Thursday, November 16, 2017

Who Has Misled Others Away From Justice?

A huge err occurs when humans tell other humans they want to bring sinners to 'justice'. This may not be easy to accept if you are in 'criminal justice' work, but the progression toward a point of justice is harder to achieve than a point of equilibrium in a war. Test the following theory of a post-sin repair process:

A= accused      C=complainant    M=mediator  E=Equilibrium   G=God  J=Justification (Point of Justice)  U=Unjustified  Y=Yehovah

1. C claims that a sin has occurred against him and  reports to M. M then seeks out A.
2. If A is never located, C has to admit any sin he did not atone for properly in order for C to start to pursue his own J. Very rarely is the C in any matter pure and innocent of any past sins that have not been brought to a point of E.
3.  Subject A will be located by another C eventually, even if the C becomes 'God'.  What A tried to hide from M is still not hid from G if you believe in a omnipotent G.
4. A and C can both reach a point of E just by admitting their past crimes and following the requirements of LOCAL, national and international  non-biblical laws to fulfill the penalty for the crimes they committed. For instance, if you were the A in a domestic violence situation and you followed the requirements that non-G humans demanded, you reached a point of E, but not a point of J
5. J is not achieved until M is a godly Messiah and the requirements of G are met. G's requirements are reasonable explained in the compiled books of Moses and the prophets in order to reach a point of J for those who believe in Yehovah rather than the Catholic pope system.
6. The more reasonable expectation for the typical anti-Yehovah C is to hope they can reach their own point of E, at which point they no longer worry about the status of the A, which might be better or worse than their status. The A has still not been proven to be a U in their past actions and in fact many C's are actually U by their actions prior to the incident that resulted in a form or war between A and C.
7. If you are found to be U due to a false complaint or actual commission of a sin that you do not want to go to a M or a G because you are too proud to admit your guilt, there is no chance even you will reach a point of E and certainly will never reach a point of J. Now you see why most people that are in the criminal justice system or in anti-Y law system will never reach a point of J, but will eventually be the A instead of the C before G.
8. Sinners who have become C's looking for A's will probably end up seeing each other in the presence of their chosen G but their G might be the exact opposite of Y and Y's people do not give up on the constant Yehovah form of HVHY=26. HVHY is a 4 point entity, not a 2 point linear G, since a 2 point linear G would have serious bi-polarity problems.
9. If you are a C or a A or a M, try to achieve a point of E which means you have started living an anti-sin life and have started seeking a process to achieve holiness via J. People who are clearly U can never provide J for you or any other living soul.
10. Only a JM (justified mediator) can go before a good G or an unknown Y in order to try to achieve J for a living saint or for the A group, not an UM ( unjustified mediator). UM can't achieve J for their C or the A even if they manage to achieve an E status because the UM hasn't properly atoned for their own sin or crimes yet.

Are you at this W=Word on November 18th, 2017?

Word 588:Aleph Nun Chet Resh Tav....... a narrow passage/a gorge/a narrow valley "yea, though I walk the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil'

Word 1326 (approaching 1335): Beit Tav Hey : DESOLATION , as in the term  'abomination of desolation'

Consider these words on November 19th, 2017, as the end of the 8th Israelite month (Foundation=Beryl, Seal=Levi Natural order=Asher) comes to a close:

589: Aleph nun Yod (I, Me, MIne) 'Vengeance is mine, saith Yehovah"
970: Beit Chet Resh (young, strong men NOT desolation); this happens to be the ESPN number of Simeon James Rice

1327: Beit Tav Hey ; to shatter/break into pieces
         Greek ' dee-ex-o-dos'  highways

2040: Hey Resh Samech  : throw down (french equilibrium word : jeter)

591 is a word for navy or a fleet of ships, which should interest any Zebulun or beryl minded person as much as word 971:  Beit Chet Yod tower

Since the public do not want to teach young people cursive, maybe they can start trying to test my reasonable theory of why most people shouldn't expect  to get to J without believing in and being obedient to HVHY's systems.

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