There are many battles going on that neither you nor I will see as well as I could view electronic images of Sparks 40 let the 9th puck of a battle get behind him. If you appreciate what Michael Nunn has done, make sure you read through this entire epistle that started with only one actual title match up.
I am only going to pass on the following information for the sake of Trevor Casper. Ed Asner might not be as big of a problem mentioning the 'Detroit Free Press' as Ted Engelbart with 'The Alden Group". For some reason, James Bork had sent me some rather confusing electronic notes, even claiming that I was a fraudeulent valedictorian. I worked hard for the good grades I got in high school, and people like James Bork are n different than a Russian Boar at certain times of power plays.
This is a written collage of information that is 4 years old, but numbers and names mean more than 'Thing 1' and 'Thing 2". My opinions will be in italics.
Charles "Chuck" Rotramel who was pheasant hunting in the middle of October with his uncle and cousins in the Antigo area, produced 24 pheasants for the crew. Chuck also headed to Negaunee, Michigan in the U.P. and harvested a 180 lb Russian Boar with his .308 rifle. Charles Rotramel used to be called BUD not Chuck when he working int eh city jail; I am no longer considered a friend of Charles Rotramel at this time, but most likely Jeyne "Fuzzy Bear' Cler is still a friend of Charles Rotramel. I have no idea who 'DJ Dollar Bill' is, and he was never a friend of mine.
According to Joe Schoner's treasury press, Mike Cameron shot a doe with his bow and collected a spike buck in Upper Michigan while Kenny Smith reported that he did not collect anything during the bow or gun season. Warren Rivette was also hunting in the U.P. Due to their behavior, I am an adversary, no longer a friend of any of the deer hunters listed in this paragraph, even though I had been in the past.
According to the arrogant Jon Johnson radical anti-Israelite press, Mark Sikora shot a doe with his new crossbow but did not see anything during the gun season and Karl Zuberbier was not successful but his son shot a nice doe. Frank Drezek was the high schorer at the Jefferson County Sheriff's Hi-Lo Bolwing tournament, but the year he was the high scorer is not a fuzzy bear matter I still consider Sikora, Frank Drezek and Zuberbier to be friends of mine since they were never cruel to me, even though Zuberbier was successful at hitting me with a golf ball traveling at a high rate of speed.
According to Wray Young's gang of Easter pushers and congregation of casino alliances, "George Baldus has relocated to Port Washington and we hear Gil and Eileen Kania will be moving to Madison where they will be Gene Lord's neighbors. John and Susan Sullivan moved from VA to Mountaintop, PA. Tom Fischer tied the knot in October and he and his new bride Mary moved to Jackson, WI. William "DJ Dollar Bill" Paetzke out in Las Vegas had surgery and is reovering nicely." The Lord of Madison is not Madyson, the waitress at Port Huron Cracker Barrell. I hope you understand why the word Lord now means nothing but trouble and in fact the name Lord does not lead to salvation. Will Renee Mizewski get paranoid and anxious over WE, the anti-Biblical press people that hear Gil and Eileen Kamia instead of hearing they who have befriended Eileen Wolf? I wonder if Tom Fischer sold dances with his wife for $1.00 like Matt Hebbe did at the pink church of Rib Mountain, WIsconsin? I wonder if Tom Fischer could get Donald Jackson's son to pay me child support he should have paid me with interest after he went the of 'DJ Dollar Bill' instead of going the way that is correct?
All of the people listed below had birthdays 4 years ago, so here is my final non-random flippant non-Luke list of strangers on this December 7th, 2018 which anti_Yehovah people can refer to as the day of Jack and Gene Lord:
Ken Elias, Leon Kramer, John Schilz, Patrick Call, Ron Krusick (Krusick Call is not a healthy crew raise) ,Wayne 'Mike Roberts', Charles Dirnbauer, James Cesar, Steven Gabb,Jim Sanfilippo, Edwin Johnson, Kevin Kirkpatrick, Jayne 'Fuzzy Bear' Cler ( I never really knew Jayne Cler, but many other people have known Jayne Cler; be careful at Reeder Boss and Marjorie Wahl level), Bob Blair, BOb Krueger, Bob Ewing, Ray Dubis, JOhn Danbeck, Ed Kunicki, Daniel Donder,Ed and Evie Braun, Tom and Randy Hacker, Thomas Read, William and Evelyn Waters, Neal Route, Lois Beste'Vergetis, Kenneth Hess, Harry Knoblauach, Dan Lang, Jerry Lemanski, Bob Duarte, Ken Cecil, Tony Brinza, Jesus Colon, Michael Nunn,Michael Potrykus and of course, Jon Gabriel who was recently sighted on channel 208 via my LG television screenw with a lot of help from DTE energy and absolutely no help from Dennis Drzkowski's bunch of people who were too wealthy and had too much power to 'help' me when I was the victim of a business crime in Wisconsin.
When you no longer trust you local sheriff's department, current politicians or past acquaintances such as Charles Rotramel, make sure you remain thankful if you have reliable garbage men, safe drinking water, reasonably priced electricity and still have enough discernment not to refer to a non-robotic class valedictorian as a fraud. Maybe James Bork wants to name Mike Hanizeski as his class salutatorian and Dwight Stick as his class valedictorian and Richard Hendrikson of Mosinee as his class salutatorian, since I can no longer represent special people such as James Bork, Mike Cameron, Jayne Cler or Gene Lord.
I am still trying to do all things as unto Yehovah, which means being 'anti- Eric Christmas' and pro-Amos is the proper option. According to the prophet Amos, Amonites are historically equal to any pro-abortion legislation which literally allows infants to be ripped out of their mother's womb. Why KEith Johnson's token toursists did not properlu compare the current condition of the USA to the Ammonites mentioned in the book of Amos:
Amos Chapter 1, vs 13: "I will not turn away the punishment thereof, because they have ripped up the woman with child of Giliead, they they might enlarge their border....' . As a chilcd,Curtis Shayne Joseph knows what it felt like to have a family member care more about her cats than about his living conditions after his mother chose to avoid an abortion. As an adult, I know what it feels like to have a husband who cared more about his dogs and his fishing boat than he than about his wife and his wedding vows. I still know what it is like to have a son who cares more about spending time in a borrowed Ford car than he does about the spending time with his mother because his anti-commandment father has never influenced him properly..
I suppose it's possible that Curtis Joseph hates cats, and I happen to hate liars and thieves who have never repented. Don't confuse my totally innocent D.A.R.E. bear named 'Sergei' with non-innocent Jayne Cler. A fake angel with unrealistic black wings is now heading for the landfill with the following words on the fake angel's message board:
"Do all things as unto the Lord".
"Lord' is too broad of a term in these days of intensified spiritual warfare. Go narrow with the tribe of Simeon in the 9th month or go sober as the tribe of Issachar in order to stay on the 'Peace with Yehovah' plan and avoid the unholy way of Joe Schoner and Elvis Presley and the pompous hypocritical paths of the Ted Engelbart and Aretha Franklin wroshippers.
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