Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Anti-Lucifer Addendum T: Raise A Neckline Not A 'Judy Garland'

Why would Mark Meadows, a listed Republican, believe the United States is a democracy when it is has been formed as a republic? Abuse of  freedom often leads to total lack of protection from a good rear guard. When I see obviously dead, useless Christmas type garlands, I do recall that Judy Garland not only promoted witchcraft on earth but also led a very anti-commandment Hollywood lifestyle and her end was not better than her beginning on earth.  I do not want to be like a  'Judy Garland'  so I  prophesy against  what I now know is contrary to good biblical instruction.

During my non-scheduled public appearance in  Glacier Pointe Ice Rink, I observed a Chelsea, MIchigan team be defeated by an Ottawa team.  In a tournament in which 98% of the people were very well dressed from a modesty standpoint, an adult female aligned with Chelsea wanted to 'stand out' in the crowd by lowering her neckline instead of raising her voice in an atypical manner. Raising of voices is often not offensive at all, especially if the voice is giving good instructions or has been coming from the top of Mt. Sinai from Yahweh.  Visual offense is so common in the United States that very few angels have the time to try to correct all the visual offenders personally.

Not being able to correct visual offenders is not an excuse for ignoring your own acts of angelic self-defense against strumpets or against juveniles from Canada lacking proper social skills.  In the following true sequence of events, I used a method of self-defense that MAY have saved my reputation but not my D.A.R.E. bear who I am considering renaming 'Jaroslav' without going to court.

1. I settled into an area to observe a Chelsea, Michigan team oppose a team from Ottawa. I have emotional and itellectual ties to Ottawa, but I only have cowboy boots from Chelsea.
2. A juvenile male in the company of 2 juvenile females were in my 'section' and although I tried to be polite to them, eventually the juvenile male from Ottawa became so rude and lacked so much etiquette when speaking to me that I not only chose to stop responding to his questions but I eventually deployed myself  to Ottawa's left wing section.
3. I informed the adults from Ottawa that their juvenile male was misbehaving but I doubt if even his own parents would have tried to correct his attitude properly. I continued to align with the team from Ottawa.
4. After the battle was complete, the people from the bleacher sections were heading into the lobby and a female who lowered her neckline enough to expose cleavage to her 'neighbors' was holding the door open toward the lobby. I did not want a female dressed more like a strumpet than a hockey payer to walk behind me, so I used my freedom to say 'I'm not going in front of you.'
5. The Chelsea area woman thought I was being rude because I didn't want a strumpet as my rear guard in any  situation, but she was being rude and offensive in her attire. Knowing her opinion of me was completely wrong but my opinion of her was accurate, I did not go through the door she was keeping open and exited through a much safer route directly into the parking lot.  In this instance, I used my 'freedom' in a defensive way and the Chelsea woman used her 'freedom' in an offensive way.

Although I am not shackled or in a prison cell, I know it is best to have restrictions to do what is GOOD rather than complete freedom to do either good OR evil.  Many people make merriment with your freedom (lack of incarceration) by doing evil in the sight of God and often in the sight of their neighbor. What becomes very difficult is  advising obstinate leaders of a nation how they could instill a good mindset into their citizens before the citizens are freely allowed to go away from the protection of and eventually be forced from  the presence of  the God they rejected.

Until the time arrives when a good ruler of a nation or household appears, it is wise to move away from people who are using their freedom in evil or anti-Yahweh activities. I  still desire  to eventually move out of the West Park Estates subdivision that hasn't yet removed offensive 'Christmas' decorations from the bricked entrance wall areas but has removed the less offensive reasonable and rather neutral LED lighting for some reason.  What I desire might never occur, and so I must continue to be patient, willing to speak my adversary or enemy, be thankful for what is good and prepare to resist what is evil in the area my God has 'scattered me' . When agreements are negotiated between opposing mindsets, the person who is not a good rear guard typically goes ahead and commits acts of the apostacy instead of acts of the apostles. Even though fake garlands and red bows are low-pressure offenses against groups like the Jehovah witnesses or the faithful remnant of YShRAL, the garlands and red bows still are anti-commandment symbols of protestant religions that are not aligned with the God whom the 144,000 sealed Israelites and Abaddon properly responds to. Application of typical Christmas decorations is more likely to cause spiritual weakening or accidental physical of those that prefer Christmas to Yehovah's appointed gatherings than it is to cause literal harm to those opposing such symbols of rebellion against Yehovah's instructions.

Fake evergreen garlands with red bows do not provide for the common defense of anything or anyone and public funds should not be spent on them. Reasonable amounts of publically funded neutral exterior lighting  sometimes actually DO provide for  the common defense's ability to see a target area and at other times should be darkened to gain an advantage against intruders. Automated lighting systems are not what led the Hebrews out of slavery and into a different field position.

Lastly, the television fool who defined the area of the Las Vegas Knights as 'the promised land' certainly is an unbelievable (unbelievable means I do not believe his very inaccurate  report) speaker  with the unrealistic mindset of a Minnie Mouse display able to deceive a few and mentally disturb others who would be better hearing scientific facts instead of socially hazardous fiction.

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