Monday, April 13, 2020

The Peaches Taylor Maid of Milwaukee Culver's Custard Trivia Test

You will be given several facts and then asked to come up with the correct answer sooner than a bottle of Sparkle window cleaner. This is a genuine attempt to try to prove or disprove trouble with conflict of interest at '36': At Culver's do numbers get dispersed randomly, by providence or in a stroke of genius to prevent boredom, are the employees giving out numbers like Robert Ziarnik used to hand out badge numbers with some kind of pattern that the customer is unaware of?

Facts; During a celebration intended to recall the Cold War machinists, I observed the following sequence of events at Culvers #524:
50: When a customer asked why Culver's was not open for business on April 12, 2020 , 1 employee stated they were closed for Easter. I asked who 'Easter' was, and no correct answer was given however, it is possible Easter was too sick to work yesterday.

39: Customer 39 asked if  peaches is a choice available as a fruit option at Culver's, and  Customer 39 was told that peaches are a fruit option in their custard treats. Customer 39 ordered a HEATH custard blend to remember Heath Miller #83 of the Pittsburgh Steelers while keeping Daniel Cloutier in mind.

63. Culver's # 36 had his blue tag get blown off his car while in 2nd place, and it was retrieved by  a Ford driver who had to crouch next to Culver's #27 to avoid losing Culver's #36. 

13. Culver's # 31 had been in 1st place until Culver's #27 replaced #31. Culver's #57 slipped into 4th place,while Culver's #12 slid in and out of 3rd place.

That is the end of the facts for the 2nd day of the omer count. Here are questions fit for a disciple of James 'The Boy Wonder' Cleveland of Milwaukee:

72. Since Leroy Butler has been known to wear #36 and Eddie Lacey has been known to wear #27, does Martin Biron know why Customer #39 asked for 'peaches'? If not, then 27 is better than 72 as a non-robotic SIGN from  a nifty and thriftyWisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin diner labeled as 'Four Star '.

19: Since Squad 27 is affiliated with the lower right side human eye tooth, which of the 4 following humans affiliated with the number 27 has the holiest mindset:
H) David Johnny Oduya  🎨
O)  Ron Dayne the New York Giant  🎫
M) Michael Bennett the Minnesota Vikings 1st Round Pick  🎸
E)  Jill Zillner, wife of Jeff Zillner  🏊

20. Prior to parts of Milwaukee District #2 becoming parts of Milwaukee District 6, which 'peaches' contestant in FEMA District V is smarter than James Neal without Matt Patricia ? ( HINT: There are no SMART people with Matt Patricia anymore, since Slippery Rock University 👂 has better LIONS than Detroit ever since Israel Idonije departed from the Detroit Lions):
D) Nathan Taylor who has an interesting dog named 'Peaches' 🍝 ( Noodles or the Red Sea?)
O) A case of real peaches farthest who hates the song 'Reunited' but likes 'Imperial Strut' by 'The Yellowjackets  💛
P) The person who plants peach trees rather than WWII mortar shells in the ground they will not always be able to guard  👃
E) The person who remembered that the answer to #492 on April 28, 2019 USA Today Crossword puzzle is 'PEACHIEST'   💅  
Y) Customer #39 who had a DARE bear dressed in a ' Korducki ' 86 uniform who was closest to Richmond, Michigan Police Unit 55 yesterday 🐧

A bottle of Sparkle window cleaner is now smarter than Phyllis Raczek Holman but not smarter than the dog named 'Peaches', since Phyllis Raczek Holman didn't think it was important to respond to serious emails; I suppose it is because Phyllis Raczek's  head of her anti-יהוה household is a Calvinist who does not understand the role of badger skins in the tabernacle. Arrogance in the  USA university faculty members is a curse, not a blessing made of wheat.  You can never pass a test that you refuse to take, and that includes blood alcohol tests, pulmonary function tests, SAT tests, first responder tests, last responder tests,  and the test of 13 sieves.

Now for a bit of philosophy mingled with history, probability and statistics!

What good will it do to take a 'COVID 19' test today and then acquire the virus tomorrow or next year?  Paranoia leads to expensive, manic type of wasteful spending or social recluse behavior that leads to mental disorders such as serious depression and physical trouble due to lack of vitamin D from the sunlight. If you think you have COVID19, go ahead and quarantine yourself but when you release yourself and then possibly get the virus IN REALITY, what you did was quarantine yourself while you had a common annual type of flu that humans are designed to be able to withstand and tolerate unless they are very old or very unhealthy prior to getting tested by a common flu. 

Wasn't it by 'government orders' that some groups of people were told to take Xyclon B showers while those handing out the  wartime government orders were actually trying to take over businesses  of the people sent to confinement?  There are some people within the horrible world of common police work that will not enforce what they know are immoral and unjust laws that have trickled down from people who obviously have rejected   יהוה   every time they prop up their winter fruitless evergeen trees that they did not pay for. New York City has been the site of the most ungodly, unholy 'Times Square' activities in the nation and they are now reaping what they sowed into their community.

'Do not do as the heathen do, for their ways are futile.'  Had Phyllis Raczek Holman, the trained professional social worker and wife of a Protestant minister, been willing to communicate with me on a regular basis, I would have been more likely to stop sharing my thoughts with strangers in this venue.  Thus, I will continue to try to be kind to strangers online.  Apparently, Mrs. Robert Holman is still too busy to care about her cousin, and that makes her a bit too much like her father, Frank Raczek, for me to trust her and whatever her current  'religion' is now. "Once a Mosinee Indian, you might never become a Soo Greyhound." 

 The last place I saw a real greyhound was near Clarksburg, Ontario during a recent spring.  The greyhound dog wasn't as helpful as Paul Douglas Coffey, the Toyota dealer.

Some of the above questions are easier than what was presented to me on the Marathon County Deputies test, which I had passed with a 12th place finish back in 1996 or 1997. At worst, I got a bit more typing experience by adding on this Cold Peace ⛾ test while trying not to become so full of apathy that I don't even try to create endorphines for my body with humor fit for Rose Marie, Larry Mazzeo AKA 'Richie Petrie' or Mr. Amsterdam..

I wonder why Mikell Clayton responded sooner to my thoughts than Phyllis Raczek Holman? I spoent far less money visiting Clayton than I had spent visiting the Holman's in Bowling Green, KY and in Pocatello.

 Isn't it wonderful that I am not a judge able to set or change the penalties for specific transgressions against the rules initiated by  יהוה?

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