Monday, June 18, 2018

Day 63: Use Postage stamps, not 'Facebook'

This message is dedicated to those who helped build the 'Canadian Signaller', with hull #63. If Miroslav Satan needs a new name, I would call him 'Launch 81', since he does  know how to launch pucks. I already noticed 'woodstock' signs near my women's shelter, indicating a possible Hull #99 situation even though I do not have a Corvette engine. Go ahead and see if Chris Chelios responds better to 'R. Bruce Angus' than he  does to 'Reprobate Silver #47' and if Guy Carbonneau wants to be called 'Imperial London' instead of  'Mr. Scandium'.

If you do not HATE evil projects, you might believe the deception that there is such a thing as 'necessary evil'.  Actual negative speech is required to counter evil or untrue statements.  I cannot even convince some of my own family members to stop using 'Facebook' to get messages or information to others, but because they don't believe prophets like Moshe Ben Amram they also won't believe me.  Here are some warnings for those who trust their anti-HVHY unholy 'government' more than they trust a postage stamp with a hockey player design.

10. Donald Trump wants the USA to control 'space' yet the USA has not figured out a good plan to control its soil yet.
9.  Fools will claim that the Bible has 'hate speech' in it and will then try to eliminate Bible quotes from their computer site.  Make sure you try to keep a paper copy of at least 2 Bibles and don't worry if evil computer billionaires kick you off their site later than I got tossed out of the Suburban Sports Group Ice Arenas.
8. Communication has always been more reliable by an actual paper letter carried by some agency such as UPS, the USPS or FedEx, unless you are trying to get an important message to your current or former stepchildren in Wittenberg, Wisconsin. Be thankful that the letters of St. James did not get intercepted or blocked by 'Facebook' monsters, zombies or 'the iron dome'.
7. Sure we'd all be better off if today was really the 1177th day of the pre-bowl judgments, but remember there is only 7 bowl judgments prophesied, not an 8th bowl. However, if it is only day 63 of the tribulation period, you have quite a bit of time to learn how to pray or learn how to stop playing video games which have been created by people who don't want you to learn things like gardening, playing a musical instrument or learning how to read and write cursive.
6. If you have an auto that does not have a GPS system, do not sell it since will become much smarter if you look at actual paper maps.  Since you cannot always control your location, you need to learn how to control your attitude while you are in your current location.
5. If mailing a paper letter to another person is too hard for you, the next best non-computer option is an actual telephone call. Since many people still claim there is a 'God' who sees and hears everything, make sure your telephone call is decent enough for God to listen to.
4. If you can, write messages in chalk on your driveway instead of going on 'Facebook' . Don't overdue it, but you can drop a few phrases such as ' Day 63' on your own property without getting charged with 'hate printing' or obstructing the USA Army.
3.  Change the word 'hate' in your verbage to some  more intricate positive activity verb such as 'Zebulun rejects _______' or   'Napthali opposes ____________' or ' Joseph is against the spirit of Oprah Winfrey' or ' Simeon is on defense against Facebook executives'.  Do not let the elimination of the word 'hate' lead you to love everything, including that which is unnecessary evil.
2.  If I couldn't change my bicycle tire alone, I can't change the direction of Donald Trump or illegal immigrants alone. I also do not want to deter Abaddon from his pro-active course against liars and people who are not humble enough to work at a decent place like 'Steak and Shake' and instead work for 'Facebook' or other businesses that buy or sell 'Playboy' products or 'Hooters' uniforms, which I and other actual good angels are opposed to.
1. If you are on Culver's basketball team, you can and should support good competition, Currently, 'Steak and Shake' has one of the best deals on the face of the earth if you are opposed to television and can say 'water please' instead of ' I wanr Coca-Cola' . In Eden's garden, there were choices, and you cannot prove you believe Yehovah unless you are able to make the same kind of decisions that the 132,000 sealed allies of the final 12,000 Benjamites have made.  The coffee at 'Steak and Shake' is better than McDonald's or Starbucks, the burgers are priced better than '5 Guys' or 'Culver's' and the staff is dressed better than NFL cheerleaders.  I know this isn't 'Big Top' or 'Gocomics', but a Carolina slaw dog from 'Steak and Shake' is still a pleasing animal sacrifice and a Little Ceasars pork sausage pizza is not and never will be acceptable to anyone who believes Moshe Ben Amram and Yeshua.
0. Since someone decided to pay for my meal of a grilled cheese sandwich, an all beef frank in a bun, cole slaw and a coffee that was priced at 666 pennies, did he take the mark of the beast from me while I sat at table #76?  My first invoice did not have the coffee included, so I notified the waitress 'Steph' because I did not want to defraud the restaurant. I have to have some tolerance for the number 0 because it is part of the number 50.  Remember that the number 0 is a neutral zone in figurative languages, not a strong delusion that has no relevance to candy bar codes, hockey net income or Benjamin Sheets figure 30.

If this message got through to you, thank Michael Pence on my behalf. Sometimes the person who is 2nd in command is more like Joseph or Patrick Roy than Lucifer.

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