Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Beware of Michigan DDC-3190's 'nurse' 913 Emissions!

Medical 'professionals' who smoke cigarettes cannot be defined as  יטב   , H3190,  which means 'acceptable; pleasing; doing well'    but can be defined as  בדיל , H0913, which means 'dross' and is an considered impure in our out of Michigan.  Ezequiel 22:20 explains H913. A right to left 'read' completely changes a numerical sight from an "English' read. Yes, 4 digit numbers sometimes start with 0.  A single reverse is not the same as a double reverse.

While waiting to get a car repaired and observing recent news about Mary Bonus, Charlie Bonus and Jonah Cross, a woman claiming to be a 'nurse' came in to the Shelby auto repair store a bit after Shelby Fire Department Engine #38 came in for a repair. ( I would have rather been getting a tour of the USCGC ' Bristol Bay' while it is disabled in Detroit)/  Since 'PANDEMIC starts with 'Phil Aerreola's Nicotine of Detroit', not with Mickey Redmond, consider the role of Logan Deal in Michigan football history and 'Tuffy's'  mechanics chain of events rather than Sean Duffy.

 I found it disturbing to hear that the driver of DDC-3190 is a smoker after she claimed to be a nurse, typically considered a health care professional. She didn't have a mask on, yet her 'medical world' keeps telling the general public we should be wearing masks. A nurse who smokes cigarettes should lose her certification as quickly as a police officer who steals and drives while intoxicated would lose their 'badge'.  When I got medical advice from a healthy doctor who does not smoke cigarettes, he wasn't concerned that I wasn't wearing a mask, so what is this push about wearing masks really about?  A person takes more risk inhaling cigarettes than they do walking around without a mask during ANY FLU SEASON, yet Whitmer the pro-death governess hasn't halted the sales of cigarettes to reduce disease?  It become more and more evident that there has been a 'numbers' conspiracy going on it state DOT licensing that might have even trickled down to a Utica Football roster. How does a person know if states hand out license plates according to a scheme that might help or hurt the schemers someday?

Another Michigan female idiot was driving on a motorcycle with a cloth mouth mask on but no helmet.  

In Utica, Shane Lutz is 3rd and Ian Grzadzinski is like a XXX Root Beer man while wearing a sling on his right arm rather than on his left arm.  Since the locusts work in bands, Mary Bonus, Logan Deal and Charlie Bonus are not Bonus ROOMS on HGTV, are they?
Here are facts of  career hypocrisy:

1. A nurse or doctor who smokes cigarettes is equal to a police officer who recklessly endangers the safety of  a legal citizen of their own country and both should be penalized for their being a shame to their own career.  💁

2. A nurse of doctor who participates in abortions is equal to the mechanic who intentionally puts sugar into  their customer's gas tank to intentionally endanger their customer. 😾

3. A person who claimed to trust 'Jesus Christ' as their personal Lord and Savior and who is not eventually steered toward keeping the rules and regulations that Moses taught other to do is equal a police recruit in Milwaukee who insists they can keep breaking the City of Milwaukee's laws and not get FIRED ( aka 'cut  ✂from the police officer's team'.  🂡

4. Since I wore a Mario Lemiuex jersey on day 11 of the Omer, I thought I'd pass out a few 66 pointers, such as  :

F.  💡DyKEs can get coded to be 66/19/99 with a sum of 184...… 1 short of Chris Chelios's 185 G as in Gus team.  📋

N. If N doesn't equal nitrogen, it must equal 50 for Howard University at 388 or the 'opposing' rule of 14 being a strong base and 0 being a strong acid would be demolished.  📞= the shape of the Hebrew letter nun ….נ

Team challenges  are sometimes like: 'Akers sharpens Smith and Hossa' on day 386. 🦅

F is not equal to N  - cryptograms can cause permanent damage to your NECESSARY sense of constants and accuracy.  For instance, FiField is not FiNland.  🎣

My 'Y' bar got repaired today, not my 'Code 22' flywheel.  I didn't miss the Doug Gilmour ESPN mark by much while receiving a bill for $309.16 that didn't include a Freestar nor a Dallas Pavelski jersey.  Good mechanics who can get tire pressure from 31PSI to 35 PSI are better than nurses who intentionally smoke cigarettes.

That Gilmour quip almost sounds like a Chris Karwacki 🚓 vs. Christine Imp/ Allah  🎓analogy! I think it might have been an 'off the white collar' remark not an 'off the cuff and on the Lance Crackers' link remark)

Got any Teddy Roosevelt rubber matches? 📰  Don't forget to go Shavuot/ Pentecost shopping, since that is a wonderful time to give gifts to your family! If your family members already have a Bible they do not read nor believe,  how about buying them some non-explosive USA military history lessons  (history books, clothing with your favorite Navy ship sign, a can of tuna) rather than a heavy gun safe full of Junior  Mints, Butterfinger bars,  and Cap'n Crunch cereal?

Keep buying and preparing the kind of food Yoshua. Eldad and Medad would eat. 🐐 🐂🐦🐚🐟🐑🍞🐓🍅🍋🍷🐄🍛🍳🍒🌿🍺🌾🍃🌻🍚🍮

Do not eat the following creatures: 🐸🐈🐷🐶🐵🐴🐪🐭🐧 🦅🐜🐆🐇🐊🐃🐌🐍🐎🐒🐙🐘🐗🐢🐦🐨🐻 !

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