Sunday, April 19, 2020

USS MIlwaukee vs. Caroline? Serious Satan Day 735!

Since I had a nightmare about the number 369 and the USS Milwaukee's ID number is 36997070, should I just focus on Simeon Rice's ESPN number in the middle or wonder what the Caroline is doing in Marinette with  Sergei Krivokrasov's ESPN #480 🦆 in the middle of it's ID number?

The Maccao should be near Duluth 🦆 now, not Disneyworld.

  • This concludes a non-specialized  narrow cast of the interesting events of Navy ships when compared to vessels from Cyprus. Since onlt those who make it to day 2202 should even bother wearing Pabst beer visors, those who made it to day 735 might as well remember the good works of Miroslav Satan since there do not seem to be any good works coming out of any current anti-יהוה    government system.
Since I suspect that the actual reason tyrants are halting 'normal activities' is because they cannot find where their plans are going wrong in numerology, , Freemasonry, unreasonable expectations of forgiveness for intentional sin and decpetion  and huge flaws in computer science, enduring to the 'end' matters.

Omer day 9, and the 9th year count of the ט  words continues after the miracle of Marine City already occurred. What is a miracle? It is a miracle when I accidently left my shofar behind on a picnic table in an outdoor  self- counseling center and 3 full days later my little shofar was still there! 🎼

In order to amuse Harold Zirbel types, the next time I am asked for my phone number I am saying that it is 369-970-7000 rather than Rhinelander 4287.

Ideally the wicked, greed-based plans plans of every lazy, evil, wicked, vile and unjust  person totally backfires very soon even if a Penny Marshall gets traded for barley or a Penny Grundy gets traded for wheat.

'Come Abbadon, be my guest, and see how many politicians have failed their IQ test due to cheating and willful ignorance.  of   words starting with   עק   such as the Hebrew word for 'scorpions' which is  עקרבים   .   There really is a difference between locusts and scorpions, and it would seem like 'Gabriel' would be in command of locusts which can fly than scorpions which are limited to ground forces.   What did I do on Miroslav Satan Day? I took a 4 mile hike with a Spaulding 6 iron on a Michigan trail with views of a lot of loose garbage, and took real golf swings at emerging dandelions because the golf courses are not open yet. You actually can really improve your swing in ;rough; areas by using this frugal golf swing training method; it's similar to plopping 6 orange rubber bullets into a Ruger 357 since you are doing no harm while you are 'target' practicing.  Flying dandelions flowers don't sting like a scorpion.  🚲

🏌  ⚘                                     ⚘⚘⚘⚘

Omer night 10 is now nearing, and do not forget that the ו   looks like a golf club, not a huge golf tee like the   ץ    .

( I also found 7 good real golf balls including a MOLITOR in the brambles. Maybe those 7 golf balls landed in Michigan after getting launched from the moon on July 20, 1969. ) The 3rd year is often more difficult than the 1st year of life because better behavior is expected from you.  If you are only 27 days old spiritually, beware of liars within your own household. If after 8 full years you still have habitual sin problems, you chose to have 'faith' in something inferior to   the    יהוה      plan, since when you truly trust יהוה    , you do good works and you sin of the past goes into remission.

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