Giving power and authority to the '10 horns' at 17 now looks like a perfectly excellent plan that will work against harlotry. How perfect is the will of Yahweh when he not only puts his heart's desire into the ten kings with no kingdom yet in order to topple the 7 evil kings which have upheld the harlot rather than warred against her system of fornication.
I never did study Greek, but does not 'Meta' mean WITH rather than contrary to? When a dragon makes war WITH the saints after losing a 1 on 1 against a woman who gave birth to a man-child, it should be considered that a man-child might be the problem, so much of a problem that the other children of the woman WHO KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS align with the dragon who was enraged with the woman. Where does it state that the woman described as being clothed with the SUN is good? She sounds Babylonian to me, nevertheless she is separated from her output for a period of time, but not destroyed which might follow the 'feed your enemy' pattern.
A Greek scholar might be able to clarify the texts, but really why would a person who loves Yahweh's teachings not cheer up when the 10 'horns' are able to destroy the harlot? Had I not noticed a particular hour today, I might have been deceived once again. A woman and child combination with no good husband in the image presented sounds like a harlot as is typical of what is an UNHOLY family system. If in fact you read Revelation 12:17 from the NKJV, the best case scenario is as follows:
… the dragon was enraged with the woman ( hope it is the same woman who decides to get her power from a scarlet beast) and he went to make war WITH ( not against) the rest of her offspring (possibly her OTHER children who despised the harlotry of their mother and their lack of a good father figure) who keep the commandments of Gad (received from Yahweh) and have the testimony of Jesus Christ (a commandment-keeping Israelite).
The beast described in Chapter 13 does not appear to be the dragon (serpent) who makes war WITH the offspring who obey Yahweh but seems to be a creature combined of good and evil which wars within itself and 7 kings come to power WITH the harlot but the 10 kings persevere and win against the 7. It is the 2 horned beast who possibly develops a PETER problem, since Peter's ear had a wound from a sword that was healed, which if not healed might have caused him to bleed to death in Jerusalem. The beast of 13:5 is described as having the mouth of a lion that continues for 42 months, but without a Hebrew Yahweh in the text, can anyone decipher who he is committing blasphemy against? When wording gets confusing because there is no perfect translation, personally I would remember the 10 horns who do good by hating the harlot eventually.
In conclusion, it seems that the 10 horns mixed into the 'scarlet beast' will eventually have 'the Lamb' as their leader and after emerging from being mixed within the scarlet beast will be aligned with the King of kings and Lord of Lords after proving to be faithful against harlotry and after being ruled by others in the past.
I suspect it is very important to beware of a woman who appears to be 'clothed with the sun', since that sounds like a woman who fails to cover her body properly and has disrespected the surface of the moon. Babylonian idols usually are tied to 'sun' pushing, not commandment keeping. There are many children who are brought to earth by mother's who had no husband and a few of them desire to be nothing like their mother, and Yahweh is able and willing to sweep that child away from his mother of harlotry in order to save the man and let his harlot mother be destroyed due to her lack of repentance.
I stayed out of the sun today, and as an uncommon defense in critical 5th month days, did not leave my dwelling because I was forewarned and considered why collecting a double portion on the 6th day has been an important instruction to those still in the wilderness who have been assigned to a tribe in order for them to remain in the place on Shabbat. I had to combat the spirit of loneliness in order to avoid making my typical journey seeking a decent sabbath assembly in Michigan, which sadly does not exist near me yet due to the lack of people who trust in Yahweh in Michigan.
What I did while detained and mocked on Yom Kippur by deputies in a '6 by 6' Wisconsin prison cell is nothing like what I chose to do today with Yahweh's approval.
'Meta' is not 'epi'.
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