I wonder what my son is doing with his wonderful musical abilities.
I actually had felt as though I wanted to withdraw from a battle it seemed I could not win, namely to try and change my parents opinion on a matter that concerns us. Choosing a reasonable, lawful non-drug options when few options are available to lawfully consider in a ongoing serious battle is not a trivial matter . My thoughts began to sway toward hiding (withdrawing) from my parents until I am offered a sincere option to spend some time with my grandchildren and their parents in peace and in safety as I desire to. My thoughts to hide from my parents were not according to what would be part of a good personal health plan while wars are increasing, and it was the choice of Jon Pounders to express his frustration about families being horribly divided that caused him to expose Isaiah chapter 58. That chapter 58 rebuked me, and I know AFTER ACCEPTING CORRECTION I must still try to maintain face to face contact with my parents even thought their opinion of me might have been swayed by those who oppose my decision to articulate and share my joys and sorrows rather than contain them within until I burst toward self-destruction or go into 'robot mode' where I cannot even view my feelings as 'human' and which would then cause me to hide from my flesh who cared for me and loved me through my juvenile years.
I suppose I had thought that if my parents knew how it felt to have their adult child treat them with contempt and hide from them that they would have some understanding and empathy on my decision to blog as a form of therapy rather than contain my frustration until it leads to a collapse of my ability to function and care for myself or others who are near. My thoughts to hide from them were wrong, selfish and SINFUL, and I realized that it is only יהוה that will continue to be able to protect me, encourage me and show me his mercy THROUGH NEARBY KIND PEOPLE, but that protection only is possible if I continue to do his will, which means I must not do unto my parents as has been done unto me. Sometimes protection is removed to test our skills and to upgrade and strengthen our body's defense mechanisms.
(When a person strikes you on the cheek, it is only in turning your other cheek toward the person who struck you that actually allows you to courageously inspect the facial and attire details of your assailant so you can testify against them and correctly identify the stranger who assaulted you.)
Don't turn the other cheek without first preparing to defend you face from another unjustified blow to it! However, sometimes striking the face of a child acting with contempt is justified and that child should see which parents cares enough to deter their sinful behavior. My parents might not currently have a positive opinion of me based on propaganda or based on their religious bias, but it is יהוה I must first desire to please by doing good works toward my parents while they are alive and either doing well or not doing well. I increased some of my self-defenses, but that means my natural instincts and natural affections have not been done away, nor has my pro-holiness instinct been destroyed by propaganda nor eradicated by drug intake which ruins the body.
Now, my counselor has reminded me that composing poetry is better than apathy and withdrawal from intellectual thought processes even after being impaired during a battle, and so I shall do some poetry until a better natural health anti-suicide plan is offered to me by my accusers or by those hiding from me against the recommendations of the prophet Isaiah.
There is a man out in the rough who's less delicate than chalk
I check online occasionally to hear his recent talk
He's angry at some ministries, he rarely says 'Yehovah'
We don't agree on everything but he dared to quote Isaiah
"Hide not thyself from thine own flesh" , a prerequisite to healing
Is your flesh now dead Christmas trees and statues with paint that's peeling?
Had I shut out rough Jon Pounders because he's not like me
I'd have missed the very verse that instructs me toward family
If illness strikes within man's walls and curses come his way
Did that son reject Isaiah's plea since his mom was forced away ?
What about Deuteronomy 21:18? There's more real family rules
Matthew 19:19 does relate that a man needs more than tools
I've sent an invitation toward my flesh, not to people I hate
But as in 2010 most flesh will not participate
In a non-secret meeting held to introduce them to Team יהוה
Yod words came up in sequence now and are not even hid from Norway
As I look at the Hebrew WORD series starting with 3,068
The upcoming September 18th night I'll need to concentrate
A 9th year ensign upon my studies within restructures me
While Anti-Isaiah sons worldwide view 'mom' as enemy
H3074 will be the Hebrew word for Tishri 1
It'll set a peaceful chalk marker before Yom Kippur has begun
I sent an invitation to my son: ' You're my flesh ..please visit me'
I do not want to hinder any goal that can heal our family tree!
Richard Edwin Xavier was a child I knew who'd spend much time with me
He also knew there was often good cause for a hockey penalty
If Isaiah 58 prompts me NOT to hide from own flesh and pout
I trust from H3074's house of יהוה I will not get tossed out
Isaiah 58 was written to aid and warn of pending troubles
That seeps in humans that hide from their flesh as if they had stunt doubles
If I would follow a haughty spirit I'd hide and evade meetings
But I'll not hide from my own flesh! I'll prepare a tent of יהוה greetings
Isaiah 58, verses 7 and 8 were written in the past
Those who now hate their own flesh shall say 'Erase those verses fast'
What happens if those who hide from their flesh increase disease within?
Will they believe that hiding from their flesh was fun and was not sin?
Jon Pounders passed me a word from the Scripture that I received and then believed.
I still am opposed to tattoos and would never desire to tattoo another person nor would I seek to spot my flesh in that manner. Why would a person, often troubled within, who sought a tattoo to express himself freely with an outward public SIGNAL to others then condemn another that does writing or poetry to do the same when troubled by situations at hand?
I am not opposed to Bob Thiel's sermons that emit the word from the prophet Ezekiel nor to the breath that comes from Jon Pounder's unmasked face as he ejects warnings from the prophet Isaiah.
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