One of the terms I have heard recently is 'brain washed'. This term might have initially been directed at people who have entered some sort of religious cult, but is it not the words of the scroll that are intended to wash the body of Yahweh, which typically includes the brain?
My brain has been washed and I have to routinely do procedures to keep it clean and pure. You who have been brain TAINTED with filth, corruption and evil intake have to try to wash your own brain of the filth that rendered you "brain unwashed" and 'brain filthy" .
My body has been washed with the words of the prophets of Yahweh, and my body includes my brain. Consider what has caused your brain to be morally filthy, to be unkind, rude, unrepentant and wicked as the old woman who resides due west of me, and RESIST those influences rather than invest in them. If evil looks could kill, the woman Carmela who resides at 19029 25 Mile Road would have killed me yesterday when she rolled her infant behind my car. She seemed angry that I stopped to let them pass across behind my stone cold image of God/Gad/Gd " LIGURE " plates. To counter the wickedness of Carmela, I tried even harder to be very unlike her. I have seen similar scowls from the offspring of Lynn Snyder and though temporarily wounded in spirit, I was not killed by haughty or unjustified hatred toward me yet. When Carmela looks in a mirror, she is not looking at goodness, holiness and purity. I happen to desire ( good goals) goodness, holiness and purity and my daily practices need to reflect my desires or I will not achieve my goals.
Thankfully, the people occupying lots 65 and 66 on my non-52nd street know how to be decent neighbors and often assist me with natural endorphin productions. Writing helps too, even if my works never get sold and published like Laura Ingalls Wilders writings have been sold and eventuay corrupted with speculation by Michael Landon's California associates.
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