Thursday, September 3, 2020

Pondering Public Vs. Private Criticism

You be the judge in the following shifty comparisons. Since I went to schools where our quarterly evaluations and test results were public and not private, I usually tried to get a good evaluation unless I really didn't care about the lessons I was supposed to be learning.

!) A professional Christian of unknown employment status has texted me and has claimed that I my output on this site is unhealthy and poisonous . Because he claimed that in a non-public venue, is it more valid or less than if he would have posted a rebuttal on this public site? His diagnosis was only based on what I have written, not upon any personal observation of my living conditions nor the container of my soul (flesh) in the past 2 years so his perspective is not the same as Stephen the martyr who publicly aired complaints and subsequently got stoned to death for doing so.

@) What my actual medical doctor has written about me is quite a different diagnosis, and I am expected to show my actual doctor's report to people I do not know in order to avoid being forced into 'mask wearing'. My medical doctor has spent time with me in the past 2 years and has responded to my request for assistance in important matter, but the ! subject has not.

#) Facts not theory: Shane David Hendrikson had children who refused to spend time with him for years and during those years Shane David Hendrikson's opinions of his children were not favorable. He often took out his anger on me PRIVATELY and did not blog publicly about his matters of family discouragement. Because he could not address his minor children directly and when he tried to at his brother Slade's wedding, Thomas Wahl claimed it was not 'the proper time' for Shane David Hendrikson to speak with his minor children who he had not seen in years. Shane David Hendrikson became physically threatening in public and challenged Wahl to a brawl which Wahl evaded since Hendrikson was a much stronger man. Was Shane Hendrikson or Wahl's behavior unhealthy and poisonous at that time?   Additionally, were either of them given a chance by paid professional Christians to be around minor children even though at least one of the 2 had to be unhealthy and poisonous in their opinion of the other person?

$) Was David, the writer of Psalm 18, unhealthy and poisonous when reporting what he did in verses 34 to 45?  He did expect that strangers would serve him and respond to him but then BE AFRAID and hide in close places.  If  he is a role model for leadership rather than unhealthy and poisonous, did his public airing of his state of mind prevent a worse disaster such as suicide or uncontrolled physical anger toward those who had done him no harm or merely prove he was human and subject to illegal procedures during war games ?

%) Is it unhealthy to be upset and unfavorable toward  the professional Christian in section ! if in fact his diagnosis of me and my blog output was delivered after almost a decade of his ministry offering no viable or real assistance to me when I was struggling to survive? I would contend it would be unhealthy for me to have a favorable opinion of a ministry group that has been impossible to contact in person and almost impossible to get a timely response from in rather urgent situations.

^) If a person is in need of critical care and they request assistance from a paid professional, how would the unhealthy person rate a professional that delayed the response for years or literally refused to  PHYSICALLY assist the unhealthy person at all? Keep in mind that if the unhealthy person survived at all it was because they were forced to seek another way to combat their dilemma.

&) I know what poisonous means, and I literally couldn't be any more poisonous than the writer of Psalm 37. However, when Shane David Hendrikson instructed me to take 4 Benadryl tablets before I took a flight from Tel Aviv to New York, his advice would have been poisonous to my body and I rejected his advice. The professional Christian also objects to my unfavorable opinion of 'David' but didn't specify a surname. What does the professional Christian think of the prophet Isaiah's writings about those who consume the flesh of swine and who defile the Sabbath? Was Isaiah unhealthy and poisonous in his NON-PRIVATE platform intended to cause a change in people he was acquainted with?

*) Was Jesus of Nazareth unhealthy and poisonous when he was turning tables over in public or when he was openly calling religious professionals a 'brood of vipers'?  If so, what course of action was prescribed to change his opinion of the religious professionals in his area?

(  At the next new moon, will it be the unhealthy and poisonous people who are sounding a shofar or will the unhealthy and poisonous people be ignoring the details of the Scripture as they have been unwilling to be defined as 'found sheep'?

) At the waning of the 7th month moon, will the unhealthy and poisonous people be completing another feast of Sukkot or will they be preparing for another Halloween event such as is promoted by various anti- Χ™Χ”Χ•Χ”   sects of society?

_  If a person has had an unfavorable opinion of the performance of a paid professional Christian based on lack of efforts to correct a problem, should the paid professional Christian change his ways to try to obtain a more favorable opinion or should he withdraw even more and disregard any unfavorable complaints that he considers to be baseless?  Keep in mind that there has to be a higher expectation from a paid professional Christian when services are requested by family, friend or stranger than when a person is unpaid and behaving under the 'good Samaritan' rule, willing to assist the person who the paid professional Christian would not assist due to some sort of bias against the person.

+ Are all the positive reports I have written about people or locations also unhealthy and poisonous and should I have refrained from publicly appreciating and recognizing the kind life-enhancing professional works of people such as the staff at the Glacier Pointe and Troy Ice Arena, the Armada police department, Richard H, Willer, Martha Osterhaut, Brian Heck, Jason Dawe, Eric Layne, Ezequeil DelFino,  the UWSP Men's hockey team, Ian McKee, Daniel Withrow, Andy Brandt, the Rhinelander police department, Paul Coffey, Vlad Namestnikov, the staff of Little India, good GFL garbage men or big Kevin Zeitler?

: Was it poisonous and unhealthy for Cheryl Brown to be smirking in a Marathon County courtroom while her boyfriend Shane David Hendrikson was completing his divorce request in 2012 and also laughing through the public process since he obtained much wealth in the outcome, including land that my parents had gifted to me which he obtained against my will and then disposed of after claiming he NEEDED that property for his employment?  Since that type of behavior should actually be deemed poisonous and unhealthy even though it was seen and not heard, what kind of paid professional Christian would want their minor children to be  COMFORTABLE rather than extremely cautious in the company of the current Mr. and Mrs. Shane Hendrikson after receiving accurate reports from family members of their attitude of levity toward  divorce, an event I considered a very grave and shameful event that could have been prevented with sincere marriage counseling efforts? Maybe Jesus Colon of the Detroit police department could answer question better than 'Heinrich Strasser'.

" What I consider to  to be the public writings of the  'Holy Scripture' and the voices of the prophets including Elijah does not follow the common  proverb that if you do not have anything good to say, don't say anything at all. Is the common proverb poisonous and unhealthy or are the Holy Scriptures which deviate from that common proverb poisonous and unhealthy for a person trying to obtain information?  Personally, I think most Disney movies, including 'The Lion King' and 'The Little Mermaid' are poisonous and unhealthy yet millions of paid professional Christians seem drawn to that form of output.

 Now that I revealed that a paid professional Christian who has not been willing to physically assist me for about 10 years has diagnosed my writings as poisonous and unhealthy, once again all readers may disregard everything I have written and return to Ezequiel Chapter 34 or Isaiah 58 where those who believe Isaiah's report are instructed to cry aloud, not keep a personal diary of all their complaints.  He or she who has done nothing to try improve my condition and detoxify me should not be the person giving me a diagnosis publicly or privately. However, I thought it fair as Tim Fair to let others know I have gotten another bad diagnosis from a paid professional Christian.  I suppose I should wait and see what  extremely thoughtful input or biblical remedy he is willing to dispense to change my output.

There was a time that a shot of magnesium improved my health by clearing out what had accumulated in my lungs, but the vomiting that occurred was very uncomfortable.  When a person clears  out their brain contents, will only joy and happiness emerge or will sadness and complaints also emerge when  a family has been torn apart by divorce or apathy toward a person making anti-drug choices to publicly work through dilemmas? The people who don't clear out their thoughts after being abused or neglected often become literally insane or commit suicide, both of which become a public matter and have consequences, but only insanity is nothing but difficult to overturn.

 Suicide isn't painless and cannot be reversed. Should I be angry that a paid professional Christian who has not physically nor emotionally assisted me for about a decade claims I am unhealthy and poisonous?  Surprisingly  I'm not angry at all , but the above very logical questions did come to mind for strangers or impartial judges to consider if Ezequeil 34, or Isaiah 58 isn't part of their literary excursion interest. Should I be disappointed that someone thinks my output is poisonous and unhealthy or be disappointed that the paid professional Christian didn't put effort into preventing my current state of attitude nor was he willing to alleviate an ongoing conflict by being willing to COUNSEL me for a price as Mark Becker had been willing to do in his decent professional capacity?

By the way, it was not Don Dewing that referred to my output as poisonous and unhealthy and he was the most recent paid professional Christian that I have seen in person. Mr. Dewing was quite thoughtful and friendly, not afraid to sit down and sup with me on a regular sabbath day in Wisconsin. I just thought it was important to end on a positive note about a person who reads the Bible.

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Is it poisonous and unhealthy for a wolf, whether injured or still intact, to cry out until her pack finds her after she has been intentionally cut off from her own kind by an intruder ? 🐺  Honestly, I do not know if a sheep intentionally cut off from her flock cries out or wanders about silently. 

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