Monday, December 31, 2018

55 Down Town of Macomb is Anti-Dan!

Newspapers are as anti-wisdom and often as blasphemous as arrogant, blind Detroit attorneys who refer to themselves as 'Feiger' or 'Morse'.  Your more likely to be able to read indisputable facts if you read the ingredients on a can of tuna labeled '9 Lives' or compare Giguere's 262 wins to Fedorov's 262 ESPN non-random number status. As another dissection occurs at 55 down, the useless clue the author of 'WINTER FUN" wants you to ponder is:

Zedong of China
Here are much better words  than 'MAO to consider when sifting Chinese entities to fill in the 3 spots allowed at 55 down:





5D. Totally disregard a limit of 3 and stay SHARPER at 55 down.

6D. Totally disregard a limit of 3 and use JOVANOVSKI as your 55 down hill ski leader.

7D. GOD,  the tribe originally represented by the ligure stone, not by television harlots such as Sharon Stone

Remember, the objective in refusing to foolow the mindet "WINTER FUN' wanted you to have will result in you being better able to counter stupidity with biblically guided intelligence.  For those who saw Swiss mister #16 follow Gaspar #9 too close, remember there is not a tie at the 18th hole anymore, and all the Macomb and Wausau problems can be deferred to the following tie at 374:

John V. ( a NHL goalie who is part of the Michael Gartner collection) has 374 wins

R. Miller ( a NHL goalie who is more likely to see Feiger than see me face to face after I eradicated his photo from my household and it landed in the hands of an unthankful Michigan gang affiliated with the Suburban Sports Group. I suspect the new governess of Michigan would be more likely to fix the Rhodes in a Xavier #29 gambling rink than actually investigate WHY people like me were denied out right to face our accuser after the Macomb deputies intentionally decided to be anti-truth and anti-D.A.R.E. program at the same time.

There is a John Miller who I used to attend bible studies with UNTIL he decided Moses is wrong and his Vietnam Sunday church experiences are correct. Mr. Miller, of Little Chicago, Wisconsin had a son-in-law named John Gasper (Gaspar?) not a John Koch in his squad and a girl/wife named Sue who I will call unthankful, unholy and lukewarm in her medical field attire.  It's not always 'MIller Time' in the beer gardens, so try to remember that 'MOOG' covered my back at important times and Miller never has covered my back.

Army  hot heads  need to find out who has their next 15 rounds in a boxing match, since being overly concerned with 6 is like being in the middle of a Pabst code rematch for Winston not Salem on 31st and Sheridan streets in MIlwaukee with only a  Ruger 357  left for the typical ' Christmas tree worship teams to compare to Dany Heatley's current automobile value.

It's somewhat laughable to watch the Florida Panthers poke around in Detroit tonight after Tim McGraw and Faith HIll poked around in their arena.  After all, many of John MIller's baptist gangs last saw Eric David Hendrikson wearing in a Panther suit for his 'mug' shot, not a Chicago Blackhawks jersey.

The anti-Zedong memory is  important to Maola milk drinkers! If you are stuck at 15 in billiard ball links, go to Cracker Barrel of Port Huron and observe the fact that 'Canada Dry' is on the outside next to Willard signs and 'Coca'Cola', bloodhounds and black bears all trickled inside past the elegant fireplace.

Signs matter, even to people who have purchased plastic sleds to block invasive lighting that the Lucifer bunch and the Aretha Franklin anti-Moses gangs dispense in and out of Newman's  'Dj Cameron' areas. The Michigan roadside trash epidemic along the roadsides are going to be a Whitmer problem now, not Dan Snyder's problem.  Rhodes are not the the same as roads, so beware of speeches that are not accompanied by a written, signed work contract.

Day 999 has arrived, and it is not a new year for the few who have trusted biblical instructions for the tribes of Dan, Simeon and eventually 12,000 of the tribe of Judah. For the few who remember how well I could write police reports with very sloppy notes, please remember Bodo Gajevic on January 1st and avoid becoming drunken sailors in Thomas Wahl's boat filled up with O'Neill water ski wetsuits.

Time for the rubber shoes and Tyrone Rice tests pretty soon, if Rice is your Milwaukee County jungle dome 10 code!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Word Lurch 5 Horizontal Holding

 The Macomb Chronicle definitely has a pagan/heathen agenda, and that is very easy to see when the clue given for 5 Across is 'Mayan language. The stupid answer listed is:MAM. If you think MAM means 'Mayan language', don't ever read any more of my posts. If a person starts with a premise that is wrong from the start, the only way that person will be corrected is to face an adversary willing to correct them. For instance, it is an incorrect premise to think that good dads are working for the Minnesota Vikings, since if a father was truly good he would not want to be surrounded with strumpets, so the Kyle Brandt method of identification is WRONG.

Since it could be day 998 in a tribulation count, the anti-Mayan word of the day is Hebrew:
Beit Yod Nun Hey, and it means "  feminine discernment/to turn away from evil'.  Phil Rivers wife does not have good discernment and neither does Kelly Stafford or Mrs.Kirk Cousins. When a wife rather have an unreasonably huge income than the desire that her husband work in a MORALLY DECENT environment, she is foolish and wealthy at the same time.  If more men who refer to themselves as 'Christians' would defect from their sporting expertise if they would not find a tean to hire them with an anti-strumpet policy, more owners might be SAVED from their besetting sin.

For years, the Pittsburgh Steelers have hated the Cleveland Browns for some reason, but they should have realized that both teams have had a common 'no cheerleader' clause that should have united them and made them encourage one another long before today. Only 1 decent team is advancing in the NFL playoffs, and that team is the Chicago Bears, who should already be advised that going to the Superbowl is not an honor anymore  because the Superbowl has become a immoral disgrace and typically is a strumpet center.  Was it intentional that Peppers 22 was denied what should have been a touchdown run because the 'Pig and Whistle' blowers didn't do their job properly? Was it a coincidence that Baltimore Raven #57  snatched a football in a place where no signs of a dove or an ark will ever be seen?

More logical and proper clues for MAM should have been any of the below:
D5: Feminine parallel to SIR
D6: Polite term for a widow

The D7 answer for 'Mayan language' should be 'BAD', or  'USELESS' or "FOOLISHNESS' but the 'WINTER FUN' author does not really want his puzzlers to become sanctified nor does he want his readers to increase in wisdom and Truth and stop being fuzzy on the 'hole good' or 'bad' things.  If you write down an incorrect answer enough times, some blockhead will think it is the correct answer.

Chicago Bear #83 did not get charged with roughing a strumpet after he was pushed into a Minnesota Viking strumpet. Ideally, #83 will appreciate every game he plays at sweet, home Chicago and will not be blind to the hypocrisy of men like Kirk Cousins, who claim to be Christians but let his conscience evacuate his brain when $84,000,000 is set before him. Men like Kirk Cousins actually are not even close to being a holy and eligible for mercy at judgment time as the apostle Judas.

I don't drink Bud light, and I do not desire to be part of the 'many' who will be deceived. I am not ashamed to be part of the few who know the next new moon is a more valid marker of time than December 31st. I'd rather see my grandchildren become Chicago Bears fans or Cleveland Browns fans , hoping they eventually find out how a valedictorian continues to think and process information after  Yehovah, HVHY or YHWH, has become the love of her life and others rather love pigs and CocaCola machines.

5 Across might as well be Green Bay Packers  'Kizer' .  The name 'Jackson' has been more of a thorn in my past than Daniel, Callaway, Beltran and Palkans.  I warned locals on Michigan bike trails long ago to ignore BOYLE 86' for a very serious and narrow path reason, and I have no desire to become part of the Mayan A's team and the actual prophet Elisha would rather fast for 40 days than dine with the Baltimore Ravens assembly in it's current "Dallas Cowgirl' state of mind.

What are  reasonable Rob Cross words?   "Dodge dart!'

Hey, since it might be 10/24 on a Israelite system, wasn't it terrific to hear Robert Smith's voice during the Maurice Harvey  Packers vs. Lions  tricky work zone demonstration?  When some hear 1st and 5 across, they actually think of Jaromir Jagr. When others think of 5 across links, they might consider the letter Yod or Greg Joseph the 17th.  Who in their odd mind would think of 5 Across and 3 as a non-secret code for Slava Koslov?

Adios and bon nuit, neighbor!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Word Passage: 58 Down Hill Street

Because I am anti-Beyonce I am not going to progress ripping apart the Macomb puzzle like a methodist.  Although the theme of the crossword puzzle I am dissecting is listed as 'Winter Fun', too many people are more conscerned with fitting 'Fun and Games' into their schedule and not enough people are trying to squeeze 'Moonlight Serenade' into their playlist.

The clue for 58 DOWN is 1 of 40 clues in the "DOWN' section, while there will be 39 'Across' checks to be made by me and those working for or against me. Since I am in my 58th year and my all-city favorite Milwaukee G man is almost finished with 64 years on earth, my favorite hockey G man will still be listed as  Mr. Elk Point'  long after I will be listed as '58' in aging record books.

The vague clue given in the Macomb Chronicle for 64 Down for a possible 3 letter word is :
" Major time period".

D1. If you think an ERA is a major time period, you can go to the Vera Dragesich team like a shifty Trojan and check out 'Major Goolsby's' , and black O'Leary keys have  to be excluded from you major time period investigation. All D1 answers can be discussed with Steven Basting, if you can find him in person.

D2. An EON seems to be a 'Major time period' for people like me, but was Neon created in a major time period in a Dodge plant? It does not take an ERA to build a neon, so an EON is an adversary of an ERA.  Let this be a Elizabeth Cummings holy English sign unto you when I finally get to 64 Across Towne soda jerk options. I still have to think like an Ortiz in the middle of Basting and Weary sometimes, since I do not desire to be a Jesuit puppeteer as beggarly as Michael Warsaw nor do I desire to be  as  anti-Calvinist as Ray Romano's whorish super bowl  partners known as, Patricia+ Heaton.

D3. From henceforth, every answer option I expose will be designated for MIlwaukee Police Districts only and as you will find out, there will be no District 7 answers in this series. Phil Wehse can give you options for  District 7 if you are really trying to combat  crossword puzzle creators rather while avoiding stupid bipolar thinking which leads to statement such as 'Justice or Else'.. For every stupid answer 'Winter Fun' puzzle maker wanted you to get in and out of your brain, my intention is to come up with f answers for people who prefer 'Old Dutch' to 'Better Made' products and I am not worried about offending the creator of 'WINTER FUN'.  Rodney Weary and I knew what it meant to be very, very cross at times, times and overtime but we also knew what "REAL CHILI' means to Marquette Students and MSOE students who are too smart to go to Major Goolsby's now. The D3 optional true answer for 64 DOWN is : 20.83 years

D4.  Ideally, MIlwaukee is not going to follow the 'New York City PD ideas of adding drones to their Bucks, Brewers and Admirals airspace. Drones do not save lives, they only allow police officers to be lazier and less diligent in actual street sense.  Prophets of HVHY have saved more lives than a drone ever could, and every prophet I rely upon would say 'DO NOT GO TO ANY  NEW YEAR"S EVE GATHERINGS other than an indoor hockey game'. Relying upon or utilizing drones is as opposite of YHVH as relying on a French Mirage to break up a battle between a honey badger and a scorpion. Some battles are not meant to be stopped, people who want to prove they always want to be pagan Gentiles will go ahead and let the NYPD examine them with their drones while they once again choose to reject the teachings of Moshe Ben Amram.  The D4 answer for a 'Major time period'  clue is geared for Peter Bondra but cases, so your answer has to be '5 MInutes'.

When I dissect the 'Across' clues, I will supply only  options for answers, geared toward D5, D6 and D7.  Now get to work and do not rest on Sunday if you want to be pro_Moshe and anti-papcy for a 'daughter of Abraham' curve. ( I suggest you read Luke, chapter 13, and know it is fine to leave solitary confinement and seek water and clean meats during the sabbath day major time period of 24 hours. The fine you pay for a clean meat meal is better than getting arrested for praying to light bulbs in your household or ruining your anti-Lucifer grade by kneeling in front of statues in some anti-Muslim assembly.)

Friday, December 28, 2018

Word Passage 1A: Sign of 1 Across Crossword: Chain of Command Challenge

This is an 'Allah' vs. 'Asia' plan to break Iblis, not Satan.

1. Do you agree that 'ASIA' is the only answer to the following clue for 1 ACROSS?
Clue:  Most populous continent

 If you agree that the puzzle maker did not deceive you by wanting you to believe that the most populous continent is in fact ASIA, try to complete the following 'Allah or Nothing' chain of command test:

1. If you are a Muslim, you probably believe that Satan and Iblis is your enemy, but concentrate on defeating Iblis.

2. According to Yeshua's apostles, whom many refer to as Jesus Christ in error, Yeshua has more power than Satan and Yeshua taught from the Books of Moshe. Therefore, it is logical that once Muhammad and Allah rejected Satan, Satan would then have no other option than to tempt or try to mislead Yeshua. However, try to believe that Lucifer worked his way into the Vatican to deceive Muslims who haven't been studying their Qur'an, based on the facts of 3.

3. The Vatican leaders have not only claimed they believe in a trinity rather than in One Absolute Eternal deity who is superior to all others, they also have claimed that their 'god' is the same 'god' that the Muslims worship BUT that is clearly a lie because the GOD of the Muslims has prohibited the comsumption of swine, but the Vatican has encouraged the consumption of swine.  The Vatican leaders also have declared they do not want their people calling on the name of Yahweh, nor on Yehovah nor on Yahuwah, so the Vatican is obviously anti-Moses and most like IBLIS.

4. Plan Y:  According to the Muslim's chain of command, all their requests are to be put before Allah, so I recommend that if you are a Muslim desiring to defeat Lucifer and Iblis, pray the following prayer sincerely:

I humbly request that you, Allah, allow the forces of Yehovah to assist me in my personal struggles against Iblis and Lucifer. I ask this as a student of your Qur'an that has faith in Moses, the prophet.

The above prayer should not  be a vain public repetition. A person who already believes in Moshe Ben Amram's teaching is not allowed to ask Yehovah to force Allah to help them, and Muslims would agree that Yehovah would never be able to send Allah to help the  true and faithful Israelites because those Israelites have already rejected Allah but have  not rejected the instructions of Moshe Ben Amram.

5. Plan W: I have been told by 2 witnesses that if Satan stops sinning that Allah will forgive him, because they truly believe that Allah is most forgiving. It has been common knowledge that Satan has been allowed to get behind Yeshua during battles, which means some people with  Fire Department expertise should start following Satan to see if it is possible for Miroslav Satan to stop sinning while he is supposed to be following either Christos or Joshua. Here is the prayer I recommend if you believe that Satan exists and was created by Elohim but hate the deceitful tactics of the  'Santa Claus' allies:

'Yehovah, my LORD and my Elohim, I humbly request that you allow Iblis  to follow Mr. Satan  to see what Mr. Satan really knows about self-defense once a hedge of protection is taken away from him. If there is no such entity as Iblis, then please allow Allah to follow Satan if Allah really exists.'  

The goal of this 1 Across movement is to have the Lord of the Muslims and the God of the Israelites align against the Catholics and Protestants, who have been trying to get people to stop obeying the prophet Moshe Ben Amram. It is clear from the Qur'an that Muslims are not supposed to try to stop any Israelite from calling upon Yehovah to guide their way, protect them, discipline them and deter them from sinning and any person who tries to prevent you from obeying the Laws of Moses really is also denying the writings of the Qur'an and rejecting the teachings of Yeshua aka the leader of St. Matthew who have been called apostles, therefore that Iblis-type has been troubling Asia and people who call themselves 'Jewish' for more than 21 centuries and a spiritual power play is required on behalf of those who are willing to call upon Yehovah and reject the Vatican's trinity.

6. Do not boycott Muslim restaurants if you trust and rely upon the writings of Moses, but make sure you request vegetarian dishes until you are told it is not a problem to consume flesh dedicated to Allah by your MALE anti-Papacy leader.  Likewise, in order for Muslims to return the business favor holy, unrebellious Israelites are doing for them, Muslims should do business with Israelite restaurants but choose vegetarian items unless they are confident that Allah will be most merciful to them if they start to eat flesh labeled 'kosher'.  This suggestion is something a typical Morehead State student would probably agree with, especially if they want to shame the Papacy and lead people toward either Michael the Archangel's guidance or the guidance of Elijah and Moses which Allah is not able to oppose, according to the Qur'an.

In the holiest of spiritual battles, no crimes will be committed.

Intro To New Series: Cold Style Anti-Alexa Method of Testing Gentile Communications

I am not going to report on the Qur'an anymore, since I have enough evidence to know I prefer to trust the books of Moses rather than Muhummad or Joseph Smith. On a rare occasion, people as old as me read a tabloid labeled 'The Macomb Township Chronicle' ,  'The Detroit Free Press' , 'The Wausau Herald', "The Mosinee Times' or 'The Milwaukee Journal' to see what the people who typically do not want to teach you the Books of Moses want you to consider.  The intent of this 79 post series is to see if in fact there is a anti- Else or anti-Justice system of communications that people who enjoy numerology and code analysis can participate in on a n Oshawa local 222 level or a American Legion Post 93 level.

You might only be able to tolerate this challenge if you really suspect there are gambling games you hope you can help counter better than Murray Heatley. I don't think it is proper that someone like Dany Heatley can have a judge hande millions of dollars he took a chance with while I was not able to  get the Macomb County deputies to take a proper report against Vincent LoCicero, who still seems to be doing business in Michigan.

Here are the terms of this communications test you must agree with or at least read through to have a chance of passing this test:

1. You must agree that Tim Bussineau is equal to Timothy Severud in judgment calls at the number 17. Tim Bussineau happened to be the only man with enough wisdom to try to evade a 'double skunk line' problem, and the double skunk line in the Macomb county is now represented by Kristi Pozzi and Kathy Smith, because both of those women are fake blondes. If they deny they are fake blondes, the Truth is not in them, and I suspect that Bussineau also noticed a suspicious problem when out of 17 people, the majority of board members wanted a 'reader' on their board. Bussineau might be similar to me in thought processes, but I was voted out of a voluntary office on an HOA because I did not hear ear to ear with other board members.
2. According to the reverse side of Pozzi and Smith's photo in the Macomb Chronicle, Stephen McAfee of Macomb township went missing almost 3 years ago, and Eevette MacDonald pled guilty to a crimes possibly linked to Stephen McAfee. If you are annoyed with the 'pushing' of McAfee anti-virus software on your HP/Windows computer, continue on with this test.
3. Larry Neal is now equal to Fred Neal, but not equal to James Neal according to the new Squad 50 Down *Hockey turf constant. There will be a 50 Across vs. Tin Man eventually in this new  anti-Alexa series, but because I want this to be a logical test to compare THE POWER OF SUGGESTION to "Dawn of A New Era' Wisconsin Hockey team posters to the most recent Yankee turf game known as the New Era Pinstripe Bowl results, this St. Louis of the Miami Hurricanes point is very serious.

4. You will need to pay attention to non-computerized people, places and things in this testing process. For instance, I have noticed that Marlo Thomas has facial features that now  make her look like Michael Jackson, the deranged Motown singer, probably because of plastic surgery that is as vain and misleading as the women who continually try to mislead others and want to have fake blonde hair rather than be more genuine, pro-Creator, more natural and ultimately more truthful when they appear to their neighbor .

5. As part of  San Diego hockey mystery, you must try to locate a person with the first name of Arnott, not the last name of Arnold.

6.You  should try to examine the differences, either on computer or in person, between a hockey player named Brewer and a hockey player named Beers, 2 individual people listed as part of a Las Vegas team that is heading toward St. Clair county in a Silver Stick competition, not a Dwight Stick class reunion competition.  I suspect the Detroit area is as corrupt as Las Vegas, which is why I am very careful in what I choose to wear.

7.  In order to prove that not hearing ear to ear is the same as not seeing eye to eye, choose a question to counter a cancer line, not a Simeon line:
A) Can Cerneglia prove he is honest in all Michael  business matters?
B) Can Sir Duke lyrics be more damaging to your mental health as the Book of Obadiah?
C) Can Sir Topham Hat be as dangerous to your child's spiritual and mental development as eating a  lunch of pork, escargot, Pepsi and Twizzlers?
D) Can 'sir' be considered an insult or a sign of mental illness when addressing a  Scooby Doo toy or Snoopy toys during rehearsals for dog fights?
E) Can Sergei men be different from Sir Gayfeather the perennial flower expert?

8.  Eventually, there will be an expensive war between the puzzling 'Zedong of China' and 'China Grove' that I will not be able to fund or donate to, so I would suggest a battle of truth between "Santa Claus Tracker" stations and 'Doobie Brothers' trackers. In such a battle, the neutral tracker has to be Mark Messier, not Mark Motors of Plover, Wisconsin. Gentiles might decide they no longer want to be Gentiles when they discover that telling your children about the band 'Chicago' is not a sin but telling them lies about anything IS a sin and is actually a form of child abuse that is not funny and is not permissible if you want to continue to try to get at least up to the level of a good God aka Gad.

9. The object of the series is not only to possibly expose who REALLY has been trying to deceive you, but also prove how addictions to crossword puzzles can be as much of a problem to cure as addiction to Little Debbie Star Crunch  cookies.  If what info or materials you are INGESTING is not good for you or a waste of  money, you should try to improve what you read, what games you play and what you include in your dietary plan.

10. When you are through with this testing process and have come to a conclusion, you might also realize that DOING NO WORK on Yom Kippur is contrary to the behavior of YAHWEY-fearing saints because Yom Kippur often falls on what would be normally have been a work day and by design, the 144,000 who get sealed into a tribe are not LAZY SLUGGARDS! You must concede to the fact that believing in God is easier than getting sealed into the tribe of Zebulun, because the GOd way is the BROAD way, not the narrow way of testing people's deity choices.

11. Certain sects of people do not want to believe that the words of a' slave holde'r could ever be true or inspired by some sort of unseen holy spirit. I do not like the USA national anthem because I do not like military strategies that include bombs bursting in air, and my fiscally wise opinion has nothing to do with my  view of a USA flag. If you will not believe the words of any slave holders, in order to resist hypocrisy you must also reject all the words of Solomon in 'Proverbs', his father David's Psalms and Jacob who had at least 2 female slaves that were handed over to him by Rachel, then Leah, to mate with, possibly against the desire of their heart. To my knowledge, there are a few prophets who never were slave holders but might have been Stave holders.   I am using common biblical English spellings since this testing process is designed for Gentiles, even though Jews, Muslims, atheists, Catholics, Protestants and unrighteous politicians might want to take this test, intended to narrow parameters and widen the gap between Wahlstrom and Wahl theories.

12. Before you get to Lot 64 questions vs. 64 touchdown questions, you now have a chance to try to defeat  a crossword puzzle maker at his own codes and to try and be avoid the 'BEAST 01' Michigan license plate owner. Here is your new Milwaukee German School Code conversion team IF you trust Paul Frederick Stanton  and more than you trust Fred McMurray's 'Flubber' methods:

7874243698 = (Cullen)(Crosby)(Jovanovski)(Bettis)(Gaffney)

13. Before you compare Montenegro to Del Monte and Zuma 'Paw Patrol' methods of influencing your neighbor and wisely avoiding "Carnegie' wasteful spending habits tied to a stupid 'guru' pan, use this as your pro-Moses ' happy new ear' and Bumblebee's Wax  code:

7874243698 = (Paul Coffey)(Sidney Crosby)(Sidney Rice)(JaredAllen)(Javier Lopez)

14. Your new constant at 14 should be Sergei Gonchar now if you want to avoid getting mentally captured and possibly tossed into the "Land of Confusion' because  the "Bite the Bullet' team wanted you to get confused. Your alternate choices at 14 are Jamie Benn or Robert Skaradzinski and team 'Nun'.  The Gonchar team does not want you to be confused when it comes to Sir Tin' deliveries and the Safe  D.A.R.E. team strategies as they apply to the new non-Pebbles team known as "Myles Garrett's Orange Roughy Scale Shakers'.

15. If you are comparing Gonchar and Gomez to Benn and Spezza, you are still on the Michael Modano trail and punted off of the Jagr team to the DeMarcus Ayers team for an anti-cheerleader reason.  Keep investigating 450 Hennepin Ave. and Disney propaganda  vs. 1313 Mockingbird Lane changes at the name  "Lewis' and 'Priest' and 'DeCarlo'.

This concludes my flippant introduction to my non-televised series specially designed for people who are as smart as Art Linkletter. Don't be a sluggard and don't trust Tom Hanks if you ever want to see a real Gadite eye to eye and possibly make it to the tribe of Reuben at second up, since 2nd down is the tribe of Dan.

 If what I try to achieve is successful, the winning team will be Patrick LaLime at the word 'AGO' and the letters HVHY will defeat the letters 'GURU' and 'LORD' due to my favorite anti-Martian Martin Dudenhoefer code team which is specially designed for my really unique GoComics' Digital Frog' team:

(Roethlisberger)(Recchi)(Krivokrasov)(SOURaY)(Mayfield)(Robert ''Buckeye' Smith26). Not everyone is as weak and spiritually ignorant as Jason Witten and Tony Romo.

An Invitation To Levi, Autumn Rayne And Havalah

To my beloved grandchildren,

Though you are young now, there may be a day or a night when you can read and understand this letter to you. When I was very young, I used to read history books written by Laura Ingalls Wilder, but those books I had were taken from me 8 years ago. There was a man named Michael Landon who made a film that showed that Laura,  the daughter of Charles Ingalls , felt compassion for the Osage tribe in Kansas and eventually, her own father had to move to Minnesota because the Osage tribe won a court battle AFTER Laura Ingall's parents allowed their children to have a party on December 25th and let them think that 'santa Claus' was in their house. Your parents or I might be able to help you study the Laura Ingalls Wilder history books someday.

Now, I read other history books. I read a letter about 2 very important men who have been known as Jeremiah and Baruch in the bible book labeled Jeremiah, chapters 36, 37 and 38. It is one of saddest stories I ever have read and some of the events happened at this time of the year, when winter had started.  In the bible, the 9th month must have been cold because I saw that a king that did not like Jeremiah and did not love Yehovah was living in a 'winterhouse'. Yehovah's calender is very different and much better than calndar's that humans have developed.  I believe today is the 9th month, the middle of the 20th day because according to Yehovah, the new year does not start on January 1st.

Jeremiah had an important message he wanted other people to receive, but because the message was a warning of trouble to come, an evil leader threw the written message into a fireplace. Jeremiah did not give up his duty to Yehovah, and another written message was brought forth by Jeremiah and Baruch, but once again the evil king tossed the message into a fireplace to burn it. The evil king then was very mean and did evil to Jeremiah by putting him into a prison that Jeremiah would not have survived in very long, so Yehovah let angels come to get Jeremiah out of the prison, which was a pit worse than the one Joseph was lowered into! Before this miracle happened, Jeremiah had proclaimed a FAST this month, not feasting on December 25th and January 1st.  I am going to remember how Jeremiah and Baruch worked together against a leader that did not love Yehovah, and will try very hard to fast until the start of the 10th month, which is ten days from now. It is not easy for me to try to be like Jeremiah, but it is possible.  I think I will try to limit what I eat very much and will eat some extra special apples that were grown my friends in Wisconsin who are named Mr. and Mrs. Janowski, because those apples are like medicine and I have been feeling sick. There have been a lot of messages I have wanted people in France and the United States to take seriously, but it seems the people who should have taken my messages seriously have tossed my messages into the garbage or into a fireplace, and not believed my reports.

The bible says that 2 witnesses can establish facts. I know I have sent a small letter, like a scroll, to your father and that my mother also has verified, by letter, the information I have passed on to your father.  We, as a team, have done our duty to warn your father, and we often warn people when we are trying to  LOVE people. Now, I heard a warning and the saw the warning from a letter that St. Paul , from the tribe of Benjamin, wrote to Ephesians that he never suspected would affect me  and understand his letter 2000 years after he wrote it. I found out that I have been made alive, but I was once dead, being surrounded by and affected by trespasses and sins in which I walked through on the course I have been on in this world, according to the prince of the power of the air. The prince of peace is the prince who comes forth from the good soil and understand farmers, and my father and mother have been taught about farming and soils. The good prince of peace is not tossed around by the prince of the power of the air, who often works his evil in music that is sold for profit, Broadway dance shows and theatre stages filled with people who have not been taught about humility and modesty. The prince of the power of the air works with the sons who do not obey Yehovah's instructions for the tribes if YShral.. from יהוה

I, like everyone who has been abused justified, had behaved and written things about your parents and your parent's parents because I desired a very specific outcome, namely, I wanted then to be sorry for what they had done to me and I wanted them to love Yehovah. What I wrote did fulfill the desires my mind  and did make me feel better for awhile, and I did not want to release my wrath and anger on those who did me no harm. A desire to protect my neighbors led me to write reports about people who had  been cruel and very ungracious toward me, maybe like Laura Ingalls had written reports about her family's troubles.

I better understood Ephesians, chapter 2, verses 1-8 when I thought about Jeremiah, Baruch and what my mother had done to be a second witness against my enemies. Now, I no longer need to write about what people who did not want to be part of my family have done to me in the past, when I was surrounded by sin and felt dead because my heart ached so much. I have other friends in Canada who helped me KNOW it is time to remember that once a double witness has been established, it is Yehovah who will fight with us who love his name and do not blaspheme against him.

I want you to know I will be sending you some gifts, and I wanted to send your father some gifts but he has not yet let me know which gifts he needs, so I must decide what is best if he does not write to me.  Like Baruch and Jeremiah, after I write a few times, if I get no response, I must start writing to others who will respond. Someday, I hope you will be able to write to me and to VISIT me because I have so much I want you to know about me and how I live according to Yehovah's instructions. Some of my friends call Yehovah 'Yahweh', and some call him 'Yahoowah', but I know how to write the name of the holy ONE who led Moses through the Red Sea in Hebrew, and that is most important to me. Sometimes we do not know how to pronounce a name until we hear it from the person who has that יהוה name.

I have asked your father if I should visit him in France, and he has not said yes, so I suppose something is very wrong or dangerous in France and he does not think I would be safe or welcome there, so I will be in Michigan waiting for your father to visit me here and of course, waiting for you to visit me here. Waiting is very hard sometimes, but I will think about how Jeremiah and Joseph waited for help when they were in a  pit alone, and eventually Yehovah sent them people who helped them after others had intended to hurt them. When you visit me at my house, you will have to abide by the rules that Yehovah has taught me to live by. When I visit my parents or had visited my grandparents, I have been expected to follow their rules or I would be punished or expected to leave.

I hope you will like the gifts that I send you, and I even have brand new Minnesota Vikings ear warmers for Havalah that will be in a box of gifts for your family. If I am ever tempted to bring up evil that had been done to me in the past before there is a judge in my presence, I will  remember what my friend told me about how people who are single need to behave differently after a divorce and then read Ephesians chapter 2, vs. 1-8 again, knowing that like Baruch and Jeremiah, I have strived with my mind and with people who do not love me long enough and now I will move forward and walk humbly with Yehovah's help. Even when you move forward, you have to remember there are people and things behind you you might not be able to change and that  defense is important.

Maybe a special angel on earth will help you understand all I have written to you today. Today, a plumber is coming to remove a Moen faucet and put in a Delta faucet, which I hope works better. I still have food, clothing and shelter and a few kind people who help me to do the things I cannot do yet. Todd Rivard is an Army veteran who repairs my cars, a plumber named Mark is going to help me with a faucet and Mr. Webb and Mr. Dubay have helped me with repairs to my house.  A very special young person named Logan  served me a tasty pierogi meal while I celebrated the birthday of  Lorraine Mielke yesterday, who has been one of my best friends. Lorraine still reads a Bible that I gave her 13 years ago when my parents had their 50th wedding anniversary! I am very glad that Lorraine didn't throw the Bible into a fireplace, because then she would have been like the evil king who hated the prophet Jeremiah.

I hope you accept my invitation to visit me in Michigan or if things go even better, maybe I will be able to move to a place where I will not have to live alone, and then really big strong angels help you get my house.  Now, I can go back to writing about things to come, as the moon of the 9th month is waning and I have hockey, health, sabbath rest, weekday works, the seal of Zebulun and the foundation of Levi, something like a turquoise, to think about in the 10th month as I prepare for passover travels in the springtime again. I will be going on a mission trip, representing the spirit of Truth and sobriety, to Port Huron in a few days, where people from Winston-Salem , North Carolina will be. I hope they will learn about the difference between the tribes of Issachar and the tribe of Judah while I am there, because both of those hockey positions should be the left wing position, but Judah is on Simeon's team and Issachar is on Joseph's team..

If you are allowed to, try to learn some more about how I live  by watching 'messenger of the name' on Youtube.

With hope, love of Yeshua and sincerity,
Grandma Marie

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Q-Bottom Shelf Questions and Decisions Before Jeremiah 32

I am going to try to write this report without double-checking the Qur'an. Mike Taylor, the meteorologist of Detroit newsrooms, might want to investigate these matters concerning the signs I have observed, but not arrogantly.

"It throws about sparks as Forts as if there were yellow camels."  Since I have seen a goalie with 'SPARKS' on his nameplate, not 'Twinkle' or 'Twinkie', this verse is interesting on what many have referred to as 'hump day'. Would Iblis trade  trade a yellow perch eye for a camel eye?

As I suspected, there are distinctions between those who trust Allah as their leader and those who trust Yahweh, but until I looked at the signs of Allah's people, I would not have known to be cautious of not only oyster sauce, but also camel stock in Islamic meals.  In error no worse than the Holman Christian Standard, the translation I received wrongfully accused  those who do not eat animals with an undivided hoof as being Jewish, when in fact they should be called a remnant of Israel.

When the next hurricane or wind damage occurs, apparently Allah wants to credited with that destruction, according to Surah 35:9.  If you believe that Yeshua had power to calm the winds on the seas while fishing with HIS apostles that weren't Muhammed, then you, like I, believe the power of Yeshua is greater than the powers of 'Allah'.

If you have any knowledge of spiders and admire their ability to survive, indeed you should choose a protector other than Allah, since those who trust in Allah will believe the spider's house is weak and flimsy. It is easier for a human to outrun a spider than a bear, but the spider's house might look like a tent pitched during the feast of tabernacles (Sukkoth) and it clear to others if you have kept the feast of Tabernacles to the best of your ability you have trusted in the book of Leviticus, even though you know there are millions of people who trust in the Qur'an for guidance.  The Qur'an warns about 'sects, yet Muslims have sects like Christianity has sects and there might be a remnant of Muslims that are like Reuben, scattered and taught not to eat camel meat. If you eat camel meat, according to Moshe's writings there is no fine BUT do not complain if you get diseases as are common to others who reject the teachings delivered to Moshe Ben Amram to test mankind's disposition at mind.

KJV Matthew 24:24-26" Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel (Islamic people would swallow a camel according to their sacrificial cook book). Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye makeclean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also."  This verse seems to suggest that the Pharisees had mixed scribes media results with the people of Allah and the Israelite way is to make sure what is in or on your tableware is flesh that is considered to be clean...  swallowing a gnat is more likely to be accirdental than swallowing a camel to prove you do not believe in Moshe Ben Amram's anti-abomination of Yehovah.

If the Qur'an states you are not to kill your children, how do the people of Allah discipline the child who continually disobeys their parents? In the Las of Moses, a child that is continually disobedient to their  parents WHO FOLLOW AFTER THE TEACHINGS OF MOSES can be warned, but eventually can be put to death since he or she is bringing shame to their household.  If your parents are asking you to despise and hate your grandmother because she is an Israelite and represents Yehovah's people and then you disobey your anti-commandment parents, the request to have you put to death because you love your Israelite grandmother  ( that you are not allowed to spend time with) will be denied by anyone who knows the Laws of Moses.

I knew before I agreed to look at the signs of Islam that I could not become a Muslim, but there might be some Muslims who will choose to be turned over to Satan to start an anti-blasphemers program rather than slipping into the Iblis abyss with Al Sharpton and Morgan Freeman types who have no idea who Napthali or Issachar is because they are so focused on Gd, Conway the 96th Duck and curious George Burns.  Maybe the Qur'an is no worse to examine than a Catholic hymnal or your state statutes if you want to be able to better advise your neighbor about the difference is in who's WORD it is you actually trust and rely upon for GOOD advice.

According to the Qur'an, Surah section 22 vs 36, consumption of camel is approved by Allah, but it is not approved by the scrolls of Moshe Ben Amram.  In this matter, Satan probably does have advantage against Allah because he studied enough to point out Joshua's unclean uniform problems.  John the Baptist was reported to have been seen wearing camel skins, not badger skins, so beware of teachings from those who have needed correction from Yeshua.

My next blog will be very difficult to write, but because I feel like I understand the problems the prophet Jeremiah faced, I will once again try writing a message to my grandchildren, hoping it does not end up in an arrogant king's fireplace who is sitting around in a 9th month winterhouse.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Q-Top 4 Way Top Problem Solutions

I was brought to tears when I heard e perfect explanation of how I feel on the weekly sabbath. When healing a woman who had been crippled for 18 years was them compared to allowing a mule to be loosed to get water on the sabbath, I suppose I feel like it is not improper for me to loose myself to go out and seek waters of refreshment in clean pastureland.

Before I toss out a few answers to questions I have had, here is a question that only each individual can answer. What is the legal name of the energy force that intentionally provided  Laws to Moshe at Mt. Sinau?

a) HaShem
b) Aja ( Arabic Lam J's sound like an English L)
c) Gd
d) Allah, the anti-trinity pro-Sabbath Guardian-Witness
e) Yehovah
f) Yahweh
g) Yehuwah
h) The Eternal One
i) The Creator of Mankind
j) The Great Spirit
k) the Memra of Elohim
l) Father Nature
m) The Lord of the Plagues

After clearly seeing that the Qur'an reprimands the children of Israel and ENVOURAGES people like me to obey the Laws intended for the Tribes of Israel , I see no difference between HaShem, Father Nature and Allah for those who rather not take the risk of using the name of their leader in vain or do not want to incorrectly pronounce the WORD typically often seen as YHVH.  If the typical Jews and arrogant Christians have Allah-phobia, why are they not afraid to believe in archangels such as Michael and Satan they have never met face to face?

Since the Qur'an seems to have many commentaries on groups other than those they say are of Islam, I would through out a caution flag at Surah 5 vs. 82, where the English translation I have states that those who say 'We are Christians' are not arrogant. From what I have seen and heard, most of those who call themselves Christians are so arragant they think they can forgive their own sins since they refuse to stop  intentional sin based on the fact they disregard and think that they are too  good to bother with the instructions of Torah. Most also, after they have rejected the teachings for Israelites, are also too proud to see what Allah expects of them since they have rejected 'Yod Hey Vav Hey' protective cover system which includes remembering and keeping the feasts of  Unleavened Bread, Shavuot, Yom Teruah,Tabernacles and Yom Kippur without hypocrisy.

There are  too many words in parenthesis in theAbdullah Yusef Ali translation I am researching for me to be able to discern properly without guidance from  ______________.  Why put in the name of whom  I chose to  help me discern when I haven't seen that power face to face?  The verse I did not understand yesterday, namely Surah 4:24 was no longer confusing if I understand it to say that the only married woman a man can mate with is his own wife, not a woman who is married to another.  Surah 3: vs 84 does not deny that those who put full trust in the Qur'an texts will bow their will to Allah, but it also states that they should say that they beiieve in what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, in the books given to Moses, Jesus and the Prophets, using their English terms. Thus, if Allah ever asks them to bow at the name of Yehovah, they will and those who have trusted in a name different than Allah should not fear the contents of the Qur'an, but should examine it with the spirit we have within us.

As it is written in Surah 4:154, clearly no one who trusts in Allah's name nor in the leader of Moshe Ben Amram' is to TRANSGRESS IN THE MATTER OF THE SABBATH!!!! This is such a strong witness for the teachings of Moshe that I have never heard in 'Christian' churches because it is their common practice to transgress the Sabbath. If you question the Islam onlookers, they should know that if you keep the 7th day sabbath you have aligned with the advice revealed in the Qur'an and in no way tells the children of Israel to discard or neglect the covenant they had agreed to.  Surah 17:23 could very well read as follows:
Your Lord, Yehovah, has decreed that you worship none but HIm, and that you be kind to your parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour (WAW) Out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility and say "My Yehovah ( or my Creator) bestow on them your mercy even as they cherished me in childhood."  Such a prayer is not a vain repetition and such instructions are beautiful and proper.

 Woe to the anti-Book people who have convinced my son  to repel me for years and cause him to refuse to lower his wing in humility. Indeed, my 'Christian' son has not seen how I bi-annuallly make time to serve my parents in humility, knowing neither my parents nor my son have the pro-covenant faith that I have and it seems as though my creator has been gracious to my parents. The more times I plead my case against my son, whether I drag up a verse from Solomon's proverbs instructions from a pro-Moshe Qur'an, the more obvious it will be to someone or some judge that I rather he be convinced he has been wrong than to ignore the sadness and shame he delivers to me for reasons I do not understand. It is not the very books that my son studies that states if he will not hear my pleas for mercy face to face that I am instructed to take it to another judgment seat of a person who has ears to hear or is not blinded by idolatry.  It is frightening for a parent to observe how their child walks about claiming that 'the LORD' is first in his life but the 'Lord' he has is getting counsel from has neither the spirit of Yehovah nor the spirit of Allah but does have an anti-commandment spirit that I cannot eradicate from his household.

Everyone who refers to themselves as being joined to Israel should take the time to see the epistle to them in found at Surah 17. If at 17 you only want one Allah or one Angel of Yehovah to keep you in the way, it is better than trusting the vain repetitions of Tim McGraw.In that entire chapter, when the words 'Your Lord' are used, does it not refer to your Elohim of choice, either Yeshua whom the Muslims refer to as Jesus Christ or HVHY, who delivered messages to Moshe Ben Amram?

The men who say they trust Allah also stated they never heard of Louis Farrakhan, and seemed shocked to think that Farrakhan has made himsepf to be similar to a Catholic cardinal in the USA, trying to put himself in Allah's seat when he couldn't find his way toward the lapis line of the tribe of Dan. Yes, Yehovah and his people of the BOOK might laugh from time to time if they contemplate that Allah has claimed to have delivered the message of Psalms TO David, which now makes them a bit more plausible to consider and study... with Allah's blessing included.

If someone says they come in the name of Anthony Wickersham or the FBI, who bends the knees to the deputies and agents? Is it not even more practical to consider the messages from a man who is not trying to  force you to endorse pagan evergreen garlands  but desires that you consider the name of his Lord, whom he calls Allah?  Those who have forced their citizens to stop working on  December 25th or  stop working on Sunday by order of their anti-Moshe government are wicked people, as evil as those who refuse to let those who say they do not want to trangress the sabbath be allowed to be excused from  unnecessary work on the sabbath they choose to align with. Those who have despised the Elohim of Israel with intent to create or mimick their own fishy or shifty Babylonian 'godhead' closed their businesses on December 25th, while the brave chose to keep their business doors open like the Puritans might have.

There are many who have been claiming to do things in Allah's name that in fact are contrary to the instructions of the Qur'an. Those who are sending their children to be slain in the streets of the Gaza strip no doubt are affiliated with the same Palestinians who gathered in front of Christmas trees.  Now that I have a copy of the Qur'an, I am better equipped to  rebuke those who say they believe in Allah if I notice they are behaving contrary to the instructions of the Qur'an. I would expect anyone else who studies the Books of Mosses would rebuke me if I am sinning unintentionally or have a besetting sin I am not aware of due to ignorance. I have seen Steven Basting do things in the name of Edward Flynn that Edward Flynn might have objected to if he had known what someone under his authority chose to do. I have seen people claim to being things in the name of Jesus Christ that fit the definition of an act of abomination not a good act of faith that a good King of Israel would endorse. It's how a person reacts when they have been rebuked that affects how much justified discipline it would take to correct them to condition  of righteousness after genuine repentence and appreciation toward the person who rebuked them.

Lot is mentioned in the Qur'an, noting that his wife lagged behind before an entire population was destroyed by super natural forces. I realize I cannot be a Muslim, but I now know that the good Muslims are not going to try to make me disobey the laws intended for the 144,000 sealed and faithful, which actually will include 12,000 of Zebulun or the 12,000 of Simeon.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Q-Top Stop Sign 2: The Anti-Farrajhan Anti-Sharpton Disclaimer

Before I continue to observe and offer sincere commentary on  the contents of the Qur'an I was gifted by a very humble, Allah-fearing immigrant from Bengladesh, I want to throw a caution flag into the electronics field regarding people who claim to leaders of Islam or leaders of Christianity. I would never want to be part of the nation of Islam  if it their 'god' has not had the power to HUMBLE and eradicate attitudes that Louis Eugene Walcott, AKA Louis Farrafhan, emit with their BET boob tube buddies.

Likewise, it is men who claim to Christian such as Al Sharpton and William J. Clinton that cause me never to want to refer to myself as a Christian again.  Farrakhan is somewhat like the Jesuit pope, and neither of them represent a holy, living spirit willing and able to deter their followers from a carnal, sinful lifestyle.

In the past, I was accused of getting into religious groups too quickly, but thanks to HVHY I now reserve the right not to be joined to any man-made religious sect such as the noisy NOI that Farrakhan claims to be leading around like gangsters out of a pope mobile in cities like Detroit and Atlanta.   Caution flags have to tossed out when to many people claim to be part of planet X and only a few people know that the so-called People of the Book that the Qur'an describes have to start with plan B as in Beit, the first letter of the Law the Qur'an states we of Israel are to study and receive and LEARN.

An video presentation that Esaac Israel released several years ago indirectly warned me of the haughty, Obama-like attitude of men such as Louis Eugene Walcott, whom if I had to give him another title, it would be ' blasphemer and a false prophet equal in anti-Yehovah spirit to the Catholic pope.  In your pursuit of the Truth, beware of haughty Farrakhan troops that mislead the non-elect of Yehovah and that willfully align with pompous prides led by Al Sharpton.

Some careless or bewildered and confused people leave one snare only to get caught up in another snare that Louis Eugene Walcott has prepared for them.  Marijuana, drunkeness and unhealthy pills CAUSE you to become careless, bewildered and confused.  Strive to stay scattered and study not only the Books of Moses but also the adversary's workbook as a Berean if you know what is good and safe for you. Yeshua was able to refer to people as hypocrites because he KNEW the Law, studied the Law and indeed, warned others of the error of the anti-Yehovah ways they developed over a period of years, not in the twinkling of an eye.

There has only been 1 prophet Elijah that did the proper fire department works on Mt. Carmel;  Louis Farrakhan is clearly an anti-Yehovah of a leader and as foolish as a Santa Claus tie on Chris Osgood's neck on December 23, 2018 AD.   In my opinion, Louis Farrakhan should get turned over to Satan so he learns not to blaspheme, which is also what other Benjamites have suggested in the so-called 'new testament' writings.

Q Top Pause 1: We, The People of the Book, Can Look Now At Surah 4:29

Unless I had seen it with my own eyes, I never would have known the importance of the 'anti-suicide bomber' verse in the Qur'an, Surah 4:29. Not only are people who claim to believe in Allah instructed NOT to kill themselves, people who kill themselves in 'rancour and injustice' will be cast in a 'Fire' by 'team Allah'.  Now, I know that those who have been participating in and leading others in
 'suicide bombings' are in fact NOT Muslims, but have been deceivers.

From here on, I know that my book report on the Qur'an is not going to be a waste of time and as I recall, even Bob Thiel has referred to his 'God' as 'the Eternal', a term which is used in the Qur'an.
 Here are questions that you might seek to have answered by whatever LORD it is you call upon at a moment of distress:

1. If any nation or party has borrowed money to the another nation and charged interest, that nation has not subjected itself to the will of Allah. I am not familiar with who the USA owes money to, but since all else has failed, if the USA says 'In Allah We Trust', will all our interest debt be ERASED by any lender who claims to be a Muslim? The Muslim who has charged interest to any other is guilty of being anti-Allah. Personally, I do like the 'no interest' on a loan rule, and loaning money is not BURYING it, which was regarded as evil by the man the Muslims refer to as the Apostle y Jesus Christ and who I refer to as 'Yeshua'. Surah 2:278  confirms that Allah is anti-interest.

2. Surah 3:35 has an account of the unexpected pregnancy of 'Mary', saying clearly that her son would be taught 'the Book and Wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel' and he is appointed an an apostle to the children of Israel. These terms are plausible if 'the power of the Holy Spirit' with no name is actually named 'Allah'.  If you read Surah 3 verse 50 and then say the Qur'an is anti-Torah,  because I see that the Qur'an indicates that the People of the Book have specialized laws they have agreed to follow if they choose to align with Jacob and the Tribes and that what the Qur'an indicates as their (Israelites) Lord' is those who I would refer to as Yehovah.  If you cannot make it into the 144,000, are you then better of trusting Allah or trusting Satan and the interest-demanding sector of the world's population?

3. There clearly is a power struggle between Allah and Satan according to the Qur'an and the Qur'an is not anti-Michael. When Michael the archangel was disputing with Satan, who did he refer to as the Lord who should rebuke Satan?
A) Allah
B) Yehovah

4. Surah 3:93-94 is curious from a foods class position. Basically, it says do not attribute to Allah the rules of foods for Israelites, which are more restrictive for an IDENTIFICATION reason. Is it possible that the instructions to tell others 'You bring the Law (Torah) and study it if you be men of truth'  is actually an exhortation to BELIEVE MOSES? ( yes, believe Moses).

5. Are you afraid to read and study Surah 3 vs. 110-116, and believe there is an entity known as "allah' who is opposed to 'Santa Claus' theology? If you are not fearful, not a dog and not a whoremonger, read those verses, know that I agree with the premise of those verses and I would choose Allah, if he exists, to rise up in power against the deceiving spirit of Santa Claus , since the method of operation of Santa Claus units is anti-Torah and clearly, Allah is pro-Torah according to the qur'an. We, the People of the Book and of Yehovah, should not deny the battles of principalities.

6. Since the Apostle claimed he did not come to JUDGE the world, is it possible that Allah will judge between me and thee when we are apart, one from another and that Yehovah is the LORD of  the Most Holy Department of Corrections, knowing full well that Moshe Ben Amram has been declared to be a king, and the Allah group cannot deny that Moshe Ben Amram held the role of a king?

In closing this  first segment of my study, I would like to add the fact that the works of Elijah on Mt. Carmel should have been recognized according to Surah 3 vs. 183, and of course, I happen to admire the works of Elijah. Also, Surah 4, vs. 1 states that you should reverence the womb that bore you! If only more children believed in the instruction, there would be no need for a day as hypocritical as an annual 'Mother's day'.  As i browsed through a few other pages, like I did when I received my first Bible from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holman, I noticed the names of David and Solomon listed in the Qur'an, and I have never trusted the writings of Solomon because their LIFESTYLE  was contrary to the Torah instructions.  I intend to keep examing the contents of the Qur'an seriously, just as I have studied the contents of the 'Bible' enough to know that I choose to stay on a narrow Yehovah path that seems to be WITHIN a wider path that people who trust in Allah are taking.

I rather be alive than be married to Shane David Hendrikson. The Qur'an allows for remarriage to a person you had divorced previously, but that would be unlawful for we, the People of the Book, aka the faithful of the tribes of Israel. Who would ever suggest that Robin Michael Ortiz and I should become Muslims in order to be remarried? I totally concur with Surah 4:19-21, but am very confused by Surah 4:24.

Be blessed and be cautious as a hummingbird.  Also, please read Jeremiah chapters 7,8 and 9 for what I will refer to as a 'G. that's Harsh' awakening. Interestingly enough, I can currently see this post on my old Mac computer but cannot see it on my HP computer yet, which means there actually are electronic lines that  can get intercepted. As it was in the Jefferson Street Inn in 2010, so it might be in Michigan now. It might even be possible that the emails I sent to my son were intercepted or erased before they got to him, if there still are evil people like Karen and Roland Hendrikson of Wittenberg with far too much power and not enough humility.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Introduction To New Series : Q Top Eli Whitney Way

I asked for and received a copy of the Qur'an for a serious reason. I realize some people are afraid to study the contents of a Qur'an, but it is actually better to learn what an adversary  or enemy believes  to better prepare your own offense or defense.  Here are actual reasons why it is not a sign of stupidity to study a Qur'an:

1. It's laws are far less complicated than studying for the typical state of Michigan bar exam, and many world citizens do try to LIVE by the laws of the Qur'an.

2. If you already feel like you have decided to be pro-Moses but also know you do not trust rabbinic Jewish teachings, the Qur'an counters Talmud teachings, because both systems have added to the original word  made flesh on  lamb skins. 

3. If you have befriended some Muslims, they might need to be advised of a more narrow way than the path they have been on.

4. Since I already know I cannot become a Muslim based on some of their teachings, I want to learn how to survive near them. This is wise for anyone who knows it was not a stupid move for Donald Trump to remove USA troops from Syria, but it will only be an intelligent move if he redeploys those specialized troops into our own USA cities that have gang wars going on in them.

5. It is hypocritical to expect a Muslim to accept a copy of the typical Holman Christian Standard Bible  if you are too fearful to see what their book of ethics contains.

6. I plan to compare the  Qur'an book of Exodus matters to the accounts I have read for over a decade now. The Qur'an's version of the Egyptian Joseph are quite different than the Torah scroll editions, but it's possible that some of the additional information is true.  Neutrality is not always an option, but the fact remains that the opinions and teachings of the Qur'an may have spread like an oak tree over Gideon. If 2 witnesses agree, they can be on the same side. If 2 witnesses disagree, they can be adversaries but could be enemies.

7. I am not a Christian and not a Jew, so according to Muslim teachings they can befriend me. There are common letters in the Arabic alphabet such as shin, nun, waw, qaf and kaf. I know I cannot become a Muslim and it seems as though the worst thing the typical religious person could do is PRETEND to be a Muslim; such behavior would be as ill-advised as pretending to be an off-duty police officer near James Craigmyle or pretending that you love a person you call' Jesus Christ' or 'Esaa even though you officially rejected HIS Israelite family WORKBOOK when you propped up a 'Christmas tree'  .

8. Totally unrelated to the Qur'an is my very negative opinion of some recent field sobriety tests I have seen filmed in southern Indiana where a person was asked to stand on 1 leg only for 30 seconds; this task is difficult even when SOBER for a person like me who actually legs weaker than a horse but stronger than most people my age.  The heel to toe test is much more reasonable, so 'old school' is better in field sobriety tests.

9. My intent is to educate myself on trending faiths and pass on what my opinions are of Qur'an instructions to others who are interested but possibly to fearful to read the contents of a Bible or a Qur'an. This might keep me busy for the next 42 months while my son and his wife decide if they ever want to become pro-commandment and anti-Tammuz for a proper Levite change of attitude when it come to enduring until the END. Absence does not make the heart grow fonder of unthankful children, so toss that thought into your Joseph Fandre neutral zone coverage.

10. If a Muslim or a Christian has not made any attempt to study the writings of Moshe Ben Amram, he or she also will not believe me nor trust me if I point out discrepancies  or areas that Israelites and Muslims actually agree upon. Flip flopping between the words 'God, Allah and Lord' does not create stability, just as flip flopping from 'Jesus Christ' to 'Jesus Colon' or Jesus Aguilar becomes a reality check for linguistic students. Michale Brophy lines to Bro Felines becomes confusing and leaves some in a state of derision.

11. Have yourself a scary little Tom Morris Jr. Mints meet if you have to try and combat the spirit of Nimrod and Christmas season hypocrisy,  don't forget about the Patrician McCabe Patty wagon runs as you attempt to stay sober as a snake and wise as a dove.

Don't wish me' luck'; I am trusting the spirit of  Yod Hey Vav Hey as my holy spirit guide. I realize the English translation of the Qu'ran I now have cannot be perfectly translated from Arabic to English but a lack of consistency has even been a problem for Jacob in Egypt, where it appears as though he rarely used the word HVHY. What some people refer to as Lord others refer to as Allah, God or Jack Lord.  The more precise a person tries to get at names such as Huwa, Malikin and Malkin, the more they will realize how much the name of the son of Mary and Joseph has been DISTORTED worldwide.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Try This Anti-Dambrot ChYQ to Czech Test

The ChYQ non-movie role is really a ChYQ treatment for people who know losing you temper because of a human eyesight error during a sports game of chance is not rational behavior, even in Pittsburgh arenas. Based on the irrational, angry behavior of Duquesne coach Dambrot, my reaction  to having a district attorney in Wausau not even be willing to SEE me when an employee of mine had intentionally dwindled the stock value( by stealing money and equipment from the company he was employed by) was perfect, even if the imperfect and immoral judiciary system employees in Wisconsin never did their job properly when I was a victim of a felony that cost me much more than 4 free throw shots.

I did not end up like the mother nor the father of Amari Kelly, but Amari's father seemed similar to Shane David Hendrikson and Mr. Dambrot when they didn't 'get their way' during a dispute. I cried as I watched the details of what had occurred in Gwinnett County, GA, now over 8 years since I had traveled there when a Snyder woman who wants to be called 'Haquell' was not willing to house me when her father-in-law was angry with me and dangerous IN MY PROFESSIONAL OPINION as an experienced law enforcement officer.  I'd be thrilled to be a mother figure to a young man with the attitude of Amari Kelly and maybe someday we'll even meet face to face. If you wonder why a person who trusts in Yehovah keeps bringing up some past occurance, it is because they do want to bring a guilty person to the point of repentance, especially if the guilty party has been claiming to be a 'christian'.

In the interim, I still have good works to do to the best of my  limited abilities. My dentist got an earful of anti-Christmas information that I hope he takes seriously, including referring him to 'messenger of the' instead of referring him to Xavier man, George Stec.  Mr. Beckwell was asked if he would want everyone to party on his son's birthday if his son eventually got crucified, and he said he would not want people to party on his son's birthday in that case scenario.  I informed Charles Beckwell that I might be getting 'deployed' to the Xavier area, and Charles Beckwell did not intentionally sabotage my dental work even though I might not be his customer anymore due to some price checks in my area.

The hebrew letters  Chet  Yod Qoph form together as a word that means 'bosom' and simple, unholy men are being drawn in by publicly exposed female cleavage on a hourly basis all over this defiled earth.  According to some reporters, the person who ends up in Abraham's bosom is better off than the wealthy person who doesn't.  Try to at least be drawn to clean food as your 'good goal' if you are part of a basketball team that currently has a coach  like Mr. Dambrot with an irrational temper. Eating properly, including trace minerals, will help YOU to respond properly in a bad situation. I intend for the rest of this comparison to be light-hearted and contemplative for those who appreciate the anti-Christmas decent businesses such as the Thai diner on 23 Mile and Romeo Plank road in Macomb, MI.

I looked up at the wall, and saw enough 'food' positions for 2 separate hockey teams, but now the goalies have to represent a MENU option not a billionaire.  Here are the game options for renaming your G position:

West 2: Siam Wings ( Chemistry Team (Si14)(Am95))     vs.    West 11: Gang Masaman (team Beef)

 East 11: Sesame Chicken (Team Featherstone)    vs.  East 2: Spider Roll ( Boxing Day  'Marie's Little Rice' team)

Team 11 (Ligure team) has to obey the law that FOOD does not include unclean animal parts. Team 2 (Lapis Lazuli units of the tribe of Dan) has to observe and study whatever 'food' rules Brandon Wade lives by and should be aware of local gang squad activities when Sean Larkin isn't leading the way anymore.  I do not recommend the consumption of any unclean animals because I believe the instructions that came through Moshe Ben Amram, but I have no idea what deity, if any, Brandon Wade  has decided to believe.

Unlike the USA government, I don't suggest you head toward walking or pictorial images of Santa Claus or dead, fruitless electrified trees as your winter club 'goal'. I suggest that you get past those anti-Jeremiah objects as lawfully as possible while using your 1st amendment privilege to announce that 'Santa Klaus' and his obese, red-breasted replicas, are anti-Moses liars and a deceivers.

Here is a non-riddle question and answer session you can tell to your associates:
Q: What is a 2 word combination you will never hear in heaven nor the kingdom of Yehovah?
A: Merry Christmas

Be thankful for every unique living person that does not utter the vain repetition 'Merry Christmas' to you but does refer you to the books of Ezequiel, Moshe Ben Amram and other  legitimate anti-Lucifer prophets. What a shame it is that strings of outdoor Christmas decorations are allowed or get forced into USA subdivisions but humble LAUNDRY lines are prohibited in many subdivisions even though they are very useful and fiscally wise.  If people want to string thousands of Christmas lights INDOORS  it will be far less of an intrusion to others than the typical lighting assault that goes on every winter against the desires of Yehovah and the heart of anyone who actually believes the biblical warnings. When people are forced out by Nazi-type or hypocritical 'Christian' forces  and have to relocate swiftly like I had to, sometimes we end up on land  that would not have been our '1st choice' to try and survive on, always hoping for a better future after some serious bowl judgements have occurred on earth.

I'll be thinking of people like Eric Williams, Jr. and Amari Kelly as the days and nights ahead continue on, just as I remember the kind acts of Jason Eric Dawe while I was trying to become a youth hockey coach, a dream that was eventually stripped away by some very cruel people in Macomb county, Michigan. Now I go to  distant hockey rinks in other counties to try to recover after losing many people that I had loved due the cruel nature of the divorce tactics of my son's father . I often go to a hockey rink like Amari Kelly goes to a basketball court....... hopeful and courageous, and usually combating extreme sadness and loneliness, especially when surrounded by strangers instead of my grandchildren or my son.

Regarding Duquesne jersey numbers, 23 was my high school softball number, but 50 is  one of my favorite squad numbers because of a movie labeled 'The Great Escape', the feast of Shavuot and because of my hometown perspective of District 5 squad areas.

Has anyone other than me noticed that the name PILUT on a Buffalo Sabre jersey looks like TULIP to people who read the Hebrew way?  Sometimes I have to notice what doesn't make me sad or discouraged.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Mikell Clayton Reaches State of Apathy!

When people leave one state of mind, they arrive at another. A good leader is going to be vexed with ignorance and will also not be apathetic when ignorance spreads like the liquids from a Coca-Cola can.

I have had English teachers in grade school that would be extremely unhappy and probably angry if I suddenly decided to ignore everything they taught me. I have had music teachers that would say I had lost my mind if I started striking a middle E every time I saw a note that instructed me to strike a middle C on a piano keyboard.  Parents will mourn not say it doesn't bother them if they have taught their child to reject tattoos and reject cigarettes and their child is seen full of tattoos while smoking cigarettes. A math teacher shouldn't be apathetic if they correctly taught their students that 10+5+6+5=26 but their students then lie to other toddlers and claims that 10+5+6+5=28!  Likewise, I do get vexed and go cold or hot, not lukewarm, when I see people who have been SHOWN  that the prophetic biblical instructions are to refrain from doing the 'Christmas tree' activities but millions of Bible students and Bible teachers do 'Christmas' activities anyway to prove they have the power to defy Yehovah's instructions.

MIkell Clayton, while he clutches  his Walt Disney mug, has gone lukewarm in his Hashem activities and other teachers such as Esaac Israel have not. If you 'go hot', you will actually verbally rebuke such activities as though you had lips of coal going through s biblically sound passage. If you go cold, you will no longer desire to gather for December 25th non-work activities  and when you see all millions of people who clearly have rejected the messages of Moshe and the messengers of Yehovah you will mourn and hold your peace rather than go lukewarm and say all the Christmas activities don't trouble you, especially if you have been teaching others the facts about what Yehovah expects from his followers.

I don't feel sorry for people like MIkell Clayton, but his words of apathy are a seared conscience.If the Christmas trees and extremely fake light displays do not trouble him, he also should never complain if he sits at a table where the menu only consists of pork, tiger thighs and frog legs for about 7 years with no option to see what it is like to be in a land where apathy and heathen practices are NOT an option because a good King as taken over the turf.

Sellers beware and buyers beware,  I was vexed sitting at a table competing against a man pretending to be 'Santa Claus', but I certainly was still hot enough to utter plenty of warnings that the tactics of 'Santa Claus' players is similar to the Nassar types, and a careful parent would not drop their  child onto the lap of deceiver and a fraud who very possibly has the mindset of a pedaphile.  When the fake 'Santa Claus' was asked what he does on Christmas, he said he watches movies on Netflix. When I suggested he would be better off reading the book of Exodus, he quickly rejected that perfect suggestion for a person who thinks December 25th is a biblical  'holy day'.

If I had decided to go cold when 'santa claus' gang members walked into a semi-private club, I would have walked out of the gathering and not bothered to speak facts to them in an anti-apathy mindset.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Neighborly Advice Is Like A Common Stock

I did decide to try to diffuse racially biased language I have been discouraged hearing with these letters to Esaac Israel. I decided to post them publicly since Esaac's opinions have been posted publically,although I will not post his written response to me. The fact that he did respond to me very quickly is an indicator that he takes his position seriously and unlike my son who is not attracted to the spirit of  people who believe Moshe and therefore are capable of believing Yeshua of the tribe of Judah, Mr. Israel has also taken my perspective seriously even if he does not agree with my perspective and he did respond to me respectfully. After sending the letters to Mr. Israel, I watched one of his short presentations about what he believes was a bloody Thanksgiving. I certainly can do without the USA Thanksgiving gatherings, but are there times when it is justifiable to destroy a whole town of people during a war that started with a 1 murder? Mr. Israel does not think it is possible that some Indians tribes behaves like savages and I know that that term still defines how some groups of people train those under them to behave. I differ from Esaac Israel because am not going to try and defend any Indian tribe that clings to their casino chips rather than embracing the work ethic that Yehovah expects from those who believe in his instructions.  If the Puritans did align with one group of Americans, who has the correct information to compare the tendencies of the two different sect of Indians? Many of the Putitans did the best they could with the Protestant bibles they had access to, and they did not have the same access to Hebrew reading materials in 1621 as Mr. Esaac and many others have now.

Mr. Esaac also seems intent on degrading what he refers to as 'Christian names' but I have no reason to be ashamed of the name my parents gave me because they are North American names that can be translated into other languages.  It is not a sign of disrespect to give a person a name and as a matter of fact, every infant that has been aborted should have been given a name. People like Mr. Esaac have the ability to sway others in a variety of directions, and it was his own fellow 'free' wealthy blacks such as Martin Luther King, Jr. who have kept millions in anti-Moshe bondage with their anti-Yehovah (aka Yahweh aka Yahoowah)  assemblies for decades.  Just as baffling is why Bradley Tech proficiency scores in Milwaukee have dropped to an extremely low level under the leadership of Mr. Evers and now Mr. Evers got promoted by the same group of people that have stood around and watch their children fail to study anything other than their electronic toys and anti-biblical materials. Why bother to master a second language such as Hebrew if you are currently unable to put together a proper sentence structure in your NATIVE language, also known as the country of your origin that can only be traced back to the decision your parents made. Do church people who are expecting some place in a millenial reign to be given to them really think that Yehovah is going to ignore what kind of citizens they were before the expected change of command on earth takes place?  Even if Mr. Israel does not change his verbage or try to improve his English writing skills, what I shared with him was a valid concern and I he is only another version of the careless 'black' drummer Carl Allen III and  the unpredictable 'white' drummer of Wittenberg Shane David Hendrikson when it comes to his confidence level and learning abilities. I have given my best efforts with people like Carl Allen and the Shane Hendrikson gang only to be rejected and treated improperly by them as they then returned to the anti-Moshe USA church affiliation of their choice.  What Mr. Israel does with the truthful concerns I shared will affect more than people like me.

This isn't an Armbruster 2-3112 method, by the anti-Burnett way.  2 way communications should never be taken for granted in a nation that has become overly attached to playing 'Steve Young in the middle', has too many people labeled 'Tom' who claim to be saints even though they haven't had the courage or strength to depart from their NFL employers who have front loaded their 'home turf' with  strumpet sections, and the USA is loaded up with a general population that has become too detached from the spirit of prophesy to stop trusting and stop believing in Paul Blart and start believing in the writings of the prophet Ezequiel.

My 1st letter to the Esaac Israel team:

Your verbal deliveries would be more like Yeshua if you escape the bondage of black vs. white speech patterns. The fact is we humans are all a shade of brown... some very light, some medium and some dark as cocoa. Yeshua did not specify skin tones when he called people a brood of vipers. Reggie White is not Roddy White, and Shirley Temple Black is not Jack Black. 

Mr. Esaac Israel, you have signs of brilliance but you could be more of a blessing to others by shifting away from 'black folks/white folks' speech and shifting toward white as a leper and  black as Joseph's onyx stone settings.   Those of us who love YHVH have enough battles against unholiness and it would behoove you to change your eyesight, mindset and skin tone verbiage to ' we are all a shade of brown historically and in future tense situations'. I know you don't have a favorable opinion of most coppers, but as a retired Milwaukee police officer I did appreciate your warning against New's Years ( which I have hated for decades) and hope you can appreciate my attempt to increase the number of people able to trust you as a leader from my light brown pro-Moshe affiliates. 

Marie from MIchigan

............. (2nd letter to Mr. Israel after his interesting response).........

I am thankful we do have an actual line of communication. In my family background, many  unarmed Polish people got shot down by pale'faced Germans. I have 2 brothers, so am technically a sister of them and indeed, my father is a faithful man but I am quite sure he is not your father, so out of neighborly respect I prefer not to be called sister except by my actual brothers. That term 'sister' might have a too much of a Catholic spin on it as well...

I hope I at least planted a seed that some other   might water. I have worked side by side with people of so many backgrounds and have known that pale-skinned unarmed sales clerks have gotten gunned down by vicious gang members who you would call black but I would call evil brute beasts. The only place I have been made to feel welcome on a Shabbat in my MIchigan area is at a local Muslim restaurant where we discuss Moshe and resist Christmas crap together. These peaceful Muslims  that feed me and treat me kindly, knowing I have aligned with YHVH and do call myself an Israelite but not a Jew, are being hated and harassed by anti-commandment GENTILES because they reject Christmas decor. Often, the evil  murder those who are also anti-Moshe by definition and if I or you  are spared as sheep that are not longer astray, we may be expected to be witnesses to what we have seen when evil does war with other forms of evil that may in a FORM that looks like us but in function they too have rejected the message of the prophets.

In closing, I implore you to be discerning in your messages and to remember that being white and in uniform or black in uniform is not a sign of wickedness but that wickedness stems from embracing lawlessness or the lack of self-control when tempted to commit sin. As  the 144,000 might soon say: Abaddon is not our problem.' Don't outrun your sense of humor, especially when you feel weary. By the way, I like your yellow outfit and appreciate your dress code policies as well as your anti-tattoo speech. There is no way the everyone in the world will ever be like me because I think I might be part of the  anti-Brady beryl bunch... Zebulun.  NOw that you have my contact info, feel free to trust me like a cousin who is related to Noah. Be blessed and be cautious in the narrow paths.  The last time I remember having a safe and somewhat enjoyable December 31st I was watching the Globetrotters in Milwaukee about 40 years ago with a trumpeter from my high school jazz ensemble... sober as a locust.  My friends do call me 'locust', and I do not consider that an insult.

I anticipate learning from your sabbath gatherings. 

Your distant neighbor, 


I have tried to advise Mr. Israel as though he were one of my neighbors, hoping he does not have the spirit of Maxine Waters in his offices.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Can Scott Gomez Solve Baker Mayfield vs. Scott Mayfield Problems?

'The Anchorage Kid' isn't Steve McQueen and Billy Joel is his own worst case scenario for demonic possession. The problems that emit from idolatry often have started with places such as the typical Catholic church full of statues rather but here are some ways for actual human beings to try to combat the spirit of Christmas within your pro-Pilgrim or your pro-Yehovah household.

1. Read and study Ezekiel chapter 8 to get better insight than a dead evergreen tree trunk in suburban water bowl will give you. Next, make an effort to watch 'A Snare and A Trap; New Years Dinner 12/30/17' and Esaac Israel should reassure you it is better to avoid parties on December 31st if you actually rather be holy than popular.

2. Decide you might like to 'follow' up with for until the next pesach week based on the following anti-Vatican options:
P) Essac Israel refers to himself as a priest and he needs people to pray for him so he can overcome his prevalent anti-copper attitude. He uses a cup with  the letters YHVH and pronounces the name of the Creator of the earth as 'Yahweh' not Yehovah nor Yahoowah nor Jesus Christ. He also wrongly thinks that 'buy low and sell high' is a good plan that 'white folks' have used, but that IS and has always been a plan of greed that will prove to be a very evil plan. The holy person will purchase reasonable and sell reasonably, which will protect their reputation and is an ETHICAL plan.
A) If you think you have to hear the words "Jesus Christ', but want to get Christ OUT of Christmas festivities, consider yourself a babe trying to leave Herod's turf and tune in to Bob Thiel's CCOG weekly messages. This would be taking a toddler step toward  Air Force intelligence not toward the advanced Y team.
Y) If you have been comfortable calling upon the name of Yehovah and seeing the letters HVHY instead of YHVH, try listening to presentations to reroute yourself away from Nehemia Gordon's method of operation and learn tolerance for a non-Jewish point of view regarding pronunciations which includes apostle perspective.
M) If you feel like you are not only weary but literally sick of people LYING and relying on Egyptian practices , do not try to align with the tribe of Joseph. This will expand your point of view to at least 11 other options and you won't get stuck in a bipolar problem trying to choose between Simeon and Joseph as 'goalie' positions.  Review chapters 43 and 44 of the first book of Moshe, typically referred to as Genesis in error, and you will notice how the Egyptian mentality and lack of a 'good shepherd' caused Joseph to stick a silver cup in his brother's bag and then falsely accuse him of stealing the cup, when in fact, what Joseph did was return evil for evil when he brothers didn't confess their sins to him. Such practices may have lead to lousy police interrogation practices, and try to align with the brother you feel acted most honorably 2 years into the famine. Keep in mind Jacob's 'testimony' and Jacob should have stated he had 4 wives and 13 children, not 1 wife and 2 children.
E) Try to protect your ear from vain repetitions but do not turn your ear away from hearing the words of the prophets sent to try to correct stiff-necked Israelites. Use an EVADE plan and try to find households or business locations that have the least signs of 'Christmas' affiliations  or better yet, NO SIGNS of Sunday worship or Christmas symbols to share your time or money with.  Once your realize how difficult it is in the USA to find people who have willingly aligned with Jeremiah, Moses and the prophets such as Ezequiel, you will be very thankful for the FEW who haven't been sucked in to the anti-apostle, anti-Moshe and anti-Puritan practices.  Read the bible to yourself and avoid the internet preachers completely.
N) Take a Napthali approach to Muslims and try to see how much you have in common with them if you claim to be part of Jacob's line rather than tricky Bob Skaradzynski's ladder company.  There are some good Muslims who will eventually choose to align with MosheBen Amram's side rather than with the Vatican or a Pope's pork chop gang.
T) Take heed, lest any man deceive you. If you know that your child's father is a liar and a thief, it takes an good angel to keep the mother of your child hopeful that her son will be eventually choose NOT to be like his father who is already a son of perdition by definition if he is an unrepentant liar and an unrepentant thief.   I know the agony of teaching a child to trust the way of the Creator only to have him choose to go the way of Sunday worship which is a branch of Catholicism not a branch of the clean anti-Easter fruit-bearing Tree of Life system  that even 12,000 Gadites will be drawn toward!

3.If you need to check numbers that have pin point accuracy, choose one of the following as your non-Luckey constant:
1. 2:  No matter how you pronounce Yod Hey Vav Hey, those letters still add up to 26.
2. 312:  This is the ESPN number of Scott Gomez or the area code of the Chicago loop.
3. 786: This should be a wonderful anti-Freddie Mercury constant. Based on my experience,  good Muslims are anti-marijuana and anti-drunkenness and the band "Queen' has been as corrupt and unholy as Elvis Presley and Janet Jackson.
4. 913: This is the total number of the 1st 6 letters of a 'torah scroll' which clearly is NOT 666.
5. Since the tribe of Issachar had a Job in it, ignore Title IX stupidity and study Albert Pujols statistics and than pick a constant that you prefer rather than Curtis Joseph's stats.
6. Ryan Getzlaf= Panini agent 243
7. Fred Funk = ESPN man 243
8. SOURaY=243 to all reasonable chemistry students who are not afraid of the letter H or bowling team names that start with the letter G, such as Golembiewski or Galaviz
9. Nick Striglos=28, retroactively

4. Pilar Gomez is not Alice Gomez, is not Scott Hendrikson but Pilar might like Tom Scott music and  MLB Pillar people.  I know a female Trojan when I see one and people who claim their dogs as their dependents should have been imprisoned. If Scott Gomez can't solve the Mayfield problem, defer the problem to the special '245 West side  team of Dustin Byfuglien, Moises Gomez and Scott Beaver.

5. Don't use Rico Cortes and the 'Temple Institute' as your spirit of Truth guide. When Monte Judah claims the IDF did not use Stealth technology, he must have been making some sort of anti-hockey slur. Many hockey hockey players have relied on Stealth technology for chest and shoulder protection and it has worked better than relying on electronic devices.

6.  If you are driving a car that is obviously unsafe due to lack of proper tires on it, only someone who lacks good judgment would be spending money on toys and Christmas paper wrapping instead of saving for a safer family car. Buying toys for children is NOT a sign of  grace, holiness and wisdom. Teaching your children to believe the commandments delivered by Moshe IS a good gift of teaching skills that most families have refused to give to their own children because they are mostly atheist at mind. I saw  the female driver of a car with dangerous tires and Michigan plates DYL 0800 that was full of stupid toys in the rear seat while she was buying Christmas trash in a Dollar store. Her common 'spend foolishly, drive dangerously' attitude clearly revealed why the devilish spirit of Christmas and other anti-logical spending nonsense has ruined the USA and other anti-Yahweh nations for decades.