Monday, November 27, 2017

The 'Vav' Series Begins Before the Richard Belmore Line Ends

There are only about 10 words that start with a Hebrew 'vav' in the Tanakh, including Vashti, which means 'beautiful' not 'ugly, stupid or a Buckingham Palace drunkard. I believe the next ten days are very critical, especially after horrible news from the north, which is Canada if you are in the 'western' hemisphere.

Plenty of horrible apostacy news has already occurred in the United States since they current leaders of government continually REJECT the message delivered by the men and women who fled England's pro-Christmas regime because they studied the Scriptures and did not want scriptural truth  abolished.The Christmas plague is like an infestation of cockroaches in houses that rather defend and worship Prince Harry's  unholy marriage mate than study and defend the intent of the for-prophet Constitution of the Uinted States. The United States governing body is without excuse since it's foundational documents included pro-Creator and anti-Christmas paperwork as well as a proper rejection of the British king and queen system, something Canada never has done.  News from Canada is not easily obtained except face to face from Canadians, especially while Canada's chosen colored man (all colored humans have a tattoo problem which stems from an anti-Yehovah problem which is correctible by an actual miracle; uncolored people have no tattoo) Justin Trudeau and the USA's chosen, possibly uncolored man, Donald Trump are both developing their own apostacy ways away from Truth and away from a good and holy Life system while spreading Christmas parades and similar anti-Yehovah parties. Canadian government systems want to have the power to divide children from parents (remove them from parental custody) if a minor child wants to get his gender altered and the parents know the child shouldn't get their gender altered.  What Canada tries to do with 'minimum wage issues is not wise either, and if the Canadian economy gets worse, it won't be because I didn't conribute enough to Michigan's neighboring territories. My 'Canada' flag went down today, and is no linger in my kitchen due to the horrible report of 'gender change upon demand' by juvenile creatures in Canada'.

A couple names Todd and Cheryl Dugard also delivered horrible news in Canada via newspaper articles, and their non-Philadelphia  'church' position is nothing like the apostles because their anti-Yehovah message, like so many others, rejects the only way to BECOME a legitimate believer in Yeshua and the prophets.   I did scoop up another internet site (Treasured Inheritance Ministries, International which has some verbal ties to Brad Scott of Vernal, Utah) that is much better to learn from than donating even one more penny to Todd and Cheryl Dugart or their French counterparts, the anti-prophet Christmas tree pushers of the  Rachel Snyder Hendrikson bunch. Why would a couple who studies the Bible decide to title their daughter after the son of Ham and the brother of Nimrod, 'Havilah'?  Havoline or Vavoline would have been better pro-lampstand choices than the Ham line.

'Non-turkey drumstick' news: It does seem as though I might be able to tag up with Carl Allen Jr, in Lansing rather than in Ephraim, Utah based on the timing of Allen's appearance in Michigan, unless he cancels his Michigan display of talents like Michael Rood  has for some very unknown and possibly some very perplexing or cowardly reason. When entertainers are vague, people observing their forms of entertainment do not have to be as vague.

An upcoming post  ( The Richard Belmore Line #12) will seriously compare my 'veteran copper' actions when a known  sometimes violent adult male suspect who owned and had access to guns and who had committed one business felony and then intended to commit another financial felony and intended to commit adultery, gained  access to   my house  to the actions of a veteran female Wayne county (Michigan) deputy sheriff who shot a killed a suspect after he only got as far as criminal damage to property before questioning his intent or seeking a less violent way of escape. I will delay this comparison until the 'zayin' series.

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