Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Is the 6th Floor In Lucan with Logan Couture's 77 Leprechauns?

The 6th letter does need unique attention from me in the next 10 days, unless your tribulation count is only up to 599, in which case you can and might only be studying the 2nd Hebrew letter carefully. My 'post-Shaner' respondent survival count is up to about 2052 earth/solar cycles now and far less lunar cycles, since lunar cycles are  a bit more than 1/12th of the typical year. Where you are on your 'non-500 mile' walk between the Way, the Truth, the Life and some high priest has occurred by providence or by your special use of the freedoms you have. The Book of Joshua and currency made in Atlanta is also an interesting '6' if you have decided to be anti-Vav for some 'Juniper Hill Green Billiard 6 Ball' or Leo Genn reason.

Suppose I do not have access to an original Hebrew text of Exodus 18:20, the TOROT, nor  do I have the original recordings of Torah Hallas, even though her grandpa Hallas was a Minnesota Viking fan near Green Bay Packer turf.  I will attempt to disect the titles: Havalah vs. Havilah using a process I utilize for a Milwaukee Tech Trojan reason.

HAVALAH: 5+1+6+1+30+1+5=49 and NO AYIN!!  49 does start the anti-good, anti-Shavuot 'Coca-Cola' codes but Havalah is not as stable and good as the title Nun. The lack of the 16th letter includes a lack of insight. One lamed does not mean one good staff, but does mean there is only one staff figure between two district 5 formations. Some of my kindest friends title me 'Hey' or 'Marie' rather than calling me a useless, unnecessary mother figure who is unwelcome in their dwelling.  Does 4 Aleph's in a title represent ignorance of Benjamin and a preoccupation with Curtis Joseph?

HAVILAH: 5+1+6+70+30+1+5= 118, which is cleverly tied to Andrew Brunette's ESPN numerical label.

Of course once I check the Hebrew spelling of Havilah, the brother of Nimrod, a different total might appear but I would suspect a Beit or a Vav appears before a lamed.

Binary codes and 'Scooby-Doo' coloring book codes will become obsolete and possibly cause huge trouble on earth long before most people begin to love the Hebrew language. When comparing the Vav to the Yod, I would also challenge you to compare your  thumbs and small outermost fingers in the following way:

Holding up your right or left hand, the upright  thumb is an image of a Vav under certain conditions:
A) your thumb print is faced toward your right side, not your left side. The curve of the either thumb then easily resembles a 'vav' , not an aleph!

B) You outermost finger is usually a bit longer as your thumb and it is easy to form the shape of a 'yod'  for you to view with your right 'pinkie' but easy to display the shape of a yod for others to view with your left hand 'pinkie' , since all you have to do is keep your 'vav' thumb close to your visage and then bend your 'pinkie' at a 90 degree angle.

G) You can't make a 'Hey' with a vav and a yod, but you can imitate the shape with a vav and a resh.

D) You can most easily make the shape of a resh for you to view with your right index finger bent at a 90 degree angle and pointing toward your left shoulder. not your right shoulder, then to make the shape of the 5th 'hey' letter  allow your upright left thumb approach from below but NOT TOUCH your right index fingertip (your index fingerprint should be facing the earth). If you close the gap between our left thumb and your right index finger you will be able to view a 'chet', not necessarily the 6th floor of the Milwaukee police administration building which might still contain the communications division.

The 'vav' might be most like a sardius, since a peg or a nail is used to draw blood from time to time and the Vav is in  center of the tribe titled 'Lamed Vav Yod'.  Is the Vav also necessary to display the letter known as 'Tav'? the answer to that question is 'no'.

Although many bible teachers have suggested that Yeshua becomes part of the Levitical priesthood, I would contend that no one from the tribe known as 'Judah' can become the high priest. Even in the drawings suggested by Yosef Ben Avraham's team, what I see are 3 aligned locations in the tabernacle, but the DOOR, whom Yeshua claimed to be, provides access to the high priest, which I understand still have to be of the tribe of YVL (Lamed Vav Yod) rather than having the DOOR become the high priest on the mercy seat.  Certainly, a particular door way can be narrow and still be found by those seeking access to another very necessary component of the requirements for the day of atonement (Yom Kippur) process. A king does not have the same duties as a priest!!! Now, keep an OPEN eye on the 1991 Los Angelos Kings (rejecting Wayne Gretzy due to failure to appear at Milwaukee County Wilson Park) and compare them to those 'chosen' to be part of the Pittsburgh Penguins 'All-Trib' team members.  The current Los Angelos Kings hockey team is more like the anti-Vashti gang who wants to be surrounded with scantily clad dancing girls while they are made to feel wealthy and unwise inside of Little Ceasar's pork palace in Detroit. instead of being surrounded by badger skins and dining on clean animals and good produce like a decent saint tabernacled in the wilderness SHOULD be doing to honor the proper King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I hope you enjoyed this non-Shakespearan application of English and special 6th letter 'Vav' editorial as much as I learned by sharing it freely with you; may you contemplate it for at least 10 days before trying to merge Monte Judah units into Stuart Levy and then seeing that Mr. Ertz and the NFL  Long brotherly hugs also not able to fulfill the role of  Mr. Unrein #98, also known as ESPN #13860.

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