I am starting off this series with a Scooby Code Y=25 for an anti-Merrifield#20 reason. For at least 2 years, the Macomb Mavericks have had information about me and from me but I never received any reliable information in return from their 'Don Stone' aging youths. I do recall seeing a stuffed ScoobyDoo dog outside of the Macomb Suburban Ice rink before their Nazi-type owners decided to eliminate me from their unclean and unholy habitation. Once you have been forcibly ejected from a zone you were trying to be a good leader in or at the very least, a person who may have chosen to approach problems differently than the typical wealthy sellers of necklaces formed into a the image of a crucifix and who also obeyed the posted rules of a publically licensed business.
Here is a list I sifted through:
HC: Don Stone
Don Stone was not as kind to me as Luke Donald was at the Kohler Club golf course and avoided physical contact with me as though I was part of Allied forces or a protected locust species. A 'head' coach is NOT a foundation, but is only a temporary figure head that too often becomes an idol to himself or others and even worse at defense than a tennis racket. Don Stone was given powers to coach the decapitated heads of cattle in uniform division talk, not given powers to instruct a Benjamite or a wolf; Don Stone may be very misleading in a Dan Brown Stone cold Sharon line but is in no way, shape or form anything like a reliable tribe of Dan "Black Cow" leader . Only wrestlers typically might think that their 'head coach' can be used as a foundation to avoid using a rubber mat as a foundation for a few seconds at a time.
Since week 16 of the Torah cycle readings are starting, keep in mind that HC is only a 1+6=7' in chemistry codes, not HCl, which would be 1 + 17=18. H2SO4 is more stable than the typical 'head coach'. He or she who leads your feet to clean foods rather than unclean animal flesh, toward decent shelter without criticizing a 3-car garage system and toward modest clothing without wasteful spending in or out of uniform divisions is your best holy foot coach closest to understanding proper biblical foundations such as jacinth or jasper. You have to learn how to properly coach yourself properly before you can coach others away from evil and TOWARD those who are aligned with Truth, Yahweh and good, sound judgment night calls which affect your next day shift.
97 Jack Day (Do not confuse this Jack with Lance crackers or Laura Ingall's dog, who barked and never led Dean Butler toward resting on the 7th day instead of on the Vatican's Sunday sabbath)
88 Rocco Comito ( This '88' is not part of my Blue London Ontario line, but may know that I-88 is part of Illinois field position, not part of Patrick Kane.)
71 Preston Stenzel ( This Stenzel is not good goalie SHEA material)
55 Steven Ickes ( This 'Steve' might be more like Yzerman than Coburn)
35 Avery Gee ( This AG human did not get to the better Ag=Silver Stick finals by providence)
27 Steve Litz ( not even close to a Joseph Schlitz reliable Joseph system)
21 Brendan Stabnick (Doesn't this name frighten the employees because he might stab nick at night?)
20 Matt Merrifield (MErri means 'rebellious', not obedient and good so his field position is very close to President Garfield code system, not Ode, the dog of Roland Hendrikson. Roland Hendrikson is clever, but he is also anti-Truth and anti-commandment and has been all through his high school teaching career and his Wittenberg high school coaching career)
The above group was not as talented, not as trustworthy and not as well disciplined as the Nickel City Jr. Suns. It is common knowledge that I have very emotional ties to the City of Sudbury as well as practical communication ties to the city of Sudbury. It is also common knowledge that once a person is mistreated, cruelly ejected from a facility that they had never committed a crime in and then has to face REPRESENTATIVES of that facility, only a deceiver would act friendly towards the representatives of evil and unrighteousness. It is fair to assess the Macomb Mavericks as similar in nature to Stuart Rottier, who represented the Nazi-type anti-commandment ideology of Shane David Hendrikson because Shane paid Stuart Rottier to assist his anti-commandment agenda. Likewise, fiscal supporters of the Suburban Ice Rinks also are supporting an anti-commandment agenda EVEN IF THEY HAVE BEEN BLIND Of THAT FACT up until now.
I was able to speak kindly with representatives from Sudbury because they represent goodness and kindness towards me, not a deceptive spirit of Lucifer which is contrary to a spirit of Truth and reconciliation with those who represent Yehovah's pro-commandment position. The Sudbury team eventually was outscored by s group of Northstars from Mississauga, also a city in which I was SHELTERED in for a short time during a much longer period of war declared by Shane David Hendrikson against me. The war that Shane David Hendrikson started against me was not OVER on April 20th,2012; it only just officially began at that time. A final divorce certificate is like a declaration of independence from a former ally, not an elimination of the 'God' or judge you spoke a covenant in front of. The 'mizpah coin' scenario often occurs after a very fault-filled divorce occurs: "The LORD YEHOVAH judge between me and thee when we are absent one from another." Fault and sin are ALWAYS part of a divorce, and anyone who claims there is such a entity as a 'no fault' divorce is spreading false news, not good news.
On the heavier side of the Macomb Maverick roster that I sifted through as though I was the first sieve in a series of 12 more sieves heading their way were the following humans that had a sign of a BEAST on their uniform:
15 Kyle Bowerson ( KB with no Gee; has as much potential energy to do right or wrong as Dany Heatley and probably has more options than Bart Starr now)
12 Brian Bell (No person is SAVED by a Bell! You cannot eat a bell, and it is the person who responds to a literal school or church bell that MIGHT be capable of saving you or injuring you when a boxing round begins)
11 Blake Stone ( Not Blake Lewis and certainly not equal to Simeon James Rice in George Harsh reality checks)
10 Jacob Wessering (Not capable of becoming another Jason Arnott)
8 Nathan Ayuyu ( goes by the initials NA; apparently not another Smith)
7 Robert Vanderdonck ( May end up similar to Adam Rockwood, since he is in an RV category)
6 Jake Hart ( Much weaker than the Willie Parker and and very contrary to Hunter Hess of the Boulder Bisons)
5 Conner Lince ( Might have as much influence on the adredeline flow of an opponent as a cup of caffeinated coffee has on Anna Ruzinski)
There may be a reason the above 8 people chose numbers in the billiard ball system, but I am unaware of how or why they were numbered as they were in Port Huron. I am not as careless as Ronald C. Miller and tried to re-type the Mavericks names as I see them in a public brochure instead of in a non-private email. Assume no emails are private to consider the consequences if the USA Army's claim to be able to defend USA citizens with computer work is true. I would contend that Army is only trying to protect it's own kind in most instances, just as a bunny is more likely to protect its own skin instead of trying to protect and defend a locust in a fox hole.
Vocal sparring is typical behavior at any hockey arena; what is least acceptable to a God who understands authority is insulting the REFEREES. Consider the familiar spirit of a referee to represent the theory of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of something other than themselves. The referee is on the ice first and is off the ice before the zamboni driver sings while resurfacing for another battle between enemies, friends or reasonable adversaries who rather be hockey players than be in ballerina outfits playing with nutcrackers and rat images. The hockey referee knows that the humans near him are supposed to be prepared to obey certain laws, specific rules and react properly to the referees instructions BUT rebellious humans don't subject themselves properly to an official who has NO INTENT TO INJURE those under their authority. The period of time during a hockey war is short compared to the typical lifespan of a hockey athlete, and if a hockey athlete won't subject themselves to the earthly form of unconditional love of hockey control, they are unlikely to submit themselves a holier, more perfect Angel of Yehovah.
A little bunny with or without a full grown rabbit nearby would rather run from potential danger than continue to chew away at what they did not plant in a fenced garden. The nstinct of a bunny is to survive, one of the reasons the Chinese calendar girls may have inserted into into their non-Muslim agenda. However, unlike the typical anti-Yehovah Chinese pork seller, a bunny is a vegan with the ability to run faster than the typical Japanese wrestler.
Intent to injure another person is not my method of operation because I have been raised and trained properly. After trying to intentionally communicate to Glacier Pointe personnel who I want to assist me in sifting through ongoing problems since war was declared against me by Shane David Hendrikson's family, I also decided to freely give some snack food to be used for the last weekend of the wonderful hockey tournament. I tasted the 'Combo' products and they seemed to be palatable even if they were not as nutritious as a Golden Corral cornmeal hushpuppy. Last night, I considered going to an emergency room after eating about 5 servings of a Combos product, falling asleep and waking up to such a toxic amount of acid reflux that my throat (esophagus) burned for about 2 hours and even organic cow's milk and soy milk products did not relieve the severe pain from the acidic fluids that came up into my mouth area while I was sleeping. I prayed very hard to YEHOVAH, stayed upright for almost 2 hours, took 2 doses of charcoal tablets spread apart by 2 hours as prescribed and eventually was able to fall asleep safely instead of possibly getting mistreated again in a hospital. I may have had a reaction to the product because it is so unnatural and nothing like the very good unprocessed foods I typically have been eating. I had checked the ingredients list, and honestly thought the COMBOS would do no harm to me or to the hockey referees at Glaciere Point or I would not have purchased the COMBOS #414978087. I certainly did not intend to injure myself or others when I bought, gifted and consumed COMBOS products, even if the COMBOS product makers have intended to conspire with corrupt gastroenterologists who are trying to make sure there are plenty of unhealthy colons for them to examine. I would not expect the referees to sue me, but I do wonder if I was the only person who had pain and a period of suffering after eating the COMBOS.
True historic facts may disappear for awhle but will be brought up again if necessary to accomplish a good goal. I no longer deserved mercy when I did not show mercy to my first very innocent child; my second child was shown mercy but has become unmerciful, unthankful and as unholy as the tattoo on his back. Once I properly repented to YEHOVAH, discipline was required an I was shown mercy before I was given grace, which is the power to resist committing anti-commandment behaviors. Being willing to physically fight without guns is not an anti-commandment behavior.
The Macomb Mavericks are different than my son Richard Isaiah Hendrikson, since it is easier for them to remove the mark of the decapitated bovine BEAST they cover themselves with than it is for them to remove a tattoo if they have gotten a tattoo. What is more difficult for the Macomb Mavericks is to plead with the Macomb Suburban Ice Group ownership that they offer me an out-of-court settlement which would once again make me an ally to the Macomb Mavericks instead of their sworn adversary. Once I filed an official complaint with the state of Michigan against the Macomb Maverick rink ownership, I became a sworn adversary that had desired PEACE, not war. If I were an enemy of the Macomb Mavericks, I would have been willing to attack them physically rather than just avoid their familiar anti-Marie spirit as often as I choose to when they LEAVE their turf.
Overpaid political figures such as Bill Schuette are not as willing to be completely truthful when identifying the causes of certain crimes or problems that keep occurring in an anti-Yahweh nation. For instance, who other than me is willing to state that female gymnasts typically wear attire that is far too revealing and that the typical gymnast's uniform is more likely to tempt a male to sin than to deter them from a sin? The survival of a community needs more people such as hockey referees who are willing to put their own flesh on the red line or on the blue lines in order to try to help young people war with their hands while clothed safely and decently instead of teaching youngsters how to war with knives, machine guns or pompoms while wearing sexually provocative outfits. A hockey battle is one of the few venues where the warriors and athletes wisely do not rely upon a telephone or a computer, even if they are addicted to electronics as soon as they exit the sight of the referees and return to their very decent household leaders OR sadly, often back to their unrighteous parents who have enabled them in their computer addiction problems.
No more mention of the Macomb Mavericks will be made in any other part of this anti-Lucifer series for my own safety. I am thankful i was allowed to express my adversarial position to the Macomb Mavericks in a legal, vocal manner while surrounded by very dependable and KIND Canadian family hockey forces that traveled to the USA from Sudbury and accomplished very good works on a regular sabbath day.
Yehovah does not want his people to 'play dead' nor become deaf on the sabbath. If you have been aligning with anti-YEHOVAH forces, it is possible to change the choice of the name of the God you will call upon.
I did have a 'zool' day party of 1 at the Golden Corral, wearing my best New Jersey Devils customized 'SOURAY' blue jacket, my Brett Lindros jersey and of course, my only 'Ghostbuster' shirt; I also was not bottomless due to Levi and Noat product lines. The most interesting people often do speak to one another at non-uppity restaurants but the hushpuppies did not bark as I once again was reminded that I have been led OUT of an Egyptian system an into a Gadite system due to proper anti-lawlessness desires.
Remember that after the sons of the Egyptians were plagued that 40 years of sifting was ahead for those who then heated up gold to make into an inedible bull image instead of a sucker fish from Lake Gogebic. The world can survive without gymnast competitions, but neighborhoods won't survive without a love for the proper God and understanding or why it important to be obedient to God's perfect laws of liberty not publically displayed or properly enforced by men like Bill Schuette.
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