I am not interested in trying to please demonic spirits, but this message is just as important as any message to a canine unit before they enter a house with asps inside.
If a frmale leader teaches her students to dress modestly, to strengthen their arms and to prepare to defend themselves from the mindset of a harlot, pimp or seller of full-lenght mirrors, she is doing good. I regret to inform my neighbors in Shelby Township that Maria Chodbecki's dance squad has believed a lie if they believe their dance works are 'good'. You are better off trying to learn something from the activities of monkeys in captivity that wasting your mind, talents and money watching the typical modern dance squad.
King Herod was interested in dance squads, not John the Baptist. The 'King Herod' types often become fathers and then disgrace their family sntead of instructing them about the concept of true grace, which includes the power to resist sin and 'VAIN REPETITIONS". If anyone tries to convince you or your family members that figure skating routines, dance squad routines and gymnastics are 'good, tell them that all of those activities are vain repetitions that are not part of the defense of a good and holy God and as a matter of fact, VAIN badily repetitions eliminate a spirit of humility in the doer of those non-good works.
A female who rather be on a girl's basketball team has a better spirit within her than a female who wants to be part of a staged routine to entertain possible perverted adults; the next step down from the typical high school dance squad is lowering yourself to Beyonce or MIchael Jackson standards of anti-Yehovah living which entice the child of humans. True children of a good God are not going to be led to nor will they desire to be in the typical modern dance school. A good mother rather see her daughters and son play basketball BECAUSE basketball teaches a child how to react to another person who does not have the same GOAL. A child who learns to play basketball under the authority of a proper coach is going to appreciate a modest uniform which is much better than any 'barbie' doll outfit, especially in times of war. Remember, the United States is currently in many wars, but the angel of Yehovah, Pele and even 'Aleph' are in a JUST war against King Herod types.
There has been instructions to the forces of Abaddon, including DO NOT HURT THOSE WHO HAVE THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD. It is a fact that when a child of a person who has the seal of the living God partakes in activities such as modern, immodest dance squad or goes out and willingly accepts a tattoo, they DO HURT those that have not taken the mark of the BEAST, so they will not be blameless. Abaddon's forces will be held blameless because they have chosen to obey the instructions for those under the authority of the angel Abaddon.
My son has made many of the errors I did when I was young, but where we differ is what DREW us away from the living GOD in our youth. I never was interested in men that wanted to put on a risque dance show or a Las Vegas style act. I had always been interested in men who were good ATHLETES. or men who wore decent uniforms appropriate to their activity. My son strayed from being interested in female athletes like he had been in high school, and then became attracted to a woman who liked putting on dance shows, including at their wedding. When my daughter-in-law was unjured jsust prior to her public wedding ceremony, she did not take that as a sign of providence that a planned DANCE act is not what the people of the living and holy God partake in or desire to do in front of others. I was extremely hurt and very sad to see my former step-daughter, Ashley Maria Hendrikson, be put up on a stage by her mother and her grandparents lo put on a Herodian dance show, knowing those same people are not the people who taught her how to tie her shoes or ride a bicycle. If Dean Noonan had done any follow-up from his list of baptisms, he might be surprised to find out that an episode in a dunk tank does not preotect nor defend a child from parents with unholy plans for their children.
Even more of a shame is when a Catholic school goes the way of the foolish Gentiles and starts up a dance squad with the label 'Thomas More Catholic High School' to compete for a trophy rather than for a spot in the 144,000 sealed saints who study, practice and love the commandments intended to sancify and purify those who are not ashamed to be aligned with the apostles or women like Vashti who did not want to 'perform' and display her beauty in front of people who did not love her and certainly did not intend to SAVE her from making herself into something even less decent than 'Tricky Bob' the monkey in a Steve McQueen movie.
I remember Amanda and Jason Nechuta to be young athletes who dressed modestly, who learned different styles of self-defense and who showed respect to my family in many ways, which makes the Amaanda Nechuta similar to Robertt Skaradzinski in his youth. Conversely, Rachel A. Snyder is very mich like my son's natural father at MINDSET, since her intention has never been to avoid causing pain and sorrow in my family due to either a very hard heart or improper training from her own father and mother. If Rachel A. Snyder Hendrikson claims that her parents had nothing to do with HER current status on earth, once again Rachel would prove she is a liar.
The final outcome of unrepenatant liars is already clearly 'illustrated' with words in the final chapters of the typical 'Bible'. Once a liar repents, they should return to the person who has made it clear they are on Yehovah's to ask forgiveness for the lies and offenses beofre they bother going to any 'church' services and putting on another anti-Yehovah show, knowing the person who was the victim of lies might request financial restituation, but won't ever go to an attorney to force an unrepentant liar to 'apy' the victim what they can afford to lose financially.
The mark of a true saint who trusts a living God includes rejecting secular courtrooms to sue or settle disputese involving 'flesh wound or crimes against their 'estate' and also resisting secular sourtrooms iwhen a dispute involving actual physical damage to bodies or property has occurred, since righteous judges are not dressed in BLACK robes.
When paid attorneys get involved, there is never a GOOD outcome for either side, there is only a a carnal outcome which does not actually please Yehovah, since Yehovah is not carnal and actually has feminine components. I wasn't very 'happy' when Laura Wagler had out high school gym class do balance neam acts, but even then Ii was only laughed at or supported by my fellow tTrojan females who had gym uniforms that overed our bodies better than a 1 -piece swimsuit. I got a 'P' in gym class, not an 'A' because I am not the world's greatest athlete. I don't recall Linda Toy as being on the honor roll, nor an 'A' student before she became a 'Benske'. I do not regret choosing to be in a decent marching band program and girl's softball instead of trying to make the swim team , dance squad, cheerleading squad or boy's football team in a high school where there wasn't a girl's hockey team.
My parents never came to one of my softball games, but I knew they loved me and trusted my coach and teammates to be at my side during real battlles that did not include Larry Czonka and Chirtsmas trees, but did include good wooden bats which are moe useful than any vain display of dead Christmas wreaths which do not represent DEFENSE and actually are still an offense against the people who believe in Yeshua, of the tribe of 'Judah'. What I didn't learn from Laura Wagler and biblical writings, I learned from my nother, my grandparents and really wise and decent men like Thomas Jackland and Win Parkinson and my father.
The post prior to this will feel work, so I decided to reveal what will help me and maybe a few others rest properly today, the 7th day of the week.
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