Friday, August 9, 2019

Deshone isn't Shoney's Big Boy

The Green Bay Packers are not being led by Dan Boyle, so rolling up 28 points without a State Farm salesman might be better than trying to choose which number sequence is equal to 'ERAGON' the Little Chute dead dog handled by Austin and which number sequence is equal to me handling Thunder, a boxer who went in and out of the UW-Madison veterinary school with me, not without me. Before you continue to try to pass this Bedford, Bedoya, Benford  reasoning test, let me assure you I do not believe that "Madonna' nor Dolly Parton are good role models for young ladies even if they are leading the ratings in drag queen scenes with the Tom Brady bunch of unholy fathers.

Here is the number DeShone Kizer was assigned by ESPN:


Assume he had no choice what number ESPN would assign his body to. Since Kizer went from a 7 in Cleveland with the Browns to a 9 in Green Bay, he seems to be on the last segment of a 3979 route; his 40.5 rating might not mean much to anyone unless you remove the decimal and once again see a 405, which USA today cross linked to 'REDO'.

Here is the 3 way split of 3129302 I would use in a decoding trial:

312=Scott Gomez    93=Doug Gilmour   02=Old Style Beer links

Here is a number I have listed in my records as Abbadon, not Jebulum yet:


I get many calls from this number with no messages left, so it is a number that stems from a horrible 'seed'. Here's what I see when dissecting that number as though it is a Vegas Viper:

Yellow1 Milwaukee German School 84 Hitler's Birthday 4Twenty 7One Canada Day 543 Lindros

When imbeciles or robotic type of triggered systems call you and do not reveal their true identity, it is  wickedness in progress, not random harassment and it is a form of warfare that frightens some and challenges others to rebel against with good intentions.

If you look at DeShone Kizer's 40.5 rating and see 'Team Chelios', you understand 5th down as a Yod and might be able to get your head unstuck from Billy Joel and 52nd Street music that can get trashed as easily as Bo Bice junk when real room clearing begins. Listed as 6'04", Kizer is not 6"05. 76 inches is not 77 inches; likewise, 145 pounds is not 172 pounds.

According to Thomas Jefferson. Timothy Tessler of Taylor Street in Milwaukee is equal to Timothy Boyle, but I don't think Tessler is equal to but is in fact lesser than Doug Bedford and Tommy Bedford when it comes to the ability to compare Roy Benford and Gabriel Bedoya's perspective of me as fellow police officer. Some men play way too many games with their Trojan rubbers and Teddy Roosevelt bears to notice something as intricate as John Tavares associated with #478, not #480.  Once you get past Curtis Joseph's A hole line, you should look toward a Beit in unnatural order or toward a Sh in Yahweh's initial biblical 4th down position IF you are not clinging to B=New York money trees!

480 is a Cleveland, Ohio route; Kizer and Starr do not compare to Tim Cheveldae and Dan Cloutier in their works, their background checks nor in their current state of mind. I chose train #119 stamps with 2 railroad stamps to send a birthday card to a young woman named Autumn Rayne, who has no Hendrikson DNA in her for a reason and I would never have recommended any of my family go to HGTV to try to achieve public attention, since HGTV is not tied to the hills where Yehovah hides his people.  When people who do not really love my son surround him, he is less likely to have time for the one mother, me, who has always loved him and hated it when he went against her serious, important instructions.

One family divorce is much worse than the death of ERAGON the German Shepherd of Little Chute. You should know you have an unsound mind and are a wicked leader of a household when your family dog becomes more important than your marriage and you choose to protect and serve your dog rather than protecting your marriage, keeping your vows and raising up your own family' seeds'.

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