Saturday, January 6, 2018

Not Worth A Thousand Words

Decide which of the below statements are true.  You may consult your God before you decide that 1,2,3,4,6,7,9 10 and 11 are true.

1. A prophet is not equal to a scholar.

2. The ink of a scholar reports the past.

3. A scholar studies but might not have desired to prophesy.

4. A prophet that is good warns people not to sin and warns them of the consequence of sinning.

5. The blood of a goat is better than the ink of Bill Watterson.

6. Comparing Allah to Abbadon is like comparing a vice-prsident of one nation to a president of another nation and of course, they are not the identical  even if they have some instructions in common and very different people relying on their leadership.

7. A tale of bricks is pronounced the same as a tally of bricks.

8.  A tale is not the same as a fable.

9. A tail is not the same as a tale.

10. Anders are like 6ers if the Hebrew letter Vav means 'And'.

11. Yoders are like Squad 10 because Yod=ten.

I am not sure if 5 and 8 are true.

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