Saturday, March 31, 2018

April Fools 'Post-D' Day 2174: Zimri Warning Track Sidelines

( The above shirt is no longer in my household; an anti-commandmentist who is not a UW-Badger decided he desired my clothes at the same time he did not desire me.)

I had a very decent conversation with a man of courage ( he is not a Bishop nor a Priest) who has gone through sorrows, trials and recovery time after a legal divorce similar to mine; it would be impossible for his life to be exactly like mine since a good man who is born as a man is not meant to become a woman via surgery.  (I am not going to try to join or defend any 'trans-gender' groups ; let paid anti-commandmentists such as courtroom deputy/ bailiffs  try to properly defend their own 'type' of neighbor in or out of  military households.)  After graduating from high school together, the man of courage deployed himself into Minnesota and became the president of a company very different than the company I became president of in Wisconsin.  I had desired to remain closer to my parents UNTIL the results of a my divorce trial caused so many sorrows I no longer loved the state of Wisconsin like I had before. The man of courage who returned a message I left for him courtesy of a Bell telephone also had been broken-hearted and maybe still is, but in the state of Minnesota he was treated fairly FINANCIALLY in a divorce proceeding he never desired.  An unfaithful spouse usually leads to increased divorce pressure, not a hurricane. Because the attorneys and court system in Minnesota treated the man of courage better than I had been treated in Wisconsin, it was much more possible for the man of courage to accept the regrets of his former spouse/ former business partner who chose to become another person's sexual partner. Whether or not an unfaithful spouse is forgiven of their sins is not solely up to their human spouse. The man of courage did not have any children with the woman who was lured away from the man of courage by a hockey player, and eventually his former wife sought some sort of truce with the man of courage who never suspected she would have 'disowned' him. When a spouse is unfaithful, the spouse disowns a friend who had been closer than a brother and doesn't just agree to  disown some  marital  property items of interest.

Covenant breaking lusts spread like a plague, and Phinchas knew how to stop a plague that Zimri of the tribe of Simeon had CAUSED. In such a case, the death penalty was justified and if pagan nations had not become apathetic to adultery suspects, sorrows would have decreased in families rather than increased due to a plague of 'easy' divorces granted by unjust judges.

Not all pagan practices are abominations. For instance, if I accept a real chicken egg that is naturally colored brown, I am not taking an ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION into my hands and my household. A common chicken egg does not represent 'Easter', since a common chicken egg is clean and I can use it to make unleavened bread mix. If I reject a 'sugar mountain' known as a 'Hershey's Kiss' that has been 'blessed' by the same priest who is 'blessing' the flesh of swine,  it is because I have heard and therefore know that the priest that 'blessed' and encouraged the consumption of swine is CONTRARY to my KING, who might be a Benjamite or a Zebulunite or from Judah.   In order to gain knowledge, questions are often required.

I reject 'KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID' theology. I accept  this coaching strategy;" keep it clean, keep it holy and keep it kind if possible" when trying to be a GOOD head of household. Zimri didn't deserve kindness because he was spreading evil, not goodness in Israel. Had Pinchas ( almost like Pinkus) not done what he did, the tribe of Simeon might never have recovered to a population of at least 12,000 and actually might have become EXTINCT.  6,000 snow leopards are not anywhere near becomeing extinct; a species can dwindle to 2 of a kind and still reproduce like ducks or cobras and prevent their own extinction.

A non-Catholic man once stated in another language 'Why callest me good? Only God is good.'

If Yeshua was referring to the GOOD acts of Gad, I would be comforted by his line of questioning. Gimel Vav Dalet is GUD or 'good' and also is the term for attacking stragglers from the rear or the 'tail' end of an enemy. Amalek had used this tactic, but later on Gad used a GUD tactic. Yeshua may have been denying that he was from the tribe of GAD.  '

The man of courage who spoke kindly to me today was not Carl Allen III. Carl Allen must have gottoen 'caught up' in the wrong snare section and will head off to Las Vegas no better than Tim McGraw at mind, and that is common for people who don't reject the sound of a Tophet long enough to hear the song of Moses or the sorrows of a pianist who is not a hireling. The Tanakh reading this week typically includes the prophet Jeremiah, and I will harshly describe what the typical parent often does who has sinned:

Parents do sin when they do not properly discipline their children. The children of sinful parents often become 'out of control', 'witchy' and break laws. When a parent gladly signs their minor child 'up' for military forces such as Army hoping their child becomes more controllable, it is no different than sacrificing your own child to Molech and dropping them into a fiery pit. It is reasonable to assume that a child that is sent into various forms of military forces which rely upon 'strange fire' and are attracted to horrific firearms will eventually end up in some sort of fiery pit, so nations that forced or parents that encourage their female children to serve in the military are similar to those who trust in gods who DISPENSE fears rather than alleviate them.

Don Cherry is like a Hershey's Kiss, since his attitude is simple and unhealthy while he faces 'rabbit ears' like a childish version of Robert Holman of Pocatello, Idaho.  Eventually, some entity might realize that Art Ketchum the former dectective is not Jim Ketchum the realtor, and that might happen about the same time that the PD series is completed in Detroit.

Here is a fast James 'Curly' Neal split example that even Michigan University's security car #365  might not understand:

Tigers : Ne (ten) 'Shaner 61' didn't win; he lost. Tigers are unclean animals, by the way.
Pirates: Al (thirteen)   Josh '53' Smoker gets the 'win', not Shaunda Conant or Mike Babcock.   It is possible for a Pirate to 'go clean', not possible for a tiger to 'go clean'.

 According to a believable report from the living man of courage, another man I had been acquainted with, Ronald Winkler, moved to Las Vegas and died after getting hit by a motor vehicle, not getting hit by a tree or an expandable baton.  He had been in the special 'Harley Davidson' urn business,  not in the Yamaha electric piano making business.

It has been 39 years since my 1979 class of 545 got scattered, and the stragglers and 'tail' end will have no interest in regathering with their Trojan family after 40 years.  I suspect that that our wonderful Trojans will not be gathering at 'Texas Roadhouse' in Wausau, WI where unthankful and unholy Wittenberg Chargers or Wausau Woodchucks have lurked.   Speaking with the man of courage today was a blessing to me, not  a curse.  Good effort at a trial of a person's faith and success, which includes 'be angry and sin not'  systems,  is much better than wreckless trials,  testing of swine abominations on an anti-Zebulun 'Easter' gathering and errors that lead to besetting sins too burdensome to be 'cast away' by a weakened angel of Yehovah.

When taking a pulmonary function test, a good effort is the expected from the truthful patient.'Faking' injury will disqualify you from the kingdom of heaven.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Why Holy Angels Are Anti-Zetterberg And Anti-Bertuzzi

 The term 'captain' to the Detroit Redwings has turned into a illustration of HORRIBLE leadership of ill-tempered immature over-paid 'pork palace' youths such as Tyler Bertuzzi.  What kind of captain takes a tiny tumble after a legal hip-check and then encourages every other player except himself to attack the Montreal Canadien who did not break any hockey laws in the process of a hip check?

A good captain with integrity, sound judgment and the mind of  good warrior would have taken Tyler Bertuzzi aside and  told him ' I'll fight my own battles, baby face Bertuzzi.'  Zetterberg is behaving more and more like an anti-Skaradzinski captain of males who don't understand why the ark of the covenant was designed to be moved under BLUE and without WHEELS. An even better captain might have said 'Don't react like an angry baboon  to an incident you did not witness!!!! Do you want to fight me now because I need to practice  properself-defense as much as you do?'

The Montreal Canadien basically did a 'Ronnie Bass' move against Zetterberg and Bertuzzi assaulted the Montreal Canadien like an improperly coached juvenile and a childish hockey player that doesn't have a brave,  law-abiding captain.

 Now for a bit of 'Russell Kempka' communication pointers, probablilities and some statistics. Tonoya Holloway  could say   ' I Am Not Lakita' before  the Detroit Redwings speak the  truth and admit they are not a good team because they do not have a good captain nor a good coaching staff.   Can some  lord or serf let Ken Daniels  and Mickey Redmond trade places and spaces with Dan Patrick and Ellen Degeneres since it seems that Daniels doesn't know how to report what is happening during a hockey game anymore?  Ken Daniels would be better on 'Sports Jeopardy' and Mickey Redmond would be better off having thoughsands of women cheering fo, laughing at or screaming for him. A good hockey broadcaster calls a game as though a blind person wants to hear the action he cannot see.  Redmond and Daniels have become extremely careless in their 'broadcasting' job. Narrow casting is much more difficult than BROADCASTING.

Real good angels often look like Cleveland Browns. I'm thankful that  Jaromir Jagr, Viktor Koslov, Bodo Gajevic, Ed Jovanovski, Ehud and my God never evolved into Detroit Redwings.

If Ken  Holland want someone old and slow on the ice, David Clarke or Clint Cabbage would be a better captain for the Detroit Wings than Zetterberg.  Most 'over 40' men actually can  learn how to play hockey quicker than an extremely talented hockey player learns to keep the feast of unleavened bread or Yom Kippur properly.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Is It Time To Question Operation 'Drumstick'?

If you are not being followed around by people with huge television cameras, be thankful. Now, I am going to present a test that even Travis Roy might like to take in order to establish what your biggest fears really are now that everyone knows the name ' Mark Zuckerberg' is as bad as 'Mark Gunger'.

I have made it clear that the Spielberg types are not 'good', and if you have only counted up to day 715, maybe you are as old as Henry Aaron and decided to start keeping the feast of Unleavened Bread rather than spreading Easter ham and cult jam around in the springtime.  I certainly do not fear people like Carl Allen, but Carl Allen also might not have a proper fear of forces like  an angry Michigan State Spartan attacking Bucky Badger for no good reason.  I made it very clear that if Carl Allen, the pork butt buddy of the Whitaker gang, will make arrangements for me to see his  UWGB-Phoenix foundation slither into Lansing before going to Las Vegas, I would go to Lansing. Carl Allen left a message on my phone Thursday evening, more than 48 hours ago, and he now is not answering his cell phone for some reason. Should I be concerned that Prince Harry and his Hollywood trash has slimed the New Yprk City area and Carl Allen got slimed, but not by the Russians?

Actual saints of Yehovah will pay more attention to the blast of a shofar than a 'drumstick'. If the 'drumstick' line wants to evolve into some sort of Zak Alwin wood, hay and stubble line, l'll say 'drop the drumsticks', since drumsticks do not save anyone. I have seen and heard many very bad drummers, such as Brock Kuklinski and Shane Hendrikson, but the drummer of the band 'Chicago' is not a bad drummer in my opinion.

For some reason, Carl Allen may have gotten what I call a 'spirit of apathy' toward people who studied harder than he did in high school. What alerts me to serious splits out of the bowling world is the timing of Carl Allen's Spartan workship, because it between April 15th and April 28th. If the wrong spirit is leading Carl Allen, he will not make any effort to see me face to face UNLESS I go and try to discover what  his Milwaukee northside attitude is compared to my Milwaukee southside attitude. If the spirit of my God prompts me to take a fact-finding trip to Lansing, it might turn out as bad as a trip to Rhinelander, Wisconsin if 'Mr. Drumstick' doesn't put forth any effort to re-align  his spine with someone who is not going to keep on 'swinging'.  Men on a noose keep on swinging for quite awhile, not women who have choir loft experience.

It is as difficult for me to try and understand Carl Allen's drummer mentality and his erratic lack of communication skills as it is to try and understand why the 1938 English soccer team decided to do a Nazi-type salute or why Shane David Hendrikson would smirk and laugh his way out of a covenant.  Here are 6 questions with only 2 options for answers, option U or option K,  designed especially for people who prefer Mark Recchi methods to Mark Zuckerberg methods. I will even highlight my answer for those who know this is not 'a 'water-ski' show for Allied Van Buren Street girls:

Q1: Which male would you rather have as your enemy in an alley fight?
U) Prince Charles of Wales
K) Vladimir Putin

Q2: Who would you rather have as  your father?
U) A Catholic priest
K) My actual father 

Q3: If you could only have one book to read for the next year, what book would you want to read?
U) 'Where The Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak
K) The Book of Malachi, the prophet

Q4) What is the most you would ever pay for any type of paper 'sportscard?
U) $3.5 million dollars
K) $30.00

Q5) If you lived in a nation where no guns and no nuclear weapons were allowed, what one piece of equipment would be your first choice to keep nearby for your self-defense?
U) a non-poultry drumstick
K) a heavy duty metal flashlight with 4-D cell batteries

K choices indicate you have reasonable knowledge of the 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  U answers indicate you think K=Dallas money and you are mentally and spiritually unprepared to face the Thomas Best  Racine  Case  scenarios.

Q6: With only 1 week of time and $2000.00, what damaged property is possible to repair properly without using guns, drugs, magic tricks or miracles?
U) The State of Michigan roadways between Detroit and Lansing
K) The mind of a person who had been declared 'mentally ill' by the State of Wisconsin 

Actually, U answers probably indicate  an unsound mind, which leads to symptoms of total depravity. An unsound mind is not made 'SOUND' with drug treatments, and it seems as though Travis Roy has a sound mind based on his recent televised 'documentary'.

Heathen, anti-commandmentist government and anti-discipline family systems will fail before the mind of a person who can read and understand the book of Malachi will fail a 'sieve' test. A drumstick is not shaped like the Hebrew letter 'vav' or 'nun'.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

We Have Enemies in High Places and Low Places!

David Clarke's English is decent, but what about his theories regarding a 1.3 trillion dollar spending bill? Sadly, the Trump attitude is somewhat like the people who took acting spots in a David Cassidy show labeled 'Dora, Dora, Dora'; this television show basically showed a place called 'Point Loomis Ait Force Base' become a 'Hooter's' type of establishment with the assistance of a character named Reuben and the stupid Las Vegas-type smirks of a ruffled Shirley Jones.  I have to admit that I never noticed how low Susan Dey could go when I was younger and had a 'crush' on David Cassidy, not on rude, nasty men in United States Air Force uniforms.

First, any person that signs a bill that he did not personally read through and understand it is like the typical  respondent who lacks knowledge in a divorce case and  who's  enemy is trying to build up forces with money that had been 'gained' together.  Typically, the petitioner who wants the anti-holy bill to pass through worldly systems is not part of the kingdom of heaven, since a separation agreement that includes financial kindness toward his spouse is actually what the kingdom of heaven would EXPECT from a relationship that has gone lukewarm or too hot to handle .  Egypt had  built up incredible military strength which could neither stop plagues of frogs, hail and locusts nor could military spending prevent famine and the  death of males who's parents rejected the God of Moshe Ben Amram and chose other 'god' systems.

'To reject' in Hebrew appears to mean to throw back, not pass to the front lines, it is comprised of only 2 Hebrew letters: Gimel Vav, which looks like a '63' if the letters are changes to numbers. Those same 2 letters are also tied to the words for 'middle' ( the spine is in the middle) and it is used in Isaiah 38:17. When Yeshua told Satan to get behind him, he might have used the word 'Gimel Vav', which also means what is tossed behind is unfit for LEADERSHIP duties. The words in the 1400 series reveal a lot about timing. For instance, if a person starts learning the Biblical words day by day starting at any given  Hebrew new year, in the  spring at about the time when the barley should be ripening is when the word for locust arises as Gimel Vav Beit, (gob). If you are a year behind someone else that may be worthy of leadership, your word at this time of year would be near 1100, which describes the 'hard hearted', anti-good and the word has 2 lameds, which means there is not 1 clear leader.  2 staffs are not better than 1 good staff that is held by a Moshe Ben Amram figure.

Financial disturbances happened in the 1970's and I saw my parents adjust to conditions to survive. There was always pressure from the Vatican system for people to give 10% to their anti-Levitical priests, and I am thankful my family resisted that type of pressure, never turning over 10% to people who did not represent the God of Noah or Eldad. I did see my parents do all they could to take care of his own household and my grandmother, a widow and we didn't have any orphans nearby. Now, I will present a few questions and problems to be considered regarding financial expectations of different 'god' systems:

A) It is evident that the USA as a UNIT has rejected Yehovah's plan of fiscal redemption, so the USA is guilty of many financial sins which continues to burden those within its borders. Think ahead of what nation you might least resist 'taking over' since if businesses can get overtaken by an enemy or a friend, so can a nation which is operating as a business.

B) I reject Charles Barkley and Samuel  L. Jackson  as a leader because they are vile companions that do not know when to stop acting like fools; did you reject them so that you can do your own fore-checking?

G) A friend of mine asked me for advice and I opposed him, but did not befriend him. He is having some financial stress and he thinks he cannot operate his household with only 1 vehicle because he is under the influence of his wife's expectation of her own vehicle that she can use when he is at work. My parents managed a family with only 1 vehicle for many years, we walked to public schools, took buses as needed and did not go to expensive private schools. I suggested that my friend send his children to a public school and that he sell his second vehicle, knowing that in an medical non-emergency, his wife could call for  cab if she needs to go to a doctor. If his wife is unwilling to make lifestyle adjustments and he is unwilling to make schooling adjustments, his very decent and very HOLY family business might fail financially, but not because he is LAZY.  In such an event, the entire community will lose a  CLEAN place (type of synagogue) to gather and rest.  My friend might have to seek work elsewhere if he does not decide that his children can go to a public non-Muslim school and as a result, he and the rest of his staff might be forced to work in places that are very UNHOLY and very contrary to a God like I trust in.  Did you now learn that if your opposition is your friend, what  idea you had rejected in the past might now sound more acceptable than complete failure of a GOOD business?

D) When the time comes when Yehovah has established and sealed 12,000 Levites and expects the other 132,000 sealed  families lead by males to give 10% of their income to the Levites, do you think that the 132,000 non Levites will be able to live on 90% of their income IF they are no longer subjected to the current tyrannical taxation systems in place in every anti-Yehovah nation on earth?

H) If a Muslim is expected to donate only 25% of his profit ( not his gross earnings) after paying all of his bills and allowed to 'pocket' 75% of his  profit, in theory he might get wealthy eventualy. However, if he never learns how to live without spending 100% of what he earns through his own labors, he never will learn generosity and he never will have any savings, eventually he will try to rely on those people who are able to donate 25% of their profits.  The expectations to pay 10% UP FRONT to government non-false Levitical officials means you have to have faith in the person requesting the 10%, and if they are worthy of that trust, they will not change the laws once they get your 10%.   If your God only expects you to give 25% of money that you have purposed to save rather than spend, where is the incentive not to spend all that you have, especially if you do not know who or what your 25% is being given to? It is very possible for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer when following Muslim financial mandates.  If I hated Muslims, I would not even have listened to their views that are opposed to Yehovah's views. Good neighbors listen to kind neighbors.

V) As an abandoned mother deserted by an spiritually dead spouse, I doubt if I am expected to give 10% of my income to the eventual 12,000 sealed Levites. If  only ONE anti-lazy working male out of the sealed 132,000 non-Levites decides to lead me and become part of my household, then 10% to the sealed Levites is very possible to do with the  good living 'god' formation that came to relieve my current debt load and assist  the chief executive officer of a colony for stray dust mites and non-stray DARE bears .  Can  humor and logic work together to solve current problems or increasing military spending and purchasing more stupid, expensive equipment designed to kill and maim really a better way to improve the conditions anywhere on earth?

Z) If you ever played hockey in an arena or played football in a stadium, you know that you usually have friends and usually 'enemies' above you intentionally dressed as 'fans' of the opposing team. If you ever watched hockey in an arena, you know that it is possible to have friends, enemies and adversaries in higher and lower places, since the hockey rink is low compared to arena seating and even compared to the occupants of the PENALTY BOX. Can you reject Garth Brooks? I can easily reject Garth Brooks, not the honest hard-working Muslims who are trying to provide healthy CLEAN foods at reasonable prices in a nation that sadly is still extremely anti-Yehovah in its works.

C) The people who are leading the Air Force Academy are not leading me into their forms of perdition. When military academy has pompom squads, the military team is a SHAME. Does VMI have pompom squads and cheerleaders with their bellies exposed to the public?  Many women have made their own belly their 'god' and also want others to worship the moves of their belly. Such people never notice where archangels have moved to  or where the temple of the living God actually is.  Many people who claim to be a 'captain' are a captain of nothing good rather than a good representative of the 8th Hebrew letter 'Chet'.

I) Do actual diamonds  get their audibles from Carbonnear or is the tribe of Napthali actually like Guy Carbonneau? This question is not in the book of Job.

X) Can you read and understand the Book of Hosea chapter 5? I can and 'Yehovah, Yehovah Yehovah' or 'Vashti, Vashti, Vashti'  is much better than Danny Bonaduce's whorish 'Dora, Dora, Dora' Hollywood front lines.

Y) When I see 'Conway 10' playing for Providence hockey, I see a potential Tim Conway in progress, not a male who will evolve into a Yellow truck with the aid of Bill Watterson. What do you THINK of when you see the road to Bevent , Wisconsin listed as 'Y' instead of as an  'X'?

The Hebrew word for 'outer space', and 'nothing' seems to be #1099, and numerically adds up to '87' not   86, 68 or 26.  I know I do not fit  the definition of 'nothing'. I also know I am not Sidney Crosby, even though Sidney Crosby often entertains me from a distance and through anti-Tweet media.

Laura Wagler Vs. Maria Chodnicki's Vain Repetitions

I am not interested in trying to please demonic spirits, but this message is just as important as any message to a canine unit before they enter a house with asps inside.

If a frmale leader teaches her students to dress modestly, to strengthen their arms and to prepare to defend themselves from the mindset of a harlot, pimp or seller of full-lenght mirrors, she is doing good. I regret to inform my neighbors in Shelby Township that Maria Chodbecki's dance squad has believed a lie if they believe their dance works are 'good'.  You are better off trying to learn something from the activities of monkeys in captivity that wasting your mind, talents and money watching the typical modern  dance squad.

King Herod was interested in dance squads, not John the Baptist.  The 'King Herod' types often become fathers and then disgrace their family sntead of instructing them about the concept of true grace, which includes the power to resist sin and 'VAIN REPETITIONS".  If anyone tries to convince you or your family members that figure skating routines, dance squad routines and gymnastics  are 'good, tell them that all of those activities are vain repetitions that are not part of the defense of a good and holy God and as a matter of fact, VAIN badily repetitions eliminate a spirit of humility in the doer of those non-good works.

A female who rather be on a girl's basketball team has a better spirit within her than a female who wants to be part of a staged routine to entertain possible perverted adults; the next step down from the typical high school dance squad is lowering yourself to Beyonce or MIchael Jackson standards of anti-Yehovah living which entice the child of humans. True children of a good God are not going to be led to  nor will they desire to be in the typical modern dance school. A good mother rather see her daughters and son play basketball BECAUSE basketball teaches a child how to react to another person who does not have the same GOAL.  A child who learns to play basketball under the authority of a proper coach is going to appreciate a modest uniform which is much better than any 'barbie' doll outfit, especially in times of war. Remember, the United States is currently in many wars, but the angel of Yehovah, Pele and even 'Aleph' are in a JUST war against King Herod types.

There has been instructions to the forces of Abaddon, including DO NOT HURT THOSE WHO HAVE THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD. It is a fact that when a child of a person who has the seal of the living God partakes in activities such as modern, immodest dance squad or goes out and willingly accepts a tattoo, they DO HURT those that have not taken the mark of the BEAST, so they will not be blameless. Abaddon's forces will be held blameless because they have chosen to obey the instructions for those under the authority of the angel Abaddon.

My son has made many of the errors I did when I was young, but where we differ is  what DREW us away from the living GOD in our youth.  I never was interested in men that wanted to put on a risque dance show or a Las Vegas style act. I had always been interested in men who were good ATHLETES. or men who wore decent uniforms appropriate to their activity. My son strayed from being interested in female athletes like he had been in high school, and then became attracted to a woman who liked putting on dance shows, including at their wedding. When my daughter-in-law was unjured jsust prior to her public wedding ceremony, she did not take that as a sign of providence that a planned DANCE act is not what the people of the living and holy God partake in or desire to do in front of others.  I was extremely hurt and very sad to see my former step-daughter, Ashley Maria Hendrikson, be put up on a stage by her mother and her grandparents lo put on a Herodian dance show, knowing those same people are not the people who taught her how to tie her shoes or ride a bicycle.  If Dean Noonan had done any follow-up from his list of baptisms, he might be surprised to find out that an episode in a dunk tank does not preotect nor defend a child from parents with unholy plans for their children.

Even more of a shame is when a Catholic school goes the way of the foolish Gentiles and starts up a dance squad with the label 'Thomas More Catholic High School' to compete for a trophy rather than for a spot in the 144,000 sealed saints who study, practice and love the commandments intended to sancify and purify those who are not ashamed to be aligned with the apostles or women like Vashti who did not want to 'perform' and display her beauty in  front of people who did not love her and certainly did not intend to SAVE her from making herself into something even less decent than 'Tricky Bob'  the monkey in a Steve McQueen movie.

I remember Amanda and Jason Nechuta to be young athletes who dressed modestly, who learned different styles of self-defense and who showed respect to my family in many ways,  which makes  the Amaanda Nechuta similar to Robertt Skaradzinski in his youth.  Conversely, Rachel A. Snyder is very mich like my son's natural father at MINDSET, since her intention has never been to avoid causing pain and sorrow in my family due to either a very hard heart or improper training from her own father and mother. If Rachel A. Snyder Hendrikson claims that her parents had nothing to do with HER current status on earth, once again Rachel would prove she is a liar.

The final outcome of unrepenatant liars is already clearly 'illustrated' with words in the final chapters of the typical 'Bible'. Once a liar repents, they should return to the person who has made it clear they are on Yehovah's  to  ask forgiveness for the lies and offenses beofre they bother going to any 'church' services and putting on another anti-Yehovah show, knowing the person who was the victim of lies might request financial restituation, but won't ever go to an attorney to force an unrepentant liar to 'apy' the victim what they can afford to lose financially.

The mark of a true saint who trusts a living God includes rejecting secular courtrooms to  sue or settle disputese involving  'flesh wound or crimes against their 'estate' and also  resisting secular sourtrooms iwhen a dispute involving actual physical damage to bodies or property has occurred, since righteous judges are not dressed in BLACK robes.

When paid attorneys get involved, there is never a GOOD outcome for either side, there is only a a carnal outcome which does not actually please Yehovah, since Yehovah is not carnal and actually has feminine components.  I wasn't very 'happy' when Laura Wagler had out high school gym class do balance neam acts, but even then Ii was  only laughed at or supported by my fellow tTrojan females who  had gym uniforms that overed our bodies better than a 1 -piece swimsuit.  I got a 'P' in gym class, not an 'A' because I am not the world's greatest athlete. I don't recall Linda Toy as being on the honor roll, nor an 'A' student before she became a 'Benske'.  I do not regret choosing to be in a decent marching band program and girl's softball instead of trying to make the swim team , dance squad, cheerleading squad or boy's football team in a high school where there wasn't a girl's hockey team.

My parents never came to one of my softball games, but I knew they loved me and trusted my coach and teammates to be at my side during real battlles that did not include Larry Czonka and Chirtsmas trees, but did include good wooden bats which are moe useful than any vain display of  dead Christmas wreaths which do not represent DEFENSE and actually are still an offense against the people who believe in Yeshua, of the tribe of 'Judah'.  What I didn't learn from Laura Wagler and biblical writings, I learned from my nother, my grandparents and really wise and decent men like Thomas Jackland and Win Parkinson and my father.

The post prior to this will feel work, so I decided to reveal what will help me and maybe a few others rest properly today, the 7th day of the week.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Take An Anti-Gunger Mark To Avoid A Beast

(information pending but soon to be released from a computer near me, not in a theatre near YOU!)

Why It's Important For 'anti Better' to Boycott Specific Products

Being tough enough to boycott certain products in a grocery store where there are options but not all of them are GOOD is similar to 'Garden of eden' testing.  If you do not have the will-power ordiscipline to  resist buying obviously evil products in the sight of your NEIGHBORS, you are less likely to be able to resist watching the programs listed as "MA' on television or other obviously depraved, immoral programs produced by demonic beings and filled with actors selling their 'sin in progress' . Cable and satelitte TV can be as dangerous tour household a pimp in your household or can be as helpful as a  a ahow that shows you how to cook and eat vegetarian or obviously anti- apostle Catholic schools trying to show you how they exercise their right to exercise and ear pork  or oyster abominations at different times in the same location.  You can carefully learn what to do and what you shouldn't do  to please the spiritual realm you have chosen to align with in more locations than a Marathon County jail  cell!

Better isn't 'Good Enough' nor BEST and will not pass a lettuce seed test when sifting begins and shifting occurs in 'definitions'.  Creepy Joe Biden's congregation will collapse like  a black hole if the Bible  is more accurate than a Albert the Alley Cat and Ward Allen. 

Praying for Allen West is now essential.

When there are match-ups of a Cebula vs. Livers, know that the Book of Isaiah was not written by a Michigan Wolverine. First, I will release a short list of products that should be boycotted due to their ADVERTISING method of operation. Do your best to try to identify who the parent company is, but if you buy a product that should be boycotted because the labeling deceived you, that can be settled in heaven if you properly respect and keep the Day of Atonement procedures. Be advised, it is unwise to resist gravity even if you do not care about the specific gravity of tasty Sprecher beer .

A) Pepsi-Cola
 Pepsi- Cola's advertising is similar to Carla Derringer (possibly spelled Dieringer) who became' the daughter-in-law of a fireman, not a Wahl clipper. Once you see a model anti-Yehovah bodies of demonic 'record making' habitations such as Spears, Michael Jackson the deranged buddy of Diana Ross, Cindy Crawford on Pepsi commercials, it is time to boycott Pepsi products.  There is now plenty of evidence that Cindy Crawford  SWALLOWS for both straight men and lesbians who aren't that interested in squad 69 moves.

B) Coca-Cola
This product is worse for the human body than a Bryan Rust jersey that's been used and smells like Livers or onions. This product also has aligned with the image of Molech and his obese Santa Claus counterpart, not the image of Jerry Mathers, for decades.

G) All "Victoria Secret' products, no matter how little the cost or how much flesh they attempt to cover.

D) All Detroit Tigers products, all Detroit Lion products and all Firestone products, because the Detroit Tigers aligned with Hooters, not Saturn or Culver's tasty beef products.

H) All 'Playboy' products. If you need a good, decent rabbit image, buy a Benjamin Bunny product for you father, mother or your own dust mite zoology experiments.

V) The products of any company that has mistreated you, overcharged you or lied to you. Obviously, this is a huge variable but do not 'contribute' to a company, church, FAMILY member or politician who did not keep past promises and who has sinned against  you without regret. For instance, I will boycott Enterprise because of the way they treated me only because I did not have a Michigan driver's license.  I am not opposed to Hertz or Avis. Hertz hired OJ Simpson to represent them BEFORE they realized just how high or low his anti-good potential energy would go.  What you are opposed to might be drawn toward you eventually, but if there is not a huge compensation check in their hand, keep resisting them.

G) All video games, regardless of how they are labeled. There is no actual good angel on earth that need to buy or sell a video game since non-motorized gardening tools, real chess, real checkers, real hockey sticks, real decks of cards that aren't in a casino and real basketballs are much better for your mind, heart and energy bills. Sadly, I know of families who's children have not received proper dental care yet have been loaded up with pricey video games.

C) All products of any professional or amateur sports teams that still have 'Dallas Cowboy' disease or 'Larry Hagman' disease. This is not classified information, but men such as the biblical 'Caleb' would agree with a female God who is trying to steer them toward modestly dressed women and away from women who are intentionally revealing their 'baby carriage' areas, such as their breasts or belly, in public places.  If you have products from these teams, do not try to sell them to anyone, but but them up and use them for rags or carefully continue to wear them in order to keep your own belly and breasts COVERED until another good, possibly poorer angel or wealthier angel, orders you into a better 'outfit'.

T) The angels who are properly under Abaddon's tough control will not buy or sell tattoos or 'Red Bull55' , 'Capitol One' products, Oprah Winfrey products , cigarettes or Budweiser beers, LaBatt's beers tickets to movie theatres, tickets to Broadway shows, tickets to destinations which allow topless female sun-worshippers  to be loosed in public, and neither will I. This is a very serious reason why I refuse to visit people who refer to themselves as 'Christians' but want to live in or near places as indecent and vile as the typical beaches of the French Riviera or the streets of Las Vegas, Nevada.

Y) Boycott 'Easter' seals and sporting events where the contestants do not have helmets and full decent bodily coverage. Boxing matches and female wrestling events are unholy and it is true that a jazz invitational in Las Vegas is better choice to attend than a Detroit Boat show of bikini models. DO NOT BOYCOTT butterfly bushes, healthy vegetables or decent 'Captain Kangaroo' and 'Dancing Bear' outfits.  In order to impact the Y=Youth channel guides, if you do buy or sell a uniform from a team that obviously still has evil rulers  that has allowed unholy women to represent them on the sidelines or in female volleyball games,  make sure you wear a name or number that you are willing to defend with your own life if necessary.  Willing to defend another person in particular is similar to being like Rich Pilon, Richard Lawson, Richard Belmore, Javier Cornejo or maybe a shifty Richard Dawson in an extension of John Banner type of duties. Y is in YShral, not in Noodles, 'JPAW' or Pedigree.  If you remember that rated Y programs sometimes get into and out of Bevent, Wisconsin, you should try to start thinking like Joshua Cebula after he might have escaped from Wittenberg-Birnamwood high school and not like Isaiah Livers and the potentially bipolar 'bottomless pit' crew  . If there are 2 goals and goal-tending is not allowed, the proper 'stone of YShRAL' is not in your game plan and you might want to try searching for venison in your grocer's freezer instead of trying to save the next person or bowling ball labeled 'RHINO'.   Word #3885 might have a Yod or a Vav in it, but that important 'dwelling' word which is part of Psalm 91 verse 1 begins with a Lamed and is completed with a Nun, not with a Milwaukee Hemlock Street tech  or an Edgewood College student.

Since there still is a many Ty  Rice and Ty Jackson wars escalating, I will not continue to point of what people with good discernment should actually already know.  'Cobb' is not my type of salad since it looks as bad as a Little Ceasar's arena assembly of dead, unclean animal products tossed onto and around and ruining what could have been a wonderful  7th Day Adventist salad.  Cobb is not even the name of my Elohim, Adonai or my master electrician.

Of distant interest: Robert Morris vs. Notre Dame Morris money battles which might involve cat food icons or Michigan Tech dog juggling instead of cigarette stick handling and a good anti-arthritis foundation.  Check into you' foundation, especially if it claims to be a 501(c) (3) group and IF the employees earn more than the mother or father you love, don't give anymore donations to the charitable 'foundation'.

2 minute minor thought processer:

Who is not an actual person and more like a deceiving hologram now?
A) Andrew Smith, NHL line judge #51
B) Michael Walik te Wausau area transportation expert
C) Damian Rhodes the Atlanta Thrasher goalie
D) Paul Xavier Gleason
E) Karen Gleason of Marathon County
F) The Incredible Hulk
G) Herman 'peewee' Ortiz, grandson of Barbara Richard 'Dick' Ortiz
H) The residents of Apex, North Carolina who are under the influence of a Frank Imp, not a Cary Grant.
I) Jebulum
J) Rocky from Paw Patrol
K) Janetta Smith, former wife of Virgil Smith
L)  Real justified enemies of those who aligned with  creepy ' J. Biden and K. Harris'  anti-Truth' pro-abortion beasts
M) David Teske of Richmond, MI

Rosholt Fair Warning To 'Dan Patrick' Enthususiats

Once the concept of 'mortal' sins is done away with, it will be very easy to  that Dan Patrick, typical ESPN employee,  has the same kind of immoral, indecent, unholy, depraved anti-Christ mind as Jeffrey Dahmer had before anyone suspected how much sin Jeffrey Dahmer allowed into his lifestyle.

Those who allow sin into their dwelling or workplace have not learned how to resist sin, possibly because they never even TRIED to resist sin that lead them to their depraved state of mind. Lack of GOOD teachers results in multitudes of evil students.

Matt Jones Vs. Michael Teslak: Does does 4=Madison, 4=Be, 4=W, 4=A or 4=D Now?

Paul Ryan is an educated atheist if he believes his own words, and his great swelling words actually DENIED the existence of his state of mind being under a 'God'.  Does Paul Ryan really believe that there is no spiritual or literal angel of God who is capable of being 'over' or completely overturning the United States Justice Department?  Paul Ryan's words were great swelling  words and revealed the arrogant nature of his temporary position on earth; with the abundance of sin and crime rates as high as they are in the UNITED STATES, there is currently not a single or married politician, public defender or judge in the United States that has the right to boast or claim they are doing a 'good' job yet.

I believe there is an angel that is currently 'over' the United States Justice Department, but whether that angel brings cursings or blessings to those who are part of the United States Justice Department employee depends on the CONDUCT of those who claim to be leaders in that department. Conduct that includes a spirit of humility and an acknowledgement of God or an angel within their new dominion might bring blessings, but the speech from the lips of Paul Ryan is not going to bring blessings to those who rely on and plead to political realms rather to angelic realms.

Men like Avi Ben Mordechai actually know righteous judgments and justice that leads to safety occurs under a holy Elohim and alongside angels that have names such as Pey Lamed Aleph ( wonderful) or Aleph Lamed Pey, which does not mean 'wonderful' but is a building block of a perfect language that  men like Bill Schuette of Michigan or Paul Ryan won't use, don't understand and haven't trusted in.

While Bill Schuette is busy going on offense against about 700 other Michigan government employee, he never made time to respond to a serious and lengthy email from me. Schuette's department of injustices include the very improper lack of action against the owners of the Suburban Sports group after I was permanently ejected from their Coca-cola premises with the consent of 'Sherry Bailey' and the Macomb Deputies of a democrat without a trial ( my accusers were too cowardly to face me) because I struggle with very   unrighteous situations differently than an atheist.

The reactions angelic forces have to those people who have behaved like unrighteous dictators will typically be similar to how a Jewish person in France would behave toward a person in a  Nazi Gestapo suit.  For instance, when I saw a male labeled' sheriff' walk into Maria's Cafe in Port Huron, I reacted as if they were St. Clair county deputies who have always treated me justly and have trusted my 'method of operation.' When I left the diner, I realized 'goodness and kindness' was not in the 'sheriff' costume but rather a man who crawled out of Macomb County sheriff squad with Michigan plates 3 '50-164'. When I realized I had not been in the presence of a reliable 'Sheriff' deputy, I went back into 'Maria's' to try to establish the name of the Macomb deputy. He mumbled something, didn't have a name plate on, and was as arrogant and useless as Amanda Banyan in the Macomb Suburban Ice Rink. I let them know their department did not act justly in a felony that had been committed against me and the boyfriend of the deputy said 'I'm sorry.'  Why would anyone say they were sorry if they had not done something very wrong? Of course, I told them I could not accept his apology nor forgive him. The deputy's boyfriend asked me what my name was and I said 'the angel of the church of Laodacea' since I clearly wasn't in the synagogue of Satan or the church of Philadelphia at that time.  The deputy's lunch date extended his hand toward me as if he wanted to 'shake' my hand, but of course, I refused to shake hands or pretend I was his friend, even if I was closer than a brother at the time.  The Macomb county sheriff's department is a department who never has trusted my training and my God, and their position is harder to change than trying to get the Nazi's out of Italy, France and Poland.

In contrast, there are places in Michigan where people trust me as much as they trusted Winston Churchill the dog in Newport, Kentucky. As a regular customer at the Riviera at 475 Water Street in Marine City, I do like blessing them as often as possible with my business, just as I used to do at the Macomb Ice Rink. Since I saw an unusually large crowd dining yesterday AND I saw 2 people enter in through a door labeled 'emergency exit', I took extra security steps to ensure everyone's safety. I exited through the 'emergency exit' and came back in to make sure that the 2 people who had come in that way had not left 'an emergency' behind them.  What I did was not what an untrained civilian would do, but what I did is what an off-duty 'safety officer' would do in a unique situation.  There have been plenty of violent attacks in public places, and as a regular customer, I now know what potential safety of danger there is on 'the other side' of a properly labeled exit. I also CLEARLY explained to the wonderful waiter 'Kyle',WHY I did what I did since Kyle is hoping to get a job with the Michigan State Troopers someday.  The staff at the Riviera are like 'cousins' to me, and their safety is as important to me as my own safety.  It would have been HORRIBLE if Kyle decided that even though I did not commit any crimes, did no harm to myself or others  while doing a safety check that actually cost ME something, that he never wanted me to return to the restaurant again. The staff at the Riviera Restaurant is very KIND and very fair, which means they act in a manner very contrary to the staff at the Onyx Ice Rink and the Macomb Ice Rinks in southern Michigan.

Now, try to get break out of SS# traps by comparing these 2 hockey players past and current positions, and try to establish is either one of them is a FICTIONAL character or as corrupt as the grandfather of Richard Isaiah Hendrikson's children:

ESPN # 3885 = Matt Jones of Kentwood, Michigan, with a 'San Jose Shark' affiliation but with no apparent 'Iaiah Livers' affiliation. Matt Hebbe  might have been created equal Jerry Jones or Tom Jones, .

ESPN # 3877 = Michael Teslak of Fernie, BC  listed as having 543 saves while with the Wheeling Nailers. Eric Lindros does not have any saves, even though his ESPN # is 543. Michael Teslak might have been created equal to Ashley Maria Hendrikson or Barabara Ashley according to David Ortiz  according to  Thomas Jefferson, but he wasn't created equal to Michael Korducki.


Non-bonus electronic entertainment center pieces to study or move around:

Old cold spring  "Road Toad' constants to provide decent contrast 'ground dog night' lines:

Jerry Mathers : Theodore, the non-Easter  'rabbit ears'
Jimmy Carter : Herman the raven, not Nathan Ortiz
Terry Garske: 'Mock chicken leg' Wanda legalist
Greg Garske: Left 'Little Debbie' Winger, not 'DDFence Emet' material

Alternate to the Beverly Hillbillies 4 football players numbered 17, 24, 42 and 59

Gilbert: captainless kangaroo
Richard : zebra material boy
Penny: grounded butterfly
Whitey Whitney Way: mock leopard  not mock chicken legs

If I don't keep some 'play' within my Psalm 91: 1 ways, I'd be ignorant of the fact that a boyfriend is not the same as a girlfriend in most states and that  the English word 'boyfriend' is similar to a male acquaintance and is clearly not spelled the same as a spouse, a fiance, a 'beau', a last mate  or a sexual partner.

The above report won't not clear Greg Szablewski of all the problems he has had with the 'Mutt and Shania' crowds, but Greg Szablewski is as reliable as any boyfriend of Robert King or Jayne Cler and maybe a bit less professional and more biased against Whyte people than  the 2 men that showed up at my 'hacienda' from Safety King duct cleaners when it comes to professional activities under the current reality businesses and state of  non-Churchill mammal laws.

The men who work for 'Safety King' duct cleaners are actually more reliable, more trustworthy and take their job more seriously than whoever the male was that ejected himself from Macomb Squad #164 and went into 'Maria's' diner to see Port Huron's version of 'Kermit', but ended up seeing Michigan's version of a non-rubber 'Locust'  face to face without destroying the 'Locust'. He or she who can type 'flippant' or quote familiar scriptures to nearby atheist or  lukewarm spirits in brownie gear is as mentally well and spiritually capable as Randi Curtis or Kim Stack, who probably can type 'Crosby stills Nash and Koslov' or watch Brett Connolly make moves like  'Neon the cat' without getting arrested or locked up in a mental health facility for saying 'Brett Connolly looks like a god in the light'. Dan Akroyd and Bill Murray are not gods, by the winding road of #3943 way.

Are those in the 'dark' actually in the Negev barley fields too early  to be in the LIGHT barley fields, which means they are agriculturally offside? Prior to 1752, even the nation of England decided to start their 'new year' on March 25th, which is wiser than starting it in winter.  According to information received in Marine City, Michigan, in the year 1752 AD there was really no speedy way to get news of barley crops in turf England did not control, so scattered tribes of Israel actually made a reasonable anti-rabbinic decision to choose a March 25th day to appease bible believers and  paper calendar makers.

 Neither Leo Genn nor Olivia DeHaviland were  present to make any changes to this little memo of incidents, comparisons and demeanor case studies which have occurred in this century, but not in a Buick.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Does Leveiticus 23 Really Say.......???

Does Leviticus 23 or any other Scripture indicate that the 1st month of the Israelite's year can and should begin in WINTER?  For all those rabbinic calendar boys who wanted to start the new year on March 18, they have totally ignored the sign in the heavens that the entire world has agreed  indicates a change of season from winter to spring, namely the solar equinox. For some reason, rabbinic calendar boys decided to play 'closest to' the equinox from either side, rather than making what I would call a more accurate decision to start the new year at the first new moon AFTER the equinox, rather the set pesach for the first full moon after the equinox, which happens to be the VATICAN's Easter strategy.

When in doubt, I avoid the Vatican's strategy for setting the feast of 'Firstfruits'  and will defer to a literal SPRING start of the new year for a scattered Israelite who is not JEWISH.

Secondly,  a realistic examination of the 7th plague, HAIL, did not occur until the barley fields were well developed, and I know that flax happens to bud for months throughout the summer. Using that as another indicator of when the month of the abib barley actually starts, the current conditions (2018) in Israel do not seem to be able to match the conditions that occurred at the seventh plague of hail but within one months time, the majority of the fields of barley will be quite mature, matching BETTER with the timing of the 7th plague. If another plague of hail occurred on the fields of Israel today, it would not be as disastrous as it would be if the hail pounded down on crops that had another 30 days to ripen. It is conceivable and probable that the time span between the hail, the locusts, the conclusion of  3 days of darkness  and the final warnings of the 10th plague occurred with 14 days.

Does Leviticus or any other Scripture indicate that the feast of Pesach cannot occur the first week of what Gregorians know as 'May'?  Leviticus does NOT indicate that the first new moon AFTER the equinox is an impossible time to begin the 1st month of the year. 2 years ago, the passover week occurred later than usual, but it was still  in the SPRINGTIME.  This year, if the new moon that starts a new year happens to be around April 16th, IT IS STILL THE FIRST NEW MOON OF THE SPRINGTIME and the barley will be in the head, just as it had been near the time of the 7th plague, hail.

What would happen if the rabbis would have set their calendar guess works CONTRARY to the Vatican's Easter Ham gangs and 'play it safe', declaring no new year can begin IN THE WINTER? The result would be that no people would be taking flight in the winter to head to Israel if they wanted to inspect the fruits of the earth that did not get prevented by drought or hail. As a result of what I believe is rabbinic folly, many people take flight in what is actually WINTER, something Yeshua told his disciples to pray never occurs. If the Jewish rabbinic gangs and those who trusted their guidelines had considered that a start of the YEAR after the equinox would also insure that the 'fall feasts' would occur IN THE AUTUMN, not in the summer, their 'house' would not be as divided as it has been for centuries. Even a Karaite Jew might agree with the logic of assuring the all or most of the barley is in the the aviv stage when the new year begins, not just a few patches and stalks to offer up to some false gods sometimes known as unholy priesthood members.

Waiting to start the new year AFTER the shift from winter to spring does make perfect sense and does not GO AGAINST THE GRAIN seasons. Waiting to start the new year AFTER the shift from winter to summer in the northern hemisphere DOES go against the Vatican and rabbinic systems, which is why I am allowing a 13th month to pass as I try to stay with Yehovah's plans.

For those people who really want to make sure they respect the feats days that Yehovah has set in place, I do not believe it will HARM you to have a pesach and unleavened bread week practice session  starting on 'April fool's day, and having other practice sessions 1 month before what I believe will actually be the correct  dates for 'feast-keeping'  It  is not against the LAW to fast and pray  on September 11th when Muslims are 'partying' and starting their new year, but then rightly afflict your  'soul'  1 month later near Columbus day, when I will observe the day of Yom Teruah.  A few days later, almost all of my parents  crops will be stored, and we can relax and share the abundance of their works during Sukkot. Again, if  you or I feel more comfortable doing everything TWICE this year , just declare a practice session one month before the actual feasts of pesach, Unleavened Bread, Shavuot, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot As a result, I do believe you and I  will be blessed for our due diligence and our anti-Vatican emergency preparedness system.

I do not know who 'R. Yosei' is, but he is not Roman Josi and the Nashville pussycats.  Now that I saw a report that Muhammed is buried under some green dome in Saudi Arabia, I do not intend to wear a green hockey helmet and the Minnesota Wild might want to change their helmet color to white or yellow if they want to remember the 'yellow stars' of concentration camp prisoners.  Vibrant, varied colors mean more than 'things'; certain colors actually cause a reaction that black and white things cannot produce.  An  orange colored object has a different effect on the eye than the same object colored red, a reality that can be proven in the typical women's shoe store or in Philadelphia Flyers vs. Detroit Redwings match up.

I trust that my Elohim, my Lord and Messiah, understand why I am not trusting in rabbinic calendars, the Muslim new year or the Vatican's Easter games. I am going 'hot school' for the spring feasts right up to Shavuot and 'cold school' for the autumn feasts when I set  up my tabernacle in  late October, even though I know that 'Oct' usually implies the '8th'. I intend to have a sound mind during rehearsal time and actual feast-keeping time, and I do not what to expect from the results of my 'lone stranger' approach to respecting a 13th month  this year and  not needing a 13th month  year next year.

What I think makes me most 'blue' is considering that I may have exited my mother's womb 1 month before the possible accurate Yom Teruah of the year most view as 1961 since I have been changed by  the importance Yom Teruah.  The fact I will now clutch onto is that I survived 43 weeks in my mother's womb, and my mother survived  3 very difficult deliveries. I cherish and love my mother and my father, and many days it is actually a  mother figure, not a  father-figure, who provides  daily bread, especially when a reliable father-figure cannot be found, or who has departed for a very good or sadly, for a very evil reason.

I reconsidered what many people call the 'fall feasts', but for some reason the believe Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur can occur in the summer. The group of people who decided to GO AGAINST THE GRAIN and preset the calendar according to lunar cycles has decided to move the fall feasts to SUMMER and I do not see a good reason to have any of the fall feasts occur before the 'harvest moon'.  As a matter of farming facts, when I was in Israel in November, the olive harvest had been completed but the ingathering of fruits and nuts certainly isn't close to being done near the autumn equinox, EVEN IN COLD WISCONSIN where my parents live.  I( Does LEviticusindDDhat2) October. (Heshvan, wheat, barley sowing). Farmers would be finishing with their grape and fig harvests, olives would begathered, the fattened sheep would be slaughtered, and the sugarcane and dates would ripen, plowing would begin and the rains would loosen up the hard dry ground. During October were the heavier rains known in Scripture as "the former rains."

Monday, March 19, 2018

On the 30th of Adar, my adversary sent to me....

Ideally, you never have to hear a 'Miranda' warning again. Conceptually, the Miranda warning is not good because there are times what a person says should be used FOR, NOT AGAINST THEM, in a court of law!!! How foolish are the lips of those who align with attorneys instead of with Abaddon.

Now, see if you agree that you have the following rights in your nation of citizenship:

" I have the right to check the left duck, turkey, quail, unpleasant pheasant or  wing.  Anything I say or write may be of interest in  or out of court to the just and the unjust. I have the right to an archangel. If I refuse to accept an archangel's protection, a lesser angel might be appointed to protect, correct or redirect me at no expense to my parents. I have the right to remain silent, especially when I sleep well at night. I have the right to prophesy, to use Scripture against my adversary and to speak the truth, even if I am being angry and not sinning at the same time."

A couple of 'tennis ball' points were exchanged between myself an Matt Weimer, possibly while you slept. In order to show no favortism toward Mikell Clayton, here is a copy of emails passed from side to side. I am not sure if Putin intercepted this information, but I don't think a cocker spaniel named 'Gorbachev' can intercept my emails as easily as David Pope can intercept a puck out of Nebraska for a Debraska team.  As you can see, there are plenty of codes being used, since setting letters in specific orders results in a code.  I have erased some information for my own security, but the contents of the letters is complete as a Wilson tennis ball.

............................................................................. The last exchange is now first if you read from top to bottom. What I injected into the correspondence is in bold type, not in a bold mustard bottle.


I know you and your companions don't believe that time has started. Now, what about the aviv barley reports, which is really what I desire?  (I'm trying to avoid vain repetitions :)

On Mon, 3/19/18, Matt Weimer (A Rood Awakening! International) <> wrote:

 Subject: [A Rood Awakening! International]

 Date: Monday, March 19, 2018, 9:15 AM

 #yiv7693108011 table td {
 #yiv7693108011 body .filtered99999

     ##- Please type your reply
 above this line -##
      Your request (19204) has been updated. To add
 additional comments, reply to this email.
 Weimer (A Rood
 Awakening! International)                          
              Mar 19, 10:15 AM EDT                    
                         Shalom Marie,

 We do NOT
 believe that the 1260, 1290, or the 1335 days have begun
 yet. We believe that the 1260 days will only begin after
 the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by the prophet
 Daniel occurs. That won't happen until 3 1/2 years into
 the last 7 years and the last 7 years haven't even begun
 yet. The last 7 years will not begin until the Confirmation
 of the Covenant. Michael Rood teaches that the Confirmation
 of the Covenant will be the revealing of the Ark of the
 Covenant to the entire world as a result of a war between
 Israel and the rest of the Mideast. According to Michael
 Rood, that war is yet to come as well as the revealing of
 the ark of the covenant to the entire world.

 Rood Crew

(2nd email I received today does not look like an E male, and is above this asterisk *
              Mar 19, 9:39 AM EDT                      
                        Dear Mr. Weimer and companions,As a graduate of Saint Matthew grade school in
 Milwaukee, your name 'Matt' ( Matthew?) is
 interesting indeed.Nice response and I admire your extremely diplomatic
 communications. Did I miss the 'new year' notice or
 are you, like I, all on horizontal hold until a 13th month
 passes this year? The reports i read from another website
 indicate 'a few stalks' that were aviv in only a few
 places, and even fewer locations had advanced agricultural
 results in the barley stage process. Here is a bit of
 research you can put into your 'memo books' IF
 people commence with the new year today, their 'Yom
 Teruah' day will be very close to September 11th, 2018.
 IF you started counting days since the beginning of the
 spring feasts 3 years ago like I did the year I first made
 it to Ottawa, Canada for the week that included April 29th (
 also a very late unleavened bread week) for 'passover
 week', that would also be a day 1260 in a count-up
 rather than a countdown like NASA jerks do just before they
 waste more money . Day 1290 would then be about October
 10th, when I will be noting Yom Teruah properly and unless I
 am fully convinced that more than small patches of barley
 have developed decently in various areas throughout Israel
 I'm taking a 'rear guard position' to put it
 nicely, and i hope you still respect my position. Now, I
 need to check the book of Daniel because the number
 '1290' seems to ring a 'Josh Bell' with me.
 Something might seem very odd but possible that a YomTeruah
 time would be 17 years after the events that occurred on
 Sept. 11, 2001, but indeed with Yehovah, I know all things
 are possible, including a very late 'new year' start
 at about April 18/19. As a chemist, I am always intrigued by
 the periodic symbols for Argon and Potassium, elements
 18&19, to spell " ArK! It was cloudy here, north of Detroit, and I did not see
 the crescent moon, although I did see Venus. There is no need to respond to this email (clearly not a
 rebuke of your belief), but if i missed a 'new year'
 announcement and validation for the start please send that
 notice to me now that I am 'fully subscribed' to
 your newsletter. Even if our feast-keeping is a month apart, be assured
 we are still spiritually in the same tennis court while pass
 a bit of information from side to side.Merci!!!(If we do not start PRACTICING to count up to 1260 or
 1290, we won't do very well when when many people's
 hearts are failing them because they do not have the mind of
 Christ. ) --------------------------------------------

(First email I sent today is above this colon :

 On Mon, 3/19/18, Matt Weimer (A Rood Awakening!
 International) <>
 Subject: [A Rood Awakening! International] Re: marie

  Date: Monday, March 19, 2018, 7:18 AM

  #yiv4436922872 table td {

 body .filtered99999


 Weimer (A Rood
 Awakening! International)                          
              Mar 19, 8:18 AM EDT                      

 Your email
 address has been added. Thank you for sharing your
 perspective on this matter. We respect your position but we
 disagree. Revelation 13:5-7 says the Beast
 (Antichrist) will blaspheme God and conquer the saints for
 42 months. The ten horns which you saw are ten kings
 who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive
 authority as kings with the beast for one hour. (Rev. 17:12)
 The ten kings are the primary leaders of the coming
 coalition of the Antichrist. This is the final “empire”
 of the Antichrist, Satan’s final, last-ditch effort to
 resist the completion of the Lord’s grand plan of
 redemption that will last 3½ Years / Half of 7 Years /
 42 Months / 1260 Days.

 Be blessed,

 Rood Crew

(First email today is above this notation.)


I left in all of the Rood Crew's  symbolism in case his USA Marine life bunch is not working as well as  Bevent's Joshua Cebula team with 'Gus' or is totally rejecting better plans and non-trucker ideas from hockey people like me. What if the start of the 7 year period started like a thiefin the night and even Michael Rood gets caught 'unawares'?  Sometimes, Charles Rotramel's Milwaukee bunch of retired coppers who have something better to do than doing turn river waters green choose to do something or nothing at awl points of 4 carpenter contention.  I prefer to reveal my thought s and intents because I mean to do good, not evil. I am a spiritual opposite, yet in the flesh, of people like Larry Mizewski,  which means I am unlikely to see a Mizewski or Rachel A. Snyder Hendrikson face to face again because by their choice, they have dismembered me from their corrupt anti-Moshe Ben Amram units. I can live after being dismemebered from corrupt family units, but real pain and suffering occurs when forms of mayhem/dismembering occurs.

Matt Weimer is not a pork filled Oscar Meyer Weiner. Every letter matters when trying to clarify the issues at Ecolab, Pabst Jobst, Jost, foot, wrist, fingertips or Wackenhut  records at 1454 North 27th Street in Milwaukee, WI.

I hereby announce that Adar 2 will begin at sundown tonight in my household, even if Aviv 1 starts up in the synogogue of Satan. 

If I am you adversary, this blog's for you! i don't buy, sell or send Budweiser products to my friends or my adversary. If I'm Rood's adversary, you, as a possible friend or actual enemy now know how people of different beliefs near a few Gadites get along without stealing from, hating, causing flesh wounds, beheading or crucifying one another.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Segment E: Selfish Ephraim Is Not PATIENT Elizabeth

If I only think about myself and what my area can produce from a barley field. I would be like Ephraim. Ephraim IS NOT SEALED with the 144,000 so there is some sort of problem with  at least one of the grandson's of Rachel, who was the mother of Joseph for a very short time. Joseph suffered in prison, Manessah's leader had 'feet of bronze' when the ends of his world  were fettered. The crimes and lawlessness of the tribe of Manessah are just as evil as the current crimes of the United States government system against the Creator of our earth, and who knows if our leaders will be brought to repentence as Manessah was?

This is a replica of a report from an unknown internet source and a group of 5 names regarding barley ripening:

Barley crop in the Land of Israel to determine whether this year needs to be intercalated with a 13th month. We concentrated our search in the Northern Negev, Judean Hills, and the Jordan Valley, as barley ripens first in these regions.

The barley in the Judean Hills and Jordan Valley was quite immature this year, while the barley in the Northern Negev was more mature. The most developed location we looked at in the Northern Negev had a good amount of patches of aviv barley. We also found some individual stalks at other fields.  It is the unanimous conclusion of the participants, that we found enough aviv barley to begin the year with the upcoming new moon sighting.

2018 Aviv Search Participants: Devorah Gordon, Yoel Halevi, Harold Tarter, Willie Ondricek (Northern Negev only), Cari Tarter (Judean Hills/Jordan Valley only).
I’m off to look for the new moon!
Devorah Gordon
Jerusalem, Israel

The 5 names listed above remind me of the familiar spirits of the 34 lot owners in my subdivision that did not want me on the HOA board because I did not want to buy  dead evergreens and 'Christmas' hoops nor did I want to foolishly  spend forced taxation money on non-essential symbols of paganism. 32  lot owners, with some sort of wisdom or a 'no response at all' at recall election time, were not opposed to me, an ally of Yehovah, to be part of our HOA board. I still do not know who my allies are and who my enemies are most of the time, which is why I prepare and usuallu purpose myself for defense, not apathy or offense.
My opinion of the above agricultural report I received from a computer site I am not familiar with:
According to the  group that found individual stalks, only the Northern Negev had enough proper conditions to develop PATCHES of aviv barley. A report of 'some individual stalks' at other fields is like seeing a Twizzler in the middle of a wheat field and claiming that all is well with the Twizzler crop without admitting that all is not well with their SOUL. The mind of a woman who loves more than 1 tribe and Yehovah's plans instead of Canada's 'First Nation'  plans would rather be patient and sure that more than one tiny are is able to meet the definition of 'abib' barley. If I were in Israel checking the barley, I would want to see 75% of the areas barley developed properly to they could adequately help out the 25% who's crops are behind schedule due to weather. 

It will be much more convenient for lukewarm Jewish party planners and Easter's sugar hill gangs to go with the ' E8 Shelby Lanes Twizzler flow'  that are not tied to good saltwater fish fry or a salmon patty cake, but  I am not concerned about pre-printed calendars. I am thinking about my distant neighbor's opportunity to keep the feast properly, I would want to see a bit more evidence of MATURE barley in areas where barley ripens later in the state of Israel.

At worst, if I am patient and wait another month when  barley samples from areas where ground forces or weather is 'less blessed' than warmer sites, I might be like a 4H rear guard with very good intentions and justified results. If MIchael Rood's team has come to the same conclusion as the Devorah Gordon bunch, I will regard the sighting of the next new moon as the beginning of the 13th month.    If Rood's team comes up with DIFFERENT reports than the 5 person 'unanimous' group I do not know, then I have to consider their reports.  Unity is keeping a feast is prevented when barley checkers are 'offside' or only on side bountiful 'Ephraim'  rather than on side Ezequiel or Ehud or Eldad.

I am very accustomed to watching my grandmother prepare grains to take and 'show' at state fairs. The timing of state fairs is different because of different in agricultural cycles and gardening 'zones'.  If the state of Israel does not want to be as disjointed as the United States and wants to operate as one UNIFIED house instead of two houses, it is my opinion that aviv barley should be seen in areas that develop last, not first, before a new year is declared.

Unlike the Chicago native coward Nehemia Gordon, I AM willing to get involved in abib barley discussions, even if I cannot go to the state of Israel due to budget restrictions and lack of a passport.  Peter Salemi isn't even talking about the barley reports, but he seems to be on a Port Hope trail that I left a couple years ago. I suspected long ago that the tribes of Gad and Dan went toward Gdansk and that Benjamites went over the Quebec rivers and through the true north woods into the Sudbury area, but I do not think the entire USA can be labeled 'Manessah', nor do I think the letter E represents the spirit of anything much more than money made in Richmond, Virginia.  In Hebrew, it seems to my eyes and 2 ears that the long 'E' sound is usually deployed by the letter YOD and the short E sound is deployed by the letter Aleph or sometimes in 'Eleph', not epsilon.

 In baseball, E stands for error. There is  a Y anchoring barley, not Cream Brule. Jordan Poole water is tied a bit too close to Donald Jackson and Ty Jackson's 4001 Hemlock up and downtown  alumni  scum for me to get caught up in a basketball game, where a bottomless pit is quite evident.

 "My God does not have a tattoo." - Double Defense Emet

A holy family leader makes sure that CHILD SUPPORT payments have been paid in full, not ignored. Not paying court-ordered child support, going into hiding to avoid paying child support or refusing to do your best to LEGALLY provide non-stolen food, clothing and shelter to your own struggling and law-abiding minor children is a form of felony theft in the eyes of my archangels.

Elizabeth Cummings had a brilliant mind, she was a virgin, a very strict Catholic, believed in disipline rather than chaos  and she was very patient with her English students when they became part of the 'tonight show' without Johnny Carson. She actually was not a Nun, but she was some couple's daughter.

A woman such as Elizabeth Cummings who punishes the disobedient human with  a chalk board and an eraser is more worthy of mercy and grace than a typical CIA man or woman who tortures their opposition with no safe or good end results for either the torturer or the tortured person. Be careful who you decide to work for, who you decide to work against and who you decide to abandon completely.

LIGURE Segment R: How to Release Letters And Protect Yourself

As promised, I am releasing all of the letters I sent from and from PANORAMA TEL AVIV FAX 035171777

I am going to use use a 'little bang' reverse in order to prove that there is more than one way to release letters, figures and important information legally and without ignoring my own directions. Since I know that my letters have already gone out by fax from the state of Israel to the United States, I will release the same letters, but not in the same order. Here are copies of the letters, including figures and punctuation marks that were sent to a man who is as wicked and dangerous as Lori Esker.  Since I do not want to offend his 'new wife', nor do I want to offend or hurt a man who might actually love me now or later, I will unscramble the codes that were used to make the letters I sent more clear. Please understand I did not take a typing class in high school, but I now can release every letter, notation and number used in a kind communication that even  a Wittenberg-Birnamwood public school graduate can understand. Please be advised that actual words will appear with intent to deliver an MIlwaukee Tech type of message instead of a Jordan Poole toss-up.

 The fax machine that received these letters eventually was stolen by my company's employee, with identification #387-78-3979, who testified in a Marathon County courtroom that he 'quit' working for my company, The Interiors Department, INC, but then he kept using all my company's equipment, which is a crime because he acted contrary to what is allowed by the LAWS of Wisconsin at the time and is still held against him as a serious SIN against a former employer and me, who is now his FORMER spouse.  God almighty knows that a working fax machine is not nominal value to any person who audits or assesses property.  As promised, the tedious part of retyping the letters, facts and figures that were sent to the USA from me to 1602 Mary Lane, Mosinee, WI. Even Sean Romeo cannot stop me from releasing this information now, even though the letters will be released in a classy flippant manner.  As an item of card players interest, the letter 'Q' was not used in any of my writings from me to Shane David Hendrikson.

Segment R: I am going to release my own letters from Israel sent to the USA and my former household in 2009 so they do not get released or tossed into the a Rizzo garbage bin line 'post-mortem'. These letter will give a strong indicator of my faithful attitude toward  a covenant when I was away from a spouse, even though an unfaithful anti-covenant man was the recipient. This will illustrate a scenario of how easily an unloving spouse is usually causal in a permanent severing of what was intended to have good results.

SACK, MILWAUKEE, 183, MAYBE TOMORROW, MOSES,60, PAGAN, PLANT,18, WATCHTOWERS, ISRAELI POLICE, JONAH, YAHWEH, VEGGIE and NUN are specific examples of how real English letters, commas and numbers were released by me in specific coded order without Jermaine Jackson, Steve MArtin or Gary Hendricks express written approval. I, Marie, used capitals, small case letters and cursive communications but sadly I do not have the abilities of 'Digital Frog' and cannot duplicate the little music notes I used in my correspondence from the state of Israel to the State of Wosconsin. The rest of the letters, some of them now used far less  than they were in the entire non-secret fax  I sent to the USA in November of 2009 , were:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P    +     R S T U V W X Y Z

41     7   :    3   '  2    0    _      12     "   #    !   4   6   $1.50    8   /    -   )   (    .      ,   :   ?  7