Monday, November 13, 2017

Jim Staley and Yehovah Vs. Shannon Wahl and Cheryl Hendrikson

Social Security number problems would be best improved by adding an F for female and M for male (INDICATE GENDER AT BIRTH, NOT GENDER AFTER IRRATIONAL SURGICAL PROCEDURES) at the first '-' position between numbers 4 and 5 and adding a city of birth code such as current airport codes ( CWA or MKE)  on the end of the existing original given numbers rather than completely trying to change existing social security numbers that were legally given out. Now, I tried to help my federal government solve a current problem without asking for excessive consultant fees which  would be a form of a sin against my fellow legal citizens who may or may not be elderly. Moses the Levite did not beg for money nor demand a fee for delivering perfectly good instructions to the idolaters  rocking around the golden cal at the base of an African mountain.

I rarely get stomach aches, but tonight i do have a stomach ache. Once again, I reveiwed the audible testimony of Jim Staley in front of his congrgation. Regarding his act of contrition for defrauding elderly strangers, I suspect that his testimony was truthful. It would seem obscene for a man to preach about such holy laws delivered by Moses and to rightly preach against Halloween and to then not be truthful when accusations are set before him regarding his financial gambling pool of investors.  The typical state lottery board keeps what percentage of intake while suggesting a possible reasonable rate of return?Thankfuly, Jim Staley did not receive the maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, but unlike the prediction of a sincere Russian woman, Staley now knows first hand how guilty the USA federal government will be if they do not indict Shane David Hendrikson for defrauding his former employer of her investment. Shane David Hendrikson's former employer may not have been elderly, but certainly was proven to have a serious physical disability before a man who claimed to be a 'Christian' KNOWINGLY lied to sheriff's deputies about the existence of 'The Interiors Department' after he stole $50,000.00 in corporate funds and possibly that much in hard assets that he used in a newly form business entity to compete against his former employer, and then he escalateded his own crime by requesting that the courts give him a legal monopoly on car interior repair work in the area by requesting a restraining order against the victim of his corporate THEFT.  Most likely, Shane David Hendrikson hid the company's profits, rather than gambling them away in a casino like he claimed, until his divorce from his former employer was legally completed. Shannon Wahl knew of her brother's crimes against his former employer, a believer in Yehovah, namely  his former and 2nd  wife, Marie Elizabeth Hendrikson, and did NOTHING to prevent additional forms of felony theft that occurred with the assistance of Stuart Rottier and which caused Cheryl Hendrikson to gain assets that were gained by fraud that had more evil intention than Jim Staley could ever devise.

It is a fact that when you choose to be in a position to 'judge' or indict others, that once you selectively target those who have aligned with Yehovah, that you must eventually be prepared to bear the guilt of those who did not willingly confess to and did not cooperate and plead guilty when questioned by earthly government authorities.  If you not  not indict or do not imprison men like Stuart Rottier who decided to play 'god' and determine just what 'nominal value' means for lesser, equal or greater crimes than Jim Staley has been imprisoned for under a government's own errored system of anti-Yehovah laws, then do not be surprised if 'hypocrite' is written on your forehead rather than 'good and faithful servant'. As it has been written on the internet by another reporter:

"Jim Staley, 40, was sentenced Wednesday to 7 years in prisonand ordered to repay elderly investors $3.3 million. He pleaded guilty to four counts of wire fraud and profited $570,000 in the scam of elderly people who trusted him because of his Christian faith and family values."

I invested not only in Shane David Hendrikson  and Greg Strasser when I agreed to employ them because I had trusted them based on the words that came from their mouths,, and they both ended up scamming me financially and did not obey Wisconsin state laws in the process. When you do not prosecute those who clearly are guilty, it is a form of bribing the guilty to align with you because you lined the guilty parties hands with money they did not rightfully earn.

There is a difference between allowing a person who has plead guilty to have his penalty reduced than allowing a person who is guilty to keep the profits he obtained illegally and then pass those profits onto his children as a CURSE equal to stuffing their house with the gains of idolatry, not blessing them with an honest and proper inheritance.

There still is time for cowards like Shannon Wahl to try to convince her brother and Cheryl Hendrikson to confess to the Wausau Sheriff's department or to return double to me what he defrauded me of, and even that won't clear the Sheriff's department of their sins. 

This 'Thanksgiving Day' in the United States, I highly recommend that those who know that the time is NOT on their enemies side,  contrary to the claims of Marathon County billboards,choose to work rather than rest, fast rather than dine on swine, and QUICKLY pray for their enemies to comply with Yehovah's instructions rather than indulge in the idolatry of parades and football games in harlot-filled stadiums. Especially when praying for enemies, there is no sense in having lengthy vain repetions. Here is a an example of a saint's prayer for their sinful enemies:

"Almighty Yehovah, I humbly request that you cause my sin-filled enemies to repent and be refreshed with a cold reception from those that they have sinned against or that you  unleash your mighty angels and your wrath to cover them and their sins with refining fires of torment like a newly formed lava flow, since it is better to be cold or hot than lukewarm, according to your own prophesy."  There is no reason not to give Yehovah the right to choose what is best for those who have not chosen to repent of their sins, especially in nations where idolaters  have been allowed to choose abortions rather than counseled to resist the pleasures of fornication.

My stomach ache is gone now, so I trust that the proper message has been released rather than quenching the Holy Spirit.  Here is a sample of a letter of confession form that should accompany any repayment of stolen funds or assets:

I, _____________________, hereby confess to the crime of felony theft against you, my fellow citizen and possible angel of Elohim, _______________________, which for some reason our government officials did not properly prosecute or arrest  me for. The repayment contains the full amount stolen, doubled to include extra fines according to Yehovah's just system, penalties and anti-attorney costs associated with this repayment of your property that had already been TAXED prior to my criminal act against you. Retain this letter to prevent the lazy , corrupt government  officials from trying to make you pay taxes on your recovery of finances that had been stolen by you. By signing this settlement, you realize I may still have to spend time in prison according to state and federal laws but that I have met biblical requirements to be forgiven for my sin of felony theft against you. By pleading guilty and admitting to my guilt, I ask for your forgiveness in writing.

(SIgn according to your position)
Guilty party releasing non-taxable funds to victim:__________________________
Victim extending forgiveness and receiving full payment for past losses from crime committed by guilty party listed above_____________________________

Good Non-Samaritan Detail: I am not trying to practice law without a license, I am trying to instill order and a conscience into society without a college diploma.

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