I do have a 36 step program to stop aligning with Nazi types so you don't end up dining with or near Cheryl and Shane Hendrikson. Maybe when my grandchildren are 20 years old they might agree with my approach to countering the hypocrisy that has engulfed Christianity like Hitler swarmed into France.
Because A-Y C actions were your choice, good corrective actions are also your choice since I am not a Judge nor a dictator. With Gad, CUD is possible. With Issachar, this could be a 12 year program and try to accomplish one SCA achievement per year like a good 'Senior Achievement' plan.
The children of Shane David Hendrikson can hear this from you if you read it to them like King Josiah read to complacent, covenant breaking Israelites.
A-Y C describes what Anti-Yehovah has done. These ar current charges against my enemy.
CUD is what a Bible-believing Christian Under Dan can do at least be under the tribe of Dan instead of under a PINK church system. This might make you an adversary of Abaddon and might get you to neutral ground forces.
SCA is Simeon Corrective Actions needed to have the possibility of at least being under Abaddon's system rather then being part of a Reuben vs RACHEL war.
I agreed to make a list of my ex-husband's 2nd seed anti-Yehovah actions that have not yet been corrected. Because you might be like my second seed, I want you to know how YOU can align against Nazi types and lawyers that commit perjury while Shane David Hendrikson decided to laugh in divorce court. Consider these charges against my enemies
A-Y C1. You lied to your mother, your step-father, your teachers at St. Jude and to police which resulted int a felony invetstigation against an person that did not exist.
CUD 1. Report in person to the Wauwatosa police department and confess to your lie, knowing you might be charged and punished as severely as Michael Vick or Jim Staley was charged. If you are shown mercy by the Wauwatosa police, they might have you sign a form clearing the open case and order you to GO AND SIN NO MORE.
SCA 1. Make sure every word you utter is an idiom or the truth, whether it is to your friend, your enemies or your jailer.
A-Y C2. You requested a tattoo and then invested in a tattoo rather than investing in venison or bananas for the Detroit Redwings AFTER hearing , believing and reading from the books of Moses that requesting a tattoo is an anti-YESHUA method of sinning.
CUD 2. Pay to get all your tattoos removed and show yourself to your mother, Bill Priestap or a genuine Levite.
SCA 2. Believe Moses so you eventually believe the instructions for the tribe of Judah, who is not a cornerstone.
A-Y C3: You stole then intentionally and maliciously destroyed valuable 501(C(3) property, including Marine veteran Michael Rood's works and Brad Scott's works which cost about $2000.00 to replace. $2000.00 is not NOMINAL VALUE unless you have lying lips and ears unwiling to hear financial facts of impoverished single mothers.
CUD 3: Restore double the price of the destroyed property to the last known secretary of 'Know The Truth MInistries' who never abandoned her son but did abandon a "Jalousie Plantation' pouch and robe.
SCA: Do not be 'anti-Large Marie' or pro-Slade and start being anti-hypocrisy and anti-Moses. You can be very-anti-Wittenberg is you desire.
A-Y C4: You aligned with loose felon, Shane David Hendrikson and aligned against '1532' and real decent people like Eric Moore. and Eileen Wolf.
CUD 4: Study the state statutes in Wisconsin for the years 1998 until 2014 since you clearly decided not to study the Tanakh enough. Obey all laws that are not contrary to the tribe of Zebulun or Gad.
SCA 4: Go get a legal surname name changed from 'Hendrikson' to 'Jackson' and consider this tribulation day 72. If necessary, reinstate your first or middle name which your real parents chose for you.
A-Y C5: In 'prodigal' style, you stopped appreciating who clothed you properly and sheltered you properly at 1602 Mary Lane, 54455. Even a dog sometimes recalls where they got their last anti-swine meal.
CUD 5: Attempt to discipline ( thou shall not murder) the father or step-father's that did not love your mother, who stole from your mother and who did not pay his child support. You must do a better job than Sandra Marcus, Greg Strasser or Vincent Howard did in order to get off of the Shannon Wahl and onto the Jim Russo team of Detroit Police Department associates.
SCA 5: Don't rely on the book of proverbs anymore. Be kind to both of your parents ( limit yourself to 1 mother of your choice and 1 father of your choice and diety of your choice so you do not revert to Catholicism) by writing them letters on real paper, whether or not you or they are incarcerated as short of a time period as Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos were incarcerated by Milwaukee squad 28.
A-Y C 6: You did not help me move to the Cedar Crreek Inn when I was homeless and may have ordered Nazi=type forces to force me out of my own home. As a result, you are now physically weaker than Abaddon and possibly weaker than me.
CUD 6: Ask for a restraining order against self-professed 'anti-commandment man' Shane David Hendrikson in order to protect yourself and your children. If you do not receive a restraining order, move to Charlotte, North Carolina like I did to evade my enemies temporarily. My team will visit you there if you provide me your address.
SCA 6 : Be prepared to help me move again if I ever get married to a real covenant-keeping man who loves biblical geology and the tribe of Benjamin as much as I do.
( Breath and take a Hurlbutt or Gadowsky pause for about 30 minutes or 20.83 years if you are a Peterist).
A-Y C7: In the past 7 years,you have treated me with less kindness than you treat strangers.
CUD 7: Start treating your accuser as a friend who wants you to 'go clean' and align with Yehovah for a drastic change of anti-Babylonian behaviors.
SCA 7: Attempt to get the spiritual 'Rachel' in your life to be more like Vashti. 'Rachel' was known for her ability to deceive her father and cling to idolatry, deeming her unfit to raise Benjamin. If you fail, you are equal to Jacob, not equal to Gad.
A-Y C8: You 'regifted' a special lamp with a 'Peterkin' shade to a person who was not the intended receiver of the gift, sincer Autumn Rayne Hendrikson was the intended receiever.
CUD 8: You need to track down the current location of the lamp from 'G' and return it to Autumn Rayne, a USA citizen by birth.
SCA 8: Do not expect any other literal of spiritual gifts from G until this task has been completed, since G does not like anti-Indian givers.
A-Y C9: You have built anti-Asher churches in Europe rather than choosing to be sealed into the tribe of Judah or Reuben.
CUD: Move close enough to a pro-Moses parent to meet with her or him on the 7th day sabbath for the next 7 years. Usually, a 120 mile radius is far enough to prevent nightly of daily contact but close enough for a sabbath's day jounney.
SCA 9: Tell yourself and others that getting halfway to the kingdom of Gad is not good enough and you cannot get there trying to live on a prayer. Beware of music with lyrics that are often filled with anti-Truth dispensations.
A-Y C10: You have not been showing that you love Gad or me, Large Marie, who is most likely still your enemy.
CUD 10: Thank Yehovah if he caused you to flee from me rather than try to destroy me like Shane David Hendrikson tried to do with his accomplices in Marathon County. Ask Yehovah to save you or try to evolve into a hockey puck.
SCA 10: Get to know why Yehovah loves the 144,000 more than he loves JW.ORG plans. Then, contemplate when and where it was that you rejected the actual chief cornerstone and opted for the mark of the beast. Pray to the diety you chose for guidance out of purgatory or your current place of torment.
A-Y C11: Your stepmother, an adulterous woman, now has taken on all your mother's past sins as a result of being allowed to enter a covenant with your legal father.
CUD 11: If you did not advise your new stepmother to refuse to be wed to your father, you do not have the gift of prophesy even if you have the curse of too much 'gab' and not enough power to stop sinning habitually. Don't bother reading charge 12 until you have completed the corrections for A-Y C1.
SCA 11: Go into a closet and pray like a Muslim for the ability to deter divorce and the wisdom to hate divorce. Make sure you are in the church of Philadelphia prostrate position not a pro-State position.
A-Y C12: You have called me 'mom' but not yet referred to me as your sorrowful mother or as tribulation Saint Marie of MIlwaukee.
CUD 12: Do not ever refer to me as a Hendrikson again since I do not want you to be legalistic as a Bassett. The name 'Hendrikson' is not in the SCRIPTURES. Start to study the works of Eldad and Medad in order to observe what perfection is before you attempt to become perfect at the next Yom Kippur test which Curtis Martin of Pittsburgh, PA might pass but Donald Driver won't pass due to his unholy dancing displays.
SCA 12: Try to establish the 'LIVE PD' difference the actual value of Clint Cabbage when compared to a partially empty can of 'Cabbage Rose' paint that is safer than Pete Rose in a Green Bay Gamblers arena. A reminder that any product that is still usable is NOT to be considered nominal value is necessary, lest you become worse than reprobate silver, as anti-Yehovah as Stuart Rottier and even worse at defense of homeland or 'away land' objects than the new Eddie Shore key tin man labeled "Tierney the San Jose Shark'. Odd man out does not always provide enough balance.
I have now invested less time into trying to correct my enemies than it took me to make a tasteless, nasty product known as 'lefsa' for a unthankful and unholy father of at least 2 children. May the power of Uriah the Hittite OR Elisha the Tishbite be with you if you do not want to repeat the ersr of the anti-trifecta known as Bathsheba , Rachel, and Solomon. Ideally, by the time I am 68, my students will have reached a pint of true repentance and actual salvation directly linked to covenant-keeping.
The above low pressure advice has been presented by me, Marie Elizabeth Swedowski, on the 13th day of the 3rd month of the non-Rood calendar which did include actual lunar observations. If you think it is the 4th month or the 10th month or the 6th month, keep your I in a Sergei Fedorov ( my team I70 Ayin) or in a Troy Aikman position for Miller Lite rear guard checks.
I am neither the king nor the queen of Corona since I prefer Iron City Beer or Schlitz. I do have the ability to prophesy, even though I am a female.
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