Thursday, June 21, 2018

"Steve' Isn't Yehovah and neither is 'Chris'

This report is a serious anti-cult response to the anti-Moses offensive plans of Chris Goerlich, not Russell Wilson. If you do not read to the end of this report, you will not know that  proper'follow-up' can change perspective to un unintentional sin.

It is not easy to counter stupidity when  unfair or unreasonable 'deals' have been made between 2 parties that did not consider the safety of more than one another. Here is an example of exactly what I would NOT do, after not regretting what I did do as an adult asking to join a juvenile hockey camp with Dan Bauer's permission.

What is supposed to be 'over 16' hockey scrimmage at a rink turned into a worse than normal situation because a male father was not thinking  anything like Yehovah thinks. 'Chris' is labeled as an elder of the anti-Moses kingdom hall near St. Clair Shores, and he claims that he not only got permission for his very awkward son to be part of the adult hockey drop in on Thursday morning, June 21st, 2018 at the Glacier Pointe Ice Arena.  Because I do care about the hockey rinks I skate in, I notified the front counter attendant ( not typically collecting the ice fees) and she seemed surprised that the little juvenile was 'playing' and on the ice mixed in with the adults.  I identified 'Chris' as the parent of the child who was not better than any child trying to get into the United States from Mexico in an unjustified manner with the provocation or prompting of his parents parents.  'Jehovah's Witnesses' typically are not willing to obey the rules for Yehovah's actual Israelite aligned people and it is a shame that 'Chris' thinks it is not a serious matter when he pulls whatever strings he can to get his juvenile son into physical therapy and physical competitions intended for people 16 years of age and older.

Even though I am not a very skilled skater, I do follow the POSTED rules in the few places that offer hockey scrimmage time for adults.  If I notice a problem and bring it to the attention of ownership or management, why should I fear getting punished for not being apathetic? There are many times when others hve gotten ejected from places that they cared about because they brought to the LIGHT a problem that was brewing or had occurred, usually some form of lawlessness or rule infractions 'Chris' demonstrated the spirit of anti-Yehovah, not the spirit of Yehovah. Yehovah would have gotten his child into an appropriate 'stick and puck' time rather than making a hockey session even more dangerous than it usually is. It isn't easy for other skaters to skate with me or around me because they are not sure what I might do next; in a similar fashion, a ski hill has people with varied abilities joined together to exercise and they are supposed to avoid collisions with one another.  Why would Chris Goerlich ( not sure of the spelling) put his child in a dangerous situation that is also is contrary to the posted rules that others typically RESPECT? I don't know the answer to that, but once again I was actually trying to protect the integrity of the morning hockey group, but for some reason, Chris said that 'Steve' cleared Chris' son, not Yehovah. 'Steve' has not verified that fact, and it is possible that Steve did not know that Chris was going to keep his son on the ice during scrimmage time rather that not just during 'warm up' times. Sometimes a person asking for a favor misleads or lies to the person able to allow the favor to occur.

Michigan is a state that is very 'cold' to me so far, and on occassion when I try to question those who are breaking rules or are a danger to themselves or others. sadly I get ejected and people like 'Chris' keep misrepresenting what Yehovah's angels are really is like.  I can there was another time when the spouse of a goalie had a rather bad day and was using verbage against me that was unkind and vulgar, and 'Chris' did not even try to rebuke the unkind spirit, which indicated 'Chris' is not elder material in the true church of Yehovah. The Jehovah Witness groups do not even keep the 7th day sabbath which is one of Yehovah's people's identifying anti-beast mark. The behavior of the goalie's spouse actually has improved greatly in his etiquette and maybe he just had a bad day like practically every human does from time to time, and he and I now manage to skate with or against one another with a reasonable amount of proper caution and respect for one another.

I apologized to the new counter girl, knowing full well she had no idea what deals had been made between 'Chris' and 'Steve', but when a business is not consistent in enforcing the rules it sets, people sometimes get 'hot' or 'cold' toward the business.  'Chris' is an example of reprobate silver because when tested, tried and questioned about his reasoning for disregarding rules others have been abiding by, he called the questioner (me) 'arrogant' rather than calling himself an anti-Yehovah pusher of a form of lawlessness never before seen by me in the Port Huron rink.

I survived many years without playing hockey, but it usually does me more good to compete in hockey with other adults than sitting around smoking marijuana to counter the pain and sorrow in my life. There really is no difference between the illegal alien children who are compelled to enter the USA contrary to posted laws and 'Chris' with his son in a 'Blue Diamond'  outfit. Maybe 'Chris' is going to try and make a deal to get his soon into some R rated movies next. The 'Kingdom Hall' men plop on their suits and ties and set up their rules in their own ' kingdom' . Wouldn't you expect those men to defend their own rules in their halls with as much tenacity and courage as I attempted to correct 'Chris' in a non-Jehovak Witness venue that I have invested in like many others?

From now on, if other children are denied access to adult hockey time in Glacier Pointe, it is either going to exhibit that there is favoritism occurring or discrimination occurring, and both are considered 'unjust scales'. It would be best if 'Steve' realized letting children into a scrimmage time posted for adults is not a wise idea and he either changes the age requirements or attempts to be consistent in keeping his facility laws.  Ideally, the owner or 'Steve' will no longer make deals with 'Chris' and kindly suggest he take his young son to 'stick and puck' sessions so that 'Chris' can be a better example to his son when it comes to local law, business law and risk assessment.  It would be better for the JW. ORG men to start being willing to serve in the military after they are of a proper age than to try to stick their grade-school children into the middle of an adult hockey battle without the consent of all the other adults in the battle.

As a matter of fact, many 'religious people' get angry when they see Palestinians putting their children into battles against the army of the state of Israel and then try to blame others when the child they put at risk GETS HURT. The son of Chris might have gotten sad or temporarily upset when he heard the somewhat heated discusssion regarding his presence on the rink during an adult skate, but it was Chris that could have prevented that. Hockey rinks typically can handle heated discussions better than most venues, even when a referee is not getting paid to make a decision in a matter involving contrary serious opinions.

Hopefully 'Steve' understands why I questioned the suspicious activity of 'Chris and son' rather than not caring about the child's safety at all.

Congratulations to the one man squad #37, who proved that a tattoo does not have to hinder improvements in conduct. A tattoo can be removed easier than a bad father can be charged with endangering others, including himself, while he uses his own son in the wrong way.  I actually appreciate what the border control agents are trying to do, and if the state of Michigan people elect a Democrat, I suspect conditions will become worse for anti-lawlessness people.

In my next blog, I will give a report on the 'Patrick Roy Memeorial Bicycle Race' and offer a suggestion to counter the stupidity of bad parents who are endangering their children by taking them where they ought not be before LAWS are changed again by a nation who rejected the spirit of prophesy for decades.  Maybe Mr. Estep, the overseer of 'Chris', needs a G male not another email  correct his flock.

A perfect and good LORD and ruler WILL discipline his own people, rather than allowing them behave contrary to existing laws that are not a SECRET.

Chris Goerlich now can go door to door trying to sell his business practices to to others like 'Steve' or Jeff Sonnentag, and he may even convince other people that the kingdom of Gad is near, but the faithful and true people of Yehovah (HVHY) will not be going the way of JW.ORG methods of anti-Moses operations.  A 'purple triangle' team in WWII did not become grafted into the tribe of Judah even though they were located near them in concentration camps. Likewise, being closest to a Gadite or a Benjamite determines whether you will choose to become an ally or an enemy of the Gadite or the Benjamite.

For those with a MIlwaukee code 3 sugar mind, the 100 Grand bar is at #146 now in Glacier Pointe, and they still offer Pepsi products. Continue as though this is the 3rd month of the Hebrew year rather than as though it is March 6, 1982 at St. Matthew's Catholic church in MIlwaukee where another gang of church leaders eventually proved to be apathetic, lazy and hypocritical when their own Catholic men decide to ignore their Catholic wedding vows. These are  perilous times indeed, and one of theses years others who have hated me might refuse the right to keep hating me without a just cause.

Follow up information:

I spoke with one of the knowledgable managers at Glacier Pointe, who typically handles matters as well as Ronald Quaxkenbush would. He stated that IF a child can skate well, they do allow greade school children in for drop-in hockey. To be honest, I thought there were age restrictions and I informed Angelo of my wrong assumption. Now that I have been rebuked properly by a rink authority, there still are unaswered questions. According to the new woman at the from desk, Chris Goerlick's son did not pay for his ice time, which means Chris possible committed a form of theft since his son was NOT a goalie. Goalies are exempt from paying fees, and there were 3 adult goalies present, 2 in 'yellow 1' outfits and Dana in red.)  If Mr. Goerlich DID know there was written evidence that I was wrong about the age restrictions, why didn't he prove his case regarding 'no age restrictions' and then I still would have questioned why his son did not PAY for ice time. I don't want to become like Shannon Wahl, turning my head away when a possible theft has occurred against the OWNER of a business.

The secondary issue then becomes whether or not Mr . Goerlich used good judgment regarding his son's skating ability AND whether of not he paid the price  for his son's exercise time. I am not the judge in this matter, but I did witness and then got involved ( did not draw back) in a matter that clearly had more than 1 unified perspective.  Mr. Goerlich's son often was not really paying attention to what was going on around him, his skills were far worse than mine. I usually am the worst akater at Glacier Pointe and the youngster often just seemed as though he he couldn't decide if he was really in the 'game' and he  meandered around near the bench area as though he rather be in figure skates somewhere. Personally, I know I had made a much better decision trying to get my adult son who played high school hockey VERY WELL to step in front of the empty goalie area at the Macomb Ice Rink in full hockey gear during stick and puck time, knowing some pucks might cone toward him and even bruise him. The fact that my son developed a fear of being a defenseman was revealed to me, and the negative effect of his current anti-Yehovah religion was also very evident. I won't be condemned for encouraging my son to compete in hockey during the only time he visited me due to his grandparents' request. When I asked him to visit me or asked permission to spend time with my grandchildren, he refused. I know what it feels like to be a 'hockey mom' and a somewhat unskilled hockey player with plenty of other non-hockey skills, but Mr. Goerlich does not know what it feels like to be a deserted  former wife and a deserted mother that still has a record of serving her country in a police officer's uniform long before I went on record as being one of Yehovah's disciples.

I have tried to teach Mr. Goerlich about correct Hebrew date keeping, and like Richard Isaiah Hendrikson, he rather not learn how to behave like a Benjamite, a  Gadite or an Asherite from people like me he might as well get turned over to Satan. If the kingdom of Gad is within me, even I know how to keep silence in my body for about 30 minutes.  Familiar spirits often become demonic spirits due to works of habitual sin, and sin is the transgression of what amatuers refer to as the 'Mocais Law' but which really is the officials laws for people who have believed the reports of Moshe Ben Amram before they can be able to believe Yeshua's pro-Moshe Ben Amram status and biblical instructions for the tribe of Zebulun.

I am not too proud to apologize to the staff of the Glacier Pointe Rink or to a child in  'Joe Cool' shirt, but I am not going to apolzgize for being seriously concerned about children that seem to be at risk or to question a possible theif even though I am not authorized to garry a firearm and my badge #1532 has probably has been given to somebody else In MIlwaukee. Moshe Ben Amram was not too happy when he saw what occurred with the golden calf gang, but he still kept responding to Yehovah's voice somehow. I would rather be in POrt Elgin for Shavuot because I know I am loved by Staffany Rusing's family, but I also know it is right and my duty as a saint to visit my parents at least twice a year if possible. You might be surprised of how many people destroyed their own sanctification process or their chance of being justified by faith when they chose to appear on shows like 'House Hunters' or 'Dancing With the Stars', 'American Idol'  or appear in a Superbowl with a disgusting half time show more dangerous and spiritually more anti-Christ than working at a Heil plant or a Perfex factory.

I hope I didn't puck up your Sidney Crosby plans on day 477 by testing a Koslov ESPN #477 plan without using excessive force of Richard Forss.

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