Thursday, April 16, 2020

Was Governess Whitmer Wearing A Mask When She Threatened To Extend Her Facist Orders?

It seems as though I did see an electronic image of Gretchen Whitmer NOT wearing a mask in public during her April 15th activites. Was a robot standing behind her on the left? Was she not in the presence of other people when she gets interviewed?  The internet seemed to remove such evidence, but there is plenty of evidence she is not wearing a mask during interviews out of her dwelling place and when others are around her.  I suppose she should start wearing a birka that the conservative women of Islam wear , which covers all of the face except for the eyes in order to be less of a hypocrite regarding her fear of spreading  her assumed problem to others.

Hypocrisy occurs when a facist, evil tyrant or unjust servant pretending to be a ruler does not abide by the laws they want others to obey.  Now Gretchen Whitmer reminds me of Pharoah when he ordered the people aligned with Moshe Ben Amram to make bricks without the same supply line they had before Moshe dared to oppose an evil tyrant.

H4101 means a serious 'question' that should be answered.


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