It seems like about 5 years since I left my pink boxing gloves in Philadelphia by the statue of 'Rocky Balboa'. I'm not a 'PINK' person; I still have true blue boxing gloves for a self-defense reason and I still am a RINK person for a physical therapy reason. Here is a very true squad 10 proverb:
" When it comes to bold feats, only a hypocrite can stop being a hypocrite. Hypocrisy prevention is an angelic work of grace that requires authentic anti-hypocrisy activity." -DDFence Emet
Olympic medals, like any and all other trophies, are useless and unnecessary trinkets that are inferior to a holy half shekel, an uncut chunk of Issachar's amethyst, a valid enhanced Michigan driver's license or 3 shares of Valvoline common stock in a realistic application of a financial power play of biblical proportions.
I only have a few descendants, since 5 is a few. My first descendant is the kindest to me and of course her name still is Qeset Charise. My 2nd descendant doesn't want to see me and doesn't want to hear my voice, so my other 3 descendants CAN'T see me and can't hear my voice, and that means my own son is committing a form of a crime that could be called 'elderly grandparent abuse'. If I never worked in the Sensitive Crimes section of a real police department, I might not have the courage to report that my son is mentally abusive to his children and his mother due to a very hard heart, and he has intent to harm my family. He has paper and stamps that can reach Michigan, but he won't use it, possibly because his wife hates me more than my grandchildren ever could hate me whether they' find me' or not. My son and his wife actually hate me more than they love an Israleite man they labeled 'Jesus Christ', and that fact causes sadness in my household.
If you study the Bible and BELIEVE it is the Word of God, you will relate to your parents with at least some understanding, you will visit them at least annually, you will treat them with respect especially if they keep the commandments and properly respect the name of Yahweh, and be WILLING to listen to and CONSIDER their practical non-biblical advice. Not all good advice is contained in a Bible.
If you freely study the Bible for years and then intentionally choose to act contrary to Yehovah's instructions for people trust his instructions, it is like studying the same, true mathematics book for years and then insisting that 2+4=3.
The way my son views family math, he thinks his former Knowlton family of 3, minus his father and himself, equals zero, since he wants none of my expertise and my practical knowledge in his children's life. If you never had legal custody of children, they are never really part of your family so I ddn't include any step-children in my former 'family of 3' example. My son thinks that 3-2=0, and he thinks I am that 'zero' that he doesn't want to include in his math book.
Absolute 0 is better than being lukewarm. Were 646,392 humans actually killed in the Civil War? 646,392 was the number of Civil War deaths reported on 'Little House on The Prairie'.
James Black just retired from the MIlwaukee Police Department with real knowledge of what heartache, disease and wars that family troubles can cause. James Black observed me at South Division High School peacefully trying to get information to contact my son's father in order to settle a debt which would have ended an actual civil war that many have ignored although that civil war has been going on for 34 years.
Mr. Taurean Blacque of 'Hill Street Blues' is a professional fake and only delivered professional falsehoods in his years impersonating an officer for a huge paycheck. I'm glad I found out that real police work is nothing like 'Hill Street Blues' because feelings are NOT a cop's worst enemy. Liars are a cops worst enemies. My descendants currently are more likely to want to see Mr. T. Blacque on television than to me or others such as James Black, Robert Groth or Eileen Wolf who actually have the skills to end a non-violent civil war even if they don't believe the Bible because of the outward messages people like my daughter-in-law deliver.
If my descendants ever know and are willing to believe what is in this post, it is because my God, Yehovah, loves my descendants more than he hates me for not having a United States passport. Either way, I know I believe the instructions for Yehovah's people are meant for good and meant to set them apart as a precious gem...... like a practical beryl hidden among way too many diamonds. The 12,000 of Napthali are as an UNCUT diamond, and they are not the same as the 12,000 of Zebulun.
Thankfully, a bit of cross-country skiing while listening to 'Hill Where the Lord Hides' can actually prevent an abused grandparent from dying of a broken heart. Thankfully I do know how to render emergency first-responder aid to myself since I've been doing that for almost a decade now. I hope the Macomb County people rather see me cross-country skiing alone in an emergency situation than see me listed as another drug overdose victim that did not have the skills to fight depression or heart trouble properly and reasonably.
I do not expect the next several years to be pleasant on the face of the earth for those who hate me, hate faithful Israelites (faithful Israelites are 'nothing but difficult' to see in person because they are a rarity) or hate their own parents while they 'love' eating the flesh of swine, squid and oysters. If you saw a message of hope in this post, thank James Black, Eileen Wolf and Robert Groth for teaching me what 'hope' looks like when hypocritical Christians are too busy offending Yehovah to be able to see what it feels like to stand beside a retired police officer who is hurting much more than a statue of a crucified male displayed in a world of carved idols.
HVHY is still a legitimate form of Yehovah or Yahweh, but Jesus Christ is not a legitimate form of HVHY or Yahweh.
If I tried to sell the above material in copyrighted book form, some very poor people might not be able to afford it and would miss out on a form of non-biblical perspective that might help them as much as Psalm 25, Psalm 119 and Psalm 18 has helped me.
Maybe someday I'll hear 'There's Grandma Zero' and those words won't trouble or vex me at all, especially if they are spoken next to my tombstone. I recommend that any parent whose child has gone against their will and has gone 'filthy Gentile' rather than 'good and godly' listen to the following prophesy study, in which some fathers are guilty WITH and therefore punished with their children. In other instances, a faithful parent's reputation wrongfully ruined by the children's acts of lawlessness has a correctable outward appearance problem, not his children's internal lawlessness and internal character problem deserving of loss of rewards or punishment :
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