I did decide to try to diffuse racially biased language I have been discouraged hearing with these letters to Esaac Israel. I decided to post them publicly since Esaac's opinions have been posted publically,although I will not post his written response to me. The fact that he did respond to me very quickly is an indicator that he takes his position seriously and unlike my son who is not attracted to the spirit of people who believe Moshe and therefore are capable of believing Yeshua of the tribe of Judah, Mr. Israel has also taken my perspective seriously even if he does not agree with my perspective and he did respond to me respectfully. After sending the letters to Mr. Israel, I watched one of his short presentations about what he believes was a bloody Thanksgiving. I certainly can do without the USA Thanksgiving gatherings, but are there times when it is justifiable to destroy a whole town of people during a war that started with a 1 murder? Mr. Israel does not think it is possible that some Indians tribes behaves like savages and I know that that term still defines how some groups of people train those under them to behave. I differ from Esaac Israel because am not going to try and defend any Indian tribe that clings to their casino chips rather than embracing the work ethic that Yehovah expects from those who believe in his instructions. If the Puritans did align with one group of Americans, who has the correct information to compare the tendencies of the two different sect of Indians? Many of the Putitans did the best they could with the Protestant bibles they had access to, and they did not have the same access to Hebrew reading materials in 1621 as Mr. Esaac and many others have now.
Mr. Esaac also seems intent on degrading what he refers to as 'Christian names' but I have no reason to be ashamed of the name my parents gave me because they are North American names that can be translated into other languages. It is not a sign of disrespect to give a person a name and as a matter of fact, every infant that has been aborted should have been given a name. People like Mr. Esaac have the ability to sway others in a variety of directions, and it was his own fellow 'free' wealthy blacks such as Martin Luther King, Jr. who have kept millions in anti-Moshe bondage with their anti-Yehovah (aka Yahweh aka Yahoowah) assemblies for decades. Just as baffling is why Bradley Tech proficiency scores in Milwaukee have dropped to an extremely low level under the leadership of Mr. Evers and now Mr. Evers got promoted by the same group of people that have stood around and watch their children fail to study anything other than their electronic toys and anti-biblical materials. Why bother to master a second language such as Hebrew if you are currently unable to put together a proper sentence structure in your NATIVE language, also known as the country of your origin that can only be traced back to the decision your parents made. Do church people who are expecting some place in a millenial reign to be given to them really think that Yehovah is going to ignore what kind of citizens they were before the expected change of command on earth takes place? Even if Mr. Israel does not change his verbage or try to improve his English writing skills, what I shared with him was a valid concern and I he is only another version of the careless 'black' drummer Carl Allen III and the unpredictable 'white' drummer of Wittenberg Shane David Hendrikson when it comes to his confidence level and learning abilities. I have given my best efforts with people like Carl Allen and the Shane Hendrikson gang only to be rejected and treated improperly by them as they then returned to the anti-Moshe USA church affiliation of their choice. What Mr. Israel does with the truthful concerns I shared will affect more than people like me.
This isn't an Armbruster 2-3112 method, by the anti-Burnett way. 2 way communications should never be taken for granted in a nation that has become overly attached to playing 'Steve Young in the middle', has too many people labeled 'Tom' who claim to be saints even though they haven't had the courage or strength to depart from their NFL employers who have front loaded their 'home turf' with strumpet sections, and the USA is loaded up with a general population that has become too detached from the spirit of prophesy to stop trusting and stop believing in Paul Blart and start believing in the writings of the prophet Ezequiel.
My 1st letter to the Esaac Israel team:
Your verbal deliveries would be more like Yeshua if you escape the bondage of black vs. white speech patterns. The fact is we humans are all a shade of brown... some very light, some medium and some dark as cocoa. Yeshua did not specify skin tones when he called people a brood of vipers. Reggie White is not Roddy White, and Shirley Temple Black is not Jack Black.
Mr. Esaac Israel, you have signs of brilliance but you could be more of a blessing to others by shifting away from 'black folks/white folks' speech and shifting toward white as a leper and black as Joseph's onyx stone settings. Those of us who love YHVH have enough battles against unholiness and it would behoove you to change your eyesight, mindset and skin tone verbiage to ' we are all a shade of brown historically and in future tense situations'. I know you don't have a favorable opinion of most coppers, but as a retired Milwaukee police officer I did appreciate your warning against New's Years ( which I have hated for decades) and hope you can appreciate my attempt to increase the number of people able to trust you as a leader from my light brown pro-Moshe affiliates.
Marie from MIchigan
............. (2nd letter to Mr. Israel after his interesting response).........
I am thankful we do have an actual line of communication. In my family background, many unarmed Polish people got shot down by pale'faced Germans. I have 2 brothers, so am technically a sister of them and indeed, my father is a faithful man but I am quite sure he is not your father, so out of neighborly respect I prefer not to be called sister except by my actual brothers. That term 'sister' might have a too much of a Catholic spin on it as well...
I hope I at least planted a seed that some other might water. I have worked side by side with people of so many backgrounds and have known that pale-skinned unarmed sales clerks have gotten gunned down by vicious gang members who you would call black but I would call evil brute beasts. The only place I have been made to feel welcome on a Shabbat in my MIchigan area is at a local Muslim restaurant where we discuss Moshe and resist Christmas crap together. These peaceful Muslims that feed me and treat me kindly, knowing I have aligned with YHVH and do call myself an Israelite but not a Jew, are being hated and harassed by anti-commandment GENTILES because they reject Christmas decor. Often, the evil murder those who are also anti-Moshe by definition and if I or you are spared as sheep that are not longer astray, we may be expected to be witnesses to what we have seen when evil does war with other forms of evil that may in a FORM that looks like us but in function they too have rejected the message of the prophets.
In closing, I implore you to be discerning in your messages and to remember that being white and in uniform or black in uniform is not a sign of wickedness but that wickedness stems from embracing lawlessness or the lack of self-control when tempted to commit sin. As the 144,000 might soon say: Abaddon is not our problem.' Don't outrun your sense of humor, especially when you feel weary. By the way, I like your yellow outfit and appreciate your dress code policies as well as your anti-tattoo speech. There is no way the everyone in the world will ever be like me because I think I might be part of the anti-Brady beryl bunch... Zebulun. NOw that you have my contact info, feel free to trust me like a cousin who is related to Noah. Be blessed and be cautious in the narrow paths. The last time I remember having a safe and somewhat enjoyable December 31st I was watching the Globetrotters in Milwaukee about 40 years ago with a trumpeter from my high school jazz ensemble... sober as a locust. My friends do call me 'locust', and I do not consider that an insult.
I anticipate learning from your sabbath gatherings.
Your distant neighbor,
I have tried to advise Mr. Israel as though he were one of my neighbors, hoping he does not have the spirit of Maxine Waters in his offices.
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