After letting myself recall the events that Patrick Kennedy ( not Patricia) and Detective Murphy ( Dennis?) had overseen involving Jeffrey Dahmer, I was not surprised my brain never really stored the details of the events my fellow officers debated over in 1991. Any person who commits an intentional crime has a mind that has failed morally. When what Yahweh stated are behaviors we, as humans, should not do are then allowed and made permissible by anti-Yahweh local law changers, communities get more dangerous. Even the legalization of marijuana smoking is actually an anti-Yahweh behavior and another unrighteous behavior that leads to other sins such as abortion requests. Considering an abortion after failing to resist fornication is as evil in the sight of Yahweh as considering purchasing a gun or purchasing a firearm with the intent to kill your neighbor rather than choosing to wound and then bind him or her for a post-accusation trial. Within the bad, new USA, land of unjust scales, men get arrested when they openly consider committing acts of violence and women don't get arrested after they hire a medical hitman to murder their innocent, unwanted child while in the custody of the anti-Yahweh mother's womb or after an active president fornicates with a whore such as Marilyn Monroe or William J. Clinton.
If the state of Wisconsin and Milwaukee had aligned with Yahweh and kept homosexuality as a behavior subject to punishment, Jeffrey Dahmer would have been less likely to easily draw in victims. Conditions are not improving in Detroit since James Craig took his anti-Yahweh pride position and violence is increasing in Toronto under Justin Trudeau's anti-Yahweh pride parades. Once mankind decides to openly defy and outwardly reject Yahweh's righteous laws, that segment of mankind should expect more trouble and more crimes from others WHO ALSO HAVE ALIGNED AGAINST YAHWEH with them. Pro-Yahweh people do not have intentions to commit crimes against their own kind and try to avoid being accused of crimes against their international heathen adversaries.
I have not aligned against Yahweh. Confusion occurs when there are 2 people named Jason Dawe; when you 'google' that name, confusion can lead to mental disturbances that require an attitude adjustment rather than pills or a marijuana drag king that eliminate the ability to discern good from evil. Jason Dawe of the NHL treated me kindly when I was forced out of my home by Wausau courts and Wisconsin people who openly aligned against Yahweh, but Jason Dawe of BBC typifies humans who care more about things than about people. Jason Dawe of the NHL isn't the type of man who pushes 'drag queens' into locker rooms and classrooms because he exhibits reasonable discernment, unlike Justin Trudeau and James Craig. Don't love THINGS but appreciate what you have acquired legally and with good moral standards that prevented you from becoming excessively wealthy due to greed.
Rarely will a person in a confused state of mind desire to freely enter a building labeled 'mental health center', but what if that building was converted to an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT CENTER and once inside, you could choose between Jason Dawe the 90 assist NHL man or Jason Dawe , the BBC telecaster to try lead you away from your current attitude? Jason Dawe of the NHL would be the much better man to lead you toward an improved and healthier attitude, and BBC would lead you to pompous jeweled silly crowns less useful than a hockey helmet and baby Archie lines, where men aren't taught to labor properly for their income and Grandpa 'Prince of Wales' Charles has been allowed to promote adultery in his unholy land. I've seen real bats in the middle of 'no gambling' card games that do less damage than a prideful, arrogant pro-adultery anti-Yahweh human on or off of a television set.
There are at least 2 men named John Dorsey. John Dorsey of the Milwaukee police department helped me with an attitude adjustment, John Dorsey of the Cleveland Browns is adjusting other peoples attitude. If you cannot determine what part of your attitude needs to change to be aligned with Yahweh, start by admitting that the Wisconsin laws in 1991 made it easier for people like Jeffrey Dahmer's 16 victims to comply with Dahmer's requests rather than comply with Yahweh's instructions. Fornication, anti-heterosexual activity and the eating of unclean animals ( humans are unclean) is all forbidden by Yahweh but accepted as normal and allowed by USA common legal rulings.
Truthful statements do not hurt the ear but can sting the dull, apathetic mind. When men and women engage in activities STILL described as abominations by the co-creator of the earth, Yehovah, and suffer at the hands of like-minded anti-Yahweh people, laughing at their folly IS better than engaging in the some type of anti-Yahweh behavior with them. When parents do not give their children the 'Beware of anti-Yahweh People' attitude, they end up not only like Jeffrey Dahmer but also like the majority of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims who desired homosexuality rather than the mindset of Daniel when he interrogated 2 elders who lied about a woman they lusted after. As Adam Fink and Justin Best intelligently uttered the fact that screaming out when attacked is part of Yahweh's instructions to help prove you are being forced against your will into a situation, someone tell Patrick Kennedy or Detective Murphy, Milwaukee's former homicide detectives, which victims of Jeffrey Dahmer screamed out even partially as much as I did in October of 1994. Jason Dawe was teaming up with Moginly and I, a few USA states away, was resisting becoming the victim of anti-Yahweh medical experiments in Milwaukee county after a police officer other than Gabrish laughed at the horrible situation I was in and the even WORSE situation Robin Ortiz wanted me to go into. I didn't get away from criminals in the manner that Tracy Edwards did, but I have escaped from places such as the ONYX Ice Arena after I noticed possible lesbian anti-Yahweh behaviors and suspicious camera activity in their locker rooms; similar homosexual activities were only recently were made public on Detroit trash TV news media. I would rather move back to Charlotte than to return to a place as anti-Yahweh as the Suburban Sports group ice arenas in Michigan.
The Minnesota Vikings Brothers isn't Dunn Brothers. The more pro-Yahweh your attitude becomes, the more likely you are to be able to escape the company of people like Justin Trudeau, James Craig or the owners of the Rochester ONYX Ice Arena who, by design, developed conditions that led to child abuse and intentionally ejected me, an anti-crime person who often thinks like Patrick Kennedy or Detective Murphy but rarely has thought of them since 1994 until I saw Murphy on the witness stand.
Jason Dawe, only by treating fairly and not sinning against me as a 'nobody' in his sight, improved my attitude without drugs, without insults and without sending me a bill for his advice like Judith Becker or Jake Andres types do. Jason Dawe the Canadian is not Dan Bauer the Wausau father figure, but he certainly has proven to be a better man than Thomas Wahl, Shane Hendrikson or a son who would not take the time to visit me in Charlotte because he, like Dahmer's victims, had believed anti-Yahweh speakers and sadly. often still does.
Nelson Emerson had 195 goals, 488 points and is currently in 490th place in case you need to establish facts after this non-fiction, anti- "Pet Cemetary" report on attitude adjustment centers. If you have gotten past the mindset of a 'zero', you should be able to understand my 490th day position on the results of anti-Yahweh activity on earth.
With a proper righteous repentance process, most transgressions of Yahweh's rules are forgiveable. Excessive fines such as those ordered by anti-Yahweh judges do not classify as a proper righteous restitution plan. People who seek to gain financially from law-breakers and do not care whether any of the parties involved are allowed to continue behaving contrary to Yahweh's rules and regulations are guilty of greed, which is usually an unforgiveable sin since rarely will a person who received TOO much according to Yahweh properly repent and return with interest what they gained contrary to his 'eye for an eye' rule of restitution due to placing their 'faith' in a corrupt USA or international legal system. People who tossed around Round-up like it was hot rain on their land knew the product was not as good as pulling weeds by hand, and due to laziness they overused chemicals and possibly acquired cancer. If I was the judge in a Round-up case, I would have given the cancer victim, including Mr. Hoge the potato farmer, Amish gardening tools and the book of Leviticus after asking if the ALLEDGED victim of chemicals allowed their land to rest every 7 years and if the corners of their fields were allowed to be farmed by the destitute. I also would have ordered the makers of 'Round-up' to pay for MEDICAL insurance policies sufficient to cover their treatment of choice and to pay tuition for the cancer patient to get a degree in chemistry or naturopathic medicine to enable the cancer victim to compete against the makers of Round-Up in a legal manner. Will another ignorant judge next order a person who obtained diabetes from drinking too much Coca-Cola to be paid millions of dollars for their lack of self-education and unreasonable use of potentially dangerous unnatural products such as cigarettes and pies with more chemicals than Marie Callender's lemon meringue pie? Who is going to be the first child to sue their parent for damaging their brain with secondhand cigarette or marijuana smoke? Who is going to be the bravest child willing to tell their parents that filthy Detroit houses with lazy occupants contribute to their family indoor asthma problems and that Michigan's air quality outdoors is average and better than many places due to the risen vapor effect of the fresh water lakes encompassing it? Clean air acts have to start in your own dwelling; likewise, pro-Yahweh policies have to start in your own skull.
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