Sunday, November 5, 2017

Did Elohim Really Say ................?

I read aloud and heard the instructions of for the descendants of Israel in Numbers 4:15,vs. 38-40, and Elohim did NOT make the restrictions that Monte Judah suggested on the third day of his gathering in Oklahoma. Monte Judah claimed that the tassels  should not be worn in places that are 'dishonorable', and that term describes the United States and many other nations currently. Monte Judah suggested that wearing the blue threads into a commode area would be offensive to a 'Jew', but I contend that my commode area is cleaner than the parking lot of Lambeau Field and much cleaner than the Ford Field.  Elohim did NOT say there are to be 613 strings and that cutting the fringe is the duty of the bearer. The tree that bears fruit does not prune its own branches..

I understand that Monte Judah has a lot of followers, and that Daniel Withrow has 404 followers. I am not going to go to a feast of booths where the days have been pre-determined by a USA Navy veteran rather than patiently waiting for glad tidings from Jerusalem regarding the new moon of the 7th month.  If MOnte Judah claims his followers are the 'chosen' people, there is a biblical passage reminding us that some vessels are CHOSEN for destruction and others are chosen to remian intact.  When a single angel (messenger) leaves her or his dwelling in a very Egyptian setting and heads out toward land owned by family to be a light unto them in their backyard, it is not the same as propping up a tent in your own backyard.  I have no regrets that I spend the feast of tabernacles  in Wisconsin near the banks of a river and 'Moses Creek', where immigrants from Europe once settled and set in place their regular sabbath dwelling that is now 'lifeless' due to the results of pushy Christianity and anti-commandmentists. While listening to the words of others, an angel needs to discern what is true and what is not true. My mother Camille did crochet several beautiful forms of a blue tassel that meets  spirit  of and the requirement of NUmbers 15:39-40. Every place I go bearing that tassel may not be worthy of seeing such a good sight, but I am not ashamed to wear that tassel  because it is a sign not only between my mother and me but also a sign between Elohim and me, better to kept on and concealed or displayed than any firearm in BATTLES.

I am not a follower of Rod Parsley or Mason Clover, but I do my best to be a follower of the Word without adding to nor diminishing it. Monte Judah, like many others who claim to be Jewish or Messianic Jews added to the tassel instructions, possibly to increase sales and profits by s especific designed making them about he same as Vera Wang now.  There should be Messianic Levites, messianic Gadites and even messianic Benjamites by now who are not going to lose any sleep in a self-professed Jew does not approve of their blue fringes moving around in places currently as dishonorable as  Europe, England, the United States and Canada. Many Jewish people have approved of way too many wrongs in banking industries, in Benny Goodman dance halls and even in Tel Aviv proving that their judgment calls will be disallowed and that every person claiming to be Jewish or a messianic Jew will be judged by another tribe or by an adonai from a northern tribe who they have rejected.

Chenoygan is as important as Haifa in the sight of a holy Elohim, and men like Army veterans such as 'Mike Clayton' will someday be sorrowful that they claimed Haifa had no sights worth seeing during a tour of israel. Maybe a tour of Italy during a war isn't what Franco Harris saw, but he saw many other adversaries face to face before retreating to Seattle for some unknown reason. The read guard might not be who you expected, especially when the name King Vitamin Igor' is more like Volkov than a Larionov or more like a Jageillo than a Midas muffler.

I will pray for Monte Judah and his followers, and will also pray that he and I both get rebuked by Yehovah as needed. I have plenty of good works required if I am to reduce my body fat for the sake of my bodily temple, and resetting my goal for the end of the month known as Adar will be wiser than giving up on a good goal.

An 8th 'round' in a boxing match or emitting from a 9mm Glock is not as helpful in battles as a clear beryl gemstone, since even the deaf can see the beryl as it heading toward or away from them. The 8th foundation is pure and holy and righteous, just as the 9th foundation will be when the tribe of Simeon is sanctified after being justified by trusting in prophesy from a Patmos islander.

Remember Charlie Batch if you don't want to recall Martin Biron or David Justice while you are boycotting Sprite and rejecting 'Christmas' traditions for a good anti-Jesuit reason.

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