I had a very decent conversation with a man of courage ( he is not a Bishop nor a Priest) who has gone through sorrows, trials and recovery time after a legal divorce similar to mine; it would be impossible for his life to be exactly like mine since a good man who is born as a man is not meant to become a woman via surgery. (I am not going to try to join or defend any 'trans-gender' groups ; let paid anti-commandmentists such as courtroom deputy/ bailiffs try to properly defend their own 'type' of neighbor in or out of military households.) After graduating from high school together, the man of courage deployed himself into Minnesota and became the president of a company very different than the company I became president of in Wisconsin. I had desired to remain closer to my parents UNTIL the results of a my divorce trial caused so many sorrows I no longer loved the state of Wisconsin like I had before. The man of courage who returned a message I left for him courtesy of a Bell telephone also had been broken-hearted and maybe still is, but in the state of Minnesota he was treated fairly FINANCIALLY in a divorce proceeding he never desired. An unfaithful spouse usually leads to increased divorce pressure, not a hurricane. Because the attorneys and court system in Minnesota treated the man of courage better than I had been treated in Wisconsin, it was much more possible for the man of courage to accept the regrets of his former spouse/ former business partner who chose to become another person's sexual partner. Whether or not an unfaithful spouse is forgiven of their sins is not solely up to their human spouse. The man of courage did not have any children with the woman who was lured away from the man of courage by a hockey player, and eventually his former wife sought some sort of truce with the man of courage who never suspected she would have 'disowned' him. When a spouse is unfaithful, the spouse disowns a friend who had been closer than a brother and doesn't just agree to disown some marital property items of interest.
Covenant breaking lusts spread like a plague, and Phinchas knew how to stop a plague that Zimri of the tribe of Simeon had CAUSED. In such a case, the death penalty was justified and if pagan nations had not become apathetic to adultery suspects, sorrows would have decreased in families rather than increased due to a plague of 'easy' divorces granted by unjust judges.
Not all pagan practices are abominations. For instance, if I accept a real chicken egg that is naturally colored brown, I am not taking an ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION into my hands and my household. A common chicken egg does not represent 'Easter', since a common chicken egg is clean and I can use it to make unleavened bread mix. If I reject a 'sugar mountain' known as a 'Hershey's Kiss' that has been 'blessed' by the same priest who is 'blessing' the flesh of swine, it is because I have heard and therefore know that the priest that 'blessed' and encouraged the consumption of swine is CONTRARY to my KING, who might be a Benjamite or a Zebulunite or from Judah. In order to gain knowledge, questions are often required.
I reject 'KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID' theology. I accept this coaching strategy;" keep it clean, keep it holy and keep it kind if possible" when trying to be a GOOD head of household. Zimri didn't deserve kindness because he was spreading evil, not goodness in Israel. Had Pinchas ( almost like Pinkus) not done what he did, the tribe of Simeon might never have recovered to a population of at least 12,000 and actually might have become EXTINCT. 6,000 snow leopards are not anywhere near becomeing extinct; a species can dwindle to 2 of a kind and still reproduce like ducks or cobras and prevent their own extinction.
A non-Catholic man once stated in another language 'Why callest me good? Only God is good.'
If Yeshua was referring to the GOOD acts of Gad, I would be comforted by his line of questioning. Gimel Vav Dalet is GUD or 'good' and also is the term for attacking stragglers from the rear or the 'tail' end of an enemy. Amalek had used this tactic, but later on Gad used a GUD tactic. Yeshua may have been denying that he was from the tribe of GAD. '
The man of courage who spoke kindly to me today was not Carl Allen III. Carl Allen must have gottoen 'caught up' in the wrong snare section and will head off to Las Vegas no better than Tim McGraw at mind, and that is common for people who don't reject the sound of a Tophet long enough to hear the song of Moses or the sorrows of a pianist who is not a hireling. The Tanakh reading this week typically includes the prophet Jeremiah, and I will harshly describe what the typical parent often does who has sinned:
Parents do sin when they do not properly discipline their children. The children of sinful parents often become 'out of control', 'witchy' and break laws. When a parent gladly signs their minor child 'up' for military forces such as Army hoping their child becomes more controllable, it is no different than sacrificing your own child to Molech and dropping them into a fiery pit. It is reasonable to assume that a child that is sent into various forms of military forces which rely upon 'strange fire' and are attracted to horrific firearms will eventually end up in some sort of fiery pit, so nations that forced or parents that encourage their female children to serve in the military are similar to those who trust in gods who DISPENSE fears rather than alleviate them.
Don Cherry is like a Hershey's Kiss, since his attitude is simple and unhealthy while he faces 'rabbit ears' like a childish version of Robert Holman of Pocatello, Idaho. Eventually, some entity might realize that Art Ketchum the former dectective is not Jim Ketchum the realtor, and that might happen about the same time that the PD series is completed in Detroit.
Here is a fast James 'Curly' Neal split example that even Michigan University's security car #365 might not understand:
Tigers : Ne (ten) 'Shaner 61' didn't win; he lost. Tigers are unclean animals, by the way.
Pirates: Al (thirteen) Josh '53' Smoker gets the 'win', not Shaunda Conant or Mike Babcock. It is possible for a Pirate to 'go clean', not possible for a tiger to 'go clean'.
According to a believable report from the living man of courage, another man I had been acquainted with, Ronald Winkler, moved to Las Vegas and died after getting hit by a motor vehicle, not getting hit by a tree or an expandable baton. He had been in the special 'Harley Davidson' urn business, not in the Yamaha electric piano making business.
It has been 39 years since my 1979 class of 545 got scattered, and the stragglers and 'tail' end will have no interest in regathering with their Trojan family after 40 years. I suspect that that our wonderful Trojans will not be gathering at 'Texas Roadhouse' in Wausau, WI where unthankful and unholy Wittenberg Chargers or Wausau Woodchucks have lurked. Speaking with the man of courage today was a blessing to me, not a curse. Good effort at a trial of a person's faith and success, which includes 'be angry and sin not' systems, is much better than wreckless trials, testing of swine abominations on an anti-Zebulun 'Easter' gathering and errors that lead to besetting sins too burdensome to be 'cast away' by a weakened angel of Yehovah.
When taking a pulmonary function test, a good effort is the expected from the truthful patient.'Faking' injury will disqualify you from the kingdom of heaven.