ones we have?    Rarely does private property get as filled with litter as public parks in affluent areas where the statues of Mary  or  replicas of Santa Claus have never once stooped down to lift up an injured person or confront the spirit of anti-Christ.

IDeally, if Barry and his two unkind women would have been fearful enough of my attempts to get help cleaning up the play area, the Macomb County Sheriff would have corrected them and thanked my for being a thoughtful  anti-crime citizen, since intentional littering is against the law. I did place a fake phone call to Rodney Weary just to entertain myself in a situation that only had one winner in it spiritually and mentally, and that winner was me even though Barry's fools would never realize that winners do pick up garbage voluntarily from time to time, even without getting asked by another spiritual winner.

"Barry''s claim of helping with habitat for Humanity was useless as soon as I said I built a house for battered women. 'Barry' typifies what is wrong with  typical males in a communities worldwide, not what is right with them. A good man would have said, 'Sure, we can help'.  Men like Barry should never expect angelic forces to come to his aid or to his families aid since he prefers to retain a spirit of haughtiness, an uncooperative spirit and a anti-holy spirit.

If you refuse to feel what its like picking up trash in wooded areas, why should you expect someone to search for missing children in wooded areas?  Broken glass in the woods could seriously injure more than the animals that Riley Sheahan regularly visits and then lets other people report to try to make him look like a 'good guy. Visiting the humane society is as useless as visiting a scorpion in a zoo.

I wonder if there will ever be a day when people rather help me or be willing to learn from me than attempt to mock me as they CHOOSE to be examples of bad Samaritans which ultimately are dangerous strangers that enter our local parks but who will not be allowed to enter the kingdom of God when the final trump sounds.

I hate Easter, because it is based on myths and as a result is not a day that brings forth good and clean meats of the Holy Spirit of prophets such as Isaiah or Micah, but like any other day, it does offer the opportunity to those who are saved to reject the spirit of laziness and hypocrisy which still pereates Protestant and Catholic congregations..   If the only way that I can reject the spirit of easter is by picking up garbage, I am thankful I am able to reject the spirit of Easter by choice.

Like the worshippers of Edward G. Robinson , too many people rose up to play today rather than believing Moses.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Hagelin the Penguin Makes A False Prophet Out of Mickey Redmond

Mickey Redmond stated on Adar 2, Day 17, also known as March 25th, 2016:

'The Redwings cannot go down 3 to 1 against the Penguins'.  I will recheck the tapes when I get a chance to stop resting and make sure I got his quote right, as if it was as important as him saying 'I'll lick your Charms lollipop one more time before I swallow Big League Chew'.  Redmond also claimed that 'Jagr was going down' at one time and clearly Jagr is not yet going down.

The Redwings  went down  3 to 1 as soon as Hagelin scored against Mrazek, which was a very bried time after Redmond made a false declaration.

It didn't matter whether of not MIckey Redmond was 'sworn in', he should have been more careful about what he claimed could not happen.  People who take the prophets seriously do not often predict outcomes of situations that they are not in control of.

English matters, just like the difference between 'shall' and 'should' matters. MIckey Redmond is a typical old man who is careless about his speech and who too many people have put up on a pedestal for some very wrong reason. Paid announcers should be as careful as any unpaid witness during a trial if they do not want their occupation to become their worst Callaway nightmare instead of the best stroke of a Cobra putter.

Mickey Redmond's quote regarding the Detroit Redwings as 'They': ' "They cannot go down three to one against Pittsburgh." Notice that a non-precise recollection has  an apostrophe, not a quotation mark.  Quotation marks should indicate an accurate report, but often don't due to humans who were not blessed enough to sit in a class taught be Sister Elizabeth Cummings the Catholic patron saint of English.

Number 32: Remember Hovin

The 32nd word alphabetically in the Hebrew Bible  means 'angel. If you can't throw throw your 'Cinderella' type tapes and Harry Potter books into an incinerator or into your trash bin, it is because you rather deny science, Truth and reality and as a result believe unrealistic lies sold by professional deceivers.

Another crying shame has been revealed upon the testimony on  Michael Rood's 'Shabbat NIght Live'. recorded on March 25th, 2016.  If I heard correctly, Jim and Penny Caldwell obtained items the wrong way, namely by smuggling items out of Egypt, and have not been jailed yet. Conversely, Mr. Hovin obeyed the local United States laws and was attacked by liars, atheist thugs and federal anti-Truth henchman  worse than Eulalio Hernandez in their moral fiber.

A man transferred 32 times for almost 10 years in federal prison system for a crime he did not commit  is actually  a serious was crime against the United States of America that will not be erased.   In contrast, my few days in jail for defending myself when I was also trying to protect my business assets from being 'smuggled' from me by an employee only reveals that the LORD knew HOvin vcould handle a lot more pain than I could, possibly because he had a family that loved him through it instead of being a family that was trying to ruin him. The 32nd time I tried to water ski. I failed, but on the 33rd attempt, I succeeded to do something I really purposed to do but  that wasn't necessary for my salvation. There is going to be more than a boatlaod of people who find out they failed to be saved because their first attempt at salvation ended up as an 'incomplete'  due to lack of wisdom and understanding of the nature of the God of  the Israelites.

There is always a  contrast between the testimony of people, just as there is a contrast from one traffic offender's testimony to the next in municipal court. If Hovin was persecuted  under the Bush administration, it's another sickening example of how leaders that emerge from the
Ivy league' are as hazardous as mistletoe to the health of an anti-Christmas tree. I survived times of incarceration due to real angelic protection even while I was surrounded by humans with demonic spirits. LIkewise, Hovin must have had better angelic protection than Abraham LIncoln had or he would not have lived to reveal the serious sins of pompous attorneys who conspired against him.

I, like Hovin, saw and heard many elected and appointed officials lie and protect liars and real felons rather than defend the Truth and defend good citizens who have faith in the Most HIgh God. False accusations were brought up against other apostles and saints in history in real efforts to try to destroy goodness and let greedy, evil and morally ugly corrupted heretics rise to or prolong their time in power. Being in a federal prison for almost ten years for a crime that had a maximum of 6 months POSTED in the law is such a grevious abuse of power against a citizen that it is a miracle judgment against the United States has been delayed as long as it has been. Committing suicide does not eliminate the sins of the federal judge that incarcerated Hovin.

I remember the dau I sat on Hebron street in Charlotte and mourned the loss of my first child as I peacefully protested against abortion. Compnnies like Disney push and sell more anti-science lies to the world than a good science teacher ever did. When I saw Hovin on camera, he reminded me of my chemistry teacher Win Parkinson Would anyone care or cry if Win Parkinson was arrested and jailed for almost ten years based on false accusations? A few might, and those few would be like me; remember that I am the opposite of people like Shane David Hendrikson of other liars who sin and fail to repent/ When people fiail to repent, it is because too many people have lied to them and told them they are  'forgiven' because Yeshua died on the cross.  Forgiveness is an opportunity that first requires restitution in the cases of theft, and theft is one of the EASIEST sins to be forgiven for if you repent properly.

I am sickened to hear of another decent citizen that has been incarcerated by unrighteous and unjust government, and at the same time I am amazed of how a man like Hovin is not only of sound mind, but is not afraid to tell the Truth in public.  Make sure you remember that Abaddon is on the LORD's side, and try to keep the faith of the prophets such as Jeremiah.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Swines are Wiser Than Barack Obama And The USA Congress

I will make scarlet thread lines not headlines with this article.

In order to safely test an opponents will to live at peace with a neighbor, try the following:
1. Determine that it is a non-emergency setting and a non-emergency situation.
2. Make sure that no one will profit financially from taking or giving the test.
3. In a low pressure situation, ask an enemy or adversary to properly fulfill a legal and reasonable request.
4. If the opponent you are testing complies with your reasonable and lawful request under little to no pressure, they might respond properly during a real emergency or a crisis situation.
5. If you opponent, enemy or adversary does not comply with your reasonable and lawful request, he is a terrible leader, will cause a crisis sooner than he would ever be able to stop a crisis, is unworthy of trust, and should not be pitied if swift supernatural judgments come against them by an act of HVHY, which is the opposite of an act of Congress

I will two examples of men who passed and men who failed a test.
A) 2 Macomb sheriff's deputies were identified as being unholy adversaries rather than friends of mine. I asked them o sit farther away from me after making my opinion of them clear, and they responded to my lawful and reasonable request to sit in an area farther away from me to reduce my tension and ultimately avoid a battle of words.  I and my two enemies all left  the location unharmed and no crimes were committed, so all three of us passed a test. We chose to reduce the tension rather than increase the level of animosity toward one another.

B) I asked a former bowling teammate, Marcello, who now is an opponent on a team named 'The 4 Kings'  to finish bowling the last frame before I or his father-in-law  rolled out last frame. Marcello refused, and there would have been a long delay or a 'stand off' had I not bowled before he did. There was no gambling going on to my knowledge, and I just wanted to resta bit and see what score we might need to win the 3rd game of our match. Marcello is a terrible leader, because my request was lawful and reasonable in a low pressure gmae. Acts of stubborness to reasonable, lawful and friendly requests are what dictators excel at, and such people also refuse to keep the commandments of HVHY on a voluntary basis.  It did not matter that my team lost the 3rd game, what did matter is that Marcello's true uncooperative spirit was exposed and I was thankful I was no longer a member of his team.

A reasonable request to the United States elected officials would be for them to repeal their own pension plan immediately, including repealing any security for them beyond what any other citizen receives on a daily basis. We are at a time of crisis in the United States, so this isn't a low-pressure suggestion. An elected official is supposed to have another occupation, his position is meant to be a temporary period of service to the community just like someone on jury duty and decent elected officials were never meant to become filthy rich and therefore wicked servants. Most elected officials have become wicked and unjustified by their own actions and excessive salaries, comiled with unreasonable benefits.  If some 'Good Friday' brings a swift execution of holy judgments against those who have let their greed and lack of respect for this nation cause me and others to become nauseated at the sound of their voice, shout for joy and do not mourn.  Unless you prepare your mind for victory against evil, you will wrongly think that the collapse of a terrible and unjust system is evil.

When Yeshua sent demons into the swines, the swines had enough sense that they chose not to attack tthe holy prophet in control of their location and condition. Yeshua is like a lifeguard to only a few, and he is and always will be an adversary to enemies of Truth which include liars, cheaters, adulterers, thieves and those who murder except in self-defense.  Those who call this Friday 'Good' and see no genuine changes in the minds, hearts or demeanor of current United States elected officials, really don't understand the meaning of the word 'good' yet. When Goodness defeats evil anti-commandmentists and wicked servants who pay themselves more than they or their anti-Christ actions are are worth, crucufuxtion will not be the method of discipline against those who have more than enough time to agree with the commandments that were once part of the foundation of the United States of America without being forced on all of its citizens.

The God of Noah is too kind to crucify his enemies. I warn, but I do not offend anyone who is on the side of righteousness. I am thankful to be part of defense, since I do not have enough strength to be part of the offense necessary to humble  greedy politicians who are lazy and unworthy of mercy.

Before you choose to run for political election, I would suggest you make sure you have enough money set aside from a non-federal pension plan to get you through an unpaid period of time you choose to 'serve' our nation instead of robbing our treasury. Labor unions and retirement systems that do not supply pensions to politicians should be considered 'safe' and fair sources of income even if another goverment system overtakes us at federal level due to divine providence..

I hope there are many elected officials and deceivers who are not able to rest in peace like the prophets and saints are able to do because they have been tried, tested and forgiven after proper repentance. My hope is like a scarlet thread.  This is the year of the monkey to some, and might be just before the cock crows in time to prepare for the year of the dog. A dog is not capable of lying, but sometimes takes by force what he needs to survive.

Just and good systems will not fail, but they do generate fear from time to time. Those who are true and just aren't fearful but they are sober, vigilant to properly fear the holy and true God and very careful not to sin against their neighbor. Until evil systems collapse, it is proper to mourn and pray.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Whaler Tailback Cautions At '1532'

One of these weeks is going to be a lot more important  to the elect of HVHY when Truth topples the theory of the lyrics to 'One of These Days' . Legends that are not tied to facts quickly become fables that mislead the Spacey cadets but won't mislead a wise detective.  The following is a fact legend:

1531 Paul Coffey (currently 13th in some charts)
1532 Marie Xavier's original Milwaukee Badge number that never was changed or lost
1533  Mark Recchi (Currently 12th in some charts)

The above are not 600, three score and 6, but keep reading if you want to avoid problems typical of  lukewarm religion that CANNOT AND WILL NOT DETER YOU from the sinful patterns of your anti-TORAH behaviors.

I met a young male named 'Christopher' who I will rename  'Zero'' who had enough gear on to make him look  as Jewish as Barbara Streisand. He was not my 'type' as far a companion and he seemed a bit despondent as he was operating a computer in a library. He had a skullcap on and the little threads that some call 'tzit tzit' and others think are a mistake from a Singer sewing machine. He claimed he wanted to meet for shabbat, but I  intentionally delayed and met him on a Sunday evening at a safe neutral place, namely Tim Horton's in St. Clair, Michigan. 'Zero' refused to buy anything at Tim Horton's because it didn't meet up to HIS standards, but much of it was fit for any real saint trying to eat without going broke spending too much on items marked 'kosher'.  I assure you, Tim Horton's has less offense against real saints than the typical 'Easter' gathering does.  'Zero' admitted he had been an altar boy in the Catholic church, had served Baal and had been involved in witchcraft and sorcery. He did not seem stable nor fully recovered from his 'Harry Potter Type 666' disease cauased by believeing and empowering the sellers of lies. He was easily agitated by the music in Tim Horton's, which I also did not like but is easier to tolerate than a Carrie Underwood stage show. Tim Horton's does not have televisions in it to add more evil to the dining options they offer. Without a choice between the clean and the unclean, it is impossible to prove if you really WANT to obey the God of Moses.  'Zero' could not convince me to go outside or to go and talk in my car because I had no reason to trust in 'Zero's behavior pattern. Spiritually, he was weaker than I am even though he had spiritual accessories. Predators often disguise themselves as 'religious people', so  all humans need to learn to be defensive against one-on-one meetings with strangers, even if they are polite as Christopher was. "Zero' had no offenses against ME, but that might only be because I remained on Zebulon (code beryl) defense. ' Zero' stated that he visits his mother and is trying to improve his walk with Yeshua HaMeshiach.

A more stable Christopher, who I will refer to as '29'  even though I saw a possible last name on his jersey,invited me to watch hin play hockey at an ice rink for a local championship game.  '29' was polite, intelligent, trains at a local gym where I also train, and has no tattoos. He wisely referred to his girlfriend after inviting me, so I knew he was being kind to me not making a pass at me.  HIs invitation was as kind as invitations I used to get to Bible studies, but I knew the hockey game would not try to push a anti-Moses message my way like most Bible studies do these day.  29's team won by a score of 10 to 1 against the Assassins, and no one was seriously injured which means it was a good game. ON the way home, a serious traffic problem related to a roadway fire made me realize how time and chance do matter, and that we cannot predict when our last breath will be. I'm thankful for people like '29' since he is willing to listen as well as he is willing to relay facts rather than fiction.

What I did manage to do meeting 'Zero' was give a concise history of my religious history.
1. I was born innocent and got trained to be a Catholic.
2. I sinned a lot as a Catholic, became a Baptist and sinned a lot less than I did as a Catholic because of my fear of a pastor named Dean Noonan.
3. I get lured into a cult that lured me away from Christmas and Easter but not away from unclean meats consumption. I left them after I realized they were very wrong on serious issues.
4. I returned for a few years to protestant variations until by grace I fully realized Protestants continually commit organized crimes against the God of Israel.
5. I remembered warning from sabbath keepers, was lured away from eating abominations, and became saved by my faith in the Tenakh, which means the following the directions for those who are no longer Jew or Gentile, but want to on the right side of Eldad and Medad, not on the wrong side of Satan.
6. It  is not a miracle that I am much healthier now, it is an expectation of those who believe the dietary laws for the tribes of Israel and who practice what is good, not what is evil in the sight of the LORD.

I have no regrets for the above 6 step program I survived with a lot of help from real saints, real family and real friends, all of which are like 'good Samaritans'. Bad Samaritans are like my neighbors to the north, who are as useless as wax statues to the Kingdom of HVHY due to inability to save others since they are not yet saved due to their hypocrisy and lack of etiquette even though they claim to be 'Christians'.  There are many Catholics who I know that will fall into the 'Good Samaritan' category and get saved sooner than a divorce attorney such as Stuart Rottier will repent or confess to being party to the crime of  FELONY THEFT with his financial partner, Shane David Hendrikson.

I posed a question via a common communication area known as a locker rooom dry erase board regarding how WE, the true saints of the church of Philadelphia or 'local state of the union types', can counter attack those who have committed crimes against us, and one way is to try to obtain a confession of guilt from those who have committed crimes against us. At that point, the Scriptures dictate just how much restituation it will take for those guilty of something as common as  theft to be forgiven, not a circuit court judge.  If a confession of guilt cannot be obtained, then it is reasonable to pray to and ask favors from higher, good powers to either save our destroy our enemies. IF someone is really saved, they realize that they may not have to serve jail time but will have to back 4 times the amount of money that was obtained by theft, conspiracy to cheat an spouse out of their inheritance via divorce or by FRAUD, which is equal to submitting lies to their peers.

If your legend at 42 is Darren Sharper, it will hold up better than a Shane David Hendrikson Wittenburg football legend if you are a Packer fan. If your legend at 42 is Beddy Ebsen in a football jersey, it is about like Chelios  Spartan hockey; which means it is weaker not Sharper. Uniform codes matter, so if you go to the biblical book of Luke as your legend for '42' , you will be better off than using any Smith as your legend, since Smith is very vague. I suppose Sister Bay Wisconsn is another 42 legend, as is Ohio Player routers through Cleveland if you are a D4 person.

I never met 'slipkid68', but I have seen Jaromir Jagr in a short game, so legends at 68 still matter as much as kegends at Fast19 and 86Smart.  Be wise as a honey badger, my friends, especially when Ran Dayne and MIchael Bennett are in your Wisconsin Badger running back memories.

Recall score: Wisconsin 66, Xavier 63 if you want to be alert when the Pachniak vs. Bruckner lines open up like Batman's cave.  Female names change as a part of marriage, but when males start trying to concela their identity by coming up with false names, there should be more than a red flag thrown out of a golf hole and onto the green area.  The sequence of Jackson/Xavier/ Ortiz/Hendrikson needs very careful splitting if the proper confessions are going to come out of the moths of the most guilty males who have been and who are examples of unrighteousness, in family trees, not examples of righteousness and truthfulness. I have to fight the battles I am stuck in yet, and holy Justice requires good holy offense against deceivers and criminals.

Next blog: how to safely  test the spirit of people who claim to be  Christians, kings or have taken  leadership positions

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Beware of Strong Dog Deceptions At The WCHA Hockey 2&11 Line

Attempts to deceive or mislead the elect are laughable, so I am laughing today. I am just going to lost a few facts that are useful to the Irene Ryan Football Code 17 game.

A) Max Baer in an LA Kings goalie jersey is about like me dressing up as Saint Elizabeth of Hungary for Trick-or-treat and both outfits were better than the Wittenberg Dancing Bunnny suits worn by Ashley Hendrikson in a disgusting display of rear-end end shaking that was more indecent than any Randy Moss moves I have ever seen.

B) Double Dog DARE program splits seeme to be goin on at Michigan Tech Huskies and Ferris State BUlldog level, whcih has carried over into the Yale and Duke the bloodhound and Greyhound games.. Golaies named 'Darren' and 'Jamie' might be treading close to Sharper lines but cannot replace them, so don't start trusting dogs to lead the way into raven and saint turf.

G) CBS has more deranged lying deceptions than any golf score submitted by Russell Kempka in the Orville Bowman Open.  Scorpions do not save humans, neither spiritually nor literally.

D) Keeping G in mind, scorpians make a delicious meal for the incredible honey badger. If you want to learn a lesson about regaining turf that porcupines try to take, see if you can watch National Geographic arts programming about the middle eastern 'honey badger' to get a new clue on outer tabernacle tough skins that were not devised by Sears.

H) Keeping B in mind, it is important to remember 'brothers day' especially the day that Simeon and Levi teamed up to protect their sister. Simeon and Levi did not enter their sister into a dancing bunny outfit, they did not enlist their sister into the military and they did not dress her up like a hooker in a 'MIami Vice' show  which is why their names are written in the names of the sealed saints.

V) I found a euchre group  better mannered than the euchre group at St. Clair's Shores senior center by intentionally walking into a library in St. Clair. Katie, Gertrude, Theresa, Robert, Frank are 5 of the 7 names I remember as polite, kind and well mannered. There were 2 other females but I forgot their names, even though I don't have Alzeimers disease.  Team work near fire departments does matter.

Z) It seems like men who work for automotive companies are experts at giving people the run around or 'delay of game' problems for some reason. If a young person invites you to watch him play in a hockey game, GO TO THE HOCKEY GAME if you are able to.  A hockey game will always be a good choice compared to a stage play, a movie or a immodest dance team program.

C) When people start talking about exchanging baskets, be careful in Ohio State rest areas, especially when they start looking like a Krueger Wholesale display without any tombstones nearby. A homemade cherry pie is probably a better investment that a fake flower show or a dog show.

T) Since this is Al/F day, namely the 13th month 9th day for biblical scholars who believe in chemistry tables, do not confuse today with September 13th.   Remember your good dentist and try to remember the following Frank Inn side line-up:  Irene Ryan 17, Donna Douglas 24, Buddy Ebsen 42, Max Baer 59, Billy Munson 0. Ken Munson, Wisconsin Badgers and the MIlwaukee Tech Trojans still know that Elmer, Michigan is better than Elmer New Jersey games when it comes to splitting good Duck '480__' mail codes from Liam McHugh.

Y) Do not forget the military veterans of Bevent, Wisconsin and do not forget that the Thomas Best letter Y=ten.

K) The name 'Kariya' is not a joke, and remind yourself that not all black bears are as good as Paul Kariya or Jim Montgomery.  This is an important Michael Keckeisen and Timmy Keepers S.H.A.W. reminder for the anti-Callaway group. Forgiveness is not gained by a shamrock, a Callaway or a  Cab Callaway system.  Excelling at a game of golf  wearing the color pink and pushing 'Victoria's Secret' sales is  the absolutely wrong way for real saints to go at '86', since golf really does not require defense 'Sieve' skills.  Weaing 'Nike' junk is about equal to wearing a rabbit pelt; it can't hurt you but it's a name that doesn't save you and its not worth investing in if you have a choice to buy a less expensive decent covering.  If your basket case has 'Toto' in it, you have not even matured up to the Ortiz, Gleason and Dennison 3 point shrubbery games yet tied to Millersburg Brewery.

L) If you are a spiritual winner, you won't be pulled into the 'Tyler Perry' tainted version of 'The Passion'. Televised emotional draw plays are continually sold and promoted by the lukewarm and the heretics who haven't even believed the book of Exodus yet.  You'd be better off watching the History channel and trying to learn what conditions  your neighbor might have survived during past real wars than be deceived or lured into anti-Truth methodists  who call themselves singers, actors and continue to idolize spiritual swines such as Carrie Underwood, Whitney Houston, MIchale Jackson and Faith Hill.

M) The Dahmer and Donner types like to refer to a infant as 'tender and mild' and hate to hear names like Ehud, Eldad and Medad.  Don't get lulled back into Martin Luther and Martin Luther King Jr. mint games usually very close to the Candyland and Buzz Lightyear aisles. There are times when a free meal from a Muslim will be better than 'all you can eat shrimp'  offered by a Nazi businessman or Irish Catholic Lutheran or a smoking Marlboro from the black extremist and anti-Whte racist types such as Michelle Obama.

N) The Spirit of the Hebrew letter N(fifty0 is now tied to 'Operation Homecoming'. Anne Purcell, wife of Benjamin Purcell , has a better human love story than anything a novelist or any cleverly devised fable fools like Barbara Streisand, Joshua Morrow, Sharon Case or Robert Redford every contrived from their immoral minds. The name Benjamin now has another face to be an example of courage that can easily put to shame the pathetic film industry chasers of Goldie Hawn or Tom Hanks.

Samech) Do not confuse Joe Galloway, Vietnam war veteran with Joey Galloway, NFL football player. The Galloway area in Wisconsin has plenty of untrustworthy 'ministers' suchas Roland Hendrikson who play too many games and never know how to properly repent because of their Norwegian pride. Too many doubles often created too many people stranded at second who never make it to understanding the tribe of Judah or the book of Malachi.  The 15th letter of the Hebrew aphabet is as important as the feast of Unleavened Bread and Feast of Tabernacles, the ultimate '15 for 2' point time of traveling and sound spiritual rehearsals  for those who actually believe in and this are willing to obey the LORD of Noah and the old testament prophets.

I) Listening to retired military veterans or retired athletes talk about their competitors is about like listening to retired cops talk about their former instrcutors, squad partners or supervisors, in which case they often tend to be very unrealistic about what they achieved in life.  Carnal goals are much easier to achieve and analyze than spiritual goals, which often are accomplished without a partner or without an audience.  Achieving good spiritual goals often means overcoming but not denying the bad habits , the wrong goals, the unholy spirit and the carnal competitive goals you achieved under the reign of heathen masters and imperfect gods in your life.

There is no sense ending on a funny note, since it is a day to think and prepare carefully for the spiritual battles ahead without repeating the anti-commandment errors of the past.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

'Rick Snyder Bashing' Won't Help An Unintentional Error

Humans make unintentional errors, and I am certain Governor Rick Snyder is not an absentee governor.  The local municipality of Flint fell asleep at the water works, and it is NOT the governor's job to protect the entire state from typical  natural disasters that occur possibly due to a multitude of sinners settled in an area who need to learn forgiveness, love, understanding, patience, discipline and honesty after a crisis occurs that clearly was not an intentional act of violence against citizens that I am quite sure are not guilt free of crimes such as tax evasion or failure to keep the Sabbath holy.

Commercial television stations are extremely GUILTY of contaminating the  vsual and audio supply as they send more moral filth and programs into houses that ruin a household than any temporary problem with a water supply ever will.

My suggestion is to start to blaming every State Farm agent in Michigan for not caring enough about their clients home water supply to test it frequently like a good neighbor would. RIck Snyder is only a neighbor to a few people, not a neighbor to the entire state of Michigan.

Hillary Clinton is another example of huge errs in speech that make it obvious she knows nothing about real warfare on conflict resolution. According to the Scripture, you are supposed to agree with your adversary while you are in the Way, les he turn you over to other judges. The 'devil', known as the best adversary ever created by a perfect God, knows the rules of the spiritual games since he got tossed out of 'top angel' position. A holy adversary cannot do anything that does not agree with the will of God, and that included pointing out the fact that Joshua's garments were in a soiled state.

Another typical unintentional error is probably confusing the King of Kings and Lord of Lords with the Prince of Peace.. A prince remains a prince until the King dies, and if you believe in the eternal existence of the Word of HVHY, the King never dies, he just gets relocated from time to time. I would contend that Michael the Archangel is the Prince of Peace who will always be under the authority of the King of kings and the Lord of Lords.  Defeating the opposition sometimes brings peace, and other times letting the enemies of a good and holy God destroy themselves brings peace to an area.

If you made the mistake of thinking that when the Truth sets you free that nothing evil will happen to you, its because you failed to properly understand that the Truth also ejects the workers of iniquity from his presence and sets them free to be completely OUT of his protective coverage. 'Depart from me, you workers of iniquity' is a form of setting unbelievers free, which is not the same as protecting and redeeming them. When a believer in the truth has the Truth in them, they are able to speak the truth, which very few people really do. Someone who believes in the Way, the Truth and the Life demanded by HVHY of his people will let an unbeliever go 'free' too, but that is not the same as going away INNOCENT and into good hands. People who seek divorces for reasons other than adultery are like poker players who like to play games but don't ever become holy and justified playing their games of chance.

Life on the sidelines of the proper end zone is better than expensive life in the bleachers, since on the sidelines you still are able to be put into  the spiritual football game.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Fran Healy Interviews Reveal Weaknesses

If your easily deceived, Scott Stevens will impress you but I am not easily deceived. A lot of televised interviews are laughable and as contrived as an interview with Bill Clinton conducted by Bill Murray. Removing yellow dye#5 from 'Captaine Crunche' would be a bettter move toward goodness and kindness than wanting to work under or next to a male like Scott Stevens for various obvious reasons. Maybe someone should ask Scott Stevens who Fran Parker is or who Jean Fandry is and see if he ever thinks about old widows instead of Stanley cups and his own spirit that lacks a desire to repent for anything he has done.

People who talk fast and like to be set up in front of cameras like Kathryn Tappen and Jeff Blashilll often do not think about what they are really saying. Scott Stevens talks fast and his type is not the type that becomes part of the elect because great swelling words and ' the concept that he would never change anything done in the past if he could reveals a haughty spirit.

If I try to compare an interview conducted by Jerry Caluette (unsure of spelling) on 'God's Great Outdoors' episode #604 to a Fran Healy interview of Scott Stevens, they are equal to one another.  The difference is that Shane David Hendrikon on episode #604 had the temporary advantage of having a wife whoe cared more about distriuting Bibles than in getting my number retired. What I wonder is how can a man like Scott Stevens possibly get to the point where he does regret many of the moves he made in the past and openly repents?  Such a change could only come by a miraculous event, possibly very destructive, entering the realm of Scott Stevens area of comfort.

Just as I don't know how a male like Scott Stevens could ever  start being less impressed with himself and more impressed with the book of Jude, I don't know how a man like Shane David Hendrikson went from a usually decent, hard working and kind person into a typical  hateful, greedy, lying anti-Christ who decided that he no longer wanted to believe in the God of the tribe of Judah.  It has been 19 years since I failed to properly discern the spirit of Shane David Hendrikson and because of that I made very wrong decisions. Unlike Scott Stevens, if I could go back and change some of the things I did, I would and Shane David Hendrikson never would have gotten a second date with me. My flesh was weak, and I had not attained the proper understanding of what the Most High God expected of me in the area of his commandments. Once it had been revealed to me that I had NOT heard the full gospel when I had been attending Sunday-based churches, I was angry with myself for believing religious lies and ultimately believing and trusting people who said they were 'Christians' that were in fact anti-Judah at heart. I can honestly say that  I only have  filled the role of a concubine  for one male in the past 19 years, even though many false rumors may have been spread by my enemies about me.  A concubine mates with man and eventually finds out he is not monogamous at mind or heart, and Shane David Hendrikson proved he could not remain monogamous.  A legal and faithful wife finds out she was only an unloved concubine as soon as her legal unbelieving husband files for divorce and moves onto another female   i know my first adult baptism under the direction of Dean Noonan changed my mind in a very positive way and I began a lifetime of  learning studying, believing and obeying the Scriptures. Prior to that, I had seen so many people not take their wedding vows seriously that I fell into  moral traps that thankfully I escaped from after serious repentance. Sanctification and holiness takes years, not a moment, and temptations do not go away after you are baptized as an adult.. With the proper holy spirit,  the temptation to sin loses to a stronger desire to be faithful, obedient to the commandments and  ultimately avoid being attracted to or tempted to join the millions of 'Christian hypocrites' in their trasngressions of the Law.

I thought carefully this morning about my strengths and abilities to turn away  OR fight against obvious sins committed by me or by others in my view, the latter taking more courage than turning away from them. Without a male in my household that is morally even stronger than me at fighting sin patterns in himself and in the community, all I would be is a babysitter to an adult that would eventually leave to seek someone who is spiritually weaker than me. Whether he would improve the condition of that woman's life or get 'watered down' by her complacent attitude toward sin in the household or in the community, I do not know.  i do know that a sign of  sound mind includes the ability to remember the past and not manipulate facts to coerce another mind to choose you, like you or love you.

Israel didn't get grafted into Rahab's  household; Rahab waited for a redeemer who was more moral and had more ability to combat  sin  than she had. When a nation legalizes sin such as prostitution, overtaxing its population and allowing non-emergency businesses to be open on Sunday, many people THINK they are innocent or 'saved' by their faith in a lying pastor when in fact they are still very guilty in the sight of a holy, pure and righteous God.

A zero hand (19) in cribbage is easier to understand than the reasons so may people prefer perversion, sin and lawlessness to commandment keeping.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Don't Confuse a Diamond with Beryl

19 years ago, i trusted a male who was actually not worthy of trust, so the number 19 is ndeed a 'big zero' hand now. I owe the man I trusted NOTHING, but in fact he is still a debtor to me according to the existing laws. The fact that inept deputies did not file proper reports against him does not excuse his debt in the sight of any court of the Most High Adonai. Lower 'gods' often allow crimes and sins to go unpunished or 'unresolved' but that will not be the case with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. 

As I watched a team who labeled themselves 'Diamonds and jewels', I recalled the fact that diamonds are not listed as a foundation in the foundations of the New and holy Jerusalem. Beryl is very different that what our generation overpays for known as a tyoical cut diamond. When it comes to the stone of Levi, I believe there is a high probabllity it is a turquoise, which can be blue or green, but that pink is a very wrong representation of a carbuncle.  A pink quartz probably as far off as thinking that hanging a cruxifix on your neck is an appropriate representation of a 'god' who has overcome temptatation and such jewelry is not better than hanging a gold calf on your neck; if you can't resist buying a sign of death, you will not recognize the signs of the  real Way, Truth and Life. 

A short exerpt of a letter I wrote to an acquintance who is not part of the Church of Philadelphia by his choice might be helpful to someone else, since it addresses a matter more serious than a golf ball. The acquaintance seemed to think that letters aren't helpful because you cannot hear the 'tone' of someone's voice, but often tones are misintrepreted more easily than a letter is. For his sake, I added a 'letter tone' to my commincation with him.

"Tone: maybe like Jeremiah, and weeping is a sign of a very soft heart that is often appalled by the overwhelming lawlessness that abounds worldwide. Don't forget that I had gone on plenty of real mission trips, and my testimony of faith still matters. I considered the fact that if Bible-teaching churches held a service similar to a funeral service everytime there was a divorce among their members, that maybe the church people would lose the lukewarm spirit that is so prevalent and learn to rally around  grieve with and support the living believer who was divorced by an unbeliever."

[ a portion of  personal information removed  between these related paragraphs    ]

"I believe all of the Scriptures are true and that the instructions for the Israelites are meant to be followed by the 'bride' of Christ which the Church of Philadelphia understands. In case it matters, according to people from Judah and others in Israel, this is the 13th month of the year since the barley was not ripe at the end of the 12th month and the feast of unleavened bread is from about April 22nd through April 29th; those dates matter to those who have gathered as a remnant like a ragdoll but in fact we are lively stones. I hope that as the tribe of Levi is expected to do, that you will do and that desire is pure and sincere, without malice.  

I still hope you can send an email from A.R. H. (short form) as i suspect she is old enough to write or at least tell you what she or Levi might like to say to me or ask me, and I can respond like any other grandma.  :


 I don't want costly phone bills, so much of what I think and am doing can be shared by letter, and much easier than letters were sent 2000 years ago. I don't think the tone that Yeshua had when he told the adulterous woman was gentle  when he said 'Your sins are forgiven...go and sin no more.' Without a stern tone after he just prevented what might have been her justifiable death sentence, maybe the man who called others a brood of vipers knew exactly when to raise his voice in order to instill a proper fear in his people. 

A testimony:  I went to conference last weekend at the question was posed 'If 2 lesbians asked you to bake a cake for their wedding, would you?' My answer: We are supposed to feed our enemies, but I certainly would charge enough for the cake to make worth my while.  Of course, I would not attend the ceremony. Afterwards, a woman came up  to me and said that baking a cake for lesbians would be participating in their sin, but I disagreed with her, especially since I knew the cake would be clean, not unclean.  I KNOW I got in more spiritual trouble for serving pork bologna to prisoners who also dispobeyed the law than I would for selling a cake to my enemies. She wanted to argue and I quoted Michael the archangel again and said 'the Lord rebuke you' since she seemed to have a very serious conflict of interest. A liar is just as bad as a lebian, and I wonder if the woman would bake a cake for other people who she suspects might still disobeying other good laws.  There is no shame in quoting Michael the archangel when two parties are at an impass when it comes to intrepretation of the good and holy laws. "


If you do not take the time to read ahead and known which stones endure to the end of prophesy, the typical unwise and unsaved person will be deceived by something as simple as a '47 Carl' line or a '39 Cheryl' line, since more manipulated, corrupt and deceiving lines from various team and individual sporting games  go into and out of Las Vegas or Utah than go in and out of the PLover River in Wisconsin .  There are conspiracies and evil money trees that will get devoured sooner than a clean lamb shank will, but I rather invest in ground lamb  than in a Las Vegas vacation or a reservation in a underground cave for those who are 'afraid to die' in the event of a nuclear war. Hiding in caves is not the modus operandi of the elect of HVHY, and it is a fact that the 'Billy Graham method' and similar Protestant methods of religious twistings of the Truth will lead more to a false sense of security and a cruxifix than steer them toward the proper cornerstone and toward serious studies of the equipment and garments of the high priest. 

If the difference between Highway 545 and 42 along US HIghway 30 in Ohio intriguws you too much, it is because you are too connected to the wrong King system, possibly by someone else's intentional plans to deter you from the number '26', which is a holy number, just as 441 is set apart as the summation of' Aleph Mem  tav.'  Thanks to Bill Cloud, I now know that even the Hebrew TORAH texts had letters such as  Lamed Beit' to identify the number 32 in the Book of Exodus. Do not confuse Lamed Beit with 'Lloyd Brothers' which was a garbage collecting company in the wausa Wisconsin area. No Hebrew letter is to be considered as trash that can be done away with, but any diamand can be trashed and done away with without shedding a tear if your perspective of a jacinth/ ligure figure is proper and well grounded by faith in the tribe of Gad.

Geology is a good science. It is a shame that the word 'FUSION' now has even become a disgusting word due to television programming that is truly despicable and reprobate and which has been approved of by the current administration of the reprobate Barack Obama. If you refer to yourself as a 'Christian' and you had over 7 years of time and plenty of opportunities to help eliminate immoral filth from the United States communications systems and you didn't, don't expect mercy on the day of judgement.  Executiive orders could have been used to forbid all forms of pronograophy and lewd conduct  in the media, and let unholyu people practice their disgusting, unholy and immoral conduct in the flesh and in PRIVATE rather than in front of cameras like a Ray Romano whore..

Last but not an Omega joke: I suggest Donald Trump choose Ben Carson for his running mate and maybe we will find out just who the Lord God Almighty allows to  take over next in the non-Satan seat, namely the office of the United States presidency. Benjamin is name better than 'Barack'' in history and is mentioned in the Book of Life.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Foolish Females Demand Equality With Males

There are certain signs that people are pushing an anti-TORAH agenda and unless you are aware of them you will be lulled into lukewarm waters and you will spiritually die like a stupid frog when the heat gets turned up.

1. Ignorant Michigan female is filing a lawsuit to get require all women to be forced to register for selective service. Her attitude is absolutely anti-Christ by nature because good men are willing to protect weaker vesssels. I recall the comment of a young girl named 'Angela Stroik. of Mosinee, who said she wanted to join the Army so she could kill people, and those words uttered from her lips at about the age of 7 or 8.  Joining any branch of the USA military reveals a desire to actually be part of an extremely corrupted secular offense system, not be part of YHVH's  spiritual defens system .

2. If you haven't matured enough to realize that beauty contests, dance contests, pompom squads and parades are a ridiculous waste of time and a root of the wrong kind of pride, you lack genuine faith in the Scriptures. People who have rejected the message of the apostles get caught up in St. Patrick day ham lines and Michigan State cheerleader shrimp fests like any other anti-Israelite and therefore  'anti-King of Judah religious cult that disregards the dietary expectations of the true and clean Church of Philadelphia.

3. If you are unwilling to physically defend your property against lawbreakers, you should not expect the police to risk their lives to protect your property. Litter on your lawn means you disrespect the local laws since it often gets blown onto public or neighboring property. Make sure your housing area is a clean as possible if you desire proper attitude from 'plan B', which is local law enforcement.

4. Start to train yourself to be a first responder to your own difficulties. If you train yourself properly, you might be able to avoid being treated improperly by hirelings such as sheriff deputies and drug-pushers with medical degrees.

5. Holy women are meant to be protected by holy men, and Michael the archangel is a holy man with a holy spirit that will not be overpowered by the whores of Babylon. Holy women are meant to assist holy men in their endeavors to defeat unholy who are often surrounded by and temporarily preotected by civilian strumpets and vulgar military unholy women. In these cases, uniform and clothing policies are a very serious matter, just as dietary patterns are a very serious matter.   The true elect of HVHY will not be standing in lines waiting for the allotment of bullets to feed into their guns which can't get the demonic spirits away from them. A Milwaukee District V reminder: the best officers might never have to fire a round out of their gun during an assignment. Make sure you read 9 if you agree with pint 5.

6. If states like Michigan really want to prevent gambling problems, they would make all lottery and casino games illegal. Don't be fooled by administrations who try to play it 'both ways'.  The elect of HVHY will not participate in typical Las Vegas type gambling systems, even if they take some reasonable risks in legal investments.

7.  Beware of huge lies that you see in print, such as those by Callaway clubs. Golf clubs are not  able to forgive and describing them as 'forgiving'  diminishes the real meaning and necessity of being forgiven after properly repenting. Golf games are not a source of redemption.

8. Males in the Pentagon aren't going to care if your young son or daughter gets killed in the front lines of action because most of them sit behind desks and do less to try to prevent crimes than the typical underpaid security guards in businesses.  Do not consider it a reason to rejoice now that they opened all leadership areas to women instead of  keeping certain units 'male only'.  It is a fact that even one female can and usually do cause more problems within a group of well-trained military units than a dog, since the dog is not going to become an adultery threat to the men during periods of high stress or boredom while away from their spouse.

9. Simeon Blue LondonTopaz reminder: those in local law enforcement ranks who never seek a promotion are also the ones who are not afraid to be the first to respond to a crime scene.  Detectives  and high ranking supervisors often show up on a scene when those  making less money than them already secured the area properly.  More people should try to fight for higher wages for first responders to real  emergencies than to waste their time and money drawing shamrocks on the sidewalk or trying to get their  daughters pushed into military combat roles by a nation that hasn't even been able to make peace with a true and very just God yet.

10. Mark Wahlberg typifies a spiritual loser who attracts the attention of spiritual idiots.  Brian Berg and Thomas Wahl typify humans who produce carbon dioxide but who do not produce good spiritual fruits due to condition known as 'anti-commanmentist syndrome'.

Thats it for day 355 of first year Sardius students. It's not that easy making it to the tribe of Dan's lapis lazuli status which should recognize the number 712 today.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Dick's Sporting Goods= Wrong Message for Truth Series

It is foolish to 'give up everything' to try to get an Olympic medal hung around your pagan neck. In order to combat the messages pushed by the carnal into the spiritual realm, use the following legal rebuttals to 'Dick's' Olympic message:

A) An olympic medals is less useful than a millstone.

B) A Canadian dime is better for Zebulon than an Olympic medal, since it is a useful and light Zebulon burden to bear.

C) Brazil is a nasty, corrupt and very dangerous habitation of demons, not  the holy land. Those who are drawn to Rio will be deemed unfit for good spiritual duty and placed on the spiritual bramble list due to their desire for gold instead of holy half shekels.  This is a straight Philadelphia money line suitable for Asher.

D) Don't be surprised if whosoever goes to the Olympics does not return from the Olympics, since they are taking too much risk for too little rate of return.  A holy week trip to  9th and  Clevelan street in Milwaukee is a better goal for wise athletes who prefer reality than temporal national flag  games..

E) Bruce Jenner is a prime example of a reason to avoid the Olympics completely. Helen Richmond students know a Baush and Lomb Science award beats an Olympic medal in a one-on-one true Worth Smith level of intelligent competition.

F) Boycott 'Dick's Sporting Goods' and go buy your sporting goods at Dunham's or Meijer's if you are smarter than Bruce Jenner and are able to reject the heathen carnal messages that contradict the message of  chosen apostles and  the typical Gadite.

G) Dick Forss  and Dick Geske would have a better message than Dick Peterson and Dick's Sporting Goods when it comes to handling important  living bodies correctly.

H) When it gets sillier and Hillier at hockey rinks, its still better than running around under the sun in Brazil for no good and no holy reason.

I) A real saint would rather try to win a sheep red heifer than an Olympic medal.   Sometimes it is bettter to think about the I the Ayon and Issachar seals than about USA team sports.

J) I have decided to call this 13th month of the 68th year  of the current state of Israel 'Paul Coffey month' since Paul Coffey is much too smart to go to the summer Olympics. Remember your anti-Gretzy position!

K) For those who are stupid enough to think that a Callaway golf club is the fast road to real and necessary forgiveness, you have been deceived, just as 'The Blues Brothers' fans have been deceived by Hollywood idiots who disrespect the image of a nun. The word 'forgiving' should not be used lightly used lightly, just as finding property that is not yours should not be taken lightly ESPECIALLY if there is a way to identify it and track down the owner  who might have left it behind accidently. Such is the case with my IPod that contains many phhots on it, so if the person who picked up from the Macomb Corners Park this week wants to return it, they should be able to leave it on my fron porch, since there even is pictures of my nearby house on it. If you do not return it, you will not be forgiven for possessing an item that is not of nominal value to the lost and found section of the Macomb  Corners Park (turn it into an employee) or  by returning it to my residence at the corner of Estates Lane and 25 Mile road in area code 48042. There seems to be a need to remind people of moral obligations when pieces of value are found that are not EASILY replaced. When there is personal photos on an item, it is not easily replaced, but a inexpensive piece of jewelry or a crystal angel IS easily replaced. If your Probert/White line leads you to  a CrY  line, be assured that a IPod that is not recovered by me is nothing for me to cry about. A good and holy God does demand reasonable efforts to recover or return lost or stolen property by proper owners so they do not have the wrong attitude when something more important like the HOLY SPIRIT is missing in their lives. Keep in mind that anything I, as a homeowner or a renter (includes  hotel rooms), might have had to leave behind in haste due to an emergency like I have had to do several times was not 'gifted' to the unjust person who took over my property.  When I left all my belonging behind at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowton, WI, never did I think that my state would prevent me from gaining access to my own business property and my family belongings basedon the words of a liar named Shane David Hendrikson after I told the truth during an  incident where I had to use a miinimal  amount of self defense in order to be able to flee and seek safety from an dangerous husband. When the sheriff's department refused to take a report from me regarding his plans to 'replace me permanently the actually aided and abetted him in his felony.   I mourn more often about the loss of true faith in the God of Israel by people who I had once been in bible studies with me or been been at my home than about the thefts of my belongings , but both are serious matters that are not easily rectified and  no easilyt forgiven in the eyes of my LORD who presented his word to Moshe on Mount Sinai.   I recovered my Ipod with my family pictures in it with a reasonable legal search . If only Shane David Hendrikson and Marathon County authorities would have let me properly and thoroughly search through ALL OF  MY OWN BELONGINGS AND BUSINESS PROPERTY before Stuart Rottier pushed his unholy plans against me through the court system, they might have been able to avoid serious judgments against them that I fully expect my LORD to execute against them eventually.

L) Wen a Rob Blake line 48 line splits at Tony Granato, Blake Lewis of Waukesha area versus Robin Ortiz of the MIlwaukee area is a fair head to head match up when it comes to salvation, natural attraction situations,  hospitality,Truth and moral attitude breaking points. Expect more splits to occur in order to sift through the true blue London topaz lines, which do not include the name 'Jeter' for a divine  providence reason.. Do not confuse Teretha Allison with  the basketball stool sample by the name of 'Allison Williams'. True police lines have to get tested just like any other teephone, sudden death and sudden life lines depending on who isanchoring your tug of war team  at the  bottomless pit, also known as 'the Abaddon  hole'..

 That's the end of the Alexander Hamoilton money production lines, and always remember that Andes mints are a better selection than Junionr Mints when the York teams split at McCabe and Dick.

How To Avoid Obvious Spiritual Stupidity in Month 13

I will end with good news and start with bad breaking news without even relying on Ted Knight.

A) It is impossible for Gus Bradley to have a perfect defense even with 2 elephants. What emits from the mouths of ESPN fools is often untrue and even blasphemous. Spiritual defense includes a spirit of modesty which the Jacksonville Jaguars do not have, thus they have no real defense just plenty of overpaid offensemen who are not on the side of the perfect defensive ends.

B) ONe person on a team making a stupid decision can lead to embarassment for the entire team. Antonion Brown first committed a serious error by shaking hands with Carrie Underwood, and now is going to embarass himself and his team by going the way of Donald Driver on "Dancing with the Stars" instead of  repenting for cozing up to a NFL hooker Carrie Underwood.

G) Mike MIddlebury made a fool out of himself by verbally gushing over 'Lady Gaga' instead of staying with a good 'Lady Justice' beer team. Middlebury makes those who refuse to compliment false idols like Lady Gaga' sound like a genius or a saint.

D) Recalling facts is not a sin, but repeating acts of lawlessness is a sin.  There is a difference between passing on facts and gossiping, since gossiping comes from unreliable witnesses or even worse, lying lips who the Sar-Shalom people of Ohio should not even bake and sell cakes to  if they are going to hold an anti-lesbian viewpoint since lying is equal to being a lesbian in the proper perspective/

H) Good 'Wisdom tooth' breaking news: Mike Clayton, Michael Rood and Nehemia Gordon should all be on the proper dateline since they all acknowledged that there is a 13th month this year and the last day of the feast of unleavenbread should be around Curtis Shayne Joseph's birthday. Do not forget the number of your wisdom teeth if you are on the Mike Ditka trail and off of the Kim Curtis or Kim Smith trail, which probably has too many Junior MInts in it and not enough Kitkats in their 'Gus Frerotte Viking mix.'

V) The letter Vav only begins 9 words in the Tanakh, so if you want to start a word study but are a non-conformist, refusing to start at the letter 'Beit', go ahead and study the letter 'Vav ' words and see if that gets you past the Dwight Schultz mentality quicker than you can buy a box of Gobstoppers.

Z) Since this is the closing day of the month of Robert Scott Smith, be aware that there still is a MemRa line which does not include Patrick Kane working in the 13th month, even if your politicians are working against the perfect defense pair as they have been for centuries. Avoid St. Patrick traps and stay focused on the upcoming start of the 69th year of Mayor Carbuncle of Jerusalem's Israeli units. Luther from the Pitt Panthers probably is smarter than the dead Catholic Irish Dagon worshipper named 'St. Patrick' who was probably as anti-Moses as the deranged 'Dan Patrick' or a NASCAR face at '10' . Remember that Y is the perfect ten, not '10' and certainly Danika Patrick cannot be considered perfect or holy.

C) Visual communication matters and remember that a clover did not walk onto Noah's ark and is not a good defense for anyone who is still wise enough to respect an ephod and breastplate system.  After getting intentionally punched in the head area by a female named either 'Penny' or 'Michelle' who has regularly been wearing a Pavel Datsyuk#13 green jersey with clover on it, I recalled the fact that the  "Cloverbelt Credit Union' of Marathon County is not part of any of my teams, and that Michelle is a lot like Linda Maria Costa or Shane David Hendrikson at mind. After I only had incidental and accidental contact with her shin pad while trying to keep her away from my goalie while I was playing right defense. The 'Datsyuk#13' fanatic had no sense of  peaceful hockey etiquette  and did not accept the fact that I was not trying to intentionally hurt her since I do not intentionally break the rules of hockey. Her tantrum occurred after she suddenly switched to the 'home team' on the USA side without even goin to the bench first; due to her lack of etiquette, I moved to the east and  VISTORS team to join my Pabst line with a Molson line.  I do not know what the blonde female's  problems are mentally, but she does have a very bad spirit and I try to avoid her area as much as possible because of that fact   just as I try to avoid other typically overly aggressive players and people. The good news is that I got a free used Chicago Blackhawk towel as a reward for my Adar 29th spiritual warfare efforts.

T) Remember the Benjamites during the 13th month, as well as the color orange in billiard zones. There are people who have been jailed for their faith just like St. Paul had been and prisoners often wear orange, not Augusta National Green Jackets.

Y) A free secret service joke for those still in the Milwaukee Brewer sausage run games. Italian backwards can be seen as Nail@I in a Minneapolis 9th finger and papermaker line. Your right ring finger is the 9th finger, but if you take the totally Roman approach like the typical Boston Red Sox line you might think that I is your left thumb in a review of Super Bowl numerology. Either Nail@I  line makes a good anti-Star Trek legal tender and anti-battery joke for the Steelers McBeam and Nelson Riddle teams.

K) If 'EM' means Eric Manlow, go ahead and sieve Eric Manlow. If he passes 13 sieves, he is like chaff and has gotten too small by staying in the Steve Martin lines too long. If he gets caught in sieves 1 through 12, he remained in the Ephod7 and stone system. It is not always good to go all the way up to 13, especially if you know that the Marshfield Clinic is not a source of spiritual health and moral improvements.

L) If 'EM' is tied to a Judy Garland line in your lukewarm life lines, you already lost a very serious mental battle of wills and court decisions and you get to stay in the Tom Brady lines instead of wisely trusting and being able to rrely on the Tom Stigler and Tom Hendricks lines. Water skiing teams are useless in a  good defense 'Sieve EM' plan, but bowling and golf teams are not useless.

M) Moses had the perfect defensive ends named Eldad and Medad in his one-on-one against Joshua's whining in the Sinai wilderness. Moses also did not condone cheeerleaders in his holy assemblies, which included the 14th day of the 1st month gatherings. Try to remember that the next time you are trying to understand 'EM' as either Ephraim and Manessah or as a  true and good Eric Moore vs.  stupid and disgusting Eddie Murphy lines.

N) Special Nun reminder: Struggle is a St. Lucia pitbull, Noodles is a dead German Shepherd; both Struggle and Noodles are inferior to a 26 Fe line and a Jimmy Cleveland(code 4=D) line.  Too many fools who went on African safaris or Las Vegas vacations after claiming to be 'saved Christians' wrongfully believed they are saved, since they lacked the faith to stay away from Las Vegas and could not resist thinking that unclean animals deserve to be hunted for sport. If you have avoided Las Vegas and African safaris, keep your unripe barley heads in a better Milwaukee beer zone such Pabst or  Schlitz, which still bears the name of a wise Joseph.

Enjoy the beginning of the 13th month, which officially starts on sundown this 10th day of March.  My great grandmother delivered John Raczek on this day in history and thankfully did install  a sense of humor in his system. April in Ottawa should be much better than 'April in Paris' for those like me who are starnded in North America, who aren't required to travel to Jerusalem according to TORAH, and  who also prefer staying closer to  the earth than to a Moon during their passover  moves.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Bad News Brief: Lazy Hispanic Female Ruins Atmosphere At Macomb Corners Park

It's usually pretty simple to test spirits of strangers in local parks by merely suggesting they pick up their own or someone else's discarded trash.

When you enter a public park, if the garbage on the ground doesn't bother you you are mentally ill. If you are not physically disabled, you should be willing to pick up at least a few pieces of garbage that some other unthankful, ungrateful and unholy citizens left behind. I actually went over to the roller hockey rink in Macomb Park and when I arrived, an obese Hispanic woman was standing there while 4 juvenile males skated around garbage in the rink. I suggested that they pick up the trash rather than play around it, and the witchy, unfit and arrogant Hispanic female said she pays taxes so that other people can pick up the trash. Her attiude is exactly whats wrong with most parents in the United States. If your children have enough energy to play, they also have enough energy to clean up the area they have chosen to  play in for awhile or they can be classified as pigs at heart and at mind.

After I decided to pick up the garbage in the roller hockey rin, the witchy HIspanic woman, possibly the mother of gang children,  she called me a 'loser' but I said I wasn't a loser and called her 'Hillary'. The witchy obese Hispanic woman was typical of a Linda Maria Meyer Hendrikson Costa type because she didn't have any respect for the earth,had the traits of an unfit mother, had a mouth that  emitted so many vulgar, stupid or untrue words that it needed to be washed out with Irish Spring and had a selfish attitude, all of which are unacceptable traits for any person who claims to believe in 'God'.

Common problems are easier to identify than to correct. However, it is much easier to control or correct GROUND level pollution in your community than try to correct AIR pollution in your community, and air pollution includes verbal assaults against decent, law-abiding citizens who do care about the environment. If your children don't learn environmental education from you, don't get too upset if they get extremely sick from cancer  or taught a free lesson by a unemployed non-union environmental education teacher.  Disasters directed again st the earth might be prevented in areas where those occupying the earth care enough to stop assaulting the earth with their litter, but you won't know if you can prevent disasters in your area until you start cleaning up your areas brfore the next tornado wipes your community off the map due your wrong attitude about ground pollution where you live, work and play.

Last year I helped do spring cleaning at the Macomb Corners Park and there is no shame in doing so, and as a matter of fact it is GOOD to keep an eye on just how many people in your area lack etiquette, since you might be fortunate enough to move to another area with wiser citizens by the providence of HVHY.  It is always easier departing from an area that has affluent pompous, uncaring neighbors than it is leaving a clean and kind area where many families are struggling financially.

'Macomb Living Magazine editorial insert: Living next to the people at 55055 Estates Lnne in Macomb is like living next to a wax museum. Little Nothing good seems to come from occurs from the mouths of the human figures that go in and out of their building, and most of the time it is better receiving the silent treatment from 'Christinn' hypocrites than hearing them ask you if you want to fight.

Millersburg, Ohio Blackjack Beer Report

I have learned that going to conferences set up by religious groups is as tough as getting a safety in a football game. Not only should there be an expectation of enemies on the outside, there should be an expectatation of enemies on the 'inside' as well . I have set up mu own safety precautions when entering areas where I do not have any previous reliable contacts, which include stopping in at the local police department and asking them a few questions as well as sharing a bit of information about myself.

The MIllersburg Police Department and municipal staff was wise, kind and courteous, and I hope their opinion of me was the same.  Because they suggested the MIllersburg Brewing Company as a 'check point' I did stop in there after another spiritual warfare battle had taken place at the Berlin Resort*. I checked on the welfare of a Holmes County deputy in Sheriff's Department car#16 before heading toward the  The MIllersburg Brewing Company address on Route 39 and 62 was '60', and  after sampling some kind of 'blonde beer' and a better 'Lady Justice' beer, I purchased a growler of 'Blackjack' to go and promised never to put any Budweiser products into the 'Wild Rosie' bottle after consuming the 'Blackjack', which is very smooth, deicious cold and as dark as Jagermeister.

* The Messianic assembly known as 'Sar Shalom' seemed more like a Mark Biltz fan club than a well-grounded group of people prepared for counter-attacks. Problematic areas included:

A) Too much suggesting that strangers start hugging each other leads to the potential for immoral and inappropriate touching. It is better to suggest you only hug your spouse or children and verbally greet strangers in order that all parties have some sense of the serious nature of protecting your own BODY from being defiled or treated disrespectfully. I do not want a bunch of strangers giving me hugs; even Walmart employees know better than to start hugging strangers when they come through the door.

B) Music and dance acts often make the conference look no better than a Las Vegas or Nashville, TN stage show. Lack of modesty in movement and outright blasphemy in the lyrics I heard led me to openly rebuke the assembly before I exited early on the 1st day of the week. 'Singing 'Break every chain' over and over not only becomes vain babbling but is contrary to the Book of Jude and the book of Second Peter, in which chains are kept on some for a SECURITY reason. It is not unreasonable to suspect that a person who has not overcome cigarette addiction or similar destructive actions also has not submitted their lifestyle to YHVH in other areas such as entertainment choices, and such people should be considered possibly dangerous to themselves and to others not just automatically trusted because they showed up at some religious gathering in Amish country.

G) Some males who I am sure wanted to be referred to as 'black' made terrible decisions in their family attire and their verbal discussions.  Some foolish male with a Jesse Jackson Jr. attitude and a nametag of 'Bolton' tried to verbally defend a toddler from a Norris family who was wearing a New England Patriots shirt. Bolton tried to claim that there were a lot of Chrsitians on the New England Patriots, but in fact no true believer who fears God properly would sign a contract offered by a pimp, keeping in mind that the teams with harlot-like cheerleaders are more like pimps than  holy  and good asssts to a community. The Bolton character also claimed that all slaves in the United States were treated improperly as he made his own case against the United States flag, but I know some slave owners did treat their slaves properly and rebuked him for his racist comments, suggesting he and his type could return to Africa at any time since he was not a slave.

D) Bill Cloud is intelligent, mentioned the influx of locusts several times as part of YHVH's judgment scheme, and chose not to mention to the assembly that it was Adar 25th on March 5th for some reason, even though I put in a request. I have no idea why he did not try to get all the members of the assembly on the same calendar, nor do I know why he did not choose to inform them about Jeremiah chapter 52 as I had requested.  I passed the word around without a microphone to the few who were willing to listen, and as result made a couple of new friends by the name of Bonnie Wagner and Dennis Clarke. Bonnie Wagner has struggles in her household that I once had contended with and we exchanged helpful information. Dennis Clarke is better than Claude Julien at a '388' line, since he neither sent me to the '60' zone and he also rejected the notions of the singer who was saying 'break every chain'  while dancing about like the King Herod entertainment company.

H) Operation Cobra in Europe during World War II never improved the quality of life in the typical Bible-reading household and as a metter of fact, most people who call themselves Christians have much more in common with Adolph Hitler than they have in common with Eldad and Medad since they choose to fight against the people who have chosen TORAH as their head of household manual. When Bill Cloud asked this question: If a lesbian couple asks you to bake a cake for them, what should you do? I said we should feed our enemies, and even suggested we toss in some ground pork into their cake if they request it.  Some woman named 'Sarah' said that baking a cake for a lesbian couple would be aiding and abetting their ' lifestyle of abomination', and after a few minutes of verbal exchanges, I plainly said 'The Lord rebuke you' to Sarah. Baking a clean cake and selling it to a sinner is not a sin, it is a way to survive financially.  Would someone like Sarah or any other 'Bible-believing' waitress like to start interrogating her own family members and customers to see if they are sinning in any way before serving them?  If two heterosexual people ask Bill Cloud to bake them a cake and don't tell him they just ate a pork roast, will he bake a cake and then sell it to them or will the cake consumption mixed with the pork be aiding and abetting a unrepentant Gentile or an athiest in their sin?

V)The people who 'legalized' same- sex marriage are part of the apostacy and are an abomination in the site of the LORD of the TORAH, and I would not go to nor celebrate the marriage of homosexuals at any time. It is ridiculous to say we should not sell clean and good products to our enemies, since prolonging their life might give them a chance to repent OR prove that their lifestyle ruined their chances of redemption, not the  clean cake that they bought and then ate.

Z) I am not voting in any anti-sainthood election because if I want to defend the original constitution, women were originally not allowed to vote for a good reason. Any female who abstains from voting completely is showing support for the original Contitution and can try to remember John Adams or James Madison if they want to.  Going along with amendments to an original document is like a pharisee or saducee adding to or taking away from the 5 Books of Moses and reducing its power.  The more changes that hhave been made to the Constitution, the more it loses its original sense of control in our nation.  If only completely innocent and free men were allowed to vote, maybe our nation would have remained better at heart.   Men who have committed crimes that have not properly repented and subsequently atoned for their own sins or have not been properly charged for their crimes and arrested are plentiful, so there are very few truly innocent and free men in the United States at this time in history.

C) Communications still matters. The wearing of a  'Ted Cruz' shirts to a 'messianic assembly' seemed no worse than wearing a Chelios7 jersey since a name on a shirt is better than a blank 'New England PAtriots' shirt.   Cruz and Chelios are both decent  dressers, but I suspect Chelios still knows more about defense than Ted Cruz, just as I probably know more about defense than Bill Cloud does. If Michigan sortie plan matters at Metropolitan/Big Beaver road jokers, I was assigned to room 236, not 205; Bill Cloud was assigned to 230 at the Berlin Resort. The hotel was nicer than any room I had been turned away from by Rachel Hendrikson at 2020 Porter Drive in Plover, WI and much nicer than the Rockwood Roo camper that was seized by Shane David Hendrikson's girlfriend and his father, Roland before his divorce from me was final.  What I refused to fight for matters as much as what or who I choose to assemble with or fight for in this era of high-pressure testing.

T)  Unlike Michael Rood, I do not believe that the passover feast is meant to be a time of 'fun and festivities' as he has advertised for his late March gathering. The passover meal should be a sober gathering in a household or if you do not have a household to secure and protect it is fine to assemble with a group who understands the serious nature of the passover meal.  I would not consider a hotel room or even a rented apartment to be  a household or location suitable for a passover gathering, but that is my personal opinion.  I suppose that is why I never kept the feast inside of any rental I had been in, including 116 Hollyday Court in Charlotte nor in 525 S. 68th Avenue in Wausau.  If in the room you are renting is next to people are eating shrimp and ground hog, it might be better to go to a park and try to keep the feast alone or secure a spot in another safe and clean setting with fellow Israelites.

Y) It appears as though the month of the aviv will begin in the month my maternal grandmother was born, not my maternal grandfather, and that the feast of the unleavened bread will be at the end of April this year.  This fact makes the 'Jewish' calendar much more accurate than the 'Easter Ham' units, which is a serious indicator when another Yom Teruah rolls around in the fall of 2016. Purim is no more important to remember than Dan Uggla's birthday in my opinion, and Dan Uggla's birthday is March 11th.  Y is an important letter with which HVHY, also known as 'Hebrew Sum Body 26' included for a reason.

K) It is not good to flash 'Star Trek' signs. Do not expect anything good to be revealed in a television program.  YOu'd be better off using the Girl Scout sign or '789' than resorting to Star Wars and science fiction fables for your anti-Hillary Tom Tillary systems.