This is an 'Allah' vs. 'Asia' plan to break Iblis, not Satan.
1. Do you agree that 'ASIA' is the only answer to the following clue for 1 ACROSS?
Clue: Most populous continent
If you agree that the puzzle maker did not deceive you by wanting you to believe that the most populous continent is in fact ASIA, try to complete the following 'Allah or Nothing' chain of command test:
1. If you are a Muslim, you probably believe that Satan and Iblis is your enemy, but concentrate on defeating Iblis.
2. According to Yeshua's apostles, whom many refer to as Jesus Christ in error, Yeshua has more power than Satan and Yeshua taught from the Books of Moshe. Therefore, it is logical that once Muhammad and Allah rejected Satan, Satan would then have no other option than to tempt or try to mislead Yeshua. However, try to believe that Lucifer worked his way into the Vatican to deceive Muslims who haven't been studying their Qur'an, based on the facts of 3.
3. The Vatican leaders have not only claimed they believe in a trinity rather than in One Absolute Eternal deity who is superior to all others, they also have claimed that their 'god' is the same 'god' that the Muslims worship BUT that is clearly a lie because the GOD of the Muslims has prohibited the comsumption of swine, but the Vatican has encouraged the consumption of swine. The Vatican leaders also have declared they do not want their people calling on the name of Yahweh, nor on Yehovah nor on Yahuwah, so the Vatican is obviously anti-Moses and most like IBLIS.
4. Plan Y: According to the Muslim's chain of command, all their requests are to be put before Allah, so I recommend that if you are a Muslim desiring to defeat Lucifer and Iblis, pray the following prayer sincerely:
I humbly request that you, Allah, allow the forces of Yehovah to assist me in my personal struggles against Iblis and Lucifer. I ask this as a student of your Qur'an that has faith in Moses, the prophet.
The above prayer should not be a vain public repetition. A person who already believes in Moshe Ben Amram's teaching is not allowed to ask Yehovah to force Allah to help them, and Muslims would agree that Yehovah would never be able to send Allah to help the true and faithful Israelites because those Israelites have already rejected Allah but have not rejected the instructions of Moshe Ben Amram.
5. Plan W: I have been told by 2 witnesses that if Satan stops sinning that Allah will forgive him, because they truly believe that Allah is most forgiving. It has been common knowledge that Satan has been allowed to get behind Yeshua during battles, which means some people with Fire Department expertise should start following Satan to see if it is possible for Miroslav Satan to stop sinning while he is supposed to be following either Christos or Joshua. Here is the prayer I recommend if you believe that Satan exists and was created by Elohim but hate the deceitful tactics of the 'Santa Claus' allies:
'Yehovah, my LORD and my Elohim, I humbly request that you allow Iblis to follow Mr. Satan to see what Mr. Satan really knows about self-defense once a hedge of protection is taken away from him. If there is no such entity as Iblis, then please allow Allah to follow Satan if Allah really exists.'
The goal of this 1 Across movement is to have the Lord of the Muslims and the God of the Israelites align against the Catholics and Protestants, who have been trying to get people to stop obeying the prophet Moshe Ben Amram. It is clear from the Qur'an that Muslims are not supposed to try to stop any Israelite from calling upon Yehovah to guide their way, protect them, discipline them and deter them from sinning and any person who tries to prevent you from obeying the Laws of Moses really is also denying the writings of the Qur'an and rejecting the teachings of Yeshua aka the leader of St. Matthew who have been called apostles, therefore that Iblis-type has been troubling Asia and people who call themselves 'Jewish' for more than 21 centuries and a spiritual power play is required on behalf of those who are willing to call upon Yehovah and reject the Vatican's trinity.
6. Do not boycott Muslim restaurants if you trust and rely upon the writings of Moses, but make sure you request vegetarian dishes until you are told it is not a problem to consume flesh dedicated to Allah by your MALE anti-Papacy leader. Likewise, in order for Muslims to return the business favor holy, unrebellious Israelites are doing for them, Muslims should do business with Israelite restaurants but choose vegetarian items unless they are confident that Allah will be most merciful to them if they start to eat flesh labeled 'kosher'. This suggestion is something a typical Morehead State student would probably agree with, especially if they want to shame the Papacy and lead people toward either Michael the Archangel's guidance or the guidance of Elijah and Moses which Allah is not able to oppose, according to the Qur'an.
In the holiest of spiritual battles, no crimes will be committed.
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