Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Message To Curtis Martin and James Cleveland

There is a sign of a double tree that neither of you might have seen because you have to look up at the ceiling in the hockey hall of fame. In Milwaukee District 2, James Cleveland was called the 'Boy Wonder' by fellow officers. From this point, I am going to try to illustrate how men such as Robert Kraft can get others into a rich and broad way, but will never be able to get them into the narrow gate in their past or current method of operation.

If my son has a 'testimony', I have no idea what it is now. My son does recall the effect of what his father did when he abandoned us, but I do. An unforgiving spirit does not respond properly to true sorrow and repentance, and I actually know I do not have an unforgiving spirit. As a matter of fact, I tried to locate the father of my son, even though he showed no remorse for any of his sins, with the slim hope his natural father would align with me to undo the damage that Shane David Hendrikson did to Richard.  Richard  didn't rebound well when Robin Michael Ortiz left us, but I tried to direct my son to the Scriptures as well as to sports when we were a family as odd as a queen of spades and a jack of diamonds in a pinocle game.  I am not ashamed that my son worked at in a farmer's field in Milwaukee and at Culver's rather than getting millions of dollars running for hypocrites like Robert Kraft. The true sealed saints, the people of Yehovah, do not gather at Jewish party lines and then gather next to their whorish cheerleader lines in or out of their mansions. What hypocrites like Robert Kraft do is the equivalent of a Catholic nun teaching students excellent math and English skills during  the week and then surrounding herself and her students with a male dancing team such as 'Chippendales' for Sunday services.

It is admirable that Curtis Martin struggled to help his mother heal from the abuse his father tossed her way. If it were not for the influence of my daughter-in-law, my son might have decided to help me recover from cruelty his newer legal father inflicted. It was studying the Scriptures that helped me repent of my own sin and the Scriptures are still intended to counter stupidity and to counter hypocrisy, not to counter intelligence.  I may become very unpopular for mentioning the fact that Reggie Howard White had desired to be like Moses, but he died before I did, never officially denouncing the sideline  pompom activities of the NFL teams he worked for, even though he did denounce his Sunday church appearances because he felt he was being 'used' as a source of income there. If Curtis Martin does not have tattoos, he has had better natural instincts than most USA athletes.   It is also good to resist the desire for gifts on 'Christmas' or birthdays in order to focus on the apponted times such as Unleavened bread, Shavuot, Yom Kippur, Yom teruah, regular 7th day sabbaths and Tabernacles week to avoid becoming someone who claims to be a Jew ( but isn't tribe of Judah material) yet rejects the proper keeping of appointed times of rest or  holy gatherings for Yehovah's people.

Curtis Martin should pray for the spirit of prophesy, and if he is entrusted with it, he will no longer be as blind as Bruce Wayne and will be as courageous as a lion's whelp if or when he starts challenging 'religious' types to become holy rather than happy as a wealthy Jewish man in Europe in the early 1930's.  When Yehovah's people stray from their calling and directions, they do get punished rather than being allowed to continue to blaspheme and bring shame to their own strong guardian angel who has existed and who still exists.

A few tears flowed when I heard parts of Curtis Martin's testimony about his childhood, but as soon as I saw what 'candyman' lured him to work contrary to the Pittsburgh Steelers, I realized what slim chance there is that Curtis Martin can start looking at the city of Milwaukee's squad 28 area or at sabbath-keeping like I do now.  Maybe James Cleveland, MIlwaukee's 'Boy Wonder' wore a very different uniform  for many years and will have jsut as tough of a time going from a broad way to narrow way because of anti-Yehovah people like Larry and Renee Mizewski. Maybe women like Lindsay Rhodes in a yellowjacket will mislead as many people as Donald Jackson or Leonce Rhodes has done in his  fire department Speedo, but the miracle that very few will see is the miracle that occurs when you are chosen to be one of 144,000 humans who are opposed to, not aligned with the Robert Kraft types.  The jazz group known as 'The Yellowjackets' has done less spiritual damage to eyes and ears than teams like the New England Patriots or the Dallas Cowboys.

Be cautious when seeking a narrow way, keeping in mind that the prophesied King of Kings and lord of Lords is not going to be a Protestant nor a Robert Kraft type of hypocrite. There is a prophesy against a lying wonder, and there is no prophesy that states that Abaddon is an unholy angel.  The Pittsburgh #29 Panther number might have been the best uniform after high school that Curtis Martin ever wore while he was very far away from Curtis Shayne Joseph's line of work. If someone offered me 12 million dollars to work for the Las Vegas Golden Knights, I would refuse. If someone offered me $300,000.00 to work for the Chicago Bears, the Pittsburgh Steelers or the Cleveland Browns, I would accept a spiritual wafrafe coaching position, but any contract would have to include a guarantee that the team does not go the way of the Detroit Lions, who ruined their history with the addition of a cheerleading team that looks worse than  0 wins and 16 losses with Daunte Culpepper in  a Lion uniform.

A good father would never want his daughter to become a professional sports cheerleader such as the Dallas Cowboys have.  It does no good to sit in a church pew and ask for clessing and favors and then have the desire of your heart lead to your daughters dressing up like Hooter's waitresses or the current Detroit Lions cheerleaders.  I didn't add John Cummings to my computer 'ephod squad' for a reason, even if he did throw a pitch Dan Plesac could hit.

Now for true USA Navy coffee and 'Swimmy' alert:

A friend of mine was deployed to make coffee on the CLG Galveston while he was far away from his Detroit area classmates. He was surprised to learn that the right faucet ejected saltwater and the left faucet ejected freshwater. Saltwater coffee is not as addicting as saltwater taffy. John. the 'one of a kind 'retired Navy man who made the saltwater coffee was told 'The Navy is never wrong'. State Farm always suggests it wants to help people 'go right', but there times when going right leads you to saltwater, not freshwater. Once a plumber gets under a sink and looks up, the freshwater IS on the right and the salttwater is on the left, so perspective even matters when comparing a 36 inch Northern to a 87 pound Amberjack.

There actually is a time when navy is never wrong, but that would only be when you have a choice to choose to invest in only one of the following products: a lapis lazuli tribe of Dan navy blue stone set in silver or copper, PINK products, LOVE PINK products, Milwaukee Brewers navy colored visors, St. Louis Blues navy hockey jerseys, Chicago Bears dark navy jersey, a brown deputy sheriff's uniform, Vancouver Canucks dark navy hockey jerseys or Minnesota Twins navy-colored baseball jerseys for your outer covering. With those choices, you have 6 to 3 chance of proving that navy is never wrong without investing in a Milwaukee Police navy blue hat.

Shabbat shalom, as the 49th day of the omer has commences for a remnant, that is, a few.   Respect the spirit of a locust if you have evaded or been spared from hail storms and floods this past spring. James Cleveland is not Lebron James and Lebron James is not ever going to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

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