Thursday, June 14, 2018

A Cl17 Test Designed To Fail Jeff Yaroch' Not Jeff Brezovar

I did complete and win the first perennial 'Yitrium Bicycle Race' with my good works in 5 hours and 16 minutes. The tire patch I received yesterday did not hold up under pressure, so a pre-race  innertube purchase was required for my GIANT black belts.

Here is  list of non-Luke questions for people like Eulalio Hernandez, Jeff Yaroch or Becky Henderson of Armada who claims she is simple for some reason. Do not be afraid to fail a test, be courageous enough to try and pass this test to your neighbor or your next of kin.

B) Has Scott Hamilton been created equal to Eddie George?

I) Is a suspicious car report really a '911' issue if no crime has been committed?

C) Who is the actual owner of the car with Michigan plate 'DNR-3456' and  was he actually checking POWER lines south of 'Coon Road' or did he lie to me, Marie Hendrikson, when I questioned him regarding his reason for having a vehicle on a bicycle path?

Y) 2 women were advised of the suspicious auto with Michigan plate DNR-3456 and they seemed more concerned about crime prevention than the on-duty Armada police officer who I spoke with.  If calling '911' in Macomb County in the past has not helped when a felony ws committed against me by Vincent LoCicero, why would calling '911' when no crime has been committed but a man's 'story' should be verified by authorities be appropriate?

Cl) Since Y Ar O C H is not 'Kid Rock', who is willing to get on the 439=Brian Hoyer, 440=Carlos Hyde and 441= Pierre Garcon 2017 magazine sequence checkers instead of trying to keep up with the day 1172 4th year Bible students who know the 17th letter involving the Hebrew "pey' is just as difficult as tring to understand chlorine level in 'Bad Brad's' water supply?

Es) Is Becky Henderson trained better than Bernadette Henderson, a USA Navy veteran and who is better prepared to challenge Becky Alwin or Becky Buch to 'State vs. Church' match play?

P) Does an apathetic divorced father who has refused to properly discipline his children deserve to have a 'Happy Father's Day?'

At) Is $11.50 for a cold shot of 'Hendricks Gin' a better choice than sending a birthday card  to a 35 year-old son who does not communicate with his living mother nor shows any compassion or kindness toward his natural mother even though he claims to love 'Jesus Christ'?

H) Is Hydrogen H=1 a better constant that Hebrew Hey H=5 if you are trying to prove E5 Richmond money codes have a different form of power than a category 5 hurricane?

S) Is 'Helen Crump' going into house #895 a better legend  than Wayne Gretzky going into jersey #99, knowing it is fine to leave the 99 in order to go after the 1 who is not Wayne Gretzky?  ( Was Andy Griffith really a valedictorian or was Francis Bavier deceived again by someone other than 'Frank Smith'?)

B) When trying to transition from month 2 to month 3 and you are not pregnant, is it more important to believe Dave Coverfly or switch your 3 doe to JAGR's G team?

Y) If you do not believe the book of Revelations, are you willing to believe John Byce's college grades?

Ce) If you have agreed that Hebrew Yod=10  is  better constant than Rice=10 ( Milwaukee Mitchell Park Domes), are you prepared to believe that I=70, not one in order to ditch Roman numerology and stay in a pro-science anti-mythology anti-'Superman'  squad 58 mindset?

X) Is  Mr. Jeffress of the Milwaukee Brewers a better leader and more trustworthy than Jeff Yaroch when evaluating a Carla Derringer's children to Carlos Hyde's parents?

O) Is the Rod Serling show 'The Odyssey of Flight 33' realistic and plausible to men like Patrick Roy or  and as laughable as a 'Sweded' remake of 'Ghostbusters' in 'Be Kind, Rewind'?  Answer this as though you are part of the Orange billiard ball team or a Baltimore Oriole instead of a silly 'Father Goose' rally in Comerica Park.

I did have a good race, and Russell Wilson's image can now be compared to Buzz Lightyear's image since both of them are still in 'Linda Toy' games and both are still very anti-Yehovah images by design. It is possible to eradicate your household of 'Disney' products in order to improve the chances that your child will have a godly, practical anti-magic household now and later. It would be better to have a  cold potato to  play with than to rely on Russell Wilson or Buzz Lightyear to lead you to the repentance  required to have your intentional sins forgiven.

It has been 35 years since I gave birth to my second seed, and it is well with my soul because I understand Hebrew word #2245, a motherly affection,  more than I understand the absence of my grandchildren and the anti-Yehovah behavior of my grandchildren's parents.  A unseared conscience is a blessing and a seared conscience is a curse that prevents MANY from becoming justified and holy.

My Raleigh bicycle has been more reliable and more faithful in the past 16 years than the unrightoues, unjustified father of my son.  Investing in a good bicycle is much wiser than wasting your income on marijuana and other plants that emit 'strange fire' rather than a good cloud by day.  No politician who desires a intelligent community and a safer society would push for legalization of marijuana and should actually push for the prohibition of tobacco products in order to be more like St. Luke, less like Walt Disney on Wall Street and eventually end up better than Shannon Wahl in a Rockwood Roo with her sister-in-law.

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