Sunday, August 11, 2019

Why Midianite Midwife Lying Really Wasn't Approved

In historic observstions, many biblical amateurs try to excuse the lying tongues of the Midianite midwives and Rahab who hid Joshua and Caleb, but those humans decided to lie before they officially chose to represent Yahweh's chosen people. Search the Scriptures for yourself to see if the Midianites who lied also escaped Egyptian bondage at exodus time.  Yahweh can be successful without liars, and in fact the Midianite women ought not have lied and would have been better off stating they were pro-life and risk being martyred.

I hope this sheds at least 480 lumens into outer darkness,and try not to pray toward any light bulbs  especially in Wisconsin.

After a person understands what Yahweh expects from his people, you actually should choose speaking the truth rather than opting out with a cowardly lie which is false witness. Was lying acceptable from Aninias and Sapphira after they were supposed to be part of the church of the apostles? NO!  Was lying acceptable from Simon Peter when he denied knowing his own leader after arrest? Simon Peter suffered a miserable death after publicly denouncing his teacher.  Whether delayed or instant, Yahweh's people do get punished for lying even though heathens  or worshippers of other entities often seem to 'get away with' lying.

When a liar seems to get favorable results by lying, they usually continue to lie and it proves they are equated spiritually to a whoremonger when lac du flambeau tests occur as prophesied. Because many people have received information about my grandchildren which my daughter-in-law did not allow me to have, a few people will be allowed to see how I decided to implore my son to redirect his goals, and as his mother, may Yahweh destroy my flesh if what I wrote is not pleasing in Yahweh's sight after I received an 'I apologize' from my son for lack of communication from him while he was spreading some branch of Proptestant religion in European countries other than France:

When I see you see face to face, again, I'll know if your apology is genuine, since people usually only need to apologize for sinning and then change their method of operation. I  will worry about Levi until I see him again since trauma and anxiety INCREASES when you are around people who have lied to you  or have left out so much truth that is leaves you confused and angry; I know this from experience.  I suppose if you asked Levi if he wanted to visit me and learn from me what I have learned to combat anxiety and  , he might be truthful but might want you to be with him along with his sisters if such as visit would give him hope, joy and put a smile on his face once planning for such a visit actually begins.  TRY IT for Levi's sake and don't wait until more damage occurs.  I heard a message about truth on the inward parts; you and Levi  are part of my flesh and blood, so I consider you inward parts of me. There is no good reason to pretend I agree with your intentional exclusion of me from your 'life' and I do believe firmly that Levi's condition would improve if he had more time with real family members and his real grandma who loves him, knowing he is innocent at heart.

You were taken away from me and placed with Bob and Patti when the government of  Wisconsin thought I was 'too focused on the Bible' and I do consider your severing of Levi and your daughters from me to be contrary to what Yahweh would expect from you as my son and their grandmother. I do hope you are able to correct within a reasonable time frame; if you resent me for not letting you spend time with the Jackson's KNOWING full well that they never contributed financially to me and their son wouldn't even show up for paternity tests, consider how your children might be even more angry at you someday when every fact remains that I  made plenty of mistakes as a single mother but never did I reject my duty to try and provide for your juvenile needs.  You rarely appreciate the people who are willing to take great risk and be truthful about their observations regarding your history of anti-Marie movements. I rather be truthful with you than send delusions and lies your way, as any person who truly fears the wrath of Yahweh if I would 'unfriend him' because of his strict rules intended to protect those who trust in his authority.

Once you found out I lied to you about 'Santa Claus', I stopped trying to convince you of such nonsense Thankfully. Levi now knows I am your mother, but now follow up is required.  I am quite sure he would love to see you and I team up again like we used to in tough situations. It's possible but not with us in different countries for another decade. Those children saw my pain when they left Wisconsin and I tried to alleviate their fear of me, which I believe I did.  If you can get the funds to get here Levi and yourself here for a week, I suggest you make that your next good goal. I realize it might take a miracle for you to take my suggestion seriously, but I do believe in miracles even if I have not made your 'friends' list and as a result have not gotten very much truthful information from you in the past years. 

I bore you with much sorrow in 1983 knowing I was unloved by your father, and I am not giving up on you, my son.  I do understand much of what Levi  is going through, but when I acted  like he did  I got jailed for panic attacks, which made me trust others even less for GOOD reason. Let me know what you think  a good time would be for us to be together again and pass that thought onto me so I can know what your inward parts are thinking.

In the 5th month, on the 10th day... much happened according to Jeremiah chapter 52; that day is tomorrow according to this year's biblical calendar. I will pray that Yahweh softens your heart toward me and that his teachings overcome you like a fiery furnace. ( Hebrew  Word up #1592). Thank you for sharing some of your thoughts - truth is a starting point in building or rebuilding relationships.

The people of Hungary can do without you in their lives, but can I  ? Seeing you at least 1 week a year is a desire of my heart - put Psalm 37 to the test again, the Psalm you read to me so many times when I was broken-hearted in Milwaukee. You helped me then, and I am confident I can help Levi now.

Your pro-Yahweh mother, 

PTSD consideration:
When a daughter-in-law dislikes her mother-in-law, she often feels more comfortable if her husband also dislikes his mother but that comfort is not  generated from the Holy Spirit.  It is best to allow a man to visit his mother alone if necessary rather than discourage a mother and man-child from periodic visits, especially if the mother is not trying to prevent her son from seeing his own children. I have experienced having a mother-in-law who actively participated in keeping my step-children away from their natural father ( he did  pay  child support and used my health insurance policies to cover his children)  after his wife left him for James Costa, Jr.  and emptied out their household belongings as well. That was a horrid situation to experience especially since that mother-in-law aligned with the mother of her grandchildren who was actually not  ever ashamed of her road from adultery to divorce petitioning. My efforts to contact my stepchildren were usually stopped and their father took his anger out on me which led to me getting periodic anxiety attacks; he also  occasionally letting his temper explode toward his parents and brother-in-law. Eventually, that angry man found a new female lust interest  while we were married, and his parents approved of his infidelity in similar manner to approving of the infidelity of their grandchildren's mother because IT SERVED their self-centered interest in their grandchildren.

Sesame Street is not redemptive material even if some of it's output is helpful to families. I rather have others learn what not to do or what is a good option rather than try to make repairs after huge errors caused by lack of good counsel.

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