Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Joe Thomas Binary 101 Race Results

All day 4 of the 3rd month was filled with a mix of the good cinnamon water ways, the better tasting protein shakes and the best beef ribs and lemon meringue pie for the 'non-50 foot' female entry level winner at the Apple Orchard Inn.

The somewhat difficult bicycle race started at the Canadian Signaller Brett Hull Number Observation Memorial Point but had to end at the Isaiah Crowell Land Line for Hunter Rison's silly Spartans who did not participate. The winner was part of 'Team Brett LIndros' not 'Compuware' or Dennis Ware, with a time of 2 hours and 40 minutes for the 1st shift of the race. 'Beware of Wicked Stepchildren' and 'Beware of Divorce Respondents' were 2 of the best warnings available in non-London bridge work areas. Joe Staley was not seen on the course, even though it was day 445 for 2nd year 'Beef Rib It' BamBam units.

The Octopus mile was not overshadowed by the Octopus Car Wash people from Madison, Wisconsin nor was it obstructed by U-Haul trucks advertising for New Brunswick, MInnesota and New Jersey. The used jersey teams did better than the New Jersey U-Haul truck team today, and team 'Terre Andre Rison' won the second portion of the race, adding another 3 hours to the used jersey racing team minutes.  The consolation prize for the last place team was an ice tea with a slice of lemon, not a CocaCola. An unintentional sin occurred when the sponsor of the consolation prize did not know that CocaCola now made unsweetened ice tea and Team Lindros is supposed to be boycotting CocaCola products. This minor offense will be forgiven on or before Yom Kippur.

The Laura Wagler Pass was wiser to take than the Bear Tooth Pass or the Loveland Pass, and it was handles well by the Word !534 team with 'Wheels' in mind. Although no one crashed into Don Brown's appliance wall, Halifax machines caused a low energy disturbace near 'Try Serra Top' corners. A honorable mention was set on brick for Jim Russo, not for fake cops known as 'Robert Romano' or 'Barney MIller'.

The 'Spider Woman' segment finished or started at 8 the 8 mile marker, and Perfex Plant 2 was represented in low places better than Nashville singers or Batman without Robin Lindros.  Geraldine Green's class did not include a Green Circle ski slope but did include a tricky JuJu Smith 19K race segment for anti-Bengals quite a distance from the James Madison special 4 way intersection.

The motto for tomorrow's 'Patrick Roy Classic Day 804 Race' will be:
"Everything is not beautiful. Ray Stevens is spreading bad lies.'

The Blue Moon team should be represented by Curtis Joseph observers and the Canadien Gunner segment of the race will be of interest to Collingwood ship historians for ist year Day 64 Gd Gadites.

All race participants agreed that the Luke Donald Putter hole was the most dangerous and was deeper than expected. The ScAr foot section was a reminder that body parts can heal sooner than the typical evildoer or bad Driver repents of the unholy dancing.  The race was much classier and a much better example of good works than the 2 lesbians that are being led by but are a few years behind Rachel Snyder Hendrikson's HGTV team.

All race participants also agreed that Georgio's Apple Orchard Inn had much better food than Billy Sims joint on 13 Mile Road. Only the smartest places even try to master the art of proper beef rib preparation. An Orange Roughy meal will be the apostolic meal award for the winner of tomorrow's Day 804 3rd Year Quebec Tech students and Gatineau Double Tree hotel survivors.

The consolation prize for the loser of tomorrow's Day 804 race is a free ticket to an expensive concert in Armada's park. Try not to lose your mind of Christ or find a 'Fire Station Zebra' representative to assist you with Smokey the Bear rules of anti-cigarette audibles and anti-Disnayland etiquette for field position mice.

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