I was brought to tears when I heard e perfect explanation of how I feel on the weekly sabbath. When healing a woman who had been crippled for 18 years was them compared to allowing a mule to be loosed to get water on the sabbath, I suppose I feel like it is not improper for me to loose myself to go out and seek waters of refreshment in clean pastureland.
Before I toss out a few answers to questions I have had, here is a question that only each individual can answer. What is the legal name of the energy force that intentionally provided Laws to Moshe at Mt. Sinau?
a) HaShem
b) Aja ( Arabic Lam J's sound like an English L)
c) Gd
d) Allah, the anti-trinity pro-Sabbath Guardian-Witness
e) Yehovah
f) Yahweh
g) Yehuwah
h) The Eternal One
i) The Creator of Mankind
j) The Great Spirit
k) the Memra of Elohim
l) Father Nature
m) The Lord of the Plagues
After clearly seeing that the Qur'an reprimands the children of Israel and ENVOURAGES people like me to obey the Laws intended for the Tribes of Israel , I see no difference between HaShem, Father Nature and Allah for those who rather not take the risk of using the name of their leader in vain or do not want to incorrectly pronounce the WORD typically often seen as YHVH. If the typical Jews and arrogant Christians have Allah-phobia, why are they not afraid to believe in archangels such as Michael and Satan they have never met face to face?
Since the Qur'an seems to have many commentaries on groups other than those they say are of Islam, I would through out a caution flag at Surah 5 vs. 82, where the English translation I have states that those who say 'We are Christians' are not arrogant. From what I have seen and heard, most of those who call themselves Christians are so arragant they think they can forgive their own sins since they refuse to stop intentional sin based on the fact they disregard and think that they are too good to bother with the instructions of Torah. Most also, after they have rejected the teachings for Israelites, are also too proud to see what Allah expects of them since they have rejected 'Yod Hey Vav Hey' protective cover system which includes remembering and keeping the feasts of Unleavened Bread, Shavuot, Yom Teruah,Tabernacles and Yom Kippur without hypocrisy.
There are too many words in parenthesis in theAbdullah Yusef Ali translation I am researching for me to be able to discern properly without guidance from ______________. Why put in the name of whom I chose to help me discern when I haven't seen that power face to face? The verse I did not understand yesterday, namely Surah 4:24 was no longer confusing if I understand it to say that the only married woman a man can mate with is his own wife, not a woman who is married to another. Surah 3: vs 84 does not deny that those who put full trust in the Qur'an texts will bow their will to Allah, but it also states that they should say that they beiieve in what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, in the books given to Moses, Jesus and the Prophets, using their English terms. Thus, if Allah ever asks them to bow at the name of Yehovah, they will and those who have trusted in a name different than Allah should not fear the contents of the Qur'an, but should examine it with the spirit we have within us.
As it is written in Surah 4:154, clearly no one who trusts in Allah's name nor in the leader of Moshe Ben Amram' is to TRANSGRESS IN THE MATTER OF THE SABBATH!!!! This is such a strong witness for the teachings of Moshe that I have never heard in 'Christian' churches because it is their common practice to transgress the Sabbath. If you question the Islam onlookers, they should know that if you keep the 7th day sabbath you have aligned with the advice revealed in the Qur'an and in no way tells the children of Israel to discard or neglect the covenant they had agreed to. Surah 17:23 could very well read as follows:
Your Lord, Yehovah, has decreed that you worship none but HIm, and that you be kind to your parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour (WAW) Out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility and say "My Yehovah ( or my Creator) bestow on them your mercy even as they cherished me in childhood." Such a prayer is not a vain repetition and such instructions are beautiful and proper.
Woe to the anti-Book people who have convinced my son to repel me for years and cause him to refuse to lower his wing in humility. Indeed, my 'Christian' son has not seen how I bi-annuallly make time to serve my parents in humility, knowing neither my parents nor my son have the pro-covenant faith that I have and it seems as though my creator has been gracious to my parents. The more times I plead my case against my son, whether I drag up a verse from Solomon's proverbs instructions from a pro-Moshe Qur'an, the more obvious it will be to someone or some judge that I rather he be convinced he has been wrong than to ignore the sadness and shame he delivers to me for reasons I do not understand. It is not the very books that my son studies that states if he will not hear my pleas for mercy face to face that I am instructed to take it to another judgment seat of a person who has ears to hear or is not blinded by idolatry. It is frightening for a parent to observe how their child walks about claiming that 'the LORD' is first in his life but the 'Lord' he has is getting counsel from has neither the spirit of Yehovah nor the spirit of Allah but does have an anti-commandment spirit that I cannot eradicate from his household.
Everyone who refers to themselves as being joined to Israel should take the time to see the epistle to them in found at Surah 17. If at 17 you only want one Allah or one Angel of Yehovah to keep you in the way, it is better than trusting the vain repetitions of Tim McGraw.In that entire chapter, when the words 'Your Lord' are used, does it not refer to your Elohim of choice, either Yeshua whom the Muslims refer to as Jesus Christ or HVHY, who delivered messages to Moshe Ben Amram?
The men who say they trust Allah also stated they never heard of Louis Farrakhan, and seemed shocked to think that Farrakhan has made himsepf to be similar to a Catholic cardinal in the USA, trying to put himself in Allah's seat when he couldn't find his way toward the lapis line of the tribe of Dan. Yes, Yehovah and his people of the BOOK might laugh from time to time if they contemplate that Allah has claimed to have delivered the message of Psalms TO David, which now makes them a bit more plausible to consider and study... with Allah's blessing included.
If someone says they come in the name of Anthony Wickersham or the FBI, who bends the knees to the deputies and agents? Is it not even more practical to consider the messages from a man who is not trying to force you to endorse pagan evergreen garlands but desires that you consider the name of his Lord, whom he calls Allah? Those who have forced their citizens to stop working on December 25th or stop working on Sunday by order of their anti-Moshe government are wicked people, as evil as those who refuse to let those who say they do not want to trangress the sabbath be allowed to be excused from unnecessary work on the sabbath they choose to align with. Those who have despised the Elohim of Israel with intent to create or mimick their own fishy or shifty Babylonian 'godhead' closed their businesses on December 25th, while the brave chose to keep their business doors open like the Puritans might have.
There are many who have been claiming to do things in Allah's name that in fact are contrary to the instructions of the Qur'an. Those who are sending their children to be slain in the streets of the Gaza strip no doubt are affiliated with the same Palestinians who gathered in front of Christmas trees. Now that I have a copy of the Qur'an, I am better equipped to rebuke those who say they believe in Allah if I notice they are behaving contrary to the instructions of the Qur'an. I would expect anyone else who studies the Books of Mosses would rebuke me if I am sinning unintentionally or have a besetting sin I am not aware of due to ignorance. I have seen Steven Basting do things in the name of Edward Flynn that Edward Flynn might have objected to if he had known what someone under his authority chose to do. I have seen people claim to being things in the name of Jesus Christ that fit the definition of an act of abomination not a good act of faith that a good King of Israel would endorse. It's how a person reacts when they have been rebuked that affects how much justified discipline it would take to correct them to condition of righteousness after genuine repentence and appreciation toward the person who rebuked them.
Lot is mentioned in the Qur'an, noting that his wife lagged behind before an entire population was destroyed by super natural forces. I realize I cannot be a Muslim, but I now know that the good Muslims are not going to try to make me disobey the laws intended for the 144,000 sealed and faithful, which actually will include 12,000 of Zebulun or the 12,000 of Simeon.
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