Saturday, August 10, 2019

Isaiah 26:19 to 20

Not realizing how serious the 5th month, days 7 through 10, have been regarding the fast of the 5th month, I was able to reach out and touch sidewalks, not Ergon, Austin's dead dog. I realized that news of a divorce is much worse than the news of a dog's death, so if you have had family members or friends willing to physically be with you when you have been forced into a divorce, remember those true friends.  Who was at your wedding doesn't matter as much as those who stood with during your time of mourning in a courtroom.

Before I heard Steve Moutria audibly speak Isaiah 26:19 to 20, Yahweh had led me to remain in my dwelling place on this sabbath. I actually gathered a double portion of good foods on the 6th day and have closed my doors, hoping the day might have arrived of Yahweh's wrath upon reprobate liars, whoremongers and those who have willfully ignored the warning of prophets such as Malachi.

I will rest in my dwelling, I will play as unto Yahweh the used acoustic piano that was  treated as worthless porch material by Shane David Hendrikson,  and will hear words that pass through the clouds via satellites from other sabbath keepers.  H2664 means ' to cease, to rest'  and that is how many days it has been since  3 women mourned with me on April 20th, 2012 while Shane David Hendrikson's romanced companion 'Cheryl Brown', laughed with him in the Marathon County divorce courtroom. I had been deceived by Wittenberg 'Shaner' in 1998, not in 2012. Neither of our non-minor children thought witnessing a divorce proceeding was important but it certainly could have helped them determine which path they should take in the future. Witnessing a divorce completion CAN help you see evil vs. good in a much better venue than a stupid movie theatre full of fiction where a fake start leads to a fake end.

 I do not expect to hear good news from the son of perdition in the near or distant future. I have considered the awakening of the ten virgins being equated to the sealed 10 tribes that have been cleansed, whether man or woman, but in totality representing the body of name that has repented of it's past ways of idolatry, fornication and anti-Yahweh practices.  if indeed groups of 2 were deployed to try to spread facts among demons, 2 tribes from 12 tribes leaves 10 tribes.

10 years have passed since I had gone to Illinois to hear speeches from Brad Scott, Rico Cortes and Tony Robinson and I have continued to learn to discern since then after  being injued and cast away as nothing by the Hendrikson family that deployed itself from Wittenberg, WI .  If a person in Armada, Wisconsin can get arrested for even suggesting they are bored and want to do harm to others, just scales would only have occur if Angela Stroik eventually gets arrested for stating to me that she wanted to join the USA Army so she could kill people AND if every USA actor who has, for profit, suggested unnecessary violence upon neighbors in movie or television venues.

I am very thankful that I do not feel fearful enough to desire to purchase a gun, since that makes it far less likely for me to end up like the 52-year old man from Armada, Michigan who made statements similar to Ashley Maria Hendrikson during her Fort Leonard Wood graduation ceremonies as she shouted 'Kill, kill, kill we will'.

I would never want my daughter to take a military dog tag, and I will attempt to bless my enemies with truthful information rather than try to deceive them with compliments they do not deserve.

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