Sunday, January 14, 2018

Steelers Spared By 'Kitty Litter Calais' Squad

Cursed teams may now proceed to Gillette Stadium to face their own vile, reprobate type.  Blessed teams sometimes are told to 'Return home' by double-minded men such as Abner. Don Cherry, NHL's Canadian television mouthpiece, is very wrong when he suggested that people should not speak to their enemies or adversaries. If Don Cherry had his way on earth, he would not have wanted the prophets to forewarn their 'neighbor' of the error of their way, nor would he have wanted Moshe Ben Amram to speak directly to Pharaoh at this time of year.  Thankfully, I am not anything like Don Cherry in my approach to verbal contact.

This morning, I was not pleasantly surprised when a very childish, possibly 'blk' female wearing a PINK 'onesie' showed up bowling without a father-figure or a 'godfather figure' on Lane 22 after I had been assigned to Lane 21. Should I have called Detroit Police since she somewhat resembled the description of the Amber Alert yesterday? I'm choosing not to get involved in Victoria Secret 'PINK' matters or bad parenting matters without getting paid overtime or as much as the FBI agent who is leaving Detroit is getting paid by Roger Penske. Nixon,  the pit bull of James Neal, would have been a more welcome sight trying to defend his Pedigree meal on Lane 22 than the sight of 'PINK' outerwear, which is a vile offensive product,  not the defense of Yehovah. Life is not always a physical Struggle; sometimes, life revolves around a bowl of oatmeal and is a battleground for spoken words that do not cause flesh wounds.

Consider me as an experienced English document examiner with a better education than Eric David Hendrikson. I see huge trouble and sorrows ahead for those who have relied on the name 'David' and his Scrap-type games much too long and have forgotten, forsaken or never even were told about  the remnant peoples of Jonathan, Ish-Bosheth, Meshibosheth and Micha.

I do not have access to an astounding amount of Hebrew knowledge, but I do clearly understand that David's first wife was treated like some men view their first boat or ATP. He was pleased with her in the beginning, stupidly killed more humans than the father and 'seller' of Michal requested and David's 'double or nothing' attitude is about the same as males who go by the name of 'Scrap' or Shane David Hendrikson. Shane David Hendrikson paid way too much for his current wife and in the process made some people fear him because he has a killer instinct, not a tender-hearted attitude toward women who have really loved him.  Michal gave David a way of escape when her father sensed he was a threat to Israel, and David then entered into a 'Las Vegas' Playboy lifestyle as he bedded  at least 6 more named women in Hebron prior to demanding the lukewarm Bathsheba hope into his Las Vegas-style acts.  If there is a SWORD in an emblem, it is more like the mark of a beast and of course it is not the letter Aleph TAV. When a sword does not depart it is a curse, not a blessing.  Stupid authors have added the words 'David Prospers' at 2nd Samuel 5:11, but he lifestyle was no better than Henry the VIII of England.

When David fled to avoid trying to defend himself against Saul, he proved that he hated  the laws od Yehovah and did not love Michal. Once Michal had been wed to Paltiel, David should not have put his  piggish hands on her again.  It had been made clear in the TORAH scrolls that a man is not to reunite with a woman who has married another man.  Michal had a husband who loved her enough to weep when she was kidnapped by force by David's goons, yet Paltiel obeyed Abner's orders believing he was under proper authority to instruct him in the way he should go.

Michal's goat skins game bought her some time and gave her an opportunity to be joined to what appears to be a tender-hearted man historically labeled 'Paltiel' in English. There is a prophesy about  barren woman in Luke 23:29:
'For behold, the doys (yom) are coming in which they shall say 'Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bare and the paps which never gave suck'. 

It is not always a curse to be barren. it is more of a curse to bear the child of a father who does not love you and is unwilling to protect you or your child.

I suppose I am part of 'they' mentioned by Yeshua, for I will say Michal was blessed never to have had children with the  playboy son-in-law of Saul named 'David'. Michal spoke truthfully when she saw David dancing and behaving UNGODLY, a trend that has continued into 'churches' worldwide to the disgrace of church leaders. David then said he would act even more vile because he rejected the words of Truth and rebuke that came from Michal. David pursued 'God's own heart' and I believe that Michal does represent the heart of God.  When the spirit of Yehovah openly rebukes sinners, the sinners often rather mock God and continue in their vile games rather than admit they are a disgrace to the role of a king and even more of a disgrace to the word 'HUSBAND'. King David paraded himself shamefully in front of a group of women that may have been as whorish as those typically on ABC television shows such as 'The Bachelorette' or 'The Bachelor' .  Even Vashti had more of a sense of royal decency than David, father of Solomon.

Think carefully when it comes to which KING's line will make a comeback:

Saul was a legitmate king of Israel.
Ish-Bosheth did not repeat Saul's patterns and was eventually assassinated by Banjamites who got swayed toward David after initially siding with Ish-Bosheth not with Judah. The pattern of stabbing a person under the 5th rib seems like the hockey '5 hole' analogy way too many times. David correctly defines Ish-Bosheth as a righteous person, but then David does not properly pass the kingship of israel to Jonathan. David produced a larger FLESH line so he becme king by a form of a popular election. Receiving power from men in the sight of the Yehovah is not the same as  receiving power from Yehovah as MOshe Ben Amram did. 'And David PERCEIVED that the LORD had established him as king' but in fact his own flesh established him as king. Men have often openly thanked their version of a 'Lord' after receiving what they wanted, items such as a physically attractive wife, boats, cars and maybe even after chalking up 604 hockey goals as easily as 'God's Great Outdoors' produces radio programs labeled #604, but prayers are often a big misleading public show rather than proper form of OBEDIENCE which  leads to suffering rather than to  a multitude of wives, concubines and children who are the children of vile 'Playboy' types.

Mephibosheth, the lame son of Jonathan is a remnant of Israel and even though he did not reign on EARTH as he should have, there is still a future day when an King of Kings and Lord of Lords will appear. Micha, son of Mephibosheth, is also in the line of righteous King Ish-Bosheth. David's form of 'kindness' often was equivalent to being willing to feed a dog or an alley cat  rather than properly fulfill the will of Yehovah. David is like the man who only gives 10% in a divorce he wants to the spouse he no longer wants, when the law states his spouse should have gotten 50%. David overpaid in foreskins, and underpaid the descendants of Jonathan. All these actions were accomplished before he once again devised a WICKED, selfish scheme to ruin Uriah's household, just as he had ruined Paltiel's household.

By the time David got Bathsheba pregnant, he had so many children and so many wives that it is likely that the loss of a 12-day old son was  'just another crappy day at the attorney's office'. David might have cared about the 12-day old much less than Robin Michael Ortiz had APPEARED to care about Richard Edwin Ortiz before Richard Edwin Ortiz became another son without a good father-figure after a typical day in an attorney's office.  Appearances can be very deceiving, especially when X does not mean a kiss and O does not mean a hug.

The female on 'Treasured Inheritance Ministries' did not want to believe that Michal's eyewitness description of David's dancing behavior was true and accurate, but I believe it was very accurate and in fact that David was a vile  'Chippendale' type who lured more women to his bedroom, produced more children he never properly raised and has become more of a dangerous snare to the typical 'Christian' than the idol Michal  covered with the skin of a goat to try to protect a man she loved, even though the man she loved clearly did not love her.

If you wonder why Calais Campbell is going ahead in the kitty litter games, it is because he is now going to be set up against the big double-minded 'Abner' of the Patriots: Harrison#92. When Yehovahs' remnant tunits return home, they return home as safely as Paltiel, knowing they did their best with what time they were given with a spouse that they loved. Some people have much notice before a loved one is taken away by disease. Other people have little to no warning when their spouse is lured away by a 'Las Vegas' type or a Jacksonville Jaguar cheerleader. How we handle loss reveals what was in our memory, and those who cry when their marriage is ended and torn apart by a hard-hearted  beasts actually have the heart of a good God whose name is YEHOVAH.  I believe that El Shaddai is more like Yeshua who stated clearly that came to bring a sword to David's house, not peace.

The name Michael and the core of the name MICHAEL is not SHIN HEY QOPH, the word king David used to state what his long term carnal game plans would be. a word which NUMERICALLY equals 405. The number 405 has been used as a snare by anti-Yehovah systems, especially in contrived movie scenes and ESPN numerology far more times than the number 477, 68 or 26.

Effective useful knowledge of English without knowledge of non-computerized mathematics leads to unjust scales even if it doesn't lead you into adultery. It is not easy examining documents, but I now take my angelic role on earth much more seriously and reverently than Sandra Marcus, Greg Strasser or Jill Falstad do because I have placed my trust in the name of Yehovah, not in the unholy vile names of Shane David Hendrikson or Stuart Rottier.

My testimony in  Wisconsin courtrooms was not accompanied by giggles, laughter and smirks, but was accompanied by tears and sorrow.  Those who laugh during a divorce are mocking Yehovah, no matter who was snared by a  James Costa Jr. type or snatched away from good counseling by a Las Vegas act as ugly as James Neal's pit bulls.

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