Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Oprah Winfrey's Gang Proves They Are Anti-Truth Again

Unlike Karen Carpenter's allies, no health-wise strong angel would ever say I'd BE healthy at 108 pounds of weak flesh, even though some drug-pushers might say I'd 'look healthy' at 108 pounds. The fact is I have been my healthiest between 150 and 170 pounds since I started weight-training in my 3rd decade of life on earth, which happened to be in the latter part of the 61st century, often referred to as the "1980's" by Greek radio teams. 

There is nothing funny or cute about a pair of parents that have to flee a government leader to prevent being MURDERED. It is an unforgivable sin to produce cartoon productions that try to make a flight for LIFE a joking or a 'cute' laughing matter.   Cruel, deceptive financial beasts such as Oprah Winfey's gang will not repent of their sins because their love of money is greater than their love of the Truth, and their wicked ways of trying to convince unbelievers to save heathen Christmas rituals will entrap, ensnare and deceive many.

The elect of Yehovah will not be found alive watching Oprah Winfrey's fake donkeys in a movie theatre so they also will not be found dead in a movie theatre, and it is a fact that movie theatres have become dangerous because they thrive on the incoming immoral majority.  Movie clips have ruined or lured more willfullly ignorant humans to an immoral and disgusting lifestyle than any 9mm Glock clip along the waistband of former  Milwaukee police officer Karen Dubis ever could.  Dubis might not have been in agreement with the book of Leviticus, but she also knew enough not to think it waa funny or comical to have any family or person have to flee their 'homeland' or their home city in order to prevent being murdered before even reaching adulthood.

A depiction of a pretend star pushed by the USA film industry might actually cause more damage to a nation and mislead more than the book 'Swimmy', just as the pushing of Christmas rituals has gotten our nation is to financial trouble so deep it is not reasonable to think the United States will recover from its own  version of spiritual cancer typified by the anti-Yehovah Christmas , New Year's and even regualr Sunday-keeping churches that have rose up from the earth like tares.

it is easier to escape the wrath or the lures devised by certain known gangs than it is for the typical anti-Bible character to be able to believe and then teach truthful facts. When trying to make some pro-Gadite or pro-Asher points against Monte Judah, the addition of some good humor might in fact cause him to repent of the errors of his anti-Nehemia ways, but in the most grave situations there is not room for humor, The elect of the most kind and patient Elohim ever to allow some to get saved in the time of Noah and Shem are rightfully sickened by the anti-Truth heathen venom produced by asp-types such as Oprah Winfrey's gang, and are saddened when they see how there is still a war going on in cities like Detroit, MIlwaukee, Chicago and Philadelphia often between men of equal height, weight and color divided by their tattoo affiliations, badge numbers and the serial numbers on their anti-Nun offensive weapons. their are times when a bit of humor can de-escalate a dangerous meeting of adversaries, but every actual believer in the truth of the bowl judgments knows that Oprah Winfrey is spreading more evil curses on the earth than a locust ever could.

 Pain and suffering does sometimes cause people to repent of their sins. If I had not had a bleeding colon I might never have decided to eliminate the consumption of animals never intended to be food for humans, such as oysters, pig or scallops. If the pain and suffering of living in a household with Shane David Hendrikson, an anti-commandmentist who not only hated me by wrote with his own wicked flesh that he was actively praying that his anti-Yehovah god would provide him with another female to mate with, I might never have fled to protect my own flesh as I did. Spending a few nights in jail as punishment for consenting to a legal abortion when I was old enough to read the Scriptures might have been a delayed punishment to prove even I could not 'get away with' destroying my first child, even though the United States of America government consents to the murdering of defenseless children in the womb and then shamefully incarcerates a man for 7 years for making 40% up front while another person is gambling with money rather than investing in 'Fruit of the Loom' and loosing everything like I did did due to horrible, anti-Christ bankruptcy rulings.

Indeed, the ruling boards of 'Shane's Interiors Department, LLC',  'Fruit of the Loom' and 'Chiquita bananas are more guilty of being wicked stewards of other people's investments than I or Jim Staley ever could or would be. Some very angry angelic force better make sure that the people who founded 'Whey Cool, LLC' and then convinced me to invest in their product is the next company to get indicted for possible intentional misleading of investors. If Cheryl Staley needs a place to flee to, I have room here at my women's shelter fondly known as 'Stalag 1' and true to Robert Clary's function of being anti-Nazi within it's walls. Her husband James Staley is a much better man than Thomas Wahl or Roland Hendrikson ever will be because he told the truth even when facing people who were gathered against him face to face while trying to enforce the most burdensome laws ever contrived by  haughty, overpaid Babylonian-type  congressmen and senators that are not the elect of Elohim but in fact mound of legislation that is usually so anti-Yehovah it makes it more clear each day that no one can really live on a prayer, but might be able to live on a prayer rug and get half-way throught the tribulatio period safely.

I do thank my Elohim if this post is made public and I do not get arrested for revealing the dangers of Oprah Winfrey once again, for revealing the problem with hypocrisy and possible wrongdoing of 'Whey Cool, LLC' board  and the actual immoral and obvious evil wrongdoing of 'Fruit of the Loom' and 'Shane's Interiors Department, LLC' once again who did not protect and defend people who had invested in it because it unbiblically restructured and kept selling their products to  the unwise, ignorant and foolish who were unaware of their financial SINS against me and others similar or maybe very different than me.

Make sure Donald Trump is forced to watch 'The Star' and see if he can disern between the apostacy and his own anti-Jeremiah, anti-Yehovah and actually anti-Abaddon position on December 25th rituals. Do not forget that Abaddon is a angel who is intelligently designed to be a leader prepared to go on offense while submiting to a perfect natural and spiritual Lawgiver, not creating an idol for himself out of United States congressional records or Oprah Winfrey's gang of unholy cartoon creatures.

Time to learn some lessons from some hearty, natural perennial flowers that do not fear me nor do they fear getting pruned back for the winter. With no living Messiah in sight, most people actually do view the spouse they chose as their personal Lord and Savior' until the married couple agrees to worship another form of a Lord of which their are many to choose from in a obviously pagan world view. Donald Trump is NOT my LORD; Donald Trump's model bikini citizen should regift his MIchigan prayer shawl  to a Yehovah-fearing man more worthy because he actually isn't going to say 'Merry Christmas' to anyone this century. When the type 'H is for Hitler' words 'Merry Christmas' are directed toward a sealed servant of Yehovah, the response you should hear something similar to this:  'I love Yehovah and the prophets of YShRAL so I am not going to repeat what you just verbally attacked me with. Have you prepared for the bowl judgments yet?'  Of course, if you are responding to an adversary rather than to an enemy, the sealed saints might only say 'I love Elohim and respect Abaddon so I will not repeat your last Vatican statement.' Your real friends will know not to blaspheme Yehovah so they will not say 'Merry Christmas' to those who have clearly aligned with Simeon or Zebulun at 8 and 9 or even at 2nd and 10 in a football game.

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