Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Long Distance Strategy For Emotional Rescue
Once a human has obtained information legally about an enemy, there still needs to be a time frame to PROVE that the information received is correct and that the former enemy is still an enemy more spiritually dangerous and more physically dangerous than Joseph Hector 'Toe' Blake in 'The Punch Line'. Rod Carew's biography on his website amazingly doesn't mention his first wife of 30 years, and it is not a truthful biography if the mothers of your children and at least an indication of why a marriage ended after 30 years would help a reader better understand an ex-Marine, but Carew does not mention his wives or the names of his children in his biography but does mention many useless awards. My opinion of Rodney Cline Carew has changed; I will no longer wear my 'Carew29' jersey.
A review of your own history, made public, is good for your reputation only if the review protects the saved and shows a pattern of improved behavior after adult baptism. I will illustrate long term adult steps from Catholic sinner to Israelite sainthood, painful as they have been and might continue to be:
A) As a Catholic, I became an enemy of my father when I started dating Milwaukee Tech swimmer, Theodore Reynaud Jackson. My father would have preferred I marry someone more like me or more like him.
My Catholic 'godparents' offered no advice, and as a matter of fact my Catholic 'godmother' was the wife of a very ill-mannered Army veteran and she barely had the strength to 'serve' him as he demanded. Catholic authorities seemed convinced that Theodore Jackson was one of their kind after he converted to Catholicism, and my father reluctantly appearred at my Catholic wedding.
B) Theodore Jackson decided he was really a 'Xavier' before we became parents of his second seed, Richard Edwin Xavier. Theodore Jackson's first seed was destroyed by legal USA abortion at 'Bread and Roses' on Wisconsin Avenue in Milwaukee with the consent of both of Catholic parents but not with the consent of our parents.
C) Catholic Theodore Jackson became attracted to Carla Derringer about 33 years ago, as unknown to me as Cheryl L. Brown, who attracted Shane David Hendrikson about 7 years ago. Even though I knew Theodore Jackson, AKA Todd Xavier, was a horrible parent and a criminal that was not jailed due to lack of proper prosecution by his employers at Square D, I still was very depressed and struggling financially due to Theodore's abandonment of his first mate and first Catholic wife.
D) Since I lacked power to control the actions and choices of Richard Edwin Xavier's father, I sought another form of power known as 'police power' in order to prevent becoming a homeless, but not childless ,welfare case. Those powers were given to me in Milwaukee after a difficult series of testing. Still a Catholic, I became attracted to someone who was more like me, another Milwaukee Tech Trojan named Robin Michael Ortiz. Ortiz felt as though he and his 2 sons were in physical danger due to the cigarette smoke attack in his household and he felt as though he would be safer with me, another Catholic police officer. Neither of us did what was correct in the sight of Yehovah, Robin Michael Ortiz divorced the mother of his children and married me. Robin's parents and grandparents treated me kindly and my family treated Robin kindly. The mother of Robin's children kept smoking even though she was a nurse and of probably felt like I did after Catholic Theodore Jackson committed adultery and she managed as best she could with her mother's help. I eventually became very different due to reactions to prescribed asthma drugs, and Robin was not interested in me because I was different on prescribed drugs than off of prescribed drugs. I never did anything worse than Dean Butler has done with Melissa Gilbert when temptation arose, I never mated with any other man whlle married to Robin and after I got baptized in January of 1995 by Dean Noonan, I no longer was a lukewarm Catholic.
E) I started studying the Bible seriously and felt 'God' was justified in his actions against me, which included a state of serious illness, temporary short term incarcerations and reluctant release of Robin Michael Ortiz because we were an embarassment to our city of MIlwaukee badges, just a many other public employees are due to anti-commandment, anti-Yehovah behavior. Anders Lewis and Joyce Lewis knew how painful another divorce was, and their anti-Catholic Protestant group was very kind to me and to my son, known as Richard Edwin Ortiz, for quite awhile.
F) I was cured of being attracted to married men, but remained heterosexual. I became attracted to some divorced men, including UWSP professor Robert Parker and I was unsure of the long term implications of mating with an unmarried man; I eventually learned what mating with an unmarried man was a from of engagement, but some engagements end as quickly as they started. Robert Parker might be a 'King David' type at heart, since he had plenty of intelligence but a very low moral standard.
G) There was some improvement in my conduct after Baptism and if I had to grade myself, I started as a typical C (Catholic) student with the father of my son, Richard. I was a U student with Robin Michael Ortiz (unjustified). I became an F student with Robert Parker (failed as a female) but then became a 'D' student when I became involved with divorce respondent Shane D Hendrikson. To this point, I had been a typical USA citizen.
H) My home land was very important to me at 1602 Mary Lane, and Shane D. Hendrikson made sure that his reputation matched that of Lutheran Nazi as he methodically developed hatred for my improved pro-Israelite conduct. What once had appeared to be a strong leader eventually proved to be a anti-commandmnet man and a U student. Shane David Hendrikson was as unjustified as Robin Michael Ortiz was when Robin divorced the mother of his children but Shane's actions were done AFTER he accepted baptism as an adult and publicly professed faith in 'Jesus Christ', which makes his lies, his adultery, his felony thefts and his hatred of me unforgivable and he should expect severe punishment if he still wants to be considered a 'believer' as his address, 5318, ( not yet verified by me, but I have no intention of going anywhere near that dangerous property on Lakeshore Road in Wausau) totters between Judah and Benjamin lines now while also in 715 telephone lines that are nothing like the fake television office of Bob Newhart.
J) Since I am now an A student in behavior, with all credit going to Yehovah's instructions not to the Catholic pope system, I can either have an Asher attitude or an Abaddon attitude and make reasonable decisions. I know it is reasonable for me to share information with Michigan State Troopers, to continue in my legal hockey 'cold spiritual warfare' therapy and if Shane David Hendrikson really is a son of 'God', he should expect troubles to head his way harsher than anything I experienced in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. If he isn''t under the headship of Benjamin or Judah, he might live out his life like a typical USA citizen, with a household full of guns and no holy half shekel, and of course, never become a sealed saint and never have a place anywhere near me again, unless I am in a courtroom testifying against him... a scenario that can only occur if the Marathon County Sheriff's department and the state of Wisconsin repent of their sins and past failures to believe the truth.
I) Intellectual warfare is not as easily mastered as physical warfare. Since I know that Ashley Maria Hendrikson went into the USA Army and became affiliated with the Dallas Stars publicly on computer displays and I also know that Shane D. Hendrikson might still have a Detroit Redwing jersey that I bought for him, when I watch Detroit vs. Dallas tomorrow, it will only be like watching Wittenberg girls dance squad ( Dallas) vs. Wittenberg boys wrestling and therefore, I don't care which team wins since neither team is 'good'. However, people in the military who know much more now about Ashley Maria Hendrikson's motives for joining the Army and her motive for inviting me instead of Linda Maria Costa to her Fort Leonard Wood ceremonies , make Dallas vs. Detroit of an Army vs. Howard's Santa Claus battle of 2 similar porky pig teams.
K) 2279 is aligned to a Kohler sink model system, not a European model; 8186 (715-212-8186) has some strange musical album matched to it, and of course telephone numbers still matter to Army and USA security, even if they don't matter to Christian Sunday schools. The best move I can make in long distance intellectual warfare is to assign Detroit to Carl Allen Jr.'s team and assign Dallas to Cheryl L. Hendrikson team because Cheryl L. Brown has Air Force children on her mind, not Miles Davis and 'Water Babies'. Of course, this battle will not be fought by me and will be set up as carefully as Carlos Brewer would plan strategy, so that really neat and cool people in Michigan's St. Clair county can detect a conflict of interest problem between Joel Breitzman and Ayer's Jewelry and Tony Wickersham's gun and Coca-Cola clubs. K is aligned with Dallas money, not Minneapolis money or with the Hebrew word Ayin, which is Strong's # 370, not 212. Make sure you pay attention to the referees numbers during the Detroit vs. Dallas hockey game on January 17th, 2018.
L) Since an L was dropped into Cheryl Brown's listing on a real estate page, here is another Old School vs. Wausau Mine split that can be aligned against one another as easily as I can buy a bottle of Pabst:
Old School Billiards ( This is my team, right up to the PNC and US Bank stadium games, and I am not sure which way Army nut case Mark Kussy is going to slip up on his downhill skis. Mark Kussy was an X man, not an O man with me. X means he kissed me after I had been served with divorce papers and therefore my marriage covenant had been broken by Shane. As an X man, he did not abuse me, he slept on my coach for a shorter period of time than Daniel Teske and he never became an 'O man with me, since now O might as well be for 'orgasm partner', and X represents a kissing partner:
The Little Viking Purple 4, Montreal Maroon 7
Wausau Mine Billiards: ( This is a typical Eric David Hendrikson's team that only goes up to 9-ball games,, and I am not sure which way Eric David Hendrikson 3/8/91) goes in Tampa Bay Lightning slow games, Paul Coffey's Marlboro match games or cigarette lines, but do know both of his parents have wanted him and taught him to play casino games, something I never wanted my son Richard to do.)
Pink 4, Brown 7 Las Vegas
M) In this long distance anti-running Roman non-Olympic trial, L=Lincoln in Cheryl L. Brown games and M=Mosinee in Jimmy Morris Vietnam Veteran Army tactics, since Cheryl Brown's 'L' cannot be a Lamed or a Milwaukee Squad 50 line.
N) Drop the constant N= Nora to try to achieve more than an emotional rescue of yourself. NORa is too much like Nitrous Oxide 88 to isolate Nitrogen lines properly. Nun lines need more options. N it for Norwich if you are aligning with Benjamin and Wolf codes. N= North for Northstar teams and for all Superamerica teams. N=Nitrogen for Lori Nohelty and Chris Chelios teams and N=Naphtali for John Dosey teams. N=50 for Skaradzinski and Paw Patrol teams. 14th place is better than NO place, especially if you like Diggs moves, Theo Fluery, and The Little Viking plans.
O) I still consider Robin Michael Ortiz to be an adversary, not an enemy. Every time I eat Brussel sprouts, I remember how much Robin hated my cookies and how healthy Robin tried to be. I still consider Shane David Hendrikson to be a dangerous enemy of Truth, as malicious in behavior as Stuart Rottier and therefore he and Stuart Rottier are like Detroit's 'Scrap' or 'Rhino' to me, which means they is probably armed and dangerous, are profiting from their anti-commandment activities and should be targeted by any decent, honest law enforcement agencies, not by any saints like me.
P) Milwaukee's Jeff Point is not Captain Black. On the sidelines of all NFL football games, there are big 'X' signs moved around, not big O signs. Did you notice how carefully I kept County Trunk X men and O=Ortiz in my Old School code system? I have no intention of trying to rescue Cheryl L. Brown or Shane David Hendrikson from any physical or financial fights they end up in. Emotionally, it would be easier to try and rescue the children of Robin Ortiz than the children of Shane David Hendrikson. Literally, I can do quite a bit as a spiritual A student who used to be a spiritual U student.
Q) Port Huron's Legion 8 has had better annual assemblies to show signs of support for local law enforcement and first responders than Larry Mizewski's anti-Bible gang in Rhinelander, and I hope that trend continues. Post-divorce activities should not include 'forgive and forget' attitudes , since divorce causes as much trauma to a family as a nail pounded into in the left hand of Yeshua during a cruxifixtion process and should never be taken lightly. If you forget who petitioned to divorce you, you might error and mate with them again against Yehovah's will. If they claimed that Jesus Christ was their personal Lord and Savior, let them seek their 'Jesus' for forgiveness after they have financially paid what they SHOULD have according to existing state laws at the time of the divorce.
R) Remember to read about the peaceful, hungry locusts in the 'Bo' portion of Old School scriptures, as this week is 15 according to Nehemia Gordon types. You can forget the Tennessee Titans and Dick LeBeau if you want to.
S) Sudbury is not Texas Hill Country; do not confuse the Willow City Loop team with the Chicago Loop team , especially if you have aligned with Dan Bauer and the Chicago Blackhawks instead of Nancy Peterson's anti-D.A.R.E. teams or Ralph Gallow's swim team instead of Daniel Teske's copper team.
T) Especiallly in Trout Lake lines, Do not confuse a squad parts with a squid parts, even though neither were intended to become food for hungry people. Personally, I do not rely upon 'Scooby Doo' codes and I use them only when I need to temporaily pretend I am ignorant of much better code systems; I don't like the 'Scooby Doo' attitude but Shane D. Hendrikson is a 'Scooby Doo' type who cares about his dogs more than he cares about retired police officer strategic survival skills. I prefer the Gorbachev and Thor attitude, especially when Don Gaglione or Doug Zaworski and Squad 91 Late shift members become much more important to reality checks at disposable income than the Philadelphia Eagles now pretending to be 'dogs', which is making the Eagles look as stupid as Tom Brady in a 'Wizard of Oz' fake lion outfit.
U) It is not common knowledge but still reasonable to expect that a married person who has not been served with divorce request has more of a responsibility to resist sexual advances from another human party than an unmarried person. Unmarried people make plenty of errors in judgment which leads to consenting fornication which they may regret later, but is a kiss on the face fornication? If a kiss is fornication, then almost every paid actor or actress is a paid fornication expert eventually. When married people are lead into temptation or even worse, lead another into temptation, it is more difficult to change their own reputation if accused of infidelity and remain faithful to their vows than it is to file for divorce and not resist sinning. Choosing to resist sinning is difficult, but possible with a proper conscience and belief in the correct God.
V) There are usually very few habitual sin patterns that are immediately stopped after adult baptism, but if the baptism was not just a propaganda display and their intent was to become even as good as the typical tribe of Judah member known as 'Jesus Christ'. A person who really could be a Caleb type might have gotten a tattoo before choosing a 'Jewish' Lord, but should understand their Jewish Lord Jesus is not a Babylonian Greek heathen and like his Father he is anti-tattoo. Eventually the person baptized as an adult should immediately begin to fight potential hypocrite status, and paying to have a tattoo removed is as good of a choice as agreeing that squid parts and squad parts are not to be part of their dietary intake if they want to worship Yahweh in spirit and in Truth.
W) You do not become a good fighter in any venue without practicing according to the rules of your chosen authority figure. For instance, once I decided to be under the influence of Ezeqiuel DelFino, if I did not practice what he taught me I would not have IMPROVED and would not have become more like the influential figure I decided to trust for good instruction.
X) The world is loaded with married X people and unmarried O people, but very few people know how to become unmarried A=abstinance people. Once you have learned to master the concept of abstinence to prevent sin, what starts as an X does not always have to continue onto an O. Judas Iscariot was an X man if X=kiss, but there is no indication that he was an unfaithful spouse or homosexual O=orgasm man.
Y) For Y people, O=olive. 10 codes still matter as much as Yitrium and Oxygen on earth. Y is only the beginning of a YShRAL and YHVH plan, not the end of the world, since the letter 'd' is obviously the end of the world for English students. Holy, flippant humor can extend your life, even if it adds wrinkles to your face.
Z) 'Kid Rock' is not a good leader of men, even though he's popular with his girlfriend and other immature people who do not know what a holy musician looks like or acts like in public. Make sure all Z teams align with Sidney Crosby instead of Jordy Nelson as their regular 87 decent man, since Crosby actually is intelligent, a courageous warrior and is a chosen employee of another good community role model, Mario LeMieux. Avoid being as useless or as mentally shallow as Jeremy Roenick types who don't know that talented musicians often never desire to become a paid stage act and certainly don't get involved in owning a tavern. Chris Chelios, Kid Rock and Dino Ciccarelli, all of whom own taverns in the Detroit metro area are like James Costa, Jr. since they exist, but they are not as spiritually intelligent as people who own and operate decent, pro-sobriety companies such as Hankook, Fiskars, Kohler, Greenheck or Fresh Thyme food stores. The Yellowjackets, Carl Allen Jr., the band known as 'Chicago' and Doug Cameron are more talented musicians than 'Kid Rock' with a more discernment than 'Kid Rock' and his 'anti-Crosby' guitar pick gang. Z might only be worth 1 point in 'Scooby' codes, but is worth at least 7 points in Ziarnik, Zillner and Zaworski special Sharper Zayin lines.
4.zero D- Tip Mystery: Are the 4 referees 2,92,38 and 96 who officiated the Dallas Stars vs. The Detrroit Redwings leading or following the following coded Hebrew hockey '76' combo
OIlers 243 (3) Flyers 68 (2) Bluejackets 91 (70) Maple Leafs 31 (1)
Gimel Beit Ayin Aleph is a hHbrew 'hill' side project. for day 1388.
4.0 English Tip: People with hour-glass discernment will stop saying this phrase:
'Fun to watch'
If you know it is week 15 in Tanakh cycles, start saying letting people know what is IMPORTANT to watch, especially when comparing Tel Aviv airport films, Fort Leonard Wood purchase records and my ring designs that were made by Wickersham jewelers in Scholfield, WI, which were more practical and more frugal than any ugly Superbowl ring and which Shane David Hendrikson is suspected of stealing (intentionally withholding) from me during our recent divorce). Although I could afford to have a third ring constructed with my very biblcal design, my memory of the ring is good enough and I am not ashamed to wear $25 dollar rings instead of $1500.00 rings to accessorize myself in Israelite style.Shane David Hendrikson's tactics are very similar to Theodore Reynaud Jackson's tactics, both of which are repulsive and often illegal.
Last days of Tevet word #651 study and related ESPN code translation:
Aleph Pey Lamed
H423 H480 F386
My intent is to keep my enemies in derision and sift through my acquaintances ability to stay flexible, multi-faceted and able to avoid 'bi-polar trouble' when only 2 unholy options are presented to them in periods of tribulation and serious trials. Denying or trying to hide your moral failures prohibits others from knowing what God system corrected your lifestyle and helped put your 'sin nature' into healthy remission.
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