Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Dictator Whitmer: Too Much Like' Filthy Pan' Phil Arreola

If what I heard is accurate information, it seems like some type of anti-oxygen punishment is being declared upon high school students in Michigan who want to participate in school athletic programs. What parents have to decide is going to be no less difficult than the choices I was given in 1988 in Milwaukee by wicked Phil Arreola, a man who profited from the cigarette industry and who cared not for the air quality of his  fellow employees nor for non-smoking  prisoners.

Choosing to ignore a medical doctor's recommendation, I was not transferred out of the Milwaukee City jail even after the cigarette smoke started causing me respiratory distress. I then had to decide whether of not it was more important for me to provide financially for my son and myself or quit and seek a safer job that probably would not pay as much. Since the father of my son 'skipped out' and refused to pay child support, I struggled for over 18 months, breathing in horridly polluted air which eventually caused irreversible damage to my lungs.

Hours of wearing a mask on a daily basis that restricts proper elimination of carbon dioxide from the inhalation areas of the human body will PROBABLY cause damage not only to a young child's lung development but also to the brain in a human being of any age because the brain NEEDS proper intake of oxygen, not artificially raised levels of carbon dioxide intake.  What Whitmer and others in their pro-abortion anti-health dictator edicts are trying to do is as wicked as what 'Filthy Pan' Phil Arreola did when he had some power in Milwaukee. Both Arreola and Whitmer are profiting financially from their demands put upon others that endanger the health of those forced to inhale unhealthy air for an average of 40 hours week!

Ironically, I have written doctor's order that now excludes me from being forced to wear a mask because of my irreversible airway damage which has left me with about 60% lung function.  I  chose not to be a cigarette smoker because I believe the warnings on cigarette packages rather than believing toxic tobacco can improve quality of life.  Should I be thankful I already went through a period of time when a local government leader proved how evil, greedy and ignorant of eventual consequences he was? Sure, men like Arreola won't be in the 144,000 sealed saints and neither will people who put Whitmer into office with their votes, but that doesn't make it any less sorrowful for the 144,000 to view so many people wrongly thinking a fabric mask is going to improve their health or reduce the risk of bodily malfunctions of the brain.

 On a broad scale, billions of people are now being forced into unhealthy air-intake situations as I was pressured into on a narrow scale in 1988' and maybe that's exactly what needs to occur according to bowl judgment calls.  Parents, do you realize you might be forcing your children into the same long term health risks that I have often barely survived if you go along with Whitmer's demands without even consulting with a pulmonary function expert first?  Have you asked your pediatrician for a written note of 'mask exclusion' or do still foolishly think a pro-abortion politician actually cares about the life of your child? Not participating in public or private school athletics does not mean your child cannot exercise, but it certainly does have consequences on their character-building process.  If I had school age children, I would somehow home school or school them with anti-mask neighbors them rather than endanger their brain and lung function until the 'forced mask' dictators are either dead or out of their current positions of power which they are abusing.

If a dam bursts in China, will it be just recourse if indeed a dangerous virus was deployed from there? I suppose it will be just recompense to a nation that has clearly not respected the name of יהוה   in their culture  . Michigan had a dam failure too recently, which is not similar to hail and brimstone pummeling turf. When small areas are spared from disaster, those areas are spared like sheep being herded by an Australian shepherd, small as that flock might be among humans who as dangerous as an ASP within EASYASPIE or a throng of jackals  with hyena types spreading murder and fear rather than holiness and peace while they are loosed BY CHOICE from  יהוה  's protection and guidance.

Finding a good doctor who rejects the concept of masking a healthy person rather than isolating a diseased person who  is as difficult as finding a good lawyer who rejects the concept of uttering falsehoods at any time and to accept punishment after committing a crime, but you have to seek in order to find a good doctor or a good lawyer. A good leader has to be willing to go through a sifting process first to reveal to others that the justified sifting  process is survivable.

In heaven, there are no cigarette smokers nor are people forced to wear masks that prevent proper elimination of carbon dioxide, but in heaven  there might be Iron City beer in a bottle and Sprecher root beer.  Maybe this seemed like a 'Get Well Soon' card to some and a weak attempt to draw others to a conclusion of a matter at mouth in the front of their head or at hand.

We* are now going to be taking an extended period of rest. I certainly hope at least a few  people with faith the size of a Kentucky pole bean know how to repent, become peacemakers and approach a feast of tabernacles booth with proper etiquette and humility after looking up at the sky to better understand appointed times and required seasonal changes occur starting at the beginning of the next lunar cycle.


*יהוה and I

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