Saturday, June 30, 2018
James Baier Did Not Have Unrealistic Expectations
When a notice arrives stating that 'James Baier' is not longer alive, it might not be fake news but if it is true, it is sad news and only a coroner's perspective. Some religions believe that James Baier is alive but very different in 'heaven' now.
Some Protestant adversaries indicated that THEY want what I have written in the past when they were not near to aid me, unwilling to house me, unwilling to feed me and unwilling to visit me to be removed from this website, yet will they also ask that information about Judas Iscariot be removed from the Bible they sometimes study? Who is going to remove all the reports written about me with perspectiives of people who may or may not have been on the same side in a war? The untruthful reports, based on Shane David Hendrikson's claimns, of what I or he did at 1602 Mary Lane is not going to be erased or done away with, and neither will my past attitudes, my past persepctive and my past non-judgment day or night shift calls. When you have not lived your live perfectly from start to finish, there will be information about you that you might desire to 'disappear', but most likely will not dissapear. Once you are in the grave, what non-God or anti-Yehovah people might have written about you will no longer be of concern to you, and your most accurate assessment of what deeds you did or didn't do in your life on earth as a self-proclaimed Catholic, Jew, self-proclaimed Christian or 1 of the hopeful 12,000 from the tribe of Issachar will be examined without a fine tooth comb.
In this tiny tribute to James Baier, I hope to establish some sort of balance between those people with a reasonable ability to apply humor to a wounded spirit rather than expect a large tattoo to go away without some pain and suffering. The Jewish people in Auschwitz not longer had a tattoo when they were cruelly tortured and then incinerated into ashes, not changed into 'Merry Nash' or "Ann Ashley'. I have no idea what caused the death of James Baier, but if it was the same James Baier that protected me when I was assigned to Milwaukee squad 22 late sometimes in but usually out of 245 Wesr Lincoln Avenue, his family can rest assured that I will testify on his behalf today and in the future if needed.
James Baier earned far more than his salary; James Baier earned the respect of most of his co-workers, including me. Without men like James Baier on earth to counter the personality of men like Raymond Trudell, we would live in a world that is even worse than retiree David Porn (?) could create in a day. James Baier saw me blow up small pillows, draw my revolver without pen and paper, use a flashlight with a degree of accuracy able to be attained by 1 year olds and never did anything to hurt my flesh even though he may have hurt my 'feelings' from time to time. I thought James Baier had a reaonsable impression of me but I might be totally wrong on that 'thought'. It seemed like James Baier had reasonable trust in my decisions during an assignment, but men like Doug Allord, those who have intentionally opposed me but not to the gifts they legally took from me, never did learn to trust me nor the diety I represent on earth. When I say 'Yeshua', they might as well say 'Jesus Villa' and return to the places where THEY went wrong, such as at 'Wisconsin Dells' , where many anti-Yehovah people have aligned with what is a vain attempt to mock the writings of Moses, not uphold the writings of Moses.
Does it make any sense to ask a person to eliminate an editorial that helped the writer establish their OWN frame of mind in a period of joy, trauma or occurrances typical to mankind or King Evil-Merodach? Will the Woodlands church of Plover, Wisconsin order me to feel loved when I did not feel loved my own family? If I were my son, I would try to get his children's names off of "House Hunters International', which actually did more to harm their reputation than anything I have written about them. I might have made typographical errors and my blog is NOT ADMISSABLE as evidence for them or against them unless a second witness comes forth to establish it as truthful or intentionally full of deceit.
I fear Yehovah too much to intentionally release information that is deceitful, and others who have have had better impressions of my son and his family are free in the USA to counter my stupidity or counter my ntelligence if they so choose. The kind words I have written about James Baier are not going to be retracted. James Baier was willing to protect me and others when the father of my son would not EVEN THOUGH HE COULD HAVE. Does my daughter in-law want the MIlwaukee County court system delete or retract all the charges the district attorney's office made against Jeffrey Dahmer if in fact Jeffrey Dahmer changed and started behaving better toward others while in Columbia County? When I thought I deserved an 'A' in penmanship, a lady named Matilda subjectively decided I only deserved a "C' and I was very wroth with me teacher......... and then promptly showed more effort as I strived to get an "A' during the next quarter of non-home schooling.
It would be most cruel for me to tell my neighbor that what they are doing is curing me when it really is injuring me, but what if that neighbor thinks that his second-hand cigarette smoke isn't injuring me or others? I suppose that neighbor then become like Robin Michael Ortiz's first wife, and neither she nor I thought it was funny or something to laugh about when we were 'respondents' in divorce cases. Brian Berg and associates refused to help me obtain a fair division of assets when when of their flock filed for divorce, and such laziness or cowardice by men who have wanted to be called "elder' or 'pastor' is far more hypocritical than falling asleep for a bit of time while working 3rd shift in dress blues and being the target of people who despise fulfillment of the law, which is contrary to lawlessness.
My son heard some of the very good memories I have had of him, and he can share those with whoever he so chooses. I love my son too much to intentionally deceive him, even if I have had very wrong impressions about his family attitude toward St. Matthew the apostle's works or the gifts of new shoes or used clothing to his family members. The works of James Baier will be found to be very honorable when compared to the works of LeBron James or Michael Jordan, overpaid Chicago Bull. When humans have been willfully influenced too long by anti-Eldad types, they don'e even realize when thay have been face to face with Gad, not Joseph.
A '22' does not always start a Pabst code. Sometimes '22' only gets you to a titanium jacket split, Grover Cleveland or Cecil, Wisconsin near Jacoby road. It is more important that falsified OFFICIAL documents get corrected before people aligned with Christianity get the opinions others have had about them changed by their own corrective actions. If I had written only good reports about my protestant adversaries, would they ever have decided to change what they have been doing long enough to hear that others have welcomed me into their homes when doors have been 'shut' to me for some very specific or very vague reasons.
If what I write is so difficult to believe, you may go and read the book of Amos or pick up a letter from David Kohn of Wittenberg and read what others opinions have been, even if their current opinion has been changed in the twinkling of a Peterkin lamp light bulb.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
What The Children of Shane David Hendrikson Won't Hear From Me
I do have a 36 step program to stop aligning with Nazi types so you don't end up dining with or near Cheryl and Shane Hendrikson. Maybe when my grandchildren are 20 years old they might agree with my approach to countering the hypocrisy that has engulfed Christianity like Hitler swarmed into France.
Because A-Y C actions were your choice, good corrective actions are also your choice since I am not a Judge nor a dictator. With Gad, CUD is possible. With Issachar, this could be a 12 year program and try to accomplish one SCA achievement per year like a good 'Senior Achievement' plan.
The children of Shane David Hendrikson can hear this from you if you read it to them like King Josiah read to complacent, covenant breaking Israelites.
A-Y C describes what Anti-Yehovah has done. These ar current charges against my enemy.
CUD is what a Bible-believing Christian Under Dan can do at least be under the tribe of Dan instead of under a PINK church system. This might make you an adversary of Abaddon and might get you to neutral ground forces.
SCA is Simeon Corrective Actions needed to have the possibility of at least being under Abaddon's system rather then being part of a Reuben vs RACHEL war.
I agreed to make a list of my ex-husband's 2nd seed anti-Yehovah actions that have not yet been corrected. Because you might be like my second seed, I want you to know how YOU can align against Nazi types and lawyers that commit perjury while Shane David Hendrikson decided to laugh in divorce court. Consider these charges against my enemies
A-Y C1. You lied to your mother, your step-father, your teachers at St. Jude and to police which resulted int a felony invetstigation against an person that did not exist.
CUD 1. Report in person to the Wauwatosa police department and confess to your lie, knowing you might be charged and punished as severely as Michael Vick or Jim Staley was charged. If you are shown mercy by the Wauwatosa police, they might have you sign a form clearing the open case and order you to GO AND SIN NO MORE.
SCA 1. Make sure every word you utter is an idiom or the truth, whether it is to your friend, your enemies or your jailer.
A-Y C2. You requested a tattoo and then invested in a tattoo rather than investing in venison or bananas for the Detroit Redwings AFTER hearing , believing and reading from the books of Moses that requesting a tattoo is an anti-YESHUA method of sinning.
CUD 2. Pay to get all your tattoos removed and show yourself to your mother, Bill Priestap or a genuine Levite.
SCA 2. Believe Moses so you eventually believe the instructions for the tribe of Judah, who is not a cornerstone.
A-Y C3: You stole then intentionally and maliciously destroyed valuable 501(C(3) property, including Marine veteran Michael Rood's works and Brad Scott's works which cost about $2000.00 to replace. $2000.00 is not NOMINAL VALUE unless you have lying lips and ears unwiling to hear financial facts of impoverished single mothers.
CUD 3: Restore double the price of the destroyed property to the last known secretary of 'Know The Truth MInistries' who never abandoned her son but did abandon a "Jalousie Plantation' pouch and robe.
SCA: Do not be 'anti-Large Marie' or pro-Slade and start being anti-hypocrisy and anti-Moses. You can be very-anti-Wittenberg is you desire.
A-Y C4: You aligned with loose felon, Shane David Hendrikson and aligned against '1532' and real decent people like Eric Moore. and Eileen Wolf.
CUD 4: Study the state statutes in Wisconsin for the years 1998 until 2014 since you clearly decided not to study the Tanakh enough. Obey all laws that are not contrary to the tribe of Zebulun or Gad.
SCA 4: Go get a legal surname name changed from 'Hendrikson' to 'Jackson' and consider this tribulation day 72. If necessary, reinstate your first or middle name which your real parents chose for you.
A-Y C5: In 'prodigal' style, you stopped appreciating who clothed you properly and sheltered you properly at 1602 Mary Lane, 54455. Even a dog sometimes recalls where they got their last anti-swine meal.
CUD 5: Attempt to discipline ( thou shall not murder) the father or step-father's that did not love your mother, who stole from your mother and who did not pay his child support. You must do a better job than Sandra Marcus, Greg Strasser or Vincent Howard did in order to get off of the Shannon Wahl and onto the Jim Russo team of Detroit Police Department associates.
SCA 5: Don't rely on the book of proverbs anymore. Be kind to both of your parents ( limit yourself to 1 mother of your choice and 1 father of your choice and diety of your choice so you do not revert to Catholicism) by writing them letters on real paper, whether or not you or they are incarcerated as short of a time period as Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos were incarcerated by Milwaukee squad 28.
A-Y C 6: You did not help me move to the Cedar Crreek Inn when I was homeless and may have ordered Nazi=type forces to force me out of my own home. As a result, you are now physically weaker than Abaddon and possibly weaker than me.
CUD 6: Ask for a restraining order against self-professed 'anti-commandment man' Shane David Hendrikson in order to protect yourself and your children. If you do not receive a restraining order, move to Charlotte, North Carolina like I did to evade my enemies temporarily. My team will visit you there if you provide me your address.
SCA 6 : Be prepared to help me move again if I ever get married to a real covenant-keeping man who loves biblical geology and the tribe of Benjamin as much as I do.
( Breath and take a Hurlbutt or Gadowsky pause for about 30 minutes or 20.83 years if you are a Peterist).
A-Y C7: In the past 7 years,you have treated me with less kindness than you treat strangers.
CUD 7: Start treating your accuser as a friend who wants you to 'go clean' and align with Yehovah for a drastic change of anti-Babylonian behaviors.
SCA 7: Attempt to get the spiritual 'Rachel' in your life to be more like Vashti. 'Rachel' was known for her ability to deceive her father and cling to idolatry, deeming her unfit to raise Benjamin. If you fail, you are equal to Jacob, not equal to Gad.
A-Y C8: You 'regifted' a special lamp with a 'Peterkin' shade to a person who was not the intended receiver of the gift, sincer Autumn Rayne Hendrikson was the intended receiever.
CUD 8: You need to track down the current location of the lamp from 'G' and return it to Autumn Rayne, a USA citizen by birth.
SCA 8: Do not expect any other literal of spiritual gifts from G until this task has been completed, since G does not like anti-Indian givers.
A-Y C9: You have built anti-Asher churches in Europe rather than choosing to be sealed into the tribe of Judah or Reuben.
CUD: Move close enough to a pro-Moses parent to meet with her or him on the 7th day sabbath for the next 7 years. Usually, a 120 mile radius is far enough to prevent nightly of daily contact but close enough for a sabbath's day jounney.
SCA 9: Tell yourself and others that getting halfway to the kingdom of Gad is not good enough and you cannot get there trying to live on a prayer. Beware of music with lyrics that are often filled with anti-Truth dispensations.
A-Y C10: You have not been showing that you love Gad or me, Large Marie, who is most likely still your enemy.
CUD 10: Thank Yehovah if he caused you to flee from me rather than try to destroy me like Shane David Hendrikson tried to do with his accomplices in Marathon County. Ask Yehovah to save you or try to evolve into a hockey puck.
SCA 10: Get to know why Yehovah loves the 144,000 more than he loves JW.ORG plans. Then, contemplate when and where it was that you rejected the actual chief cornerstone and opted for the mark of the beast. Pray to the diety you chose for guidance out of purgatory or your current place of torment.
A-Y C11: Your stepmother, an adulterous woman, now has taken on all your mother's past sins as a result of being allowed to enter a covenant with your legal father.
CUD 11: If you did not advise your new stepmother to refuse to be wed to your father, you do not have the gift of prophesy even if you have the curse of too much 'gab' and not enough power to stop sinning habitually. Don't bother reading charge 12 until you have completed the corrections for A-Y C1.
SCA 11: Go into a closet and pray like a Muslim for the ability to deter divorce and the wisdom to hate divorce. Make sure you are in the church of Philadelphia prostrate position not a pro-State position.
A-Y C12: You have called me 'mom' but not yet referred to me as your sorrowful mother or as tribulation Saint Marie of MIlwaukee.
CUD 12: Do not ever refer to me as a Hendrikson again since I do not want you to be legalistic as a Bassett. The name 'Hendrikson' is not in the SCRIPTURES. Start to study the works of Eldad and Medad in order to observe what perfection is before you attempt to become perfect at the next Yom Kippur test which Curtis Martin of Pittsburgh, PA might pass but Donald Driver won't pass due to his unholy dancing displays.
SCA 12: Try to establish the 'LIVE PD' difference the actual value of Clint Cabbage when compared to a partially empty can of 'Cabbage Rose' paint that is safer than Pete Rose in a Green Bay Gamblers arena. A reminder that any product that is still usable is NOT to be considered nominal value is necessary, lest you become worse than reprobate silver, as anti-Yehovah as Stuart Rottier and even worse at defense of homeland or 'away land' objects than the new Eddie Shore key tin man labeled "Tierney the San Jose Shark'. Odd man out does not always provide enough balance.
I have now invested less time into trying to correct my enemies than it took me to make a tasteless, nasty product known as 'lefsa' for a unthankful and unholy father of at least 2 children. May the power of Uriah the Hittite OR Elisha the Tishbite be with you if you do not want to repeat the ersr of the anti-trifecta known as Bathsheba , Rachel, and Solomon. Ideally, by the time I am 68, my students will have reached a pint of true repentance and actual salvation directly linked to covenant-keeping.
The above low pressure advice has been presented by me, Marie Elizabeth Swedowski, on the 13th day of the 3rd month of the non-Rood calendar which did include actual lunar observations. If you think it is the 4th month or the 10th month or the 6th month, keep your I in a Sergei Fedorov ( my team I70 Ayin) or in a Troy Aikman position for Miller Lite rear guard checks.
I am neither the king nor the queen of Corona since I prefer Iron City Beer or Schlitz. I do have the ability to prophesy, even though I am a female.
Because A-Y C actions were your choice, good corrective actions are also your choice since I am not a Judge nor a dictator. With Gad, CUD is possible. With Issachar, this could be a 12 year program and try to accomplish one SCA achievement per year like a good 'Senior Achievement' plan.
The children of Shane David Hendrikson can hear this from you if you read it to them like King Josiah read to complacent, covenant breaking Israelites.
A-Y C describes what Anti-Yehovah has done. These ar current charges against my enemy.
CUD is what a Bible-believing Christian Under Dan can do at least be under the tribe of Dan instead of under a PINK church system. This might make you an adversary of Abaddon and might get you to neutral ground forces.
SCA is Simeon Corrective Actions needed to have the possibility of at least being under Abaddon's system rather then being part of a Reuben vs RACHEL war.
I agreed to make a list of my ex-husband's 2nd seed anti-Yehovah actions that have not yet been corrected. Because you might be like my second seed, I want you to know how YOU can align against Nazi types and lawyers that commit perjury while Shane David Hendrikson decided to laugh in divorce court. Consider these charges against my enemies
A-Y C1. You lied to your mother, your step-father, your teachers at St. Jude and to police which resulted int a felony invetstigation against an person that did not exist.
CUD 1. Report in person to the Wauwatosa police department and confess to your lie, knowing you might be charged and punished as severely as Michael Vick or Jim Staley was charged. If you are shown mercy by the Wauwatosa police, they might have you sign a form clearing the open case and order you to GO AND SIN NO MORE.
SCA 1. Make sure every word you utter is an idiom or the truth, whether it is to your friend, your enemies or your jailer.
A-Y C2. You requested a tattoo and then invested in a tattoo rather than investing in venison or bananas for the Detroit Redwings AFTER hearing , believing and reading from the books of Moses that requesting a tattoo is an anti-YESHUA method of sinning.
CUD 2. Pay to get all your tattoos removed and show yourself to your mother, Bill Priestap or a genuine Levite.
SCA 2. Believe Moses so you eventually believe the instructions for the tribe of Judah, who is not a cornerstone.
A-Y C3: You stole then intentionally and maliciously destroyed valuable 501(C(3) property, including Marine veteran Michael Rood's works and Brad Scott's works which cost about $2000.00 to replace. $2000.00 is not NOMINAL VALUE unless you have lying lips and ears unwiling to hear financial facts of impoverished single mothers.
CUD 3: Restore double the price of the destroyed property to the last known secretary of 'Know The Truth MInistries' who never abandoned her son but did abandon a "Jalousie Plantation' pouch and robe.
SCA: Do not be 'anti-Large Marie' or pro-Slade and start being anti-hypocrisy and anti-Moses. You can be very-anti-Wittenberg is you desire.
A-Y C4: You aligned with loose felon, Shane David Hendrikson and aligned against '1532' and real decent people like Eric Moore. and Eileen Wolf.
CUD 4: Study the state statutes in Wisconsin for the years 1998 until 2014 since you clearly decided not to study the Tanakh enough. Obey all laws that are not contrary to the tribe of Zebulun or Gad.
SCA 4: Go get a legal surname name changed from 'Hendrikson' to 'Jackson' and consider this tribulation day 72. If necessary, reinstate your first or middle name which your real parents chose for you.
A-Y C5: In 'prodigal' style, you stopped appreciating who clothed you properly and sheltered you properly at 1602 Mary Lane, 54455. Even a dog sometimes recalls where they got their last anti-swine meal.
CUD 5: Attempt to discipline ( thou shall not murder) the father or step-father's that did not love your mother, who stole from your mother and who did not pay his child support. You must do a better job than Sandra Marcus, Greg Strasser or Vincent Howard did in order to get off of the Shannon Wahl and onto the Jim Russo team of Detroit Police Department associates.
SCA 5: Don't rely on the book of proverbs anymore. Be kind to both of your parents ( limit yourself to 1 mother of your choice and 1 father of your choice and diety of your choice so you do not revert to Catholicism) by writing them letters on real paper, whether or not you or they are incarcerated as short of a time period as Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos were incarcerated by Milwaukee squad 28.
A-Y C 6: You did not help me move to the Cedar Crreek Inn when I was homeless and may have ordered Nazi=type forces to force me out of my own home. As a result, you are now physically weaker than Abaddon and possibly weaker than me.
CUD 6: Ask for a restraining order against self-professed 'anti-commandment man' Shane David Hendrikson in order to protect yourself and your children. If you do not receive a restraining order, move to Charlotte, North Carolina like I did to evade my enemies temporarily. My team will visit you there if you provide me your address.
SCA 6 : Be prepared to help me move again if I ever get married to a real covenant-keeping man who loves biblical geology and the tribe of Benjamin as much as I do.
( Breath and take a Hurlbutt or Gadowsky pause for about 30 minutes or 20.83 years if you are a Peterist).
A-Y C7: In the past 7 years,you have treated me with less kindness than you treat strangers.
CUD 7: Start treating your accuser as a friend who wants you to 'go clean' and align with Yehovah for a drastic change of anti-Babylonian behaviors.
SCA 7: Attempt to get the spiritual 'Rachel' in your life to be more like Vashti. 'Rachel' was known for her ability to deceive her father and cling to idolatry, deeming her unfit to raise Benjamin. If you fail, you are equal to Jacob, not equal to Gad.
A-Y C8: You 'regifted' a special lamp with a 'Peterkin' shade to a person who was not the intended receiver of the gift, sincer Autumn Rayne Hendrikson was the intended receiever.
CUD 8: You need to track down the current location of the lamp from 'G' and return it to Autumn Rayne, a USA citizen by birth.
SCA 8: Do not expect any other literal of spiritual gifts from G until this task has been completed, since G does not like anti-Indian givers.
A-Y C9: You have built anti-Asher churches in Europe rather than choosing to be sealed into the tribe of Judah or Reuben.
CUD: Move close enough to a pro-Moses parent to meet with her or him on the 7th day sabbath for the next 7 years. Usually, a 120 mile radius is far enough to prevent nightly of daily contact but close enough for a sabbath's day jounney.
SCA 9: Tell yourself and others that getting halfway to the kingdom of Gad is not good enough and you cannot get there trying to live on a prayer. Beware of music with lyrics that are often filled with anti-Truth dispensations.
A-Y C10: You have not been showing that you love Gad or me, Large Marie, who is most likely still your enemy.
CUD 10: Thank Yehovah if he caused you to flee from me rather than try to destroy me like Shane David Hendrikson tried to do with his accomplices in Marathon County. Ask Yehovah to save you or try to evolve into a hockey puck.
SCA 10: Get to know why Yehovah loves the 144,000 more than he loves JW.ORG plans. Then, contemplate when and where it was that you rejected the actual chief cornerstone and opted for the mark of the beast. Pray to the diety you chose for guidance out of purgatory or your current place of torment.
A-Y C11: Your stepmother, an adulterous woman, now has taken on all your mother's past sins as a result of being allowed to enter a covenant with your legal father.
CUD 11: If you did not advise your new stepmother to refuse to be wed to your father, you do not have the gift of prophesy even if you have the curse of too much 'gab' and not enough power to stop sinning habitually. Don't bother reading charge 12 until you have completed the corrections for A-Y C1.
SCA 11: Go into a closet and pray like a Muslim for the ability to deter divorce and the wisdom to hate divorce. Make sure you are in the church of Philadelphia prostrate position not a pro-State position.
A-Y C12: You have called me 'mom' but not yet referred to me as your sorrowful mother or as tribulation Saint Marie of MIlwaukee.
CUD 12: Do not ever refer to me as a Hendrikson again since I do not want you to be legalistic as a Bassett. The name 'Hendrikson' is not in the SCRIPTURES. Start to study the works of Eldad and Medad in order to observe what perfection is before you attempt to become perfect at the next Yom Kippur test which Curtis Martin of Pittsburgh, PA might pass but Donald Driver won't pass due to his unholy dancing displays.
SCA 12: Try to establish the 'LIVE PD' difference the actual value of Clint Cabbage when compared to a partially empty can of 'Cabbage Rose' paint that is safer than Pete Rose in a Green Bay Gamblers arena. A reminder that any product that is still usable is NOT to be considered nominal value is necessary, lest you become worse than reprobate silver, as anti-Yehovah as Stuart Rottier and even worse at defense of homeland or 'away land' objects than the new Eddie Shore key tin man labeled "Tierney the San Jose Shark'. Odd man out does not always provide enough balance.
I have now invested less time into trying to correct my enemies than it took me to make a tasteless, nasty product known as 'lefsa' for a unthankful and unholy father of at least 2 children. May the power of Uriah the Hittite OR Elisha the Tishbite be with you if you do not want to repeat the ersr of the anti-trifecta known as Bathsheba , Rachel, and Solomon. Ideally, by the time I am 68, my students will have reached a pint of true repentance and actual salvation directly linked to covenant-keeping.
The above low pressure advice has been presented by me, Marie Elizabeth Swedowski, on the 13th day of the 3rd month of the non-Rood calendar which did include actual lunar observations. If you think it is the 4th month or the 10th month or the 6th month, keep your I in a Sergei Fedorov ( my team I70 Ayin) or in a Troy Aikman position for Miller Lite rear guard checks.
I am neither the king nor the queen of Corona since I prefer Iron City Beer or Schlitz. I do have the ability to prophesy, even though I am a female.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
A Message To Curtis Martin and James Cleveland
There is a sign of a double tree that neither of you might have seen because you have to look up at the ceiling in the hockey hall of fame. In Milwaukee District 2, James Cleveland was called the 'Boy Wonder' by fellow officers. From this point, I am going to try to illustrate how men such as Robert Kraft can get others into a rich and broad way, but will never be able to get them into the narrow gate in their past or current method of operation.
If my son has a 'testimony', I have no idea what it is now. My son does recall the effect of what his father did when he abandoned us, but I do. An unforgiving spirit does not respond properly to true sorrow and repentance, and I actually know I do not have an unforgiving spirit. As a matter of fact, I tried to locate the father of my son, even though he showed no remorse for any of his sins, with the slim hope his natural father would align with me to undo the damage that Shane David Hendrikson did to Richard. Richard didn't rebound well when Robin Michael Ortiz left us, but I tried to direct my son to the Scriptures as well as to sports when we were a family as odd as a queen of spades and a jack of diamonds in a pinocle game. I am not ashamed that my son worked at in a farmer's field in Milwaukee and at Culver's rather than getting millions of dollars running for hypocrites like Robert Kraft. The true sealed saints, the people of Yehovah, do not gather at Jewish party lines and then gather next to their whorish cheerleader lines in or out of their mansions. What hypocrites like Robert Kraft do is the equivalent of a Catholic nun teaching students excellent math and English skills during the week and then surrounding herself and her students with a male dancing team such as 'Chippendales' for Sunday services.
It is admirable that Curtis Martin struggled to help his mother heal from the abuse his father tossed her way. If it were not for the influence of my daughter-in-law, my son might have decided to help me recover from cruelty his newer legal father inflicted. It was studying the Scriptures that helped me repent of my own sin and the Scriptures are still intended to counter stupidity and to counter hypocrisy, not to counter intelligence. I may become very unpopular for mentioning the fact that Reggie Howard White had desired to be like Moses, but he died before I did, never officially denouncing the sideline pompom activities of the NFL teams he worked for, even though he did denounce his Sunday church appearances because he felt he was being 'used' as a source of income there. If Curtis Martin does not have tattoos, he has had better natural instincts than most USA athletes. It is also good to resist the desire for gifts on 'Christmas' or birthdays in order to focus on the apponted times such as Unleavened bread, Shavuot, Yom Kippur, Yom teruah, regular 7th day sabbaths and Tabernacles week to avoid becoming someone who claims to be a Jew ( but isn't tribe of Judah material) yet rejects the proper keeping of appointed times of rest or holy gatherings for Yehovah's people.
Curtis Martin should pray for the spirit of prophesy, and if he is entrusted with it, he will no longer be as blind as Bruce Wayne and will be as courageous as a lion's whelp if or when he starts challenging 'religious' types to become holy rather than happy as a wealthy Jewish man in Europe in the early 1930's. When Yehovah's people stray from their calling and directions, they do get punished rather than being allowed to continue to blaspheme and bring shame to their own strong guardian angel who has existed and who still exists.
A few tears flowed when I heard parts of Curtis Martin's testimony about his childhood, but as soon as I saw what 'candyman' lured him to work contrary to the Pittsburgh Steelers, I realized what slim chance there is that Curtis Martin can start looking at the city of Milwaukee's squad 28 area or at sabbath-keeping like I do now. Maybe James Cleveland, MIlwaukee's 'Boy Wonder' wore a very different uniform for many years and will have jsut as tough of a time going from a broad way to narrow way because of anti-Yehovah people like Larry and Renee Mizewski. Maybe women like Lindsay Rhodes in a yellowjacket will mislead as many people as Donald Jackson or Leonce Rhodes has done in his fire department Speedo, but the miracle that very few will see is the miracle that occurs when you are chosen to be one of 144,000 humans who are opposed to, not aligned with the Robert Kraft types. The jazz group known as 'The Yellowjackets' has done less spiritual damage to eyes and ears than teams like the New England Patriots or the Dallas Cowboys.
Be cautious when seeking a narrow way, keeping in mind that the prophesied King of Kings and lord of Lords is not going to be a Protestant nor a Robert Kraft type of hypocrite. There is a prophesy against a lying wonder, and there is no prophesy that states that Abaddon is an unholy angel. The Pittsburgh #29 Panther number might have been the best uniform after high school that Curtis Martin ever wore while he was very far away from Curtis Shayne Joseph's line of work. If someone offered me 12 million dollars to work for the Las Vegas Golden Knights, I would refuse. If someone offered me $300,000.00 to work for the Chicago Bears, the Pittsburgh Steelers or the Cleveland Browns, I would accept a spiritual wafrafe coaching position, but any contract would have to include a guarantee that the team does not go the way of the Detroit Lions, who ruined their history with the addition of a cheerleading team that looks worse than 0 wins and 16 losses with Daunte Culpepper in a Lion uniform.
A good father would never want his daughter to become a professional sports cheerleader such as the Dallas Cowboys have. It does no good to sit in a church pew and ask for clessing and favors and then have the desire of your heart lead to your daughters dressing up like Hooter's waitresses or the current Detroit Lions cheerleaders. I didn't add John Cummings to my computer 'ephod squad' for a reason, even if he did throw a pitch Dan Plesac could hit.
Now for true USA Navy coffee and 'Swimmy' alert:
A friend of mine was deployed to make coffee on the CLG Galveston while he was far away from his Detroit area classmates. He was surprised to learn that the right faucet ejected saltwater and the left faucet ejected freshwater. Saltwater coffee is not as addicting as saltwater taffy. John. the 'one of a kind 'retired Navy man who made the saltwater coffee was told 'The Navy is never wrong'. State Farm always suggests it wants to help people 'go right', but there times when going right leads you to saltwater, not freshwater. Once a plumber gets under a sink and looks up, the freshwater IS on the right and the salttwater is on the left, so perspective even matters when comparing a 36 inch Northern to a 87 pound Amberjack.
There actually is a time when navy is never wrong, but that would only be when you have a choice to choose to invest in only one of the following products: a lapis lazuli tribe of Dan navy blue stone set in silver or copper, PINK products, LOVE PINK products, Milwaukee Brewers navy colored visors, St. Louis Blues navy hockey jerseys, Chicago Bears dark navy jersey, a brown deputy sheriff's uniform, Vancouver Canucks dark navy hockey jerseys or Minnesota Twins navy-colored baseball jerseys for your outer covering. With those choices, you have 6 to 3 chance of proving that navy is never wrong without investing in a Milwaukee Police navy blue hat.
Shabbat shalom, as the 49th day of the omer has commences for a remnant, that is, a few. Respect the spirit of a locust if you have evaded or been spared from hail storms and floods this past spring. James Cleveland is not Lebron James and Lebron James is not ever going to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Trojans Have Been Scattered in the WIlderness 39 years!
I lost my portable ipod with many photos on it and lots of music on it, but I did not loose my 'office' between my ears yesterday. The chevrons we earned in high school thankfully were not connected to Disney 'Cars' stupidity and required real HUMAN athletic or serviee efforts.
Since I am preparing to meet the Pope in July, I realized the class of 1979 has been scattered and tested 1 year less than Caleb and Joshua's people. The city of Golda Meir school is familiar with struggles, joys, sorrows and pains like any other big city, but they might not be familiar with me anymore because the state of Wisconsin has become lukewarm, rather than 'hot' or 'cold'. I have asked many people in Wisconsin for assistance in charging my former in-laws with crimes against me, but men like Thomas Stigler did not even bother getting me a list of our 1986 graduating class. So much for 'I'll do whatever I can to help you.' Dropping into a Milwaukee Police District without an appointment is usually less of a problem than finding a year round hockey facility as good as Eble's Ice Rink.
If it's true that the USA is short of skilled laborers, don't bother trying to attract Canada's indigenous people because Jesse Wente is too busy trying to corrupt their lives by turning them into actressess and actors rather than helping them learn trades like plumbing, rough carpentry, electrical technicians, brick masons or auto mechanics. If the USA offers legal entrance exam sites to Mexican citizens who do not want to try and improve their own homeland of Mexico, they should fingerprint all of the Mexicans and other immigrants who are willing to sign a waiver so they can work for less than minimum wage, put a chip in them so they can locate them as easily as they can locate a black Chevy Avalanche and then inform them they do not have the right to vote until they have paid into social security and declared all their legal wages for 7 years. If humans want to come in like beasts rather than like saints who obey existing laws, 'chip em' into the USA hole which has been a horrible leader in immoral behavior for decades and see who scoops them out and deploys them toward their course of action.
Moral behavior can include bicycle races if attire is modest. The Patrick Roy Day 804 Race started at 26 MIle near Mound Street ( near the 3 mile marker on a bike path) and continued to the 20 mile marker where competitors were instructed to take a Michael Richter R turn rather than going all the way to RIchmond. It was important to get past the frog marker and even more important to notice the Fran Tarkenton state of inertia rest area near the Spider-woman areas heading toward the 8 mile mark.
With plenty of water stops and self-defense lookout stops, this retired catholic church organist biked 34 miles in less time than I could walk 500 miles. I started at 12:14 PM, avoided the Patrick Reed rough area and finished at 3:52PM Central Time. Team 'Curtis Joseph' made it to the finish line first, with a post-rapture representative of team 'Chelios' close behind. Geraldine Green's class had noticeable graound forces but did not take 1st or 2nd place. 'Away Land Security' was the sponsor of the non-private race and although the 'Bookends' concert revealed that Simon and Garfunkel are not good role models since they push cigarette smoking and Corona, the 'Apple Orchard Inn' ended up being a horrible place for a winner of a race to dine since they think that poutine is supposed to contain human hair; I cannot recommend the Apple Orchard Inn anymore, even though the beef ribs were really tasty.
I still can recommend 'Carter's Cantina' if you want a decent, tasty Mexican meal at a very reasonable price. If you do not order pork, 'Carter's Cantina' does not try to discourage you from being one of their customers and their iced tea is not a Coca-Cola product so I recommend it if a glass of cold water is not enough to prevent you from seeking prednisone and cigarettes. Canadian Farmer day 65 was very interesting. Cows, sheep, chickens,and goats will be raised by a few good farmers, Good grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables will be grown by many good people while casinos will be erected by anti-Christ asssemblies. Marijuana will be grown by anti-Yehovah people who promote laziness and strange fire works, good works will be demonstrated by at least 144,000 people not aligned with Chris Goerlich's Babylonian Sunday cult eventually . It is not wise to try to build a house of Gad or a house of Issachar on a purple triangle system.
Sometimes choosing to eat in Michigan restaurants is as dangerous as eating at Taco Bell in MIlwaukee with Ray Trudell or Melvin Givens. There are times when people contaminate your food intentionally because they do not want you to return to their 'turf'. I did not order Shane Bacon and turtle eggs.
Somehow, I do hope that my class of 1979 comes forth as gold or non-reprobate silver or even as a good copper platform, not reprobate silver, after 40 years of trying to survive in a world actually much worse than it was in 1961 when most of us were allowed to survive the flood zone known as a mother's wombs. Abortion was not legal in 1961 in the USA.
If you are a first year student of tribulation scrimmages and Torah of Yehovah practices, it is day 66. Nitchke is not Lemieux,Jesus Christ is not Yehovah, and Bob Parker of UWSP coaching history is not Bob Toledo of UCLA coaching history.
This is the last 'count' update I can offer for awhile as of June 23rd, 2018:
67 (Canadian Rover and the New Haven (Michigan) Fire Department), not ' UCLA Farmer 87)
449 ( Collingwood, Ontario Team)
807 (Gatineau Way and Ottawa Sidewalk Gimel Crew)
1181( London, Ontario Brett Lindros 4th Dalet team)
1538 ( Curtis ShAyne Joseph's Middle A Team)
Omer Day 49ers, which might include Navarro Bowman, Carlos Dunlop, and Eric Reid, 'Bookends' music duo but not Sidney Crosby #477
68 : Choose Mike Green and Panini numbers or Jaromir Jagr or go ahead to 69 and choose Mickey Redmond, Sergei Fedorov or the most famous 69 of recent football history, Jared Allen to align with until you decide what 50 you are going to align with. I can't align with Mike Green because it contrary to my holy spirit to align with the Detroit Redwings now.
Keep your shavuot beautiful even if you are surrounded by enemies, strangers and Michigan people who hate the names 'Yehovah', 'Maresha' or 'Elyon' more than they hate consuming the flesh of swine and crab meat. Plesac in the middle is better than a pickle in the middle. I certainly remember that I was home for last year's Shavuot in the Milwaukee Brewers home stadium, not in Elcho, LaCrosse or Las Vegas. Now, I am part of 'away' land security, since Macomb is not my home. My body is here but my love is elsewhere.
"Steve' Isn't Yehovah and neither is 'Chris'
This report is a serious anti-cult response to the anti-Moses offensive plans of Chris Goerlich, not Russell Wilson. If you do not read to the end of this report, you will not know that proper'follow-up' can change perspective to un unintentional sin.
It is not easy to counter stupidity when unfair or unreasonable 'deals' have been made between 2 parties that did not consider the safety of more than one another. Here is an example of exactly what I would NOT do, after not regretting what I did do as an adult asking to join a juvenile hockey camp with Dan Bauer's permission.
What is supposed to be 'over 16' hockey scrimmage at a rink turned into a worse than normal situation because a male father was not thinking anything like Yehovah thinks. 'Chris' is labeled as an elder of the anti-Moses kingdom hall near St. Clair Shores, and he claims that he not only got permission for his very awkward son to be part of the adult hockey drop in on Thursday morning, June 21st, 2018 at the Glacier Pointe Ice Arena. Because I do care about the hockey rinks I skate in, I notified the front counter attendant ( not typically collecting the ice fees) and she seemed surprised that the little juvenile was 'playing' and on the ice mixed in with the adults. I identified 'Chris' as the parent of the child who was not better than any child trying to get into the United States from Mexico in an unjustified manner with the provocation or prompting of his parents parents. 'Jehovah's Witnesses' typically are not willing to obey the rules for Yehovah's actual Israelite aligned people and it is a shame that 'Chris' thinks it is not a serious matter when he pulls whatever strings he can to get his juvenile son into physical therapy and physical competitions intended for people 16 years of age and older.
Even though I am not a very skilled skater, I do follow the POSTED rules in the few places that offer hockey scrimmage time for adults. If I notice a problem and bring it to the attention of ownership or management, why should I fear getting punished for not being apathetic? There are many times when others hve gotten ejected from places that they cared about because they brought to the LIGHT a problem that was brewing or had occurred, usually some form of lawlessness or rule infractions 'Chris' demonstrated the spirit of anti-Yehovah, not the spirit of Yehovah. Yehovah would have gotten his child into an appropriate 'stick and puck' time rather than making a hockey session even more dangerous than it usually is. It isn't easy for other skaters to skate with me or around me because they are not sure what I might do next; in a similar fashion, a ski hill has people with varied abilities joined together to exercise and they are supposed to avoid collisions with one another. Why would Chris Goerlich ( not sure of the spelling) put his child in a dangerous situation that is also is contrary to the posted rules that others typically RESPECT? I don't know the answer to that, but once again I was actually trying to protect the integrity of the morning hockey group, but for some reason, Chris said that 'Steve' cleared Chris' son, not Yehovah. 'Steve' has not verified that fact, and it is possible that Steve did not know that Chris was going to keep his son on the ice during scrimmage time rather that not just during 'warm up' times. Sometimes a person asking for a favor misleads or lies to the person able to allow the favor to occur.
Michigan is a state that is very 'cold' to me so far, and on occassion when I try to question those who are breaking rules or are a danger to themselves or others. sadly I get ejected and people like 'Chris' keep misrepresenting what Yehovah's angels are really is like. I can there was another time when the spouse of a goalie had a rather bad day and was using verbage against me that was unkind and vulgar, and 'Chris' did not even try to rebuke the unkind spirit, which indicated 'Chris' is not elder material in the true church of Yehovah. The Jehovah Witness groups do not even keep the 7th day sabbath which is one of Yehovah's people's identifying anti-beast mark. The behavior of the goalie's spouse actually has improved greatly in his etiquette and maybe he just had a bad day like practically every human does from time to time, and he and I now manage to skate with or against one another with a reasonable amount of proper caution and respect for one another.
I apologized to the new counter girl, knowing full well she had no idea what deals had been made between 'Chris' and 'Steve', but when a business is not consistent in enforcing the rules it sets, people sometimes get 'hot' or 'cold' toward the business. 'Chris' is an example of reprobate silver because when tested, tried and questioned about his reasoning for disregarding rules others have been abiding by, he called the questioner (me) 'arrogant' rather than calling himself an anti-Yehovah pusher of a form of lawlessness never before seen by me in the Port Huron rink.
I survived many years without playing hockey, but it usually does me more good to compete in hockey with other adults than sitting around smoking marijuana to counter the pain and sorrow in my life. There really is no difference between the illegal alien children who are compelled to enter the USA contrary to posted laws and 'Chris' with his son in a 'Blue Diamond' outfit. Maybe 'Chris' is going to try and make a deal to get his soon into some R rated movies next. The 'Kingdom Hall' men plop on their suits and ties and set up their rules in their own ' kingdom' . Wouldn't you expect those men to defend their own rules in their halls with as much tenacity and courage as I attempted to correct 'Chris' in a non-Jehovak Witness venue that I have invested in like many others?
From now on, if other children are denied access to adult hockey time in Glacier Pointe, it is either going to exhibit that there is favoritism occurring or discrimination occurring, and both are considered 'unjust scales'. It would be best if 'Steve' realized letting children into a scrimmage time posted for adults is not a wise idea and he either changes the age requirements or attempts to be consistent in keeping his facility laws. Ideally, the owner or 'Steve' will no longer make deals with 'Chris' and kindly suggest he take his young son to 'stick and puck' sessions so that 'Chris' can be a better example to his son when it comes to local law, business law and risk assessment. It would be better for the JW. ORG men to start being willing to serve in the military after they are of a proper age than to try to stick their grade-school children into the middle of an adult hockey battle without the consent of all the other adults in the battle.
As a matter of fact, many 'religious people' get angry when they see Palestinians putting their children into battles against the army of the state of Israel and then try to blame others when the child they put at risk GETS HURT. The son of Chris might have gotten sad or temporarily upset when he heard the somewhat heated discusssion regarding his presence on the rink during an adult skate, but it was Chris that could have prevented that. Hockey rinks typically can handle heated discussions better than most venues, even when a referee is not getting paid to make a decision in a matter involving contrary serious opinions.
Hopefully 'Steve' understands why I questioned the suspicious activity of 'Chris and son' rather than not caring about the child's safety at all.
Congratulations to the one man squad #37, who proved that a tattoo does not have to hinder improvements in conduct. A tattoo can be removed easier than a bad father can be charged with endangering others, including himself, while he uses his own son in the wrong way. I actually appreciate what the border control agents are trying to do, and if the state of Michigan people elect a Democrat, I suspect conditions will become worse for anti-lawlessness people.
In my next blog, I will give a report on the 'Patrick Roy Memeorial Bicycle Race' and offer a suggestion to counter the stupidity of bad parents who are endangering their children by taking them where they ought not be before LAWS are changed again by a nation who rejected the spirit of prophesy for decades. Maybe Mr. Estep, the overseer of 'Chris', needs a G male not another email correct his flock.
A perfect and good LORD and ruler WILL discipline his own people, rather than allowing them behave contrary to existing laws that are not a SECRET.
Chris Goerlich now can go door to door trying to sell his business practices to to others like 'Steve' or Jeff Sonnentag, and he may even convince other people that the kingdom of Gad is near, but the faithful and true people of Yehovah (HVHY) will not be going the way of JW.ORG methods of anti-Moses operations. A 'purple triangle' team in WWII did not become grafted into the tribe of Judah even though they were located near them in concentration camps. Likewise, being closest to a Gadite or a Benjamite determines whether you will choose to become an ally or an enemy of the Gadite or the Benjamite.
For those with a MIlwaukee code 3 sugar mind, the 100 Grand bar is at #146 now in Glacier Pointe, and they still offer Pepsi products. Continue as though this is the 3rd month of the Hebrew year rather than as though it is March 6, 1982 at St. Matthew's Catholic church in MIlwaukee where another gang of church leaders eventually proved to be apathetic, lazy and hypocritical when their own Catholic men decide to ignore their Catholic wedding vows. These are perilous times indeed, and one of theses years others who have hated me might refuse the right to keep hating me without a just cause.
Follow up information:
I spoke with one of the knowledgable managers at Glacier Pointe, who typically handles matters as well as Ronald Quaxkenbush would. He stated that IF a child can skate well, they do allow greade school children in for drop-in hockey. To be honest, I thought there were age restrictions and I informed Angelo of my wrong assumption. Now that I have been rebuked properly by a rink authority, there still are unaswered questions. According to the new woman at the from desk, Chris Goerlick's son did not pay for his ice time, which means Chris possible committed a form of theft since his son was NOT a goalie. Goalies are exempt from paying fees, and there were 3 adult goalies present, 2 in 'yellow 1' outfits and Dana in red.) If Mr. Goerlich DID know there was written evidence that I was wrong about the age restrictions, why didn't he prove his case regarding 'no age restrictions' and then I still would have questioned why his son did not PAY for ice time. I don't want to become like Shannon Wahl, turning my head away when a possible theft has occurred against the OWNER of a business.
The secondary issue then becomes whether or not Mr . Goerlich used good judgment regarding his son's skating ability AND whether of not he paid the price for his son's exercise time. I am not the judge in this matter, but I did witness and then got involved ( did not draw back) in a matter that clearly had more than 1 unified perspective. Mr. Goerlich's son often was not really paying attention to what was going on around him, his skills were far worse than mine. I usually am the worst akater at Glacier Pointe and the youngster often just seemed as though he he couldn't decide if he was really in the 'game' and he meandered around near the bench area as though he rather be in figure skates somewhere. Personally, I know I had made a much better decision trying to get my adult son who played high school hockey VERY WELL to step in front of the empty goalie area at the Macomb Ice Rink in full hockey gear during stick and puck time, knowing some pucks might cone toward him and even bruise him. The fact that my son developed a fear of being a defenseman was revealed to me, and the negative effect of his current anti-Yehovah religion was also very evident. I won't be condemned for encouraging my son to compete in hockey during the only time he visited me due to his grandparents' request. When I asked him to visit me or asked permission to spend time with my grandchildren, he refused. I know what it feels like to be a 'hockey mom' and a somewhat unskilled hockey player with plenty of other non-hockey skills, but Mr. Goerlich does not know what it feels like to be a deserted former wife and a deserted mother that still has a record of serving her country in a police officer's uniform long before I went on record as being one of Yehovah's disciples.
I have tried to teach Mr. Goerlich about correct Hebrew date keeping, and like Richard Isaiah Hendrikson, he rather not learn how to behave like a Benjamite, a Gadite or an Asherite from people like me he might as well get turned over to Satan. If the kingdom of Gad is within me, even I know how to keep silence in my body for about 30 minutes. Familiar spirits often become demonic spirits due to works of habitual sin, and sin is the transgression of what amatuers refer to as the 'Mocais Law' but which really is the officials laws for people who have believed the reports of Moshe Ben Amram before they can be able to believe Yeshua's pro-Moshe Ben Amram status and biblical instructions for the tribe of Zebulun.
I am not too proud to apologize to the staff of the Glacier Pointe Rink or to a child in 'Joe Cool' shirt, but I am not going to apolzgize for being seriously concerned about children that seem to be at risk or to question a possible theif even though I am not authorized to garry a firearm and my badge #1532 has probably has been given to somebody else In MIlwaukee. Moshe Ben Amram was not too happy when he saw what occurred with the golden calf gang, but he still kept responding to Yehovah's voice somehow. I would rather be in POrt Elgin for Shavuot because I know I am loved by Staffany Rusing's family, but I also know it is right and my duty as a saint to visit my parents at least twice a year if possible. You might be surprised of how many people destroyed their own sanctification process or their chance of being justified by faith when they chose to appear on shows like 'House Hunters' or 'Dancing With the Stars', 'American Idol' or appear in a Superbowl with a disgusting half time show more dangerous and spiritually more anti-Christ than working at a Heil plant or a Perfex factory.
I hope I didn't puck up your Sidney Crosby plans on day 477 by testing a Koslov ESPN #477 plan without using excessive force of Richard Forss.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
The Joe Thomas Binary 101 Race Results
All day 4 of the 3rd month was filled with a mix of the good cinnamon water ways, the better tasting protein shakes and the best beef ribs and lemon meringue pie for the 'non-50 foot' female entry level winner at the Apple Orchard Inn.
The somewhat difficult bicycle race started at the Canadian Signaller Brett Hull Number Observation Memorial Point but had to end at the Isaiah Crowell Land Line for Hunter Rison's silly Spartans who did not participate. The winner was part of 'Team Brett LIndros' not 'Compuware' or Dennis Ware, with a time of 2 hours and 40 minutes for the 1st shift of the race. 'Beware of Wicked Stepchildren' and 'Beware of Divorce Respondents' were 2 of the best warnings available in non-London bridge work areas. Joe Staley was not seen on the course, even though it was day 445 for 2nd year 'Beef Rib It' BamBam units.
The Octopus mile was not overshadowed by the Octopus Car Wash people from Madison, Wisconsin nor was it obstructed by U-Haul trucks advertising for New Brunswick, MInnesota and New Jersey. The used jersey teams did better than the New Jersey U-Haul truck team today, and team 'Terre Andre Rison' won the second portion of the race, adding another 3 hours to the used jersey racing team minutes. The consolation prize for the last place team was an ice tea with a slice of lemon, not a CocaCola. An unintentional sin occurred when the sponsor of the consolation prize did not know that CocaCola now made unsweetened ice tea and Team Lindros is supposed to be boycotting CocaCola products. This minor offense will be forgiven on or before Yom Kippur.
The Laura Wagler Pass was wiser to take than the Bear Tooth Pass or the Loveland Pass, and it was handles well by the Word !534 team with 'Wheels' in mind. Although no one crashed into Don Brown's appliance wall, Halifax machines caused a low energy disturbace near 'Try Serra Top' corners. A honorable mention was set on brick for Jim Russo, not for fake cops known as 'Robert Romano' or 'Barney MIller'.
The 'Spider Woman' segment finished or started at 8 the 8 mile marker, and Perfex Plant 2 was represented in low places better than Nashville singers or Batman without Robin Lindros. Geraldine Green's class did not include a Green Circle ski slope but did include a tricky JuJu Smith 19K race segment for anti-Bengals quite a distance from the James Madison special 4 way intersection.
The motto for tomorrow's 'Patrick Roy Classic Day 804 Race' will be:
"Everything is not beautiful. Ray Stevens is spreading bad lies.'
The Blue Moon team should be represented by Curtis Joseph observers and the Canadien Gunner segment of the race will be of interest to Collingwood ship historians for ist year Day 64 Gd Gadites.
All race participants agreed that the Luke Donald Putter hole was the most dangerous and was deeper than expected. The ScAr foot section was a reminder that body parts can heal sooner than the typical evildoer or bad Driver repents of the unholy dancing. The race was much classier and a much better example of good works than the 2 lesbians that are being led by but are a few years behind Rachel Snyder Hendrikson's HGTV team.
All race participants also agreed that Georgio's Apple Orchard Inn had much better food than Billy Sims joint on 13 Mile Road. Only the smartest places even try to master the art of proper beef rib preparation. An Orange Roughy meal will be the apostolic meal award for the winner of tomorrow's Day 804 3rd Year Quebec Tech students and Gatineau Double Tree hotel survivors.
The consolation prize for the loser of tomorrow's Day 804 race is a free ticket to an expensive concert in Armada's park. Try not to lose your mind of Christ or find a 'Fire Station Zebra' representative to assist you with Smokey the Bear rules of anti-cigarette audibles and anti-Disnayland etiquette for field position mice.
Monday, June 18, 2018
Day 63: Use Postage stamps, not 'Facebook'
This message is dedicated to those who helped build the 'Canadian Signaller', with hull #63. If Miroslav Satan needs a new name, I would call him 'Launch 81', since he does know how to launch pucks. I already noticed 'woodstock' signs near my women's shelter, indicating a possible Hull #99 situation even though I do not have a Corvette engine. Go ahead and see if Chris Chelios responds better to 'R. Bruce Angus' than he does to 'Reprobate Silver #47' and if Guy Carbonneau wants to be called 'Imperial London' instead of 'Mr. Scandium'.
If you do not HATE evil projects, you might believe the deception that there is such a thing as 'necessary evil'. Actual negative speech is required to counter evil or untrue statements. I cannot even convince some of my own family members to stop using 'Facebook' to get messages or information to others, but because they don't believe prophets like Moshe Ben Amram they also won't believe me. Here are some warnings for those who trust their anti-HVHY unholy 'government' more than they trust a postage stamp with a hockey player design.
10. Donald Trump wants the USA to control 'space' yet the USA has not figured out a good plan to control its soil yet.
9. Fools will claim that the Bible has 'hate speech' in it and will then try to eliminate Bible quotes from their computer site. Make sure you try to keep a paper copy of at least 2 Bibles and don't worry if evil computer billionaires kick you off their site later than I got tossed out of the Suburban Sports Group Ice Arenas.
8. Communication has always been more reliable by an actual paper letter carried by some agency such as UPS, the USPS or FedEx, unless you are trying to get an important message to your current or former stepchildren in Wittenberg, Wisconsin. Be thankful that the letters of St. James did not get intercepted or blocked by 'Facebook' monsters, zombies or 'the iron dome'.
7. Sure we'd all be better off if today was really the 1177th day of the pre-bowl judgments, but remember there is only 7 bowl judgments prophesied, not an 8th bowl. However, if it is only day 63 of the tribulation period, you have quite a bit of time to learn how to pray or learn how to stop playing video games which have been created by people who don't want you to learn things like gardening, playing a musical instrument or learning how to read and write cursive.
6. If you have an auto that does not have a GPS system, do not sell it since will become much smarter if you look at actual paper maps. Since you cannot always control your location, you need to learn how to control your attitude while you are in your current location.
5. If mailing a paper letter to another person is too hard for you, the next best non-computer option is an actual telephone call. Since many people still claim there is a 'God' who sees and hears everything, make sure your telephone call is decent enough for God to listen to.
4. If you can, write messages in chalk on your driveway instead of going on 'Facebook' . Don't overdue it, but you can drop a few phrases such as ' Day 63' on your own property without getting charged with 'hate printing' or obstructing the USA Army.
3. Change the word 'hate' in your verbage to some more intricate positive activity verb such as 'Zebulun rejects _______' or 'Napthali opposes ____________' or ' Joseph is against the spirit of Oprah Winfrey' or ' Simeon is on defense against Facebook executives'. Do not let the elimination of the word 'hate' lead you to love everything, including that which is unnecessary evil.
2. If I couldn't change my bicycle tire alone, I can't change the direction of Donald Trump or illegal immigrants alone. I also do not want to deter Abaddon from his pro-active course against liars and people who are not humble enough to work at a decent place like 'Steak and Shake' and instead work for 'Facebook' or other businesses that buy or sell 'Playboy' products or 'Hooters' uniforms, which I and other actual good angels are opposed to.
1. If you are on Culver's basketball team, you can and should support good competition, Currently, 'Steak and Shake' has one of the best deals on the face of the earth if you are opposed to television and can say 'water please' instead of ' I wanr Coca-Cola' . In Eden's garden, there were choices, and you cannot prove you believe Yehovah unless you are able to make the same kind of decisions that the 132,000 sealed allies of the final 12,000 Benjamites have made. The coffee at 'Steak and Shake' is better than McDonald's or Starbucks, the burgers are priced better than '5 Guys' or 'Culver's' and the staff is dressed better than NFL cheerleaders. I know this isn't 'Big Top' or 'Gocomics', but a Carolina slaw dog from 'Steak and Shake' is still a pleasing animal sacrifice and a Little Ceasars pork sausage pizza is not and never will be acceptable to anyone who believes Moshe Ben Amram and Yeshua.
0. Since someone decided to pay for my meal of a grilled cheese sandwich, an all beef frank in a bun, cole slaw and a coffee that was priced at 666 pennies, did he take the mark of the beast from me while I sat at table #76? My first invoice did not have the coffee included, so I notified the waitress 'Steph' because I did not want to defraud the restaurant. I have to have some tolerance for the number 0 because it is part of the number 50. Remember that the number 0 is a neutral zone in figurative languages, not a strong delusion that has no relevance to candy bar codes, hockey net income or Benjamin Sheets figure 30.
If this message got through to you, thank Michael Pence on my behalf. Sometimes the person who is 2nd in command is more like Joseph or Patrick Roy than Lucifer.
Why Isn't 'Albert the Alley Cat' Calming the Storms in the USA?
When I lose my patience, I get flippant before I get get angry enough to go on offense. Today, I realized that my deceased uncle, Frank Raczek equals my son Richard Isaiah Hendrikaon in his ability to financially work AGAINST rather than for his single mother. What I am about to write should be true according to what I saw and heard, but is not happy news.
Bob Dubay suggested I go to Farm Bureau Insurance on 22 Mile and Romeo Plank Road to get lower insurance rates. The young man who interviewed me and took more information about me than the Cudahy Police officers who made sure I never become Catholic again. The young man said his parents divorced when he was 5 years old, and though that is bad news I would not expect him to lie to me because at least on of his parents lied to the other on their WEDDING DAY. Thankfully, I was not one of the people loading into the digestive health center because I rarely get sick to my stomach since I started obeying the instructions for Israelites.
In the Farm Bureau Insurance agency, some woman at the from counter just wanted to make a copy of my Allstate quotes but I wouldn't let her since my Allstate agent is a very intelligent hard working agent. Working for Allstate is better than working for the Christian missionary programs spreading vague or untrue reports about the ability of a name to 'save' your soul. The bridal magazine at the insurance agency might have been their 'counter stupidity' and was not counter intelligence because more money is wasted on weddings than is invested in counseling services or prophetic studies when problems occur between spouses. I hope what I am about to write does cause problems for the current Mrs. Shane Hendrikson, who has had more information about me than i ever was able to obtain about her.
The employee of Farm Bureau Insurance was tired since he went to see Peter Frampton and Steve Miller yesterday. In the process of trying to establish how much money Farm Bureau Insurance underwriters would try to pull from me, he asked for my social security and I gave told him what it was. Here is where many SELLERS do what is unethical: as the employee who was not part of my family looked at the names, addresses and driver's license information about people who were still 'attached' to my record checking, I was told I could not have a print out of the same information about ME the stranger was viewing. He allowed me to look at the screen, and I saw an alphabetical list that included:
Cheryl Hendrikson 5813 Lakeshore Drive H536 1126 158 405
In this case, the 405 at the end does not represent Jaromir Jagr or a puck, but is Wisconsin Driver's license information now nominal value and to be considered as easy to split up as the company I owned 'The Interiors Department, Inc. and even easier to split up than Fred and Beth Mueller of Wisconsin?
(my information was listed under Cheryl above Richard, but there was no information on other Hendrikson people currently attached to Cheryl Hendrikson such as Ashley or Eric)
Richard Hendrikson (listed with my address, even though he only survived here as long as I survived at Lorraine Mielke's house)
Shane Hendrikson 5813 Lakeshore Drive
It seems the address updates were made to the allies of Phil Meyer of Wittenberg State Farm Insurance group, but there was no correct information about Richard Hendrikson and it is a fact that Shane has an Uncle Richard Hendrikson who is or was married to a Gerri, not a Tom. I know have a bit more 'offense' to use other than the palm of my hand to try to put some fear into an EVIL-DOER and a liar, but true information does not always lead to David Justice or a 'fair trial'. If it makes you feel uncomfortable knowing insurance agents can drum up information on people easier than Robin Ortiz could pull up information on Ronald Haas, it is because you have proper instincts. I have been made very uncomfortable many times during the process of having a Nazi-type couple overtake a househaol that I had wanted to be a place of safety that would carry Yehovah's name properly.
What I did today was far less risky than dropping information into the hands of rather tough inner-city forces in the 'big city' of Milwaukee, and what I did was try to evaluate just how good the company is that wants me to become a part of 'their' team. Farm Bureau Insurance people may have been surprised that I am staying with the much more expensive Allstate at least until mid November because this coming Yom Kipper is pivotal to me and to others. I trust my Allstate agent more than I trust my son Richard, and what I don't contribute to corrupt religious organizations such as "World Vision' can help me support my insurance agent who is less likely to lie to me than Jon Payne or Lynn Snyder.
Will Matt Hebbe now be heading to Houghton-Hancock to repair the roads he once traveled on? Can people like Flora Rhodes and Gary Flora now actually believe that 40 days of rain could easily flood the entire earth if 4 inches of rain in less than 2 days has ruined Michigan roads that are still not nominal value? Souray sounds much like word #6875, namely Tsaddi Resh Yod, and it refers to people from Tyre, which brought to mind a prophesy about it being better in Tyre than some other locations. SUre, Sheldon Souray has not yet learned to desire holy women, but he also never has gone around in France handing out 'CHICK' tracts door to door nor has he claimed to be a Bible believer that I know of. Whoever has latched onto Sheldon Souray after his NHL career flourished is no different than Cheryl Hendrikson, who latched onto Shane Hendrikson when he was a wealthy man in about 2012 or 2013 AD.
The word or today might have been Baal-Zebub, #1176 if it wasn't exaclty like day 62, 444,802, 1533 or 2250.
For details sake and to uphold the reputation of my police academy training, the last time I went to see the 'curb appeal' of Farm Bureau Insurance, a Coca-Cola cup was on the curb, not a Blue Moon bottle or Blatz shirt. I hate Coca-Cola for an anti-Molech reason. Staying with Allstate might be like choosing to stay with an old reliable Volvo instead of switching to an old rusty Calais or a white Jeep to save a few hundred Richmond dollars.
Why isn't 'Jesus' calming the weather? Could it that Jehovah Jirah wants more people to be Souray than to be safe at first but them tossed about with Jack Galezewski at 2nd? Could it be that HaShem wants more people to be fearful than be comfortable in a nation that has too many working women such as Loretta Lynch and not enough good Bible-teaching 'rest on the 7th day' mothers and fathers? Could it be that China has found a way to manipulate the weather easier than Paul Coffey could warm up mu leftover Chinese food in Bolton?
WHO isn't calming the weather for a reason and WHY can begin a WHYTe test now including the number 52. I did alleviate my anger at seeing the name 'Cheryl Hendrikson' by going to Bad Brad's BBQ and swallowing a shot of 'Crown Royal' instead of going to the Face Licker, Brad Marchon or shoving a Ruger 357 in my mouth while wearing my lovely Montreal Canadiens #44 jersey. Will Cheryl Hendrikson of Wausau call the police in fear like Stuart Rottier did if pork sausages are left at her piggish, anti-Yehovah house without an invoice and without Twizzlers and Coca-Cola so she can demonstrate how well she swallows ? How many Chris Stewart's aren't a Utah politician and actually work in the NHL and in MLB? There are questions in the Book of Job, not just on my blog.
I was told anything over 700 was a good 'insurance' score. Since my score is 773, I seem to be doing reasonable well in making decisions without the help Thomas Stigler promised me but hasn't yet delivered on. Thomas Stigler might be to involved with Kathy Wolf from 'Barney Miller' to recall that I asked for a list of my classmates. Each day that I survive, I am thankful for many things and grieve over the obvious sins and crimes that the proud have not yet CORRECTLY repented of.
Time to remember the number 1533 and a good Mark that isn't a beast.
Sunday, June 17, 2018
A 'Counter Stupidity' Task Bill Priestap Won't Care About
There are too many times when political buffoons, horrible deputies, teacher's unions and organized religions do COUNTER rather than support intelligence. I'm going to compare ESPN numbers with a brand new series of numbers that Charles Barkley is not included in. It's true that I'd rather be in at least the second year of the tribulation, but what if the tribulation did start this biblical year? I'm going to give many mulligans to so-called sports experts such as 'Shane Bacon' and 'Curtis Strange' on behalf of non-Koepka non-Nike pushers such as Russell Kempka, David Schildt and I, officer ex-1532, who have more knowledge, proper training and wisdom than young game boys like Dustin Johnson or super old killers like Col. Clarence 'Bud' Anderson.
In order to challenge what might be a computerized error line that has been slanted in certain people's failure, go and purchase a copy of 2 different sticker books. You do not need the actual stickers to proceded with doing what criminals like Dutch Schultz would never want you to do but Vance McDonald would want you to do because they placed his name at a very bad number and he might want to switch over to Vance Gladney tactics before July 4th, 2019.
I will give you an example to how to compare to non-chemical products if they are allowed one more year to age and make decisions and yet not become exactly like professional jailer Mark Grow.
Once you purchase rack intelligence item #1329790900 (non-secret NFL codes) and shelf inteliigence item #1329790890, you will notice that the bar codes gave hockey a +10 number and that might not have been the proper move for men like Chad Pennington, Mr. Trubisky or Eli Manning.
I have done some of the non-Rood preparation work for you. Now you can conduct whatever manner of test you want comparing a 1st year Culver's Basketball group to a 2nd year Shelby, Michigan 'Little India' group.
1st Year Culver's group information: I, Marie Elizabeth, grandmother of Autumn Rayne Hendrikson, had purchased a Culver's Basketball for Autumn Rayne, but I had not been permitted to see her since I purchased in many years ago and I gifted the ball to another beautiful pro-Yehovah family. Culver's does advertise in the University of Wisconsin hockey arena and in places like MIller Park. Absence fif not make me grow fonder of my granddaughter. Autumn Rayne Hendrikson father used to be a decent worker at Culver's but decided to leave the USA to 'spread Christianity' rather than the messages of Eldad and Medad.
You can start with Roberto Luongo as your newborn day #85 non-FBI G-man on July 11, 2018. Once you find his brief profile, you can either check what his number is in ESPN computer files and start up your voluntary 7 year count, noting when day 1290 occurs. Nick Bjugstad is at #92, not Reggie Howard White, so be advised you should not try to and conjure up the dead like Colette Baron Weir does while she's cozying up to Opray Winfrey's vile and wealthy anti-Truth people. Next, you cannot include any football players in your count this year until you get to the non-cheerleader team known as the Cleveland Browns. On day 103, which will occur on July 29th, 2018, add Brock Osweiler to your 'watch' list. As each day of the calender year goes by, you WILL NOT be on the same count-up system as John Piper, Rod Parsley, Rod Allen, Bill Cloud, Michael Rood, Rico Cortes, Brad Scott or the Robert Scott correction center, but you will be on the same count as I will be watching. I might have let so many people in front of me that they got way ahead of me and got lost once I departed from the Berlin Resort in Holmes County, Ohio without a dog bowl or deputy's squad #16.
Brock Osweiler's #103 counter-basketball person is counter-baseball person #103, Alex Galchenyuk orginally from Wisconsin not from Victor Venus, Alex Smith, Alex Rodriguez or Alex Swedowski. At day 103, make sure you keep comparing football to hockey people that have the same number assigned to them by the same magazine company. Try to see what types of choices the two people given the same number make and STOP PLAYING fantasy football and fantasy hockey games since you mught have been feeding information to a beast that Bill Priestap cannot control now.
If you are a second year student of my pro-intelligence ways to counter ignorance and have kept the feasts of Yehovah in 2017, you may start you count at Vance McDonald, #444, on June 18, 2018. Detroit area people might have noticed how much better the people looked that just completed their Ramadan fast than the often obese throngs of scantily clad pork-eating people on Detroit's beach areas playing anti- tribe of Joseph father's day games. On June 19th, please keep in mind that Jim Staley has been punished for his questionable practices but Joe Staley of the San Francisco 49ers has been lingering around his team harlots with pompoms for the past year, possibly deceiving more people than Jim Staley EVER did. Michigan is not known for their acts of holiness and righteousness nor do they take a pro-Nahum position in any game I have ever seen. For 2nd year students, the time is short until the end of the PANINI comparison, but make sure you keep going with your numbered Strong's concordance words and keep going at least until the 1531, 1532,1533 sequence to see if I was correct about the MIlwaukee Police Department's non-random assignment of badge numbers or Ruth Johnson's non-random assignment of license plate numbers. In the hockey listing, 446 starts with Kadri's Toronto Maple Leaf team and the football listing at 446 is still only one person, NaVorro Bowman, but one person can get saved easier than an entire team lead by a apathetic leader can get saved. Do not try to disturb Orville Bowman''s people but go ahead and try to disturb Scotty Bowman's people.
This is a way of trying to get a group of people on the same DAY count and on the same 'watchman' list, rather than buying them an over-priced Rolex and a Chick pamphlet labeled 'The Letter' which had no Hebrew letters in it but had a fictional Frances and a fictional Mildred in it. Switch to NON-Fiction and you will have a better chance of spiritual warfare success against Colette types and pro-Yehovah success stories than Bob Rodgers fables contrived at New York 'Odd Couple' building #1049 .
I truly hope that Phil Sosnowski and William Monroe have not gone the way of the 1966 Satanic Church group, which actually is more like the Ted Kennedy and Playboy cologne gangs and actually nothing like the archngel Satan at all.
This method of teaching you to number your days is not going to be the best for everyone, but I guarantee that every person in the PANINI books is dressed better than Marie Osmond, Carrie Underwood or Tony Randall's televised partners.
Finally, both teams can try to contrast the ESPN groups with these constants in the middle instead of Malcom, Howard or Mallory:
Jared Spurgeon 352 Paul Molitor 352 Matt Ryan 352
Pittsburgh Steelers 112 Brett Favre 112 Travis Zajac 112
Jack Doyle 151 Chris Chelios 151 Ottawa Senators Nobody 151
Kyle Long 306 Doug Gilmour 306 Tyler Sequin 306
Taylor Decker 312 Scott Gomez 312 John Klingberg 312
Leveon Bell 118 Andrew Brunette 118 Taylor Hall 118 ( This might be connected to the Virginia Taylor hallways, not to fake sheriff 'Andy Taylor' hallways.)
Jason Pierre-Paul 262 Sergei Fedorov 262 Calgary Flames Nobody 262 ( January 4, 2019 check LAPEER and Wisconsin area code day)
St. Louis Blues Somebody 389 Jerome Bettis 389 Coby Fleener 389
Tampa Bay mystery QB 401 Jarome Iginla 401 Vladimir Tarasenko 401
Kwon Alexander 405 Jaromir Jagr 405 Bo Horvat 405
Shea Weber 96 Dan Boyle 96 Carlos Dunlap 96 ( July 22, 2018 for 1st year trinity busters)
Sammy Watkins* 22 Jason Arnott 22 Brad 'The Licker' Marchand 22
* I did see a Clemson jersey on the bike trail today while I was wearing a BIRON jersey, knowing full well my father WORKED hard in the town of BIRON, Wisconsin)
For those of you who think it is the 4th Hebrew month, compare these 4 against the Dalet Team of Eric Lindros and Brett Lindros or the 4th down capabilities of the letter Shin man, Bodo Gajevic:
Michael Thomas PANINI #386 Ohio State
Robert Scott Smith ESPN # 386 Ohio State
Marion Hossa ESPN # 386 (Not a substitute for Marion, North Carolina)
Joe Thornton PANINI #386 Land of Jumbo the Elephant displays)
Do not mix the above workers with a man named 'Workman' and do not mix their output or potential energy with Mr. Tony Finau's reaction to Joe Buck, Curtis Strange, Scooby Doo or Shane Bacon.
The following matter more than any Macomb Maverick in 'The Snake Pit' and 'The Bear Trap' matters:
476 Bradem Holtby 476 Vyacheslav Koslov 476 Dolphins vs. Steelers Wild Card Round
477 Sidney Crosby 477 Viktor Koslov 477 Lions vs. Seahawks Wild Card Round
Tevin Coleman info 480 Sergei Krivokrasov 480 #2 Minnesota Wild vs. #3 St. Louis Blues 480
166 Shayne Gostisbehere 166 Paul Coffey ( NFL rep at 166 got 'trashed' by me)
372 Kelvin Benjamin 372 Sean Hill 372 Nashville Predator that I 'trashed'
When doing your daily count, try to switch to the team that starts at that number in your clothing selection. For instance, on April 16, 2019 wear Carolina Panther gear OR black and teal OR Nashville Predator gear ( not recommended by me) OR yellow and blue to blend in with a different crowd than usual, thereby becoming an unspecialized duty specialist like s Milwaukee Squad 91 Late.
The above task SHOULD help alleviate any possible problems you have bipolar disorder caused by media ultimatums and should help you pay attention to both allies, enemies and adversaries instead of wasting your time focusing on The Jackson 5 leftovers, Sammy Kershaw tunes, Kevin Bacon or horrible movies like 'Forrest Gump'. Someone already took Russell Wilson picture down from a MIchigan bicycle trail and did not replace it with Franco Harris, Jamie Sharper, Robin Ortiz or Chris Chelios.
I doubt if Tony Richardson, notable chiastic reasoning scholar, would have you look at the sports world more closely, but maybe many sports figures have been misled and lied to by people not on my team such as LeBron James, Tom Brady,Wray Young, Chris Mack, Jeff Blashill, MELVIN GORDON or Charles Barkley.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Do You Think It's the 4th month? Remember Jim Corte
When I watched a group of grade schoolers playing baseball with Jet Box uniforms, I knew they knew very little about my friend, Jim Corte. Jim Corte started a program intended to do good in a community, but if the Jet Box people disregard Jim Corte's history in their current method of teamwork they ought not wear the jerseys that say "Jet Box'. Likewise, I started a process in my son's life intended to do good in a community, but if the Richard Isaiah Hendriksons people disregard my history in their current method of teamwork, they might as well wear 'Dallas Cowboys' jerseys or LeBron James jerseys in their anti-Yehovah Christianity rectangles. If my grandchildren ever got a chance to know me, they would love me. If my grandchildren try to 'know' me through the eyes of my daughter-in-law or my son, they will never love me nor care for me as I cared for my grandparents. IF looks like Minneapolis9 Atlanta6 to USA money makers and (53)(9) to chemistry students. IF is not the name or my Elohim.
Once I took the time to 'meet' and know Yehovah as my personal LORD, I learned to love Yehovah and every letter that comprises his name. I don't really like the man-made concept of 'Father's Day' anymore because I am focused on Yehovah's appointed time of Shavuot, Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur now, even though I am not Jewish.
When I took the badge #1532, it was after the father of my son departed in a very non-dear manner. When a wife loses a husband to another woman, it is different than losing him to a disease. When adultery sets into a marriage, spiritual disease is the problem. When sickness sets into a marriage, it tests the ability to KEEP a vow made in the presence of actual witnesses. I tried to learn a bit more about what it feels like to lose a husband to disease from my niece, Jennifer. At first I though it would be wiser to talk by phone to someone that I do not have a good relationship, but she pointed out that it is better to talk FACE TO FACE with someone who you do not have a good relationship with because you can see if their SURROUNDINGS match their words. It is easier to deceive a person by phone than in person. Jennifer is learning what it fells like to be a mother with no father in the household due to circumstances you cannot control, and it is as difficult now as it was for me in the 1980's.
Since I do not really believe it is the 4th month, what direction is it best to send my opponents in? If they do not agree it is the 3rd month, they also won't agree it is the 43rd day of the omer count. I suppose I'll try to send them someplace other than Woodlands Church in Plover to make sure they have a chance to be corrected if necessary. These choices are directed only toward married men, not necessarily to fathers.
B4 Team: Go ahead and see if a Bingo score card is more valuable than your mother's efforts in your life BEFORE you got married to a spouse who does not love your mother. If you were respected by others as a child, you probably had at least one decent parent who taught you manners, a work ethic and reasonable behavior skills. A Bingo score card represents 'Laugh Your Way to A Better Marriage' show.
Be4: Go ahead and see if a silver cross on your neck makes you part of Jeremiah 6:29 'Reprobate silver' bunch instead of qualifying you for the silver socket of an unseen tabernacle that exists and will reject the sign of a crucifix. Align with either Bill Cloud or Brett Favre, but not the Lindros family.
D4: If you think it is the 4th month, choose either Eric Dan Danson or Tyrod Tayler as a role model, but do not be as stupid as someone who admires the 'Michael Jackson' types who actually are bad, not good.
Sh4: YOu have to agree that the shin is the 4th letter of the law, not the Dalet and be willing to be corrected. You can transition back to hockey with this team with Bobby Orr or Brett Hull, but not with Roberto Luongo or Brock Kulinski. Remember that the letter shin was assigned to Bodo Gajevic, not to Sheldon Souray or Shamrocks. If you prefer to stay with football mindset, study the relationship Brett Favre had with his mother and his father, and if he obeyed the directive to honor his mother and his father.
IV. Go Paul Molitor's way instead of Cleveland's D4 money code ways. Try to discern if MIlwaukee Police District 4, inclduing the Fire and Police Academy, is heading toward and getting prepared to OPPOSE a good, anti-fiction direction rather than heading against (opposing) a a pro-abortion, anti-Caleb and anti-Judah ( Leah's 4th down) direction. I rarely worked in Milwaukee District 4.
If you don't agree that it's the 43rd day of the omer, try to agree with this fact. Behavior mishaps often are wrongly called mental illness. If a healthy perennial flower is put into soil that is not appropriate for it, it will either depart by disease or if it's keeper is attentive, it will get transferred to better soil conditions or the soil conditions will be amended in the place it is now. Likewise, if a healthy human is placed in conditions that are nasty or vile ( the earth is currently very nasty and vile in many places), the human will depart by disease sooner than a person raised in ideal clean earth situation. If a healthy woman is desired and 'purchased' via marriage by a man who is not paying attention to the surroundings she needs to thrive, she will either stray or appear to be sick until the conditions are corrected in her 'soil' area. A good father does know that he is responsible for the 'soil' conditions surrounding his family, but a bad father, due to carelessness or anti-Yehovah intentions, lets his family surroundings become vile, nasty and a breeding ground for sinful behavior. Children sometimes flourish after they exit bad 'soil' they were set in by their own parents but unless the child has learned to DESPISE the surroundings his mother or father provided for him, he might not deter from his spiritually sick or literally sick family history and will fail to succeed in pleasing Yehovah.
A perennial plant doesn't have a mental illness just because it gets sick and unhealthy due to it's environmental surroundings. Too many people that have chosen or been forced into conditions that are contrary to holiness have been called 'mentally ill' rather than demonically influenced by anti-Moses or pro-Lucifer leaders.
Did I lack encouraging words? I never lacked a decent father, even though I did lack angels willing to teach me about Yehovah's or Elyon's behavorial expectations for me on earth. I already decided I am not going to buy another 'Apple' computer a few days before Lucifer's right hand woman 'Oprah' hooked her way into more nasty anti-beryl income. A computer specialist recommended Dell or an HP.
Nasty, vile news travels faster than my bicycle wheels.
The New Moon Test of District 3 or District 4 Ways
Mikell Clayton declared an interesting fact about his grandmother, stating that he knew she loved him so her corrections of him were tolerated. If you do not believe the spirit of Yehovah loves you, you will not tolerate the corrections Yehovah wants to deploy to you and as a result you will fail Yehovah's testing. Corrections occur sometimes as quickly as a chiropractic adjustment or as deliberately as 42 months in a a prophetic occurrence or as slowly as 40 years through a wilderness with Moshe Ben Amram. If my son was nearby, I would want him to take this test like a Berean, but my son believes that anti-Yehovah people love him more than I do so he has rejected my attempt to correct him. I hope that you or the police departments of Milwaukee and Detroit accept this District 3 vs. District 4 challenge, hoping that if I need correction it occurs quickly and deliberately.
Hockey has 3 periods; football has 4 quarters. If you think this is the 3rd month, stay with a hockey mentality and here are the I through VI(KTOR) choices for your leader of month 3:
I. The H=Hey (5) Team Napthali Club and Seal Testers:
You should be the V Team of Paul Douglas Coffey, since day 1531 has started for 4th year students of 'Teach us LORD to number our days. I assigned the letter 'Vav' to Paul Douglas Coffey for a reason, and Vav is the 3rd letter of the name of the Yod Hey Vav Hey (HVHY). This team should be on the 5th year words and what has been declared to be Father's Day by some will be day 1532, which happens to be my former MIlwaukee Police Badge number so it is a number that MATTERS to me and THOSE WHO TRUST ME BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT I LOVED THEM FIRST. Your word for today is #1531, Gimel Lamed, ( pronounced goal by a few) and a it describes a container for lamp oil.
II. The 3=Red Billiard Ball Theologians:
The Lithium Lightweights should view themselves as leaders of Chris Chelios or followers of Christos Tselios who is supposed to be paying attention to Y formations in Levy (Lamed Vav Yod) not the Seattle Seahawks cheerleaders! There are times when smart people 'tail' a suspect or a fool from a distance, knowing she or he will need help getting out of a ditch after she or he stopped paying attention to the road directions or stopped respecting the power of road conditions under foot or under vehicle. Your word for today should be 442, Alush, the tenth place where tents were pitched after leaving Ramses. 2nd Round Montreal Canadiens Team Chelios is supposed to know that Y=10 and that V=6 which is before Y=10 in straight counting but in HVHY V is after and before H=5 for a deliberate reason. Your candy bar is still KitKat, not HEATH. There is a roadway II that goes near Stevens Point, Wisconsin to study.
III. The G=Gimel's Shifty Sheldon Souray Galaviz Gadites
This team should be starting their 3rd year of good works and be up to day 800 word Aleph Shin Hey which is a fire so hot it melts lead, the 82nd element. 801's word is NOT GOOD, and Gordon Howe also was NOT GOOD. If stay with this team, your time is short to day 1532, since you should not be on a 40 year plan or correction. The Gadites are sealed 3rd, so apply iolite/ligure/jacinth science to your biblical geology knowledge. This team should not be afraid to choose a HEATH bar and should be very anti-marijuana when fighting 'Karen Carpenter' tendencies.
IV. The A Hole Team: Since the Aleph is the 3rd letter of the Books of Moses, Curtis Joseph can go from 5th in wins to Milwaukee District 3 thinking. If you are still a soft-core Wisconsin Badger fan, see if those who wear JOSEPH 31 jerseys are better leaders than those who wear WILSON 3 Seattle Seahawks jerseys in dangerous areas or in mixed multitudes where good defensive coverage does not mean a swimsuit competition!
V. The Extra Large MARIE Team: The letter R is in my original name and in ARNOTT. This team must test the mother of Gad 'Gimel Dalet' strategies verses Father Nature Trail, David Ortiz or David Amber. Since Rob Deer and MIchael Richter were assigned the R, the Rob team should align with Andre RISON and the Deer team should align with the Lac Du Flambeau Deer Clan. The Richter team is a Keystone State test of the original 13 states of the United States of America, including the Philadelphia C3 currency codes marking system. Your computerized ice cold bar code is 4154804763, not Pabst code 220631 and certainly not Michigan license plate 'RVTUGR'. This team's word might as well be #1174 from Song of Solomon 8:11, Baal Hamon and at #1175 prepare to shift toward 17 in the middle, not Mallory in the middle. Approach today as the 42nd day of the Omer count, and don't fret if you didn't obey the Vatican on 'Ascension Thursday'. MIlwaukee District V is more likely to try to correct their own errors than the Vatican.
VI. Team Jagr is 3rd in P's, not the 4th and purple ball. This team should avoid the ZETTERBERG attitude or the simple Simon Bourne theology of France and Jeff Point. It takes many good points to win a Sardius 6th debate, not 1 Point beer with a pork bacon burger. Make sure you do your best to stay strong and of good courage in or out of Becker shoes or Bob Lanier's path. Milwaukee District 6 is not the same as the Pulaski Pool Team, so keep studying the Book of Luke without Mikell Clayton or the book of Joshua with a Pedigree Puppy Bowl 'JPAW' anti-Superbowl LII attitude. Er in in LiVErS, not in Joshua Cebula. The C=Ripken team is not the VIKTOR KOSLOV team!! This team should be anti-Shane Hendrikson and might be up to day 2247, Chet Beit Hey, which means to hide, to escape and to be covered. This team might believe that it is June 16, 2018 today as well as the beginning of the Gadites 3rd month and that the 6th billiard ball is dark green, not lime green.
Now I have to leave this site to check the melting point of lead since my encyclopedia set that I won for my good works in a Cappy Dick contest was intentionally stolen ( a felony based on replacement value) by Shane David Hendrikson and there is more useful information in those encyclopedias than in the NHL's Campbell Cup. Thank Elyon I do not forget who my enemies are. All liars, all thieves, all murderers, all adulterers are the same as all lesbians and all homosexuals, since they have willfully rejected or have been lead by corrupt teachers (taught) contrary to the perfect instructions for sanctification contained in what many still refer to as the 'Old Testament'.
Keep in mind that hockey teams have a 48 inch by 72 inch vertical plane that is a goal line and that a batter's box is only a starting point for many, not a goal line Tomorrow I will offer options for those who rather align with month 4 and Cleveland Browns systems of intelligent uniform codes and anti-cheerleader holy 'chicken mole' or Old Style beer perspective.
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