Friday, March 16, 2018

From Becher Street To G as in 'Giguere' Goal Tending

Segment G: In this 'grapefruit league' segment, I will try to encourage the current Ryan Lavarnway and discourage the 'Sinatra way'. A pasque flower puts on a better 'show' than a unholy Wittenberg children's dance squad taught to shock the audience by shaking their  'bunny outfitted' anus area at their unholy parents.

Consumption of grapefruit juice can raise your body's PH level, which helps resist the growth of cancer cells. Attending a 'Grapefruit League' baseball game is not the same as consuming grapefruit juice. Neither Yehovah nor the Holy trinity known as 'Qoph Nun Aleph' (ANQ) is not going to put his or her name on a place or person under 'Hooter's' outfits. Let trinitarians see if they believe in the spirit of QNA, sometimes written and viewed as 'ANQ' by Hebrew to English translators .  Actual saints of a good Elohim should also keep resisting drugs and  the lazy spirit of marijuana smokers,since cannabis does not lead to  sobriety, good works and holiness.

A recent 'guest' on Nehemia Gordon's website, Shaye Cohen, made a unbelievable fool out himself like many Harvard University playboys not disguised as bunnies do. Maybe Mr. Cohen should study Dan Blocker's method of handing out Bibles with Benjamite writings included, to little employed television people who didn't ask for or seek out Twizzlers and Coke Zero.  It seems some men get jobs playing around with what they call 'research' projects instead of becoming an electrician with the intention of  accomplishing good works.  Shaye Cohen is unbelievable, which means I do not believe the religious instructions which came out of his mouth.  First of all, what would my literal family think of me if I asked to get PAID for studying or asking questions about my own family's history?  I would have to be an on-duty police officer investigating crimes my family committed for me to want earn a salary for 'turning over sod' and trying to correct unjust situations. Shaye Cohen is toying around with traditions after clearly rejecting the Benjamite message to Corinthians, chapter 6. Cohen, like most lukewarm Jewish people, have made what is intended to be solemn feasts into playful, childish gatherings and the children inherit their Jewish father's sins.  Once I heard Shaye Cohen become a paid cheerleader for the 'Matzo' , not macho men, I knew my instincts were operating perfectly when I REJECTED matzo this year. I have heard believable people state that matzo spikes your blood sugars, and what was cooked in Egypt by Moshe Ben Amram or what was eaten by Yeshua was nothing like the  matzo squares loaded into New York  City shopping carts by people who are putting on a Sinatra type show instead of doing things a good Gadite way. 

For those who have read and rejected certain Benjamite letters, go ahead and let your G team be Chicago currency and see far you can get away from a roasted goat meal.  As for me and my dwelling, the 'I' formation here isn't going to stand for 'Ilitch'. ! Corinthians Chapter 6, vs 18+19 (ArK method) has a question that every 'Hebrew roots' person should try to answer truthfully before deciding if they really believe what a lukewarm 'expert' Jewish person believes, namely, that no Messiah figure, including Yeshua, can redeem them or contend for them in battles until lambs are being slaughtered in the center of Jerusalem:

"Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside of the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. OR do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit that is in you, whom you have from Yehovah and you are not your own? "

If you have rejected the spirit of Yehovah, your body is NOT the temple of Yehovah and you will keep thinking like  a rabbinic Jewish body who is doing things their way, not Yehoavah's way.  If you have rejected the prophets of Yehovah, your body does not have Yehovah's name on it and you are like a Catholic or Protestant who is doing things the pontiff's way, not Yeshua and his apostles way. 

If you get fully convinced in your own mind WHEN you are going to attempt to properly keep the feast of Pesach in your dwelling, a good goal would be to remember Deuteronomy 6:15, where once again 'Qoph Nun Aleph' is mentioned as the description of an angelic formation, possibly a diety. Deuteronomy 12:14 clearly indicated that there be MULTIPLE sites that Yehovah will choose to offer burnt sacrifices, slaughter and eat meat and in fact, if you are too far from the Jerusalem gangs read verse 21, which puts a local 'spin' zonefor slaughtering and eating your meat portion:
"If the place where Yehovah your Elohim chooses to put his name ( female study guide note:remember his name is Qoph Nun Aleph) is too far from you, then you may slaughter from your herd and from your flock which Yehovah has given you, just as I ( now the Moshe formation) have commanded you, and you may eat within your gates as much as your heart desires.'  I suppose this might be what David was referring to in Psalm 37:4, and it is a fact that a literal heart needs proper nutrition to keep working properly, even on the high holy days.  This also provides a clear exemption from the altar requirement demanded by rabbinic goof balls like Shaye Cohen, and it is permissable to pour the blood of clean animals, whose flesh is intended for human consumption, on the earth.

Verse 16:02 in Deuteronomy does not specify JERUSALEM, so return to deciding whether you really believe Yehovah has decided to put his name on you, making you a temple of the Holy Spirit of Yehovah. Maybe you should refer to the Holy Spirit as ANQ ( Qoph Nun Aleph), which might start a curious ANQARSK team to consider the Krivokrasov attitude. Is it a fine line or a wide Ferry Chasm Road between a G and Q when Russian linquistics get involved at the blue line clubs and road markings?  Further instructions remind people to go to TURN and go to their TENTS, and to me that indicates your goal is to travel to a non-permanent dwelling that has no leaven for one week. If you insist your expensive or tiny but solid house built in the United States or any other nation is a 'tent', and where you keep the Pesach meal is also where you want to stay for the rest of the Feast of Unleavened cereal flakes or tiny  unleavened pancakes, I do not expect you will really understand what it feels like to try at least TRY to 'leave Egypt'. 'For you came out of the land of Egypt in HASTE' does not refer to lounging around looking for candy hidden in your household and then blending in with the Easter gangs for the rest of the week intended to remind you to have a CHANGE OF HEART and move toward a different 'goal line' by FAITH after hearing the WORDS of the exodus from Egyptian bondage hours earlier. Even Deuteronomy 16:16 does not suggest Jerusalem is the only place a God named Yehovah is going to choose for you to appear! 

Harvard hireling Shaye Cohen also stated that staying up until midnight is one of his traditions. Does he not understand what a 'wake up' call is in Deuteronomy 12:31? If the families knew they would be traveling, why would they not go to sleep after eating their LIGHT meal in haste?  Even if the Department of David Justice or Deputy Gano of South Carolina is working at midnight,  that  does not mean Yehovah's people should not enter into their rest at nightfall, after eating the pesach meal in haste to the best of their ability, at the beginning of the 15th day of their Redeemer's year.

If you don't understand my writings or writings of Paul the Benjamite, keep in mind that I do not really understand very much about calculus or thermodynamics formulas anymore, but I do understand my own writings and why the spirit of jealousy in a faithful spouse can properly prevent adultery. Having fear of your loving heterosexual spouse's wrath, should he or she discover you have been unfaithful, is similar to fearing God and obeying HIs good commandments. LAs Vegas acts and Frank Sinatra movies never have taught people how to be sober and how to be faithful to their spouses.

One hour of  time near MIlwaukee's odd 25th and Becher street area is often just as difficult to prepare for as 60 minutes of counseling from Mark Becker, the reasonable anti-drug therapist.

How does an image of Sebastian Giguere in full Anaheim Ducks goalie gear influence me?  He looks more encouraging and decent than the image of a lifeless, almost naked male body cruelly nailed to a wood structure by paid Romans with the consent of men that had  a spirit as unholy as  Shaye Cohen and nt with the consent of a certain paid apostle known as soft G,  Gudas Iscariot. There is no letter 'J' in Hebrew.


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