Tuesday, March 6, 2018

New Richard Belmore Lines To Counter Graham-Type Air Attacks

If possible, there are 2 programs you should try to watch before deciding to try to destroy your own PARENTS, namely at least one full episode of 'The Hoarders' and 'The Snake Pit', a 1948 classic with more realistic scenes than anything Billy Graham ever displayed in a stadium.

I have been trying to react to cruel and unusual punishment dished out by Billy Graham types such as my son and my daughter-in-law for years, but always reacting to a dangerous attack on the mind can make even a strong person very weary.  The world as we know it actually needs far less people like Billy Graham and far more people like Craig Erickson. Mr. Erickson is not profiting from the selling of PARTIAL truths or outright lies.  Billy Graham became a very wealthy man while denying the name of Yehovah for his entire life on earth. Mr. Erickson remembered me and spoke to me kindly after years of no communication; BIlly Graham types are kind of like Phil Mickelson because they unlikely to know THE NAME of even the last 50 people who purchased a ticket to see them work but not teach from the Books of Moses.

I saw children of hoarders who had more compassion and love for their parents than my son does for me, and I wonder if my son is comeday going to have a 'Virginia Stewart Cunningham' moment sooner than he would behave as Craig Erickson does in public and in private.  Richard Isaiah Hendrikson has a lot of anger toward me, and he attacks like a French Mirage as world war 4 continues. He might or might not have his anger fueled by his Billy Graham type of wife, Rachel, and it is possible there might not be any real peace in our family until the spirit of Rachel is 'no more' because it has been counter-attacked properly in a poor Richard Belmore manner. Leo Genn can't cure Billy Graham's thighs now, even if they look like pickled pigs feet.

Precisely 36 years ago, I was lied to by Richard Edwin Xavier's father but Richard was not present to witness his father's false claims. Richard might still be angry with me for marrying Robin Michael Ortiz, but I publicly repented for my sins with Robin;  my son and I both reluctantly accepted the penalty of a divorce that crushed both of us and left us both weak but not dead or homeless. What might be causing my son's spiritual illness is not only his lack of ability to forgive me for marrying men who are the same religion my son is now(protestants), but also his lack of ability to properly assess and COUNTER the INTENTIONAL damage that Shane David Hendrikson and Rachel Snyder have done to our fragile mother/son relationship.

I am going to try to avoid reacting to the invisible daily notices from my son that say 'I hate you, mother' by taking on the following verbal procedures as if talking myself through an air-strike against a coaward with plenty of ammunition he can use against me:

I) I will remind myself that the sight of a grown man who has heard the full gospel intended for Gentiles desiring to become grafted into Yeshua's system and subsequently REJECTED the full gospel will not heal an already broken family.

A) I will remind myself that the current anti-Yahweh mindset or my son and similar French Protestant types  needs to be destroyed, not their BODY and the task of destroying their mindset might include an absolute mental collapse, such as I went through and eventually recovered from.  Do not be deceived: the duration of incarceration in for people struggling with a broken mind and a strong heart might have decreased, but the method of treatment has been just as cruel and anti-biblical in most USA and Tel Aviv places as it was in the 'Juniper Hill State' of experimentation.

M) I will remind myself that I am obligated by the statutes of the Holy Scriptures to treat my parents decently even if they do not accept the Truth because their grandson has deceived them during his visitation time with them.  If I can be as patient with my parents as the character 'Robert Cunningham' was with his character wife Virginia Stewart, I will be doing well and it will be well with my soul.

G) My son's 'Billy Graham' approach to work and playtime has caused him to be antagonistic toward me, and I currently represent a tribe of YShRAL even though I formerly represented an anti-Yahweh protestant/Catholic due to the lack of knowledge of HVHY's holy expectations. My son and his children are capable of at least returning to a better status of 'necessary humility' and genuine annual visitation since I am not in a 'Juniper Hill' setting, rather  than choosing and TEACHING my grandchildren to continue  hostility toward me.  Hostility is LACK OF KINDNESS and LACK of peace.

D) It is more difficult to develop a proper defense against liars and cruel family members than it is to develop an proper offense against Nazi-types who are only very obvious forms of anti-Judah people and anti-JW.ORG people. I do not rely on myself for my defense, I rely upon the name of Yod Hey Vav Hey, and have done so long before I heard the numbers 312 and 537 uttered in 'The Snake Pit', where more valuable lessons of trials and tribulations can be learned than at a Copperhead golf course full of Greek Gentiles who choose to work on Saturday in positions not as important as a fireman or Ron Lloyd's Canadian Navy, and by doing so every professional golfer has rejected the sign of peace with  the God often revealed as Yehovah but sometimes just seen as the defender of the repentant 'GADITE'.

I)The lessons people like Craig Erickson have heard and have been taught  are usually far more kind and diplomatic than any approach I have seen from people caught up in paid professional anti-Moses preaching acts anywhere in the world.

T) Someone or some  'douze' such as Xavier Cooks of Rock Hill, SC   might be thankful I don't trust in drones or 'Trump and the Christmas tree' plans propped up behind Monte Judah, who actually seems quite hypocritical displaying Christmas trees in his weekly updates.  I do believe that Harold Zirbel, courageous leader of scrambled Trojans and a USA Navy veteran, would agree with my unique strategies to counter hostility toward me since I always have tried to avoid inflicting a flesh wound to my seen and unseen enemies.

E) It is much easier 'countering' acts of kindness from strangers than it is to be kind to enemies that are part of your own household. People you have lied about or committed crimes against do become your ENEMIES for a justified reason. True love of a perfect holy God is not SIMPLE; true, just, pure, holy love of self and neighbor never will include  an expensive display of guns or women who wearing string bikinis after buying Playboy cologne for their anti-Christ buddies.

If  my son ever decides he needs advice about how to better cope with his broken mind before his or my heart stops beating, he knows where to find me but I do not know how to find my son because he has the spirit of fear yet, and the spirit of fear is opposed to the spirit of Michael the Archangel.

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