I wonder what my son is doing with his fine musical abilities. As soon as he updates me in person on what his Christian walk has included since he arrived in the USA in June of 2020, I might be able to side launch more fine and ecnouraging information about his qualities but only with his permission.
Until then, the Neil Gufy B team will be considering whether Matthew 19:19 and Deuteronomy 27:16 are to be taken seriously now even if they have not been taken seriously since 2010 AD within many households.
The questions for this day is as follows:
Q1) Does a paid minister who has not offered any 'helping hand' nor has shown any consistent tangible direct interest in a female parent (R) who has been forced through a divorce proceeding by his anti-commandment male 'Christian' parent (0) have a duty to complain to the female parent when he disagrees with her suicide prevention plan or the option she has utilized to counter actual pain and suffering?
Q2)In most parts of the USA, that adult child has the 'right' to complain and SEEMINGLY has used that right by texting. However, since no verbal contact has been attempted from the paid minister to his female parent, is it better to assume that someone who is more interested in cutting off all communications, both positive and negative, has texted which is a communication tactic that might actually have come from another person in the household who has access to the that telephone now?
Q3) G has explained to that adult that these blog site are NOT secure and that people may have hacked into them and altered the content to CAUSE STRIFE. I have asked that complainant to relay to me specifically which writings he observed had opinions or details so that I could CORRECT that which is incorrect and he has not supplied me with those post dates. Should the unresponsive adult be labeled as 'not interested in repair work', 'uncooperative' or 'unhealthy' or 'unfit for biblical duties' ?
Q4) Should the Neil Gufy B team eliminate the history of the R team in order to please the E team which has not been willing to offer any 'helping hand' to the R team since the 0 team got the desire of their team ?
If R is 3rd down in ישראל but B starts the tribe of Benjamin, Team E had better reconsider their lack of good works toward Team R and lack of direct interest and anti-G works based on Matthew 19:19.
Q5)Is a brown recluse spider unhealthy and poisonous, or only poisonous and actually healthy among it's own unclean kind?
A 0 (zero) cannot be part of Gd nor any other sealed tribe. A is for Aphrym Ben Yoseph now since an A=א=1, which is greater than 0. If a 0 is your neighbor, choose if you want to be anti-commandment or pro-commandment and pro- יהוה this weekend. Loving yourself includes actively trying to rid yourself of toxins and propaganda forced into you or assumed into your body with ignorance, so do not force toxins nor propaganda into your neighbor.
Ideally nothing poisonous nor unhealthy was deployed by the Neil Gufy B Team, which will be struggling to have a proper mix of negative and positive output without positive and negative input.
The suicide prevention bicycle ride in Macomb County might get rained in on September 12, 2020.
Q6) What did Sylvester Stallone say to 'Robert Balboa' the fake, but not to 'Little Marie' the fake 'Marie' nor to the man labeled 'Steps' that he might not have said to his Sage coach?
A6) "Make sure you visit your mother."
"Cursed is the person who treats his mother or his father with contempt" is a warning to put real effort into the time you have remaining on earth with your parents still alive even if they are not doing well due to lack of good leaders in their lives. Many parents have anger that is justified and their difficult challenge is then to resist sin while angry.
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