Friday, January 26, 2018

Anti-Lucifer Addendum 4: How to Stay Trojan Purple

There are no good reasons to attend Super Bowl LII unless you have been scheduled to work on that Sunday in US Bank Stadium.  Personally, I would call in sick if I had to work in a venue where Superbowl LII was being shown just to avoid getting visually defiled. Here are numerous good strategies and 'clear as Jeff Glass' reasons to boycott watching  Superbowl LII in person or on television:

1. The New England Patriots are a team that disrespected and cursed Israel, even though Netanyahu hasn't realized that Truth yet. Does the nation of Israel really expect miraculous defense to occur in their turf when the so readily welcome a team whose cheerleaders represent the spirit of harlotry?
2. As a matter of protocol, I actually believe that people that have not yet agreed in their mind and actions to behave according to the biblical laws for YShRAL ought not even set foot in the nation now labeled as "Israel'.  Humans who are still protestant by definition should make a pilgrimage to Wittenberg, Germany or the local anti-YShRAL Sunday school of their choice ESPECIALLY on February 4th where their behavior will appease Lucifer's angels; follow up on angelic strategy by testing the spirit of Lucifer, asking him or her to give you the power to resist watching the Superbowl.  Make sure you try to get a copy of 'Casper the Friendly Ghost' to read since you most likely have rejected the spirit of Yahweh.
3. A reliable Pittsburgh area reporter revealed to me that the Philadelphia Eagles fans severely mistreated the Minnesota Vikings fans.  It takes an incredible amount of STUPIDITY and a horrible sense of self-preservation to harass and mistreat people from a large powerful metropolitan area your 'team' will have to travel to according to their job contract.
4. If a miracle occurs and the Minnesota people try to achieve sainthood by being kind to their enemies prancing around in Patriots or Eagles gear, the spirit of Brett Favre might have descended upon them like a purple billiard ball. In order to be considered for sainthood. Part of being kind to your enemies includes issuing yourself a restraining order against them and staying as far away from the trouble that the anti-HVHY Tom Brady bunch and the anti-dove Philadelphia Eagles gangs will cause.
5. If want to be justified by your anti-Brady complicated Simon12 faith, it  is mandatory you resist observing the Superbowl this year and use the time wisely; listening to the NFL broadcast on the radio is a better choice if you feel the need to be aware of possible emergency situations that might occur due to anti-Superbowl judgments that erupt due to the Superbowl's anti-commandment indecent attractions.
6. The Philadelphia Eagles do not represent the angel of the church of Philadelphia and in fact, they have as much of a anti-Yahweh problem as the New England Patriots. The wisest North Americans will be wearing gear from the decent football teams which actually are the Cleveland Browns, the Pittsburgh Steelers, the New York Giants and the Chicago Bears except in 'Richard Dawson' type situations, in which the wearing of Minnesota Vikings gear is allowed by law in order to align with Jesus Christ speeches by Mr. Diggs rather than aligning with Mrs. Brady and her string-bikini pig skin lines.
7. There is no good reason to align with the New England Patriots or the Philadelphia Eagles if you can legally align with the less offensive Boston Bruins, Boston RedSox, The Philadelphia Flyers or Randy Wolf and the Philadelphia Phillies. Steering your flesh away from NFL teams with strumpets labeled 'cheerleaders' on the sidelines means you have to steer in an alternate direction. For sports minded  saints, don't steer toward the NBA, which is just as despicable as most of the NFL teams. Many humans, animals, angels and atheists who don't like bombs bursting in air and don't want to align with people who trust too much in their firearms actually still have an inclination to study battle strategies.
8. I will use the 'Bill Peters' wedge of the Anton Forsberg hedgehog point on this anti-Lucifer 7th day sabbath perspective. I had considered traveling to LiMA, Ohio to hear what Mikell Clayton is uttering. Since the 7th day sabbath gathering is not open to public scrutiny and MIkell Clayton has 2 speaking sessions on a Sunday, it seems he has been lured into a 'Sunday keeping' snare, which I do not want to attend, especially if the 7th day sabbath day meeting is not open for inspection.  Aren't Yahweh' covenant people supposed to be working on Sunday instead of sitting around and listening to Mikell Clayton's Sunday school message? I left Sunday Babylonian assemblies for a reason, and gathering with a group on Sunday that is closed to me on Saturday goes against my locust instinct.
9. There is an upcoming 'Plain City' split at Utah and Ohio. The O's are not the same as the U's, so try the following numerical Magno and shifty Panfil Plainfield fruit divisions:

 The U's ( Squad 92) Carl Allen's Utah Ephraimite  PLaIn uniform addition   = 15+57+49=121 (artists)
 The F's Marion Hossa's Floundering Thrashers
The O's (Squad 8) Craig Osvatic Milwaukee's COM.PLaIN uniform addition = 15 +57+53+7= 132 (scientists)

The Chicago Blackhawks got past 'Area 51' without Hossa, but some people still think UFO's exist as easily as Planet X=Xylophone exists.

This Ken Werner type of mathematics twist adds an 11 point spread between artists and scientists and in golf cases the 121 is a better team but in bowling and basketball the 132 is a better team..

10. 'Anti-Super'  holy America bowl Judgments will occur if biblical prophecy is true. Super Supper bowl judgments are best handled by good Valley of Decision 'Cats' who should be able to  write Hebrew words for  'house of leopards'  after finding a sample of the BYTh words located somewhere near Strong's Hebrew letter word #1037.

11. If I haven't convinced you to avoid watching  Superbowl LII, it is because you have a Kathryn Tappen unholy spirit and you still don't believe that watching the Chicago Blackhawks get to 53 points was a decent and holier battle to observe than the despicable Superbowl LII will be. Mr. Rupp sounds as much like Brian Boucher as Richard Dawson has managed to sound like Adolph Hitler. Voice recognition can be treacherous turf, especially if you have police radio experience. Consider this to be a Daunte Culpepper Viking sodium light point of caution to contrast Milwaukee Domes code 11  silence or the rubber trees, which are still needed to make hockey pucks, rubber ducks and Hankook tires.

BON VOYAGE and steer away from all NFL television programs from today until  February 14th, 2018!!!

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