Tuesday, April 21, 2020

C.O.R.O.N.A. Vs. Ir.I.S.

This might be a similar to Justin Best declaring that his fish named Paul died but there still is a 'fish named Wanda' problem.  Seeing arrogant, wealthy people walk around freely without masks BECAUSE THEY KNOW the contrived 'THING 1' is actually rather weak if it only knocked off 170.000 people and then seeing the hypocrisy of i24 employees telling others to stay 'home' while they refuse to stay home is about as disheartening as Uriah's suspecting Bathsheba had committed adultery with a rich king and wanted to live as a queen.

C.O.R.O.N.A.= Classify Officer Robin Ortiz 'Natural Adulterer'

Ir.I.S.= 77+53+16=146

The Ir.I.S. will win against the CORONA, because unrepentant adulterers don't win in יהוה      courtroom even if they gained financially in a corrupt 'civil' courtroom. יהוה    isn't going to be 'civil'  as Mark Ratke, nor cowardly as Greg Strasser nor cruel and untruthful as Stuart Rottier when defending those who chose to align with   Moshe Ben Amram and subsequent TRUE prophets of   יהוה  .

Seeing chemistry classes in 1977 might include seeing David Ortiz, the Milwaukee brother ( Not the Minnesota Vikings #40 Brother) of  Robin Ortiz in a Catholic line-up of apathetic Milwaukee Tech Trojans equal to Theodore Jackson, the 'official' son of Donald Jackson and Jessie Jackson.  The laws idiots are contirving in the state of Israel and the USA states is more corrupt and evil than a honey badger toying with a scorpion, so what 'local' sections of the world do to avoid their 'fear' of 'THING 1' and allow MEN who are head of households who claim they believe they Bible to get back to working 6 days a week rather than zero days a week  would protect some areas like Goshen was protected during the 3 days of darkness.

The state of Israel 2-headed beast just made a 3- year deal that is a 'sign' that most won't care about.

146 is 30 short of Christos Chelios's G team.   I'm bored because of lack of a real challenge and vexed at the world-wide self-induced ignorance of יהוה , but I am not grieving the death of a fish named 'Paul' and am not able to repair problems on Wanda roadways in Milwaukee.  When, not IF,    sets his uncut stones rolling, you're better off with an Iron City beer in your hand than any thing that is labeled  CORONA, no matter how many periods you try to put into  hockey game.

What the world government leaders are doing now is trying to prove that either the writings of the Scrolls lifted up by Moshe Ben Amram' is wrong or the Book of Revelation is wrong, the latter being more plausible than the former due to' the Greek' problem. If you denied to accuracy of the tablets of sapphire etched in stone by Moshe Ben Amram, you already took the mark of a beast who would destroy his neighbor's decent business like a 'white-color rioter' and then randomly kill others with their military trinkets, tiny or huge,  rather than watch and learn from a wolverine who digs a tunnel that a badger or woodchuck could use but that is too big for an earthworm.

807 is still greater than 714.

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