Sunday, August 18, 2019

Advice From the 5 Hole at 115 Arnold Palmer Drive

Students of legends will notice that 5th down in a line up of golf balls is from 'Sawgrass'. not the cheap golf course at Fort Leonard Wood.  Since my father has enjoyed golfing, I want to make a list of 18 suggestions on this 5th month, 16th night shift of the Yshraelite  calendar timing I am currently relying upon:

1. Esaac Israel is still too bigoted to make the Tommy Bedford' team. Since Esaac Israel made himself into a fake Israel, he has likened himself to any other person who hs made up a fictitious name rather than waiting to get a new name and a white stone. Esaac Israel should watch 'Live PD' and notice how many pale-faced Gentiles get arrested and taken AWAY rather than being taken HOME to their mommy and daddy who might be as corrupt and sinful as Denzel Washington pretending to be a Bertier's daddy before he gets paid to kiss some woman who is not his legal wife.. Why didn't Esaac Israel go back to a more African name rather than a force  his  initials of EI in the middle of wide decEIver?

2. Word H2673 indicates a splitting of objects in half; 1 word at a time, it takes over 8 years of studying actual Hebrew words to get to that important word. Had my grandmother decided to change her name to appease the Statue of Liberty idolaters and worshippers of Big Sky burgers , I never would have realized that her maiden name IS Hebrew #2673 and although the translation to English might confuse some, hearing audibles of the Polish pronunuciation matched the word seen as 'chet tsaddi with 2 puck points underneath the chet.

3. Keeping 1 in mind, Adam Fink has a more reasonable approach shot to incoming wounded from Sunday idolatry systems than Esaac Israel. Adam Fink is actually reading from Moshe on a weekly basis rather than jumping around like the Beastie Boys playing with the book of Daniel Clayton. Tune in to 'Parable of the Vineyard' and compare the comforting tones of Adam Fink to the unsettling and erratic behavior of Esaac Israel and decide who has the better spirit while out of  the Ginnethon hole.

4.  I received seating in the 53rd hole at Longhorn Steakhouse, not seating alongside of Mark McCarrier and Jimmy Ortiz while attempting to left up the nme of my father who is staring his 91st year.  It was Vanessa, not Kim Gravel, who was not afraid to hear about Asher, the brother of God and receive information on natural order of half brothers from Leah and Zilpah, Since there is no description of the SKIN TONES of Jacob's 4 female sexual conquests , it is boftry and folly to assume none of his sexual partners had light skin tones.  Sure, Leah might have been as dark as Zelma O. Lea and Rachel might have produced JOSEPH the darkie of Egypt, but Dan, Napthali, Gad and Asher certainly could have been much lighter in skin tones before they tucked themselves in Gdansk and Gadowsky lines of beef noodle chili makers.  Since the US Congress ball is not a good goal anymore, try to establish why the Order of the Pteradactyl is at 17th place in Arnold Palmer zone and if that affects the position of Jebulum vs. Abbadon.

5. If Ed Nahkla is Egyptian, is he black or white according to Ryan Cute of East Providence?  If Ryan Cute is as astute as a deer who can't see orange, he will say Ed Nakla is more white than black, even though Egyptian Ed has been brown since birth.

6. Some [people I am familiar with should have started their 7th month today after relying on information from the scarlet worm team. Yom Teruah seems to be a point of contention and is extremely important prophetically which is why the caution at 8 is as important as a sardius moon:  Judean camel eaters linked up with the start of Islamic new year on calendars while they were straining gnats out of their soup most likely to have an ecumenical movement in Jerusalem 2000 years ago. Beware of those who ignored the barley signs to make their 'feast keeping' more convenient and less accurate to please the civilians and irritate Yahovah.

7. Jason Dawe 43 and Sutton 41 teamed up with Hasek, not Broduer in 1994 and won a very long hockey hame in New York. Since Grover Cleveland was assigned the some non-existant 42nd military unit by a mocker of his skills, the legend at 42 could be  Darren Sharper or PJ Stock but can't be David Backes according to the rule of thumb wars.  Ben Hogan understoof thumb wars, and Phyllis is not a name that is listed as a tribe nor a messiah figure.

8. Hey has taken 8th place where heaven is rolled up like a scroll on sheep's skin. Since Elizabeth B. didn't have a sheep named Hogan, she may have been slicker than the 'Top Gun' fanatic of sheep keepers. The Armada Fair is an interesting pace to note that Gary is quite an impressive steer when compared to Jackon and last years $372' Soccer' bull.  If you hate the fact that Mario Lemieus is 8th in certain record ranks, try to consider the role of the locusts against Square D plant jobs on earth,

9. When in doubt about gasoline price checking, choose Fetisov.Moginly vs. Michael Richter GAA in your Russian 2 vs. USA one way to squad 35.  There should be some caution signs at 9, especially where humans have put 9 flames on a lampstand instead of the original 7 as ordered for the tabernacle.  1994 was a good year for Jason Dawe and a horrible year for me because of bad reactions to prescribed pills taken as directed.

10. There are 4 kings listed in the book of Daniel according to Esaac Israel's audibles. Since 10 kings go into the 4th beast and 1 emerges, the emerging king most likely did not get along with the other kings  but again, warring WITH the saints is not warring AGAINST the saints. A deck of cards has 4 kings for a reason, and only 1 of them does not have a mustache in decks I have studied. Thus, the king of hearts is significant to 'barber' (H1532) people and hair line drives.

11. CAS 238 is part of a 633 team, not a 733 team in Michigan licensing, Since rude  neighbors with images of crucified dead people are typical in the USA , be surprised if you have any kind, polite neighbors who shows genuine etiquette, believes in Moses the 17th hockey player from the Alaska Oilers and who are interested in developing and working  natural and non-toxic land emergency management policies on the land they invested in  that focuses on avoiding warning sign #2 known as  HOT RAIN ( aka purchased electronic sprinkler systems) which promote shallow root development of landscape flora and fauna.

12, I am not giving ny advice for 12, since a Rib Mountain Lot 12 purchased by Mr. and Mrs, Shane Hendrikson is not equal in history as Lot 34 which had been bought by 2 Hendrikson  and sold by 1 female Hendrikson at a hefty loss. Lot 34 was purchased with earned money, not money embezzled from his employer. Beware of Woody Austin types who can relay messages and signs without singing Negro spirituals wuch as 'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot'.

13. If at 2673 I divide Robert Scott Smith26 from Robert Skaradzinski73, I will attempt to prove that the 50/50 game is only Soda Pop's level, not even close to establishing the few who get sealed.  I have heard some men claim that only men get protectively sealed in the Yahweh plan, but that idea seems improbable to me since beoming a male  shoud not be a pre-requisite to accepting the proper seal. Preachers who suggest only men get into the 144,000 selected and sealed saints are actually prodding some to request sexual changes upon demand.

14.  To all Joker fans: When you recover, think carefully what you recover with. Some outfits do not cover enough of the body to qualify as holy protective covering. What you wear on a bus line in Milwaukee is as serious as what you wear when riding the M in St, Louis, MO while sitting next to a man who openly has unloved you enough to plot against you with his Army stickers and irrational Cheryl and gun barrels. Jamie Benn is a simpleton when compared to the letter Ayin at 14th down or the letter Nun at 14th up.

15. Since day 490 is around the corner for 1 year old, Nelson Emerson should be your temporary legend is you refuse to believe in a Favre Namenstikov combo.  This is not a club matter, since clubs max out at 14 in golf and at 13 in card suits.

16. Cross Movement, a band that calls Philadelphia not Pocatello 'HOME', has had the following audibles: "Great men of the faith not widely researched', However, I deviated from this intentionally to test Spartans from Michigan, Sparta, WI and GA by writing ' Grate men of the PARTY knot wide Lee ResearCHeddar'  with Anders Lee as the Islanders legend located near a 'Sam Wood'/'Virgil Tibbs' fake cop split.  Pottier did hold a rod of what could have iron in his hand before he made a bat man move with it. If criminal Justice is David Justice,  is it because he stole bases as a Yankee?

17. If you decided to go with the Steve Martin method of lesbian jokes and trying to make money off the mentally ill, you have a mind able to complete at least 3 billiard  games with Eric David Hendrikson, Linda Maria Costa and Shane David Hendrikson before exclaiming "I break with thee, I break with thee, I break with thee' before tossing dog doodoo on Mark Kussy's ski boots.  This is  flippant advice for people who are too immature to comprehend the purpose and weighy matter of the 17th Hebrew biblical letter as it relates to Plaxico Burress lesson plans.

18. This number is still in the Rob Cross games of dart boards, so choose your anti-gun battles as carefully as you choose between Banana and Dominican in republic splits involving David Ortiz and Maine Bears.  Psalm 18 is not too difficult to understand once HVHYproperly replaces LORD to establish the difference between a  vice LORD gangsters and a true disciple of Moshe Ben Amram tactics.

The 91st hole is not the 5 Hole.  Pinehurst, North Carolina is not as stupid as Disneyland. Where and when you enter a business or website  you are not familiar with is as serious as where and when you decide to exit a structure or system that does not appear to be stable enough nor morally decent enough to remain in.

I decided not to give Gold Key points in order to recall that my least favorite bus line was 14 in Milwaukee when I had to bus myself to Superamerica on 27th and Cherry Street in order to provide for my child. Please read Isaiah 1 and recognize the provocation of children who fail to defend or serve the parent who protected and served them longer than their other parent(s) after being opposed in divorce courtrooms by the other parent(s).  The USA wants people to believe in Gd but not believe in Yehovah because DG is weaked than HVHY. Gold's Gym is playground material when compared to relevance of a holy half shekel without  Donald J. Trump's image on it.

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