The 'away' lesson learned those under the authority of Abaddon, at times guarding their heart with jacinth is "
BE KIND TO THE 144,000 SEALED, ELECT of יהוה .
When you had the chance to 'home' school, did you teach your household to be kind to the prophets of יהוה ? It is often unwise to be kind to animals or to be so cruel to animals that you restrict their natural habitat to your television zone. Did יהוה cage into captivity the varied beasts that had been loosed from Noach's ship for a reason? The beasts that were not useful for food nor transportation were allowed to be free, and the anniversary of that release from protective covering was during the week of the Feast of Tabernacles. As a matter of historic fact, the people led by Moshe were in much danger out of their Egyptian houses even after they marked their doorposts and departed with some belongings, but how many really saw the Egyptian swim team fail a fitness test in the Red Sea? Few would have been so close to the Red Sea that they were able to see what the outcome of being cruel to the prophets of resulted in.
Adam Fink and Justin Best, Marines trained differently than I have been trained, keep suspecting that the week of Unleavened bread is significant and it is, but do they really think that the Messiah they hope in will come back before completing another series of 7 feasts? Has that tagteam considered that those who are still grinding at the mill are the ones who are blessed with gainful employment and those forced out of casinos, corrupt churches, Broadway stages and movie theatres are the ones who now have a second chance to seek an occupation needed in the kingdom of יהוה that starts out with only 12,000, that is a few, in the kingdom of Gd ?
The elect know when people are being cruel to them or when people are being kind to them and extending them mercy and grace as they do their duties. The deceived got excited and happy about selling, buying or receiving Easter baskets full of candy rather than a plate of unleavened bread and something that was grown in a garden.
There are some people in bondage that grieve every time they see a person buy swine, oysters, squid and scallops just as Yoseph might have grieved seeing Potipher trust his unfaithful wife. Others in bondage who love the WORD of יהוה might rejoice every time they see a vegan use their freedom and funds carefully on a weekly basis after choosing to be a grocery store clerk rather than a poker chip pusher or a producer of fictional cartoon characters than are never going to become real food.
Will the deceived, unlearned people on earth now start gnawing on their 'Mickey Mouse' shirt, their' Mighty Mouse' shirt, .their 'Spiderman' shirts, their 'Paw Patrol' products or their 'Batman' shirts of their instead of eating actual animal abominations when they are a hungry and no one shows up with loaves and fishes or a dish of ice cream without a leavened cone from Culver's? Suppose you are the person willing to prophesy and you must learn how to be kind to yourself. Make sure you practice making tasty, unleavened hot cakes, seasoned with sat and mingled with oil ( I prefer almond oil) so you can understand the role of the Levites or what it means to make an edible roasted 'grain offering' suitable for a holy person of יהוה or of ישראל .
On the reverse of a non-electronic replica of an 🎱 pressed with an ink pen upon actual paper marked with the name 'Levi' , some person wrote something similar to "Jerry was here'. What if the person doing the writing was Tom, and he witnessed that 'Jerry' had been along the first base line at Shannon Field, closest to David Teske's troops? There was no surname..... unless you consider the New York Giants with 'Jerry' vs. the New Orleans Saints with 'Tom'? I doubt if any Jerry surnamed Mathers, Augustine, Kelly or Jaeck was closest to Richmond's Mark Davidson field D, but it is possible that they could have been.
יהוה will laugh according to a Psalm prediction, but it is often the allies of יהוה that cause me to chuckle and burst with joy at those still standing when I cannot see my enemies falling.
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