Sunday, September 6, 2020

Family 0 Vs. Household 1

When methods  of operation are competing against each other without recourse, Group 2 is not Family 0 nor Household 1.  No recourse means there will not be another chance to retake a test and no chance to shift from  0 to 1 after a certain appointed time set by יהוה  , a time which no man knows the day nor the hour. Binary coders seem to only rely upon 0 and 1, but Group 2 is as real as the Hebrew letter ר .

Suppose group 2 is your individual body and you have to make a decision that might cause those of you own household to TURN AGAINST you rather than align with you. Are you prepared for that event? If you are not, get prepared because when that event occurs, there is no recourse and it like a permanent divorce with a eternal restraining order included against the members of family 0.

Family 0 has gone on offense against  Head of Household 1 for many years and there seems to be no public record of what is occurring within Family 0 and it is very secretive and unwilling to let Household 1 get any information about their condition nor protocols. In contrast, there are nearly 2,000 public records about what has been occurring at Household 1 and the head of that Household 1 reports openly about what attacks have occurred and what defense systems were set in place.

Is it Family 0 or Household 1 that is more trustworthy to align and work with during a period of  severe emergency situations intended to eternally divide those 2 groups of opposing units? I would have to choose Household 1, because it would be much easier to review past plans that occurred during a battle that did work or that failed, and the head of Household 1 prefers open records to secrecy and Family 0 prefers withholding of even the most basic information from household 1.

Group 2 is not part of the church of Philadelphia, religion 6, and has not yet aligned with  those who are BEING TRAINED by instructions from יהוה, thus it is the majority of the current world population. It includes religions 1,2,3,4,5 and 7 mentioned in the book of Revelation, but now it is an individual choice to  stay within religions 1 (Ephasus),2 (Smyrna),3(Pergamos),4 (Thyatira),5 (Sardis) and 7( L) or slip into church 6, Philadelphia. Let your mind consider the method of operation of author(s) of the Scriptures where much information has been easily accessible regarding the plans of  יהוה  and the outcome of past attempts to get humans to  make a non-secret choice to take the mark and seal of  יהוה  , for such a method is similar to Household 1 and is the opposite of Family 0's method of operation.

Family 0 did not keep the feast of pesach, did not keep the feast of unleavened bread, did not count the omer, ignored Shavuot and will not set aside their time for Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and the Feast of Tabernacles, again polarizing the against the choices of Household 1.  Incidentally, how do hurricanes form? The more high pressure there is surrounding a low pressure area set into a circular motion due to internalized (inner ) agreement on direction, the more power the low pressure system is able to generate as it progresses because it becomes concentrated  from the high pressure system of external (outer) forces  .

Maybe Albert the Alley Cat could have explained hurricanes a bit better than how I suppose they form after pondering a bit of cause and effect scenarios.

 יהוה   is not an unforgiving dictator who punishes the innocent and is not a high pressure salesman.  יהוה operates as a low pressure system which those weary from high pressure tactics from Group 2 or ejected from  Family 0's secret society can enter into if they intentionally draw near enough to the perimeter of the low pressure non-secretive religion 6 in order to escape religions 1,2,3,4,5 and 7 as well as refuse to become eternally part of Family 0.  There is some information about religions 1,2,3,4and 5, but not much on religion 7.

I rather align with the Head of Household 1 than be part of secretive society pages of Family 0 .  Family 0 does have pages and a history of rejecting  not only the training program of יהוה  , but also accepting and  encouraging  liars, thieves, adulterers and murderers including abortionists  to continue in their high pressure anti- יהוה    formations.  Family 0 includes entities such as Stuart Rottier  and is front- loaded with those who disregard even basic non-difficult rulings such as Deuteronomy chapter 27:16, Group 2 currently is composed of those  who have been known to wickedly invest in such items as "Black Lives Matter' garments and swines, cigarettes, swine, escargot, merchandise from depraved, strumpet companies such as Victoria's Secret and defiling tattoos, eventually without recourse when the last shofar is heard in a non-secretive setting.

Group 2 has a short time to rethink their method of operations and a brief chance to repent; Family 0 rejected years of opportunity to repent for too long to remember them, which means they are dismembered by their choices from  Household 1. Household 1  will be aligned with the 144,000 even if Household 1 has  locust power.  Even a surgeon knows that when a limb is cut off from a body, there is a limited time when that limb ca be reattached to the body and operate properly as part of it, including the circulation of blood through that remembered body part's veins.

Regular people know that Sidney Crosby matters to Head of Household 1, and Sidney Crosby is brown, not BLACK.

I could have written foolish fiction, but that is not what Group 2 needs. I could have written impossible scenarios and gone the way of the Henry Ford Museum with it's Marvel displays, but that is not what Household 1 emits.  I can't choose a method of operation such as Family 0 nor align with them, since that would be hazardous to my health and would prevent me from being a reliable witness.

Reliable witnesses are not secretive, especially when their public testimony is crucial to the just outcome of a public trial. If you want to low-pressure presentation suitable for Sardis and Group L ears, tune into Bob Theil's 'Fall Holy Days For Christians'  on the CCOG site where he uses a public venue much better than HGTV to identify his USA Air Force veteran alignment toward Household 1 and clearly away from Family 0.

Bob Theil apparently knows that a prompt and  honest reply in a serious matter can defer anger from arising within those asking  reasonable questions while  seeking the truth FROM the mouths of adults and researching the Scriptures as Bereans.

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