Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Ludwig vs. Strasser: Be Watchful in DC Everest Area for Dawson's Sake!
Here is another puzzle that evolved from television into Kyle Ludwig's Chicagoland office:
Craig Ludwig's jersey hangs on a DC Everest Ice Arena wall.
Greg Strasser should be hanging his head in shame every time he collects a pay check as a 'judge'
Here are a few facts with twisted father figures involved:
29: The Homeland Security office that used to be in Marine City, MI received a Craig Ludwig card when #44 was their 'boss'
Greg Strasser shares Greg Hanson's birthday of June 1st but not birth year. Greg Strasser and Greg Hanson are both from the DC Everest area; Greg Hanson is a decent person and a very good hockey player Greg Strasser is full of apathy and is not a good attorney.
On METV, which is generated out of the Chicago area, the same area in which 'Whey Cool LLC' failed in, decided to air an episode of 'Hogan's Hero's' on April 15, 2020 where the evil person is named 'Ludwig Strasser' and coffee is requested by the Steve Basting 'look alike' who is Bob Crane in reality. Coffee is a Milwaukee code 5 and the program was aired at the beginning of the 5th night omer count.
For those on day 376 of their trial and tribulation testing, remember the Trojan English teacher, Lea Picciolo, who always knew that sentence structure is as important as the figure 75 in a % line.
Strasser departed from Yde and now runs his 'Ludwig Strasser' style of 'failure to defend properly' out of 305 S. 18th Avenue, Suite #210, Wausau, WI 54401. The curious number is now '305', since that is the height of New York's statue of liberty and "305,000' was what my former family home was sold for by a man who committed uttered falsehoods when he claimed he NEEDED my family land to run HIS business from.
Why does Kyle Ludwig of CBIZ.5651 sound 'fishy'? Because he is not Kyle Borchardt, the brother of Kimry the Mosinee Indian nor is he Kyle Heckendorf who was drafted by the Detroit Lions. Since I am not the person who has a problem being honest, which '29' copper area is LEAST corrupt now?
P) Kim Johnsson's 2010 NHL # 5 Trail to a 6 Point Win Over the Blackhawks With Nolan#11 but not with Mr. Seed #6
O) Rudolph Wisconsin's O shaped Colby Cheese section
L) Rod Carew the Minnesota Twins retiree
I ) Mike Vernon the San Jose Shark 395 W man
C) Marathon County Wisconsin's Highway C section 'Stroik' family
E) E=Eddie Jovanowski
Since the 'computer grid' also decided to develop a 'Gregg Strasser' from Cambridge, Ohio who is listed as 'Guard #1' but only has an extra 'g' as in the idiot Garth Brooks, I suggest that Craig Ludwig's 3/15/61 position be a bit more important than a $. Billions of people are now playing 'games' on their computers, not realizing the game they thought was 'fake' might start to be very real, right up to a 34 degree cracker line sold at Kroger's in the horrible turf of Anthony Wickersham not Lee Ayers jewelers.
Purchase records are often tracked when necessary, but our real birthdays are never supposed to change or be tampered with. The omer count this year will end on May 31st, 2020. June 1st, apathetic Greg Strasser will have completed his 57th year after misleading at least 1 of his clients who thought he would know how to protect an S-Corp from getting STOLEN by an employee during a divorce proceeding.
Some nicely dressed devil ought to remind Greg Strasser that his 305 can't even defeat Doug Gilmour's 306 ESPN number and Strasser should send me a full refund for his LACK of proper services. Curtis Beste is a more honest businessman than Strasser, Schmidt and Rottier, the 3 most ignorant, unethical and uppity expensive 'white' attorneys I've ever hired when under extreme duress.
Pepe's in Marine City is so much better than Angelo's in Wausau if you want to be treated properly and kindly even during a crisis.
When splitting POLICE lines, I suspect the PIE trio is more stable than the LC duo, with O being neutral as the figure 8 in Sean G. Whyte's NHL draft round.
A unspecialized birthday note goes out to Sergei Krivokrasov, who is starting his silver year! I celebrated your birthday in style with a Pepe's cheese and onion (cebula) pizza! Roman problems sometimes come in IL packages when IL=49.
Vernon vs. Carew is interesting!
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